Jin Shengtan

[jīn shèng tàn]
Historical Figures in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties
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Jin Shengtan (1608~1661), whose character is Ruochai. One said his original surname was Zhang, and after the death of the Ming Dynasty, he changed his name to Ren Rui, with the word Shengtan, and called himself Le An mage. He was born in Wuxian County, Suzhou in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, and is a famous litterateur and literary critic.
Jin Shengtan has few talents. After entering the Qing Dynasty, he was determined to be an official. Later comments on "The Fifth Scholar of Guanhua Hall, Shi Naian's Outlaws of the Marsh", "The Must Read Book for Scholars", and "The Sixth Scholar of Guanhua Hall, A Tale of the Western Chamber", are quite famous in the world. In the 18th year of Shunzhi's reign (1661), Ren Weichu, the new county magistrate of Wu County, lashed the people to collect taxes in arrears, and ran short of the grain rations that were often liquidated, which aroused the anger of Suzhou scholars. Jin Shengtan led the scholars to the Confucius Temple to mourn the death of Emperor Shunzhi and take the opportunity to vent their accumulated anger. The Qing Dynasty intended to deter the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River and arrested seven other gentry, including Jin Shengtan, who were later sentenced to decapitation for treason and executed on July 13, in order to Crying Temple Case [15]
Jin Shengtan emphasized that the description of characters must be in line with human feelings and make readers feel cordial and credible, so he advocated writing "extremely shocking things" with "very close to people". It points out that the plot should focus on the shaping of the main characters' characters, and the plot is the history of typical characters. It believes that the thrilling and legendary nature of the plot causes readers' aesthetic enjoyment, and that the legendary nature of the plot cannot be divorced from reality. His thoughts had a great influence on Mao Zonggang, Zhang Zhupo, Zhiyanzhai and other critics of novels in the Qing Dynasty. In addition to the comments on Outlaws of the Marsh and The West Chamber, there is also the Complete Works of Jin Shengtan. [16]
Zhang Kui Jin Renrui
Ruochai said "Holy Sigh"
Late Ming and Early Qing
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Wuxian County, Suzhou
date of birth
April 17, 1608
Date of death
August 7, 1661
Key achievements
Commenting on "Outlaws of the Marsh" and "A Tale of the Western Chamber", he put forward the theory of "Six Talents Book".
Main works
Selected Poems of Meditation Building Scripture Chanting Hall Talented Scholars Collection Draft
True name
Jin Shengtan

Character's Life

Portrait of Jin Shengtan
On the third day of March in the 36th year of Wanli (1608) of the Ming Dynasty, Jin Shengtan was born in Suzhou. He was poor and lonely in his childhood. He enrolled in private school when he was nine years old. He worked hard, thought independently, and loved reading. He was especially addicted to The Outlaws of the Marsh. When he became an adult, he became a scholar and spent too much money, so that he often lived in poverty.
Jin Shengtan believes in God and Buddha, likes to read Buddhist scriptures and make friends with monks [1] , good at Fuchi Xiang Ling, who claimed to be the reincarnation incarnation of Zhiyi's disciples, the founder of the Tiantai Sect of Buddhism, named him "Le An", and the scholar officials honored him as "Le Gong" or "Le Shi". From the age of 20, he began to work as a teacher in Wu County. He claimed to accept more than 30 dead women as disciples of the underworld. In the middle of the Chongzhen Dynasty, he was the most active Ye Shaoyuan Qian Qianyi Yao Ximeng Dai Ruyi and other literati officialdom Fuchi wrote beautiful and touching chapters, often saying that they were in the minds of the victims and were respected by Ye Shaoyuan and others; Qian Qianyi said that Jin Shengtan seemed to be dominated by some kind of god. Later, he refused to be an official and buried himself in books, [2]
Commenting on novels around the 14th year of Chongzhen (1641)《 Water Margin 》Comments on the publication in the 13th year of Shunzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1656) Wang Shifu The West Chamber 》In addition, he edited 8 volumes of Tang poetry anthology "Tang Scholars Book", prepared the eight part essay examination oriented model "Zhiyi Scholars Book", and annotated Du Fu's poetry anthology. He also opened a school to recruit students and give lectures, which were widely appreciated by the local scholars. He was unrestrained and good at poetry. He was deposed because of the grotesque composition in the annual exam. Later, he was called Jin Renrui, who was the first in the exam, but he was determined to be an official and enjoyed reading and writing. There are many classical commentaries, as well as wizards.
In the seventeenth year of Shunzhi's reign (1660), the emperor praised Jin Shengtan's works, "This is a master of ancient Chinese, so don't look at him with the time." When he heard that, he immediately "wept and bowed to the north.".
In the 18th year of Shunzhi's reign (1661), Ren Weichu, the new county magistrate of Wu County, lashed the people to collect taxes in arrears, and ran short of the grain rations that were often liquidated, which aroused the anger of Suzhou scholars. At the beginning of March, Jin Shengtan and more than one hundred scholars gathered in the Confucian Temple to mourn the death of Emperor Shunzhi. They took the opportunity to vent their accumulated anger. They went to the Yamen to present a paper to Zhu Guozhi, the governor of Jiangsu, accusing Ren Weichu and demanding his dismissal. Zhu Guozhi ordered the arrest of eleven of them, covered up for Ren Weichu, reported to all the people in the capital to advocate disorderly tax resistance, and alerted the spirit of the former emperor. The Qing Dynasty intended to intimidate the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and then arrested seven scholars, including Jin Shengtan, who were tried in Jiangning and tortured severely. Later, they were sentenced to decapitation for treason and executed on July 13, which was a crying temple case.
When Jin Shengtan saw his family before he died, he said calmly, "The lotus seed is bitter in heart, and the pear is sour in belly." His family couldn't help crying, and the onlookers were also sad and wept. Jin Shengtan's property was confiscated, and his family was distributed to Manchuria. Jin Shengtan only demonstrated to the governor and did not intend to revolt, but was framed by corrupt officials. He felt remorse in prison. What he could not forget was that the review of the book of talented scholars had not yet been completed, and he failed to live up to his life ambition.
After passing by, Jinchang, the elder brother of the clan, collected and edited his works and posthumous manuscripts, and published them under the title of "Collection of Talented Scholars in the Sutra Chanting Hall". His son Jinyong compiled his comments on Tang poetry, and published them under the title of "Collection of Talented Scholars in the Tang Dynasty". [3]
It is said that after his death, Shengtan entrusted a dream to Zhu Meifang, saying that he had become the mountain god of Deng Wei. Deng Weishan, also known as Wanfeng Mountain, is located in Guangfu Town, 70 miles southwest of Suzhou. The front view of Taihu Lake is excellent. There are many plum trees in Dengwei Mountain. When the flowers bloom, they look like snow. They are like singing the praises of saints and praising the purity of people.
The tomb is located at Shishiwu, Wufeng Mountain, Wuzhong District, Suzhou, a cultural relics protection unit in Jiangsu Province. It is said that there was once a Yiguan Tomb in Fucheng County, Hebei Province.

Personal thoughts

Jin Shengtan is aloof, straightforward, individualistic, self styled as a talented person, unrestrained, and ridicules other scholars for their vulgarity and foolishness. He learned Buddhism from an early age, advised people to be good, inclined to the laissez faire of Buddhism and Taoism, and had the impulse of Confucianism to join the world. He deeply felt that life was just a big dream, completely illusory, ephemeral, full of troubles and frustrations, everything should not be relied on, and he yearned for a leisurely and peaceful pastoral life. He distinguishes the feelings of men and women from other human feelings, emphasizing that there must be lust in them. Out of nature, the ritual system of saints does not abandon lust.
He did not lose his Confucian identity, expected to be used in the world, admired Du Fu's loyalty to the monarch and patriotism, and especially recognized the Confucius disciple Zeng Dian. Zeng Dian was famous for his unwillingness to be an official and yearning for freedom, which was praised by Confucius. Jin Shengtan hereby chose the word "Shengtan".
Politically and ideologically, he tends to be conservative, criticizing the tyranny of the government at the end of the Ming Dynasty, sympathizing with the oppressed people, and even advocating that the officials force the people to rebel. But he believes that the royal order and etiquette cannot be violated in the end, condemns the bandits, and especially hates Song Jiang, the leader of Liangshanbo. [4]

Key achievements

Jin Shengtan's main achievement lies in literary criticism. His comments attach great importance to the elucidation of ideological content and often use the topic to discuss political affairs. His social outlook and outlook on life are clearly visible. He denounced "committing insurrection", interpreted the name of "Water Margin" as "the worst of evil, the worst of burst, not with China", and opposed "giving it with loyalty"; However, he also sympathized with the sufferings of the people's livelihood, hated the officials of the good people and the officials of the bandits, and realized that "one Gao Qiu ”There is also "100 Gao Lian ”The "Qianyin Zhige" and its bandits formed a social force that caused disaster to the country and the people. The 108 people "had no choice but to plunge into the water" was "chaos from the top", thus affirming the resistance of Liangshan heroes.
He believed that "when living in a country, one should not secretly discuss the gains and losses of his doctors, and he should be evil in healing", "when writing a book without saints, one should break the Tao, and one should not write a book without the Son of Heaven. When writing a book, one should break the Tao and govern, which is arbitrary"; However, he also admitted that if there is no morality in the world, the common people dare to argue, and "the common people's arguments are all historical".
He advocated Confucian moral norms such as "loyalty and forgiveness" and "filial piety and fraternity"; However, it also exposes the destruction and praise of ethics on human nature Cui Yingying Zhang Sheng Treason Winter baking The scholar looked at "Western Chamber" as a pornographic book, and pushed "Western Chamber" as a "wonderful article of heaven and earth".
He accepted the nihility of Buddhism, and regarded life as a dream. He called it "heaven and earth dream" and "all beings dream"; However, he also faced the reality, and diligently wrote, thinking that "life and death are swift, life is impermanent, wealth and honour are hard to find, from what I like, how can I live without writing books?"
It can be seen that Jin Shengtan's thoughts are full of contradictions. The highlight of Jin Shengtan's literary criticism lies in his artistic analysis of his works. His comments on poetry and prose are quite common. For example, his emphasis on dividing rhythmic poems into two interpretations and his use of the eight part essay to describe poetry is criticized by many people.
His artistic opinions when commenting on The Outlaws of the Marsh and The Western Chamber were unique, and after Li Zhi and Ye Ri, he pushed the criticism of novels and operas to a new height. He said that the storytelling "directly follows its literary spirit", "slightly traces its deeds, and extends its divine principles", which is actually aimed at exploring the creative law, and is really creative in this regard. He put the shaping of character in the first place and pointed out that:《 Water Margin 》It is not tiresome to see that "it is just for him to write out the personality of one hundred and eight people". The key to success in shaping character is to capture the unique personality of the characters. "People have their temperament, their temperament, their shape, and their voice.". Even if they are of the same type, they should show differences in the same.
His comments also involve the problem that describing a character's character should show versatility, complexity, and unity and coherence. For example, he believes that in The Water Margin, Luda first writes that he lives with wine, and then Luda does not drink. "However, there is no non Luda in the voice and emotion of God"; write Li Kui There is cunning in Piao Zhizhong, and "the more crafty Li Kui is, the more Piao Zhizhong is". It also involves the personality of the character's language, "the same person will talk to him as well". The main characters should be highlighted among the numerous characters. For example, "The Romance of the Western Chamber only includes three people: one is Shuangwen, one is Zhang Sheng, and one is Hong Niang". "If you are more careful, the Romance of the Western Chamber also includes only one person. If you are one person, you can also write Shuangwen".
At the same time of commenting, Jin Shengtan also revised the original work. In addition to words and sentences, he also made a global deletion. He judged the last 50 chapters of Outlaws of the Marsh Luo Guanzhong "Add dog's tail horizontally", so cut it all down, claiming to be "Guanhuatang Ancient Edition" without sequel, and forged it Shi Naian First. So it became 70 copies of this book. He also asserts that the fifth book of The West Chamber is not published Wang Shifu The hand is also a "bad letter", so it was cut off and ended with "Fantasy".
In fact, what he said about "Chenghuai style" concerns and shapes the living character, which depends on calm and careful observation, and on the experience of putting oneself in the position, that is, the so-called "moving" and "appearing". He also attaches great importance to the plot and structure: he believes that the plot should be unexpected, using "strange and arbitrary writing techniques", "dragon leaping and tiger crouching", but also reasonable, "writing extremely frightening things, but using very close to people"; It also emphasizes the integrity of the structure. "A book is just an article", and the author must "keep the overall situation in mind". Therefore, it pays attention to "connecting", "locking" and "removing", and requires that the writing should be like a "monthly corridor", which has an inevitable order. His so-called "seeing with smart eyes, catching with smart hands" is similar to the emphasis on creative inspiration; However, he emphasized "Dharma" and said that "Lin Wen could not become a dog howling", and summarized various techniques of expression, such as "Na Jin" and so on. In short, Jin Shengtan has put forward a more systematic theory of novel and drama creation.
Jin Shengtan Reviewing the Festival《 Mandarin 》《 national policy 》《 Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 》Wait for books. His comments focus on the elucidation of ideological content, and often use the topic to discuss political affairs. His social outlook and outlook on life are clearly visible. He put forward a relatively systematic theory of novel and drama creation, and his literary theory and critical achievements have made special contributions to the development history of literary theory and criticism in China. First of all, he explained some laws of narrative literature creation, such as novels and dramas, which are different from poetry and prose writing; At the same time, it also puts forward the views and methods of literary theory criticism centered on the characterization of characters. Secondly, it provides a kind of literary criticism centered on the analysis and characterization of the characters in the evaluation works. Third, he also summed up new creative methods and critical methods such as inverted interpolation, interlocution, grass and snake grey line, cotton needle and mud needling, guiding, otter tail, etc. Jin Shengtan has a collection of poems, Selected Poems from the Meditation Tower.
Jin Shengtan absorbed the way that scholars of the Ming Dynasty commented on ancient prose, history books, especially the eight part essay. Except《 Water Margin 》《 The West Chamber 》And Tang poetry He also commented stereotyped writing [5] Most of the comments on ancient prose, novels and operas in the Ming Dynasty were just punctuated to remind readers of the beauty of the articles, and simple comments were added. Jin Shengtan expanded the old way of commenting, which was as dense as the annotations of scriptures, and had the courage to change the original text. He applauded himself with comments such as "strange" and "wonderful", and even boasted that the comments were incomparable. He expects readers to learn how to read other literary works through his comments. He regards himself as an authority and understands and even transcends the original author's ideological world. The purpose of literary criticism is not to find the meaning of the ancients, but to communicate with future generations. The interpretation of the works need not be the same as the original meaning of the author.

Character evaluation

Portrait of Jin Shengtan
Jin Shengtan is a pioneer in the study of Chinese vernacular literature. He has foresight in improving the value of popular literature and is regarded as the pioneer of the Chinese vernacular movement. Most of his predecessors praised the vernacular literature in general terms, but he proved how excellent these works can be compared with classic masterpieces with detailed and in-depth comments. Since then, the vernacular literature has become more popular among scholars.
Jin Shengtan's greatest contribution lies in that he was the first to improve the due status of novels and operas, was the earliest and most influential advocate of popular literature, and pioneered the literary criticism method of carefully reading the text, became one of the most creative literary critics in Chinese history, and was second to none in the field of novel criticism. Jin Shengtanshou Xu Zeng Liao Yan Equally praised by scholars of the times, Xu Zeng praised him for his erudition and excellent knowledge; Emperor Shunzhi He is also praised as a master of ancient Chinese, and asked the minister not to use it stereotyped writing His eyes measure him. Some scholars criticized him for advocating《 Water Margin 》And《 The West Chamber 》, confusing people's minds.
In the new literary movement of the 20th century, literary historians praised Jin Shengtan, Hu Shi He is regarded as a "big eccentric" with bold eyes, [6] Lin Yutang He was called "the great impressionist critic of the seventeenth century". However, because he attacked Liangshan heroes in Outlaws of the Marsh, he was once criticized by scholars in mainland China as reactionary and "spokesman of the ruling class in the old feudal society". Jin Shengtan served his sentence in the Crying Temple case, and was honored as a martyr in the late Qing Dynasty by the revolutionary party. [7]
Jin Shengtan's detailed comments are unprecedented in the history of Chinese literary criticism. In the field of novel criticism, his authoritative position transcends Wang Shizhen zhi and Zhong Xing Mao Zonggang's comments《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》Comments with Zhang Zhupo《 The Plum in the Golden Vase 》, also inferior. Li Yu Appreciate that Jin Shengtan can point out《 The West Chamber 》The advantages go deep into every word; People in the Qing Dynasty Feng Zhenluan Mao Qingzhen praised Jin Shengtan's comments on Water Margin for their ingenuity, [7] Zhou Zuoren said that "Jin Shengtan is the first person to approve novels". Jin Shengtan's comments are original, distinctive, interesting, accurate, clear, and nuanced, focusing on the artistic function of individual words, which is far more ambiguous than other Chinese poetry. Jin Shengtan emphasized the close reading of the text, which has something in common with the new criticism school of western literary criticism in the 20th century. Western scholars pay special attention because their comments and western literary theories can be invented each other. Jin Shengtan points out that the fifth book of The West Chamber is not Wang Shifu The original work, a continuation of later generations, became an authoritative point of view, and Mao Shengshan and others in the Qing Dynasty agreed with it. There are also contemporaries such as Dong Han He was criticized for his disorderly comments, while Hu Shi criticized his comments on The Water Margin for using a critical eight part essay, as well as his criticism of Song Jiang The slander is too subjective and creates something out of nothing. Modern readers no longer need to read its comments. Jin Shengtan's comments on Du Fu's poems are not important in poetics, [8] The importance is far less than his comments on Outlaws of the Marsh and The West Chamber, Qiu Zhao'ao Detailed notes on Du Fu's poems 》It is the most authoritative and comprehensive, but Jin Shengtan is not mentioned.

Anecdotes and allusions


Self title couplet

Old style boxing;
Children chew new books. ——Jin Shengtan's self inscription
Master Jin Shengtan is humorous in his writing, and has been humorous all his life. Even when he is dying, he is still humorous. When the master is in prison and will be beheaded, he calls the jailer to say, "Tell me something important". The jailer thought that the master would reveal the secret of the handed down treasure or some earth shaking event, so he served the master with pen and ink. However, I didn't expect that the master's "last important thing" was still humorous. Jin Shengtan pointed to the food given by the jailer and said, "peanuts and dried beans are chewed together, which has a great taste of walnuts. If this skill is passed on, you will die without regret." This was the last sentence recorded by the master.
The knife rose and fell, and two paper balls rolled out of Jin Shengtan's ears. The executioner opened them in doubt: one was "good", the other was "pain".
——Jin Shengtan's "Necessity at the End"
Jin Shengtan was sentenced to death by the imperial court for offending the emperor and being implicated in the case of "Kangliang Crying Temple". On the day of execution, it was a bleak and solemn place with a small area and dark lights and swords shining around it, which seemed grim and scary. Jin Shengtan, a literary critic of a generation who scorned the imperial court, stood firmly on the prison cart with his delicate bosom and wandering pen. On the execution ground, the executioner holds a glittering ghost head knife, which makes people feel creepy and chilly. As the execution time approached, Jin Shengtan's two sons, Li Er and Lianzi (nickname), looked at their father who was about to die forever, and were more sorrowful and burst into tears. Although Jin Shengtan was sad in his heart, he took it easy and thought more quickly. In order to comfort his son, he calmly said, "What's the use of crying? Come on, I'll give you a couplet." So he recited the first couplet, "Lotus seed is bitter in heart". The son knelt on the ground and cried angrily. His throat was dry and his liver and gall were cracked. How could he care Antithetical couplet He thought for a moment and said, "Get up, don't cry, I'll check the second line for you." Then he read the second line, "Pear (Li) has acid in the abdomen". The spectators were all moved and dejected. In the first couplet, "Lian" is homonymous with "Lian", which means that he felt sorry when he saw his son crying in sorrow; The homonym of "pear" and "li" in the second couplet means that I am about to leave my son, and I feel very sad. This farewell is right, reach the acme of perfection every phrase a gem , puns, rigorous antithesis, can be said to be superb and shocking. In the cold light, accompanied by the eternal masterpiece of the world shaking and ghosts crying, a generation of talented scholars and literary stars fell prematurely.
The lotus seed is bitter in heart,
Pears are sour in the stomach. ——Jin Shengtan's farewell to the execution ground
Rain into the heart of the flower, its own sweet and bitter.
The water returns to the container, each square and round. ——Jin Shengtan's self inscription
The first line is from Du Fu Northern Expedition 》In the poem, the two lines "rain and dew are soaked, sweet and bitter are both strong" come into being. Du's poem originally meant that the rain and dew are the same, but the fruits are different. "The rain enters the flower heart and becomes sweet or bitter by itself" means that the rain and dew also infiltrate the flower heart, and only because of the change of the flower itself, it is sweet or bitter. The upper couplet shows the qualitative change of water, while the lower couplet emphasizes the deformation of water, that is, when put into different vessels, they have different shapes, square vessels and round vessels. This couplet is written as a common natural phenomenon, but it enlightens people in many ways, such as how people should treat external influences, how to grasp their own efforts, and so on. Therefore, it should be read carefully and studied deeply.

Essay writing couplet

Flowing water today;
The predecessor of the bright moon. ——Jinshengtan Sutra
Never chant Taibai poems;
The great river goes east and the scholar's ci. ——Jin Shengtan's Study
There are few true readers in the world;
It is better to have more things in mind. ——Current situation of Jin Shengtan
A civil servant with a small face;
Three dynasties Yuan senior traitor minister. ——Uncle Tit Qian Qianyi
Qian Qianyi, Jin Shengtan's uncle, is cunning and cynical. He was Ming Chongzhen The minister of etiquette of the subordinate, later Li Zicheng When he went to Beijing, he took refuge in Nanming traitor Xiangma Shiying. The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty went south. Seeing that Nanming was about to be destroyed, he changed his position and bowed to surrender to become the minister of rites of the Qing Dynasty. On this day, the waiter Qian celebrated his birthday. Jin Sheng sighed that his mother's life was hard to disobey and went to celebrate his birthday. At the banquet, everyone shook their heads and celebrated each other. Unique Jin Shengtan is stiff faced, neither arrogant nor humble, and silent. After three rounds of drinking, a guest came to flatter. He said: "Lord Qian, my nephew, Mr. Jin, is a talented person in Jiangnan. Today's grand meeting is just the time to set up a wine paper, which will open our eyes." At once, praise rose all over the place, and Jin Shengtan did not refuse. He stood up and smiled faintly: "It's difficult to give up his kindness, so we have to show off our shame. Let's just write a couplet." Jin Shengtan wrote: "A civil servant with a small face;" At the sight of the crowd, they were shocked. The hand of Chamberlain Qian, who was stroking his beard, trembled and pulled out several beards. I thought, this guy is too arrogant. These seven characters can be scribbled? See Jin Shengtan unhurried Then he wrote four big characters: "Three dynasty elders..." When all the guests saw him, they smiled. Afraid of Jin Shengtan's evil force, the chamberlain Qian went up to him and gave him a thumbs up: "Human merit, real talent." However, Jin Shengtan smiled coldly and did not hesitate. After "brush brush brush", he threw his pen and left. When everyone saw it, Jin Shengtan wrote fourteen words: "A civil servant with a small face; the leader of the Yuan Dynasty in the three dynasties was a traitor." Qian Qianyi turned white with cold hands and feet, and could not say a word.
The pavilion is as rich and noble as it is now;
The famous grass and trees festival will come into being after a long time. ——Jin Shengtan Title Study
Big boy, go shopping from south to north;
Young and old people, sitting on the couch, read Spring and Autumn from winter to summer. ——Jin Shengtan's Skill Federation
The full moon in the sky, the half moon in the world, the full moon meets the half moon;
Tonight, the end of the year, the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. ——Jin Shengtan Title Seasonal Festival
One year during the Mid Autumn Festival, Jin Shengtan occasionally got the first couplet, but he thought hard that there was no second couplet in the middle of the night. The next day, he wrote the first couplet on the wall and meditated every day, but he could not get it right. Until the New Year's Eve, his wife sighed, "Tonight is the last day, and tomorrow is the beginning of the year." Hearing this, Jin Shengtan suddenly jumped up and said, "The second couplet is right." Then she continued to write the second couplet on the wall.
The old man gave away a few pennies. The monk preached and added a few years of Yang Shou. Hu Weihu leads the golden children to heaven; Ah ah ah, the Jade Emperor also hated the poor and loved the rich;
The woman tasted two pieces of meat and broke the rule of carrying meat. It was enough to hit two mouths. Why send a horse's face and an ox's head to hell? Hahaha, the King of Hell values animals more than people.
——Jin Shengtan Theme Stage

Co authorship

When a cat leans over a wall, the wind blows its hair; (Middle aged people)
The eagle stands on the treetop and the moon shines on the shadow. The shadow moves and the eagle does not move. (Old man) ——The elderly should deal with the middle-aged
Jin Shengtan has commented on many ancient masterpieces in his life《 LiSao 》Zhuangzi, Historical Records, Du Fu's poetry, Water Margin and Western Chamber are collectively called "Six Talented Scholars' Books". And to "Water Margin" and "Western Chamber" two books for correction, very original views. Later《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》It is called "the best talent book in the world". One morning, when Jin Shengtan was having tea in the teahouse, he heard four or five people talking about pairs on the nearby table. One of the bearded old men said to a middle-aged man, "I have this second line. Your first line is: 'The cat lies on the wall and the wind blows its hair, but the cat does not move its hair.' My second line is: 'The eagle stands on the top of the tree and the moon shines its shadow, but the shadow does not move the eagle.'". After hearing this, the middle-aged man said, "You really deserve to be an old hand."
Shangsu moon cake; (Old man)
Chinese sugar cloud cake. (Jin Shengtan) ——Jin Shengtan Deals with the Elderly
The old man with long beard twirled his beard and said, "I will also give you a couplet." He said with his finger on the moon cake: "The first couplet will give you a 'Shangsu Yuegong Cake', but my first couplet refers to food, so the second couplet can only be food." After the old man with long beard said, everyone scratched their ears and cheeks, because "Shangsu" is a homonym for "Shangshu", it is not easy to be right. When Jin Shengtan saw no one coming out for a long time, he was worried and blurted out, "Why is this difficult? Just treat 'Zhongtang Yunpian Cake'." In his second couplet, not only "Zhongtang" but also the official name“ Nave ”Homonym, cloud cake is also food, everyone nodded and said yes.
Big boy, go shopping from south to north; (Old man)
Young and old people, sitting in a recliner, read Spring and Autumn from winter to summer. (Jin Shengtan) ——Jin Shengtan Deals with the Elderly
The old man with long beard looked at Jin Shengtan. Seeing that he was a talented man and spoke very well, he invited Jin Shengtan to have tea with him. Jin Shengtan did not refuse and sat down with the teapot. The old man with long beard offered his hand and said, "It seems that my husband is very good at dialogue. I have a couple here who want to ask for advice, but I don't know what to think." Jin Shengtan happily said, "Please tell me quickly, let me try." The old man with long beard calmly said the first couplet: "Big boy, go up and down the street, go south to north to buy things." Everyone thought that Jin Shengtan was hard to tell. Unexpectedly, Jin Shengtan bowed his head for a moment and said, "Young old man, sit in a recliner and read Spring and Autumn from winter to summer. The old man with long beard asked for his name and found that it was the famous Jin Shengtan. Everyone was even more impressed.

Desperate poem

It snowed early that year. Before the execution, it began to snow. Jin Shengtan sang a poem in a loud voice: "The sky mourns for our land, and the mountains and rivers are white headed. Tomorrow the sun will come to mourn, and the tears will flow from every house." After singing the knife, a generation full of wit . The literary superstar who did not fear the powerful fell. Only the vivid couplets and poems are left, which make people feel carefree and yearn deeply. [9]

Comprehensive couplets

Half past two at midnight; (Abbot)
Mid autumn and mid August. (Jin Shengtan) ——Jin Shengtan is the abbot of Shuangbaoguo Temple
Before Jin Shengtan was wrongly killed in the "Crying Temple" case, he had just finished commenting on The Water Margin and The West Chamber Baoguo Temple Walk and take a rest. One night, he was addicted to criticizing books. He lay on his bed and tossed about. In the middle of the night, he was sleepless. He went to see the abbot of the temple in his clothes and candles, hoping to borrow Buddhist scriptures for comments. When the old abbot with white hair and young face and long beard learned his purpose, in a leisurely manner The ground said, "If you want to approve the book, I have one condition first. I will issue a couplet. If you can correct it, I will take out the Buddhist scripture and ask you to comment, otherwise please forgive the old monk for not giving face." It was midnight at that time, when I heard several bangs outside, the old abbot had a brainwave and blurted out the couplet. But Jin Shengtan thought hard and racked his brains. He had to go back with regret because he couldn't find the next couplet. Three years later, Jin was sentenced to death for the "crying temple" case. On the execution ground, Jin Shengtan, who had just passed the age of his destiny, was calm and unafraid when he was about to die. He asked the prison to cut off his head and drink wine and said, "It hurts to drink; it's fun to drink; it's fun to drink first when you cut off your head." His beloved son was overcome with grief, and rushed to the execution ground with tears, saying goodbye to his father. When he saw his son crying like tears, he comforted him: "Don't cry, tell me what day is today?" His son choked and said: "August 15th, Mid Autumn Festival." Hearing the word "Mid Autumn Festival", Jin Shengtan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed happily, saying: "Yes. Yes... Mid Autumn Festival Mid August." He asked his son to go to Baoguo Temple immediately to tell the old abbot that he had the second couplet. However, a generation of literary giants can no longer comment on Buddhist scriptures.

Family members

Son: Jin Yong
Daughter: Jin Famin
Family brother: Jinchang.

personal works



Jin Shengtan is good at reading books《 easy 》He also likes to talk about Buddhism. He often interprets Confucianism and Taoism with Buddhism, and likes to attach Zen principles to his essays. There are many ancient books to comment on. Scale《 Zhuangzi 》《 LiSao 》《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》Du Shi《 Water Margin 》The Western Chamber is“ Six Talents Book ”, intended to annotate one by one, but only the last two were completed, and Du Shijie was killed without success. According to the records of Jin Changxu, a clan member, there are "books outside the scripture hall", including "The Fifth Scholars Book", "The Sixth Scholars Book", "Tang Scholars Book", "Must Read Scholars Book", "Du Shijie", "Zuo Chuanyi", "Gu Zhuanjie (20)", "Shi Xiaoya (7)", "Meng Zijie", and "Ouyang Yongshu Ci (12)"; "Books in the Sutra Chanting Hall", including "Fahua Baiwen", "Xicheng Customs Record", "Fahua Samadhi", "Baojing Samadhi", "Holy Consciousness Samadhi", "Zhouyi Yili Quan Chao", "Thirty four Trigrams Quan Chao", "Nanhua Jing Chao", "Tongzong Yi Lun", "Quotations Collection", and "Sage Qian'an"; "Miscellaneous Chapters of Chanting Sutra Chanting Hall", including "Suishoutong" and "Complete Collection of Songs and Essays of Chanting Sutra Chanting Hall". Most of them are unfinished manuscripts, or only fragments, or all of them are lost. Some of his works are included in the Collection of Talented Scholars in the Sutra Chanting Hall.


Jin Shengtan wrote more than 300 poems, which were included in Selected Poems of Meditation Building [10] , and wrote 4 volumes of Du Fu's Interpretation of Du Fu's Poems, commenting 180 Du Fu's poems, but not all of them were commented. In addition, he also commented on 19 ancient poems and 595 Tang Dynasty Seven Rhymes. [4] He advocated that poetry should pay attention to spontaneous true feelings. Good poetry can convey the poet's thoughts and feelings, and even the crying of infants can be seen as poetry; Sincere feelings are enough to make anyone a poet, and their opinions are similar to Li Zhi's. The author must seize the sudden inspiration, and can not ignore the performance skills. All good books come from the author's long-term ideas and serious writing. Only after meditation can they be free and natural. He also did not ignore the readers. He believed that good poetry should be gentle, honest, and follow the golden mean, which can be said to be a classical romanticist. Traditional poetics takes four sentences as one "solution" and eight regular poems as two solutions. Jin Shengtan put forward a new theory that two sentences are "half solutions" in addition to four sentences called "one solution"; The rise and fall of poetic meaning is often equivalent to the rise and fall of solution. For example, the 19 ancient poems "Grass by the Qingqing River": "Grass by the Qingqing River, willows in the lush garden. Yingying women upstairs, bright as windows. E'e red powder makeup, slim and plain hands." The first two lines are dedicated to scenery, which is "half understanding"; The third to sixth sentences are about beauty, which is another "solution".
Jin Shengtan appreciates that Du's poems are vivid and lifelike, and can write an unforgettable realm. The words are ingenious and suggestive, meticulous, circuitous, concise, and concise. For example, in "The Past", "flowers are proud to greet trees, and dragons are happy to come out of the pool", which depicts the Tang Ming Emperor's fascination with Yang Guifei. He also respected Du Fu's personality. Du Fu's poems were great because he was a great man. Jin Shengtan commented on Du Fu's poems. Before each poem, he briefly solved the problem and generally commented on the poem. Except for short quatrains, poems are all divided into several sections (interpretations). Regular poems are all divided into two sections, with four lines in each section. The sections of long poems are more or less different. For example, the Northern Expedition is divided into 35 sections; Each verse is followed by a commentary. His comments are thought-provoking, focusing on the nuances of each word. For example, in Autumn Prosperity, one of the words "jade dew withers and damages the maple forest, and Wushan Wuxia is bleak". In addition to pointing out the bleak atmosphere of these two sentences, he also points out the strong contrast between red and white in the first sentence; Another example is the fourth word of "Joy of Autumn", which reads "Hearing the Tao is like playing chess". The word "Hearing the Tao" shows that Du Fu can't bear to write about the unrest in Chang'an directly, nor can he believe it, expressing his sadness and shock. Literary historians point out that his comments are "vivid and vivid, and can quite get its appeal". They are creative. For example, in Qiuxing, one of them is "Cong Ju Bi Kai Some day's tears", and "Kai" is interpreted as a transitive verb "Kai", which is more poetic. However, Jin Shengtan sometimes deliberately seeks novelty, deepens his doubts, and makes an unwarranted and far fetched explanation. For example, he thinks that the sentence "floating in the air and not thinking about others" in "Cherishing Li Bai in Spring" is a criticism of Li Bai's poems. [4]

Publishing books

  • Author name Jin Shengtan
    Work time 2009-1-1
    Du Shijie: The Fourth Talented Scholar Book of the Sutra Chanting Hall is a book published by Wanquan Publishing Company on January 1, 2009.
  • Author name Jin Shengtan
    Work time 2005-08-01
    Fast Reading of Chinese Classic: Outlaws of the Marsh, written by Zhang Jialin, was published by People's Daily Press in August 2005.
  • Author name Jin Shengtan
    Work time 2011-01-01
    Jin Shengtan's Critical Edition: A Tale of the Western Chamber is a book published by Phoenix Publishing House in 2011.
  • Comments of Jin Shengtan
    Author name Jin Shengtan
    Work time 2000-10

Character influence



Jin Shengtan's critical edition was very popular and spread widely. The booksellers behind him published other works in his name, all of which were titled "Scholar's Books". The gold version of Outlaws of the Marsh and The Story of the Western Chamber have been the most popular versions of the two books for a long time. The gold version of Outlaws of the Marsh even replaced most of the old versions. For three hundred years from the Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, people hardly knew that there were other versions of Water Margin before Jin Ben, [11] The Jin version of Outlaws of the Marsh is concise, compact, and more personalized, which is more suitable for reading, [12] It is regarded as the version with the most literary value.
Jin Shengtan's comments also have a great impact on future generations and become a model for imitation. In China, novel criticism began with Li Zhi and was carried forward and promoted by Jin Shengtan. The way of novel criticism lasted until the beginning of the 20th century. Mao Shengshan's Comments《 A Record of Pipa 》, known as The Seventh Scholar's Book of Pipa [8] Mao Zonggang, his son, falsely wrote a preface in the name of Jin Shengtan《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》, called "the first talent book". Zhiyanzhai Rating《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》He also imitates Jin Shengtan and believes that he is best at discovering the advantages of novels. Some of the writing skills listed by Zhibian, such as "baking clouds to touch the moon", "crossing clouds to break mountains", "grass snake grey line" and other methods, are directly derived from Jinbian.
Jin Shengtan was the first to comment on operas based on Zen theory. In terms of operas, Jin Shengtan's view of "desire does not harm feelings" is similar to Li Yu's view. It has the essence of assisting Qing's love dramas, which makes the characters in talent and beauty dramas after the early Qing Dynasty more vivid and real. [13] In terms of poetry review, Jin Shengtan's close friend Xu Zeng's "Tang Poems" was strongly influenced by him. He inherited his theory of "decomposition" of poetry and took the inheritance and transformation of works as the evaluation criteria.
Jin Shengtan's language also influenced the scholars in the Qing Dynasty Qian Qianyi Thought he was a reincarnation of Dong Lin Huiyuan, an eminent monk of the Eastern Jin Dynasty; He is at Ye Shaoyuan's house Fuchi At that time, Tuo said that his dead daughter Ye Xiaoluan came and wrote many moving chapters, which became a popular story among scholars. The image of Lin Daiyu in Cao Xueqin's A Dream of Red Mansions is taken from Ye Xiaoluan; Jin Shengtan's fictional "leafless hall" is a gathering place for intelligent and intelligent young women, which may inspire the creation of Grand View Garden. [14]


In the 18th century, the golden version of Outlaws of the Marsh and The Story of the Western Chamber were introduced into Korea and spread widely. Yu Wanzhu, Li Demao and many other scholars loved the golden version of Outlaws of the Marsh. There was no tradition of novel criticism in North Korea. In the 19th century, inspired by Jin Shengtan, writers such as the master of Shiquan, Pak Tae suk, and Mr. Shuishan created Chinese comment novels such as Juhua Qitan, Han Tang Legacy, and Chunxiang Zhuan, drawing on the style, techniques, and views of Jin Shengtan's comment, marking the true formation of Korean classical novel criticism.
The Jin version of Outlaws of the Marsh and A Tale of the Western Chamber were also exported to Japan. Liang Tian Jueyan, Jiechuan Qiyuan, Qingtian Dansou and other Confucian scholars loved his Outlaws of the Marsh. Liang Tian Jueyan wanted to emulate Jin Shengtan's comments on the Biography of A Country, and his disciple Qingtian Dansou wrote Critical Interpretation of the Outlaws of the Marsh. He not only imitated Jin Shengtan, but also wanted to surpass him, and repeatedly refuted Jin Shengtan in his comments. Jin Shengtan also influenced Edo writers. Takazawa Maqin refuted Jin Shengtan's comments. At the same time, under the influence of Jin Shengtan, he created Lai Hao Ayin Pear Rat, imitating the way of starting with a wedge in Jin's version of Outlaws of the Marsh, and his own comment sentences also looked like gold criticism.