Double Ninth Festival

Traditional Chinese Festivals
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The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese folk festival, which is held every year lunar calendar The ninth day of September. The number of "nine" is《 I Ching 》The middle is the positive number, and the "nine nine" two positive numbers are the same, so it is called "Chongyang"; It is also called "Double Ninth" because both the sun and the moon meet nine. The return to the true in September, the beginning of one yuan, the ancients thought that the Double Ninth Festival was an auspicious day. In ancient times, people climbed high to pray for blessings on the Double Ninth Festival Worship gods and ancestors And the custom of feasting and praying for longevity. Inherited so far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly. Climbing high and appreciating autumn and thanksgiving and respecting the elderly are two important themes of today's Chongyang Festival activities. [1-5]
The Double Ninth Festival originated from the worship of celestial phenomena, originated in ancient times, and popularized in Western Han Dynasty It flourished after the Tang Dynasty. According to existing historical data and textual research last month of autumn Hold harvest worship and ancestor worship activities; The ancients offered sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven and ancestors during the harvest of crops in September, and thanked the Emperor of Heaven and ancestors for their kindness. This is the original form of the Double Ninth Festival as an autumn harvest sacrifice activity. The Tang Dynasty was an important period for the blending and shaping of traditional festivals and customs, and its main part has been inherited to this day. [4-8]
In the historical development and evolution, the Double Ninth Festival is a mixture of various folk customs, bearing rich cultural connotations. In the folk concept, "nine" is the largest number in the number. It has the meaning of long life, and it expresses people's wishes for the health and longevity of the elderly. On May 20, 2006, the Double Ninth Festival was listed in the first batch by the State Council National Intangible Cultural Heritage List [1] [9-10] Revised and adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 2012《 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly 》It is stipulated that the ninth day of September in the lunar calendar is Old Age Day [11]
Chinese name
Double Ninth Festival
Foreign name
Double Ninth Festival
Old Age Day Double Ninth Festival Mountain Climbing Festival Ancestor Worship Day Double Ninth Festival Autumn sun festival Memorial Day Jiujiu Chongyang, etc
Holiday time
the 9th day of the ninth lunar month
Festival type
traditional festival
Epidemic area
China and Chinese character cultural circle Countries
Origin of festivals
Celestial phenomena worship, harvest worship, etc
Festival activities
Mountaineering and autumn outing, offering a feast for the elderly, appreciating chrysanthemums, saying goodbye to youth, etc
Festival significance
Respecting the elderly and thanksgiving, drinking dinner and praying for longevity, climbing high for fitness
One yuan starts, long life
Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Unit
Ministry of Culture and Tourism [12]

Tracing the origin of festivals


Section Name

● Double Ninth Festival
The name "Chongyang" derives from the "nine lines of yang" in the ancient book "Book of Changes". In the Book of Changes, "six" is defined as a negative number, and "nine" is defined as a positive number“ Number of poles ”The height of the sky is "nine levels". "Nine" is the old yang, which is the number of anodes. The two anodes count together. Nine come to one. One yuan starts, and everything is renewed. Therefore, the ancients believed that Chongyang was an auspicious day to celebrate. In ancient times, there was a custom of feasting and praying for longevity. On the ninth day of September, both the sun and the moon meet nine, which is called "Double Ninth". Therefore, it is called "Double Ninth". At the same time, it is the combination of two positive numbers, so it is called "Double Ninth". The Night Boat written by Zhang Dai in the Ming Dynasty said: "Nine is the number of suns, and the sun and the moon correspond together, so it is called 'Double Ninth'." [13-15]
● Climbing Festival
Mountain Climbing Festival
In ancient times, people had the custom of climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival, so the Double Ninth Festival was also called the "Climbing Festival". The custom of climbing high in the Double Ninth Festival originated from the climate characteristics of this time and the ancient people's worship of mountains. [18] The custom of "climbing high" on the Double Ninth Festival is also intrinsically related to the Taoist idea of "becoming immortal" on September 9th. In Taoist culture, the Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of September is the best time for "becoming immortal", so the Taoist legend often chooses September 9th as the day of "becoming immortal". Taoism believes that on this day, the pure gas rises and the turbid gas sinks. The higher the terrain is, the more pure gas accumulates, and you can take advantage of the pure gas to ascend to heaven. [54]
● Longevity Day
On the Double Ninth Festival, there is a custom of enjoying feasts and praying for longevity, which expresses people's wishes for the health and longevity of the elderly. The custom of enjoying feasts and praying for longevity in Chongyang was widely spread in ancient times. [63-65]
● Cornus
In ancient times, it was also popular to insert cornel on the Double Ninth Festival, so it was also called the Cornel Festival. [66]
● Ancestor worship festival
Double Ninth Festival, New Year's Eve, Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival, and half of July are traditional Chinese festivals for ancestor worship, Ancestor worship It is a major theme of major festivals. Ancient China belonged to an agricultural society, and agricultural civilization was a form of civilization that attached great importance to the experience of ancestors. Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has had the concept of etiquette and custom of respecting ancestors and following their ancestors cautiously, and the custom of sacrificing ancestors on festivals to show filial piety and never forget the root. [16-17]
● Memorial Day
In modern times, the ninth day of September was endowed with Memorial Day New meaning of. Because "nine" is the largest number in the number, nine is a long-term homonym, [57] Therefore, the Jiushang Jiujiu Double Ninth Festival contains a metaphor of longevity and dignity. In the folk concept, "nine" is the largest number in the number, and "nine nine" is homonymous with "long", so it has the meaning of everlasting, long life, health and longevity. [7] [16]


Harvest Sacrifice to Heaven
Double Ninth Festival
The origin of the Double Ninth Festival can be traced back to Ancient times It is said that Chongyang is the first emperor of a dynasty The moment of success. The existing written records of Chongyang's customs and activities can be found in《 Lu's Spring and Autumn Period · Monsoon period 》: "(September) prime minister , agricultural reserve, to cite five important. The Tibetan emperor's book was collected in the godstore, and he only respected it. It is also the day to feast the emperor, taste the sacrifice, and report to the Son of Heaven. " It can be seen that there were activities of offering sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven and ancestors to thank the Emperor of Heaven and ancestors for their kindness during the autumn harvest of crops in September. This is the original form of Chongyang Festival as a sacrificial activity in ancient times. At the same time, there are also large-scale banquet activities, which are organized by Pre Qin It was developed from the feast of celebrating the harvest. Worship of gods and ancestors, longevity and feasts constitute the basic content of the Double Ninth Festival. [4] [19-20]
Sacrifice the "fire" (Antares II)
One of the archetypes of the Double Ninth Festival is the ancient sacrifice“ conflagration ”The ceremony. "Fire"( Antares )It is the time coordinate used by the ancients to determine the signs of seasonal production and seasonal life. In ancient times, people divided the stars near the ecliptic into 28 groups according to the track and position of the sun, moon and stars, commonly known as“ Twenty eight nights ”。 The horn, kang, di, fang, heart, tail and dustpan in the east form a complete dragon shaped astrology (Black Dragon Seven Constellations). At the beginning of spring farming, Canglong Qisu began to rise slowly in the eastern night sky, and the first thing exposed was the bright head of the dragon - Jiaoxiu; Crops grow in summer, and Canglong Seven Nights hang high in the southern sky; In the autumn, the crops are good, and the Black Dragon Seven Nights begin to fall in the west; In winter, everything is hidden, and the Black Dragon Seven Constellations are hidden below the northern horizon. In the autumn season, the "fire" (Antares II) retreats, and the dormancy of the god of fire means the arrival of a long winter. Therefore, in the autumn season when the "fire" retreats, people will hold corresponding farewell ceremonies. With the development of society, people have a new understanding of the season, and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to Vulcan in September has gradually declined. Although it is difficult to know the ancient sacrificial rites, we can still find some traces of ancient customs from the Chongyang Kitchen Sacrifice (the household god of fire) custom in some areas in the south of the Yangtze River. [4]
In the ancient era, the general trunk and branch were calculated according to the order of the twelve local branches. The first month was Jianyin, the ninth month was Xuyue, Xuxu was the fire depot, and Xuyue was the fire warehouse. Xu reigned in the northwest《 characters associated with the legendary Emperor Yu 》Within the Qiangua. "Fire" in Ji Qiu Xu( Antares )Several constellations in front of the Canglong stars retreated to the ground in the west by north direction. The Book of Changes - Qiangua: When nine are used, it is lucky to see the leaderless dragons. In traditional culture, the Double Ninth Festival“ conflagration ”Retirement is in the midst of the transformation of heaven and earth, with strong virtue and gentle virtue. Both of them are auspicious. [21]

Historical evolution

Double Ninth Festival
The origin of the ancient traditional festivals is related to the ancient primitive beliefs, sacrificial culture, astronomical phenomena, calendars and other humanistic and natural cultural contents, and contains profound cultural connotations of respect, morality, ritual and music civilization. The Double Ninth Festival has a long history. In ancient times, the customs of the north and the south were different. In the pre Qin period, the customs of various places had not yet been integrated and spread, and the customs of the Double Ninth Festival were rarely seen in written records. The existing clues related to the Double Ninth Festival customs can be found in the Ji Qiu Ji of the Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals: "(September) I ordered the household butcher to prepare for the harvest of farming, and I listed five important things. The Tibetan emperor's book was received in the godstore, and he only respected and ordered... It was the day to feast the emperor, taste sacrifices, and report to the emperor." At that time, when the crops were harvested in September, I offered sacrifices to the ancestors of the Emperor of Heaven for thanksgiving, It roughly coincides with the time of Chongyang. [22] [58]
Chongyang custom was popularized in the Han Dynasty, which was a period of economic and cultural exchange and integration between the north and south of China, and the cultural exchange of envoys in different regions was integrated and spread. The Han Dynasty's "Miscellaneous Records of Xijing" contains the ancient custom of seeking longevity on the Double Ninth Festival. This is the earliest record of the custom of seeking longevity on the Double Ninth Festival in written materials. It is said that it was influenced by the ancient wizards (later Taoists) who sought longevity and collected medicines to take. At the same time, there are also large-scale banquet activities, which were developed from the feast of celebrating harvest in the pre-qin period. [49] [59]
The written record of the name of "Double Ninth Festival" was first seen in the Three Kingdoms Period. [50] Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of the Wei Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms Period, described the Double Ninth Festival in his book "Nine Days and Zhong You's Book" as follows: "The ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth year of the ninth year of the lunar calendar, when the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth month of the ninth year of the ninth year of the ninth year of the ninth year of the ninth lunar calendar year [24-25]
stay Wei-Jin period At that time, the festival atmosphere became stronger and stronger, which was chanted by scholars. Scholars in Jin Dynasty Tao Yuanming In the preface to the poem "Living in Leisure on Nine Days", it is said: "Living in leisure, love the name of the Double Ninth Festival. The autumn chrysanthemum is abundant in the garden, while holding the ferment to indulge in leisure, serving the Jiuhua in empty, and pinning on words." At the same time, chrysanthemum and wine are mentioned here. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there were written records of the customs of appreciating chrysanthemums and drinking alcohol. [25-26]
Liang Zongxuan of the Southern and Northern Dynasties wrote in his "Chronicles of the Age of Jingchu": "On September 9, four people gathered together for a picnic." [27]
In the Tang Dynasty, the Double Ninth Festival was officially celebrated. From then on, the court and the people celebrated the Double Ninth Festival together, and carried out various activities during the festival. It is recorded that the ninth day of the ninth lunar month was officially listed as a national holiday during the reign of Li Shi, Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty (780-785), and the Double Ninth Festival was listed as one of the "Three Commandments". [60]
In the Song Dynasty, the Double Ninth Festival was even more lively. The Record of Dreams in Tokyo once recorded the grand occasion of the Double Ninth Festival in the Northern Song Dynasty. The "Old Wulin Events" also recorded that the court of the Southern Song Dynasty "made nine rows of pawns on the eighth day", waiting for a grand play the next day.
In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the eunuchs and concubines in the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty began to eat flower cakes together to celebrate from the first day of the lunar new year. On the ninth day of the Double Ninth Festival, the emperor also went to the Longevity Hill to climb the mountain and enjoy the scenery in order to keep his autumn aspirations flowing; In the Qing Dynasty, the custom was still prevailing. The custom of the Double Ninth Festival in Beijing was to stick chrysanthemum branches and leaves on the doors and windows, "to remove evil and filth, and to attract good luck". [15] [25]
In modern times, the Double Ninth Festival has been given a new meaning. In 1989, the Chinese government designated September 9 as the Old People's Day, combining tradition with modernity in a harmonious way, making this traditional festival a new festival of respecting, respecting, loving and helping the elderly. On December 28, 2012, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China voted to adopt the newly revised Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, which specifies that the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Elderly Day every year. In the process of inheritance and development, the Double Ninth Festival has been passed down from generation to generation as a festival full of life meaning. The theme of feasting and praying for longevity has gradually merged with the traditional Chinese ethics of filial piety, becoming one of the important themes of the Double Ninth Festival. [17] [28]

Folk customs


Folk activities

Customs of the Double Ninth Festival
In the historical continuation process, the Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that combines many folk customs and cultural connotations. The celebration of the Double Ninth Festival generally includes activities such as sightseeing, climbing to a height, watching chrysanthemums, picking Chinese herbs, holding a feast for the elderly, eating Double Ninth Cake, taking medicine liquor for health, drinking chrysanthemum liquor, etc. Chongyang is the season of "rising pure gas and sinking turbid gas". The higher the terrain is, the more pure gas will gather. Therefore, "climbing high in Chongyang and enjoying pure gas" has become a folk custom. In the golden autumn of September, the sky is high and the air is crisp. In this season, climbing high and looking far can achieve the goal of relaxed and happy, fitness and disease elimination. Chongyang Festival has many folk activities and rich cultural connotations. [17] [29]
Bask in autumn
The Double Ninth Festival is the best time to enjoy the autumn. Some mountain villages in southern China still retain the feature of "basking in autumn". Going to the countryside to enjoy folk customs and enjoy autumn has become a fashion of rural tourism. "Sun autumn" is a typical phenomenon of agricultural customs, with strong regional characteristics. Villagers living in mountainous areas in Hunan, Guangxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, etc., due to the complex terrain and few flat land in the village, had to use the front and back of the house and the roof frame of their own windowsill to dry and hang crops, which evolved into a traditional agricultural phenomenon over time. This special life style and scene of villagers drying crops has gradually become the material that painters and photographers pursue and create, and has created a poetic“ Bask in autumn ”Address. [15] [25]
The Nine Emperors' Association
In ancient times, in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Yunnan and other places of China, the custom of ritual fighting prevailed for nine consecutive days from September 1 to 9 of the lunar calendar The Nine Emperors' Association The Nine Emperors Association originated from the worship of stars. As the old saying goes, "The nine emperors of Chongyang will meet, and the Big Dipper will extend its birthday". The nine Beidou emperors are composed of the seven Beidou stars, Zuofu and Youbi. The Record of the Jade Box says: From the first day of September to the ninth day of September, when the nine stars of the Big Dipper are flourishing, people fast. This day is better than the ordinary day, and has boundless merit and virtue. The belief of the Nine Emperors had a great influence, and this worship gradually evolved into the custom of ritual fighting among the people. According to Hu Pu'an's "National Customs Record of China", on September 9, more nine emperors' associations were established in Guangdong to fight with each other. In Yunnan, the ritual duel has become the custom of Yunnan, and will be held from the new moon to the ninth day of September. [51] [61]
Enjoy feast and pray for longevity
On the Double Ninth Festival, there is a custom of enjoying feasts and praying for longevity, which expresses people's wishes for the health and longevity of the elderly. [55] The custom of enjoying feasts and praying for longevity in Chongyang was widely spread in ancient times, and it was also recorded in some literary works, such as the Han Dynasty's "Miscellaneous Records of Xijing": "On September 9, wearing cornel, eating tent baits, and drinking chrysanthemum wine, clouds make people live longer."《 Jing Chu's Chronicle 》As the saying goes, "On September 9, the four people gathered together for a wild feast." The large-scale feast in the Double Ninth Festival was actually developed from the feast for celebrating the harvest in the festival. On the basis of offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors, longevity and feast were added, which formed the foundation of the Double Ninth Festival. Up to now, the custom of holding a feast for the elderly and drinking a banquet to pray for longevity is still popular in some places in southern China. [1] [4] [23]
Put paper kite
Putting paper kites is one of the main customs of the Double Ninth Festival in the south. The reason why people celebrate the Double Ninth Festival Put paper kite (kite) characterized by a kite. Guangxu's Huizhou Prefecture Annals also has records. [19] In the folk tradition, in addition to climbing high, the Double Ninth Festival also features the release of paper kites. [30] As for why people fly paper kites in Chongyang, in addition to the climate reason that the sky is high and the clouds are light, the wind is light and the sun is bright, and the paper kites can easily ride the wind, there are also some stories between Wu and Ji, which are quite interesting. It is said that the purpose of flying paper kites in the Double Ninth Festival is to "fly bad luck". The higher the paper kites fly, the farther the bad luck will fly away. What's more, the line will be broken to make the kites disappear out of the sky. Another explanation is that the release of paper kites in Chongyang is to "release good luck" and "release good fortune". The better the paper kites fly, the more lucky they will be. The release of paper kites should not only not break the silk thread, but also do everything possible to protect it, because if the silk thread is broken, the "good luck" and "good fortune" will also float away. [31]
Climb high
Climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival
The custom of climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival has a long history. In ancient times, people had the custom of climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival, so the Double Ninth Festival was also called the "Climbing Festival". Climbing "Ci Qing" also comes from the solar term in nature. Climbing on the Double Ninth Festival“ Ci Qing ”Spring outing with the ancients in March“ Outing ”Correspondence. There is no uniform regulation on the place of climbing, and the place of climbing can be divided into climbing high mountains, climbing tall buildings, or climbing high platforms. Climbing custom has three origins: one is originated from the ancient mountain worship; The second is due to the climate of "rising pure gas and sinking turbid gas"; The third is to climb to the high place and take the pure air to heaven. [32] [54]
  1. one
    In ancient times, the ancients worshipped mountains, forming the custom of "climbing mountains and praying for blessings". Western Han Dynasty Dai Sheng The Book of Rites - Sacrifice Method: "Mountains, forests, valleys and hills can produce clouds, wind and rain, and monsters can be seen, and all people are called gods." According to literature, ancient people both revered and worshipped mountains. [1]
  2. two
    According to the law of the sun and the moon, the climate of Chongyang is "clear air rising and turbid air sinking". The higher the terrain is, the more clear air will gather. Therefore, "climbing high in Chongyang and enjoying the clear air" has become an important folk custom event among the people.
  3. three
    The important custom of the Double Ninth Festival, "climbing high", is also intrinsically related to the Taoist "ascending to heaven and becoming immortal" on the ninth day of September. Because they believed that September 9 was the day when the immortals ascended to heaven, the ancestors chose to climb high on the ninth day of September, with the intention of entering the heavenly palace like those who became immortals. This desire for ascension, tracing back to its source, is a kind of hope for longevity. [54]
Eat Chongyang Cake
Eat Chongyang Cake
According to historical records, Chongyang Cake, also known as flower cake, chrysanthemum cake, and five color cake, is made randomly. At dawn on September 9, the ancients made cakes in September with a piece of cake on their children's forehead. The exquisite Chongyang Cake should be made into nine layers, like a pagoda, with two lambs on it, to meet the meaning of Chongyang (sheep). Some also put a small red paper flag (instead of cornel) on Chongyang Cake and lit candles. This probably means "lighting up" and "eating cakes" instead of "climbing high". Today's Chongyang Cake still has no fixed variety, and the soft cakes eaten in various places on the Double Ninth Festival are called Chongyang Cake. [25]
Sacrifice to the sea god
The Double Ninth Festival is an autumn festival. Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places pay special attention to the worship of the sea god held on this day. [17]
Ancestor worship
The Double Ninth Festival is one of the four traditional festivals of ancestor worship in China. The ancient folk have a tradition of ancestor worship and blessing. The traditional custom of worshipping ancestors in Chongyang is still prevalent in Lingnan area. People hold ancestor worship activities on the Chongyang Festival every year. Whether it is ancestor worship activities or lofty vision, its most fundamental role is to enhance people's cultural identity and strengthen the cohesion of the family and society. In traditional customs, Qingming Festival is called "Spring Festival Festival", and Chongyang Festival is called "Autumn Festival Festival". The traditional custom of climbing high to worship ancestors in Chongyang has lasted to this day. [7] [33] [53]
Appreciate chrysanthemum
Appreciate chrysanthemum
The Double Ninth Festival has always been the custom of appreciating chrysanthemums, so it is also called the Chrysanthemum Festival in ancient times. The custom of appreciating chrysanthemums originates from chrysanthemum culture. Chrysanthemum is a natural flower, which forms a chrysanthemum culture of appreciating and praising chrysanthemums because of its colorful flowers and blooming Aoshuang. Since the Three Kingdoms, Wei and Jin Dynasties, it has become fashionable to gather in Chongyang to drink and enjoy chrysanthemums and poems. In ancient Chinese customs, chrysanthemums symbolize longevity. Chrysanthemum is the flower of longevity, and is praised by scholars as a symbol of indomitable frost. [34]
Ci Qing
The ancients took Chongyang and Shangsi (or Qingming) as the corresponding Spring and Autumn Festival. If Shangsi is a festival for people to go out and have fun after a long winter, then Chongyang is about a ceremonial autumn outing when people are about to live in seclusion in the new cold autumn, so people have the Qingming Festival“ Outing ”, Double Ninth Festival“ Ci Qing ”Customs. [6]
Drink chrysanthemum wine
Enjoy chrysanthemums, drink wine and play chess in Chongyang
Drinking chrysanthemum wine: because of the unique character of chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum has become a symbol of vitality. Chrysanthemum contains health preserving ingredients, and Gehong of Jin Dynasty《 Embrace Puzi 》There are records that people in Nanyang Mountain drink the sweet valley water full of chrysanthemums to prolong their life. It is a traditional Chinese custom to drink chrysanthemum wine on the Double Ninth Festival. Chrysanthemum wine, in ancient times, was regarded as the "lucky wine" that must be drunk in Chongyang to dispel disasters and pray for blessings. Chrysanthemum wine is a medicinal wine with a slightly bitter taste. After drinking it, people can be bright and clear headed, and it has the auspicious meaning of eliminating disasters and praying for blessings. [35-37]
Chrysanthemum wine has been seen in the Han Dynasty. Later, there were still stories of giving chrysanthemums for birthday greetings and picking chrysanthemums to make wine. For example, Cao Pi, Emperor Wen of Wei, once gave chrysanthemums to Zhong You (Wish him a long life) In the Chapter of Collecting Chrysanthemum written by Emperor Jianwen of Liang Dynasty, there is a sentence "Pick chrysanthemum beads in the basket when you call each other, and the dew is wet when you rise", which is an example of picking chrysanthemum to make wine. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, chrysanthemum wine was still popular, which was still recorded in Gao Lian's Zunsheng Bajian of the Ming Dynasty. It was a popular health drink.
Wearing cornel
In ancient times, it was also popular to insert cornel at 99, so it was also called cornel festival [48] On the Double Ninth Festival, people like to wear cornel to ward off evil and seek good fortune. Cornus officinalis is also known as "the devil warding off man". In fact, the cornel has a strong fragrance, which actually has the effect of expelling insects and dampness, expelling wind evil, eliminating food accumulation, and curing cold and heat. [62] Inserting cornel and hairpin chrysanthemums was already common in the Tang Dynasty. Cornus officinalis has a strong fragrance, which can brighten the eyes, refresh the brain, dispel fire Anthelmintic It can remove dampness and expel wind evil, eliminate accumulated food, and cure cold and heat. The ancient customs such as inserting cornus officinalis are folk acts of climbing mountains to drive away wind evil. On the Double Ninth Festival, the clear air rises and the turbid air sinks. People use natural medicines such as cornus officinalis to adjust their physical health and make them adapt to natural climate changes. [35-37]

Local customs

  • domestic
[Guangdong] In ancient times, many buildings were built in Guangdong on September 9 The Nine Emperors' Association Fight with courtesy. During the Double Ninth Festival in Guangzhou, people climbed Baiyun Mountain to enjoy autumn and keep fit. Wuchuan is celebrating the Double Ninth Festival, enjoying a high banquet and holding a dinner for the elderly. Huaiji County took Chongyang as the day when the Yuan Emperor won the throne, and the god of competition paid his wish. Yangjiang releases paper kites for the Double Ninth Festival. [30] [38] [52]
[Hong Kong and Macao] In the customs of Hong Kong and Macao people, Qingming Festival is "Spring Festival Festival", and Chongyang Festival is "Autumn Festival Festival". The traditional custom of climbing high to worship ancestors in Chongyang has lasted to this day. In Hong Kong and Macao, the ancient Double Ninth Festival has evolved into a diversified festival. [23]
[Guangxi] On September 9, Long'an County allowed its cattle and sheep to feed on their own. As the saying goes, "On September 9, cattle and sheep are on their own". [19] Qingming is rites for ancestor-worshipping in spring , Chongyang as Autumn sacrifice Chongyang Mountain Worship is one of the Lingnan customs, and the tradition of being cautious after the end and thinking about the source has been followed for thousands of years. [7] [30]
[Fujian] Flying kites on the Double Ninth Festival in Haicheng County is called a play“ Windy tenon ”。 It is said that the ninth day of September is the day when Mazu ascends to heaven. Villagers often go to Mazu Temple in Meizhou or Tianhou Ancestral Temple and Temple in Hong Kong to offer sacrifices for blessing. [33]
[Hainan] During the Double Ninth Festival in Hainan, there are customs such as climbing high and looking far, inserting cornel, sending "Double Ninth Cake", "driving bobcats", and washing wormwood leaf water. [39]
[Jiangsu] On the Double Ninth Festival, people in Nanjing chiseled the five colored paper into an inclined plane, which was linked into flags and inserted in the court. There is a kind of pasta called "camel's hoof" on Chongyang Festival in Changzhou County. Wuxi Double Ninth Festival eats Double Ninth Cake and Jiupin Soup.
Double Ninth Festival
[Shanghai] Shanghai Yuyuan Garden held the Chrysanthemum Fair on the Double Ninth Festival, which was rated as new, noble and rare. In recent years, Yangpu District of Shanghai has carried out a series of activities of "Joy in Chongyang" to respect and love the elderly. [40]
[Zhejiang] Visit each other on the Double Ninth Festival in Shaoxing. Tonglu County prepares pigs and sheep for ancestors on September 9, which is called autumn sacrifice. At the same time, they also tied Zongzi on the Double Ninth Festival and gave each other gifts, which is called Double Ninth Zongzi.
Jiangxi Wuyuan County On September 9, Huangling held the autumn sun festival. Wuyuan Huangling Ancient Village still retains a good production and living phenomenon of "drying in autumn". In autumn, a large number of fresh vegetables, melons and fruits need to be dried and stored, forming a spectacular scene.
[Anhui] Tongling County takes the Double Ninth Festival as the Dragon Candle Festival to welcome the mountain gods. It is said that the bamboo horse can drive away the plague. In recent years, Hefei Thermoelectricity has organized activities themed with condolences for the Double Ninth Festival. [41]
[Yunnan] In recent years, Kunming, Yunnan has held the theme activity of "Our Festival · Double Ninth Festival". [42]
[Hubei] Wuchang County brewed wine in Chongyangri. It is said that the wine brewed here is the clearest and can be stored well for a long time. The Double Ninth Festival in Yingcheng County is the date of vow fulfillment. Many families worship the God of Tian Zu in Fangshe on this day.
[Sichuan] Old Time Nanxi County Scholars gathered at Censhan Tower of Longteng Mountain to commemorate the poet Cen Shen, known as“ Cen Guild ”。 According to the old folk custom, before and after the Double Ninth Festival, glutinous rice was used to steam liquor and make fermented glutinous rice. As the saying goes, "Double Ninth Steamed Wine is sweet and delicious".
[Hebei] On September 9 in Xianghe County, families with in laws will give gifts to each other, called“ Chasing festival ”。 Yongping Mansion will be sunny and rainy in the future due to the weather of Chongyang. If it rains on the Double Ninth Festival, it will rain these days Quzhou County There are no mountains in the territory, and more people in the county climb the city tower on the Double Ninth Festival. [56]
Double Ninth Festival
[Shandong] People in the north of Changyi eat spicy radish soup on the Double Ninth Festival. There is a proverb that says, "After drinking radish soup, the whole family will not suffer". People in Juancheng call the Double Ninth Festival the birthday of the god of wealth, and every family burns burnt cakes to offer sacrifices to the god of wealth. Zou Ping offered sacrifices to Fan Zhongyan in Chongyang. In the old days, dye shops and wine shops also offered sacrifices to the god of vats on September 9. Tengzhou's daughter, who has been married for less than three years, should not go back to her parents' home for the holidays. There is a saying that "when she goes home to Chongyang, her mother-in-law will die".
[Shaanxi] In the vast rural areas of Shaanxi, on the Double Ninth Festival, every household has green cornel in front of their doors, and neighbors give each other gifts. [43] Xixiang County On the Double Ninth Festival, relatives and friends presented chrysanthemums and chrysanthemum cakes as gifts. Scholars appreciate poetry and wine. It is said that women can take cornel by mouth this day to cure heartache.
[Shanxi] The southern part of Shanxi has had the traditional habit of climbing high on September 9 since ancient times. It has become a festival event to enjoy the beautiful rivers and mountains and admire the places of interest. Up to now, people still recite such famous sayings as "heaven and earth will open up, and our generation will climb high together", "the east wind will not stay, and the peak will slowly rise", "September will be a new year, and the three rural areas will celebrate autumn".
[Henan] In 2010, the Chinese People's Association awarded Xixia County of Nanyang City as the "Hometown of Chongyang Culture in China" [44] The only "China Chongyang Culture Research Center" in China has been established in Xixia, where the "China Xixia Chongyang Culture Festival" is held on September 9 of the lunar calendar every year.
  • abroad
Countries in the Chinese character cultural circle influenced by the Han culture also had the custom of Chongyang. For example:
[South Korea] In ancient Korea, Chongyang was called Chongjiu. Since the Silla era, it has been a custom to climb the tower and recite poems on this day. In the Korean Dynasty, the banquet on the ninth day of September even became a national custom. [45] Custom activities mainly include eating fried flowers, cauliflower, playing fried flowers, and flying kites.
[Japan] The Double Ninth Festival in Japan The era of peace Introduced from China, princes and nobles of the Ping An Dynasty held a chrysanthemum feast in the palace every ninth day of the ninth lunar month. The Japanese will also put cotton cloth on chrysanthemums the night before the Double Ninth Festival and wipe their bodies after being wet by dew to pray for longevity. [45] The custom activities mainly include eating eggplant, eating chestnut rice and sacrificing chrysanthemum.
United States San Francisco It is a city inhabited by Chinese. Every Double Ninth Festival, there are all kinds of chrysanthemums in flower shops, and some pastry shops also sell Double Ninth cakes. Many Chinese associations hold a dinner for the elderly, and some elderly service centers also have many volunteers to visit and help the elderly. [45]

Literary account


Related poems

Traditional festivals always complement traditional culture. Jiujiu Double Ninth Festival, because it is homonymous with "Jiujiu", is the largest number in the number, the most noble in the number, and has the meaning of long life. Besides, autumn is also the golden season of harvest. The Double Ninth Festival has profound implications. People have always had special feelings for this festival. There are many poems in the past dynasties that celebrate the Double Ninth Festival A masterpiece of poems on chrysanthemums. [6] [25]
Some famous poems [25]
Poem name
Tang dynasty
Xuanwu Mountain Tour on September 9
Lu Zhaolin (636-695)
Shuzhong Jiuri
Wang Bo (649 or 650-676 or 675)
Send Zhang Wu to Lan Mountain in Autumn
meng haoran (689-740)
Guo Guren Villa
Meng Haoran (689-740)
Immediately on September 10th
Li Bai (701-762)
Remember Shandong Brothers on September 9
Wang Wei (701-761, 699-761)
Du Fu (712-770)
White Chrysanthemum on the Double Ninth Festival Mat
Bai Juyi (772-846)
Climbing the mountain on the ninth day
Du Mu (803 - about 852)
Song dynasty
Stepping on the Sands, taking a small drink in the Zhuangang Lake on the second night after the Mid Autumn Festival in Gengxu
Xin Qiji (1140-1207)
Drunken Flower Yin · Mist and Thick Clouds Sorrow for the Eternal Day
Li Qingzhao (1084.3.13-1155.5.12)
Wen Tianxiang (1236.6.6-1283.1.9)
Yuan dynasty
Intoxicated by the East Wind - Double Ninth Festival
Guan Hanqing (About 1220-1300)
Late Ming and Early Qing
It's a work of rewarding the king and the clerks to see their hearts in nine days
Gu Yanwu (1613-1682)
Period of the People's Republic of China
Speech at the banquet with the elders of Tucun Village, Yangfushan [46]
Mao Zedong (1893.12.26-1976.9.9)
Chen Zhisui (1958. 12.3 -)

Folk ballad

Many folk songs and sayings are about festivals at the time of the year, and the Double Ninth Festival is no exception. The following are all about the Double Ninth Festival ballad common saying It reflects the customs of drinking chrysanthemum wine, flying kites and divining the weather on the Double Ninth Festival.
Double Ninth Festival
Chrysanthemum yellow, strong yellow species; Chrysanthemum fragrance, Huangzhongkang; On September 9, when people drink chrysanthemum wine, they will be intoxicated by chrysanthemum.
September 9 is Chongyang; When flying paper kites, the lines are long.
In August, Brother Mid Autumn Festival delivers cakes, and in September, Sister Chongyang delivers shoes.
On the Double Ninth Festival, I tried to climb high again. What is the contribution of this year after year? Although it is a picturesque autumn mountain, it is also good to travel and frighten. Why do you want to yearn for the Double Ninth Festival. If you dare, you can avoid disaster. Why not do it early. Point out your wife and children who go there alone and try to leave. Open a speech a general book, do not look old. Kuang is just a piece of history, what a heart to drive again. Since you didn't know last day, I don't blame you for doing it. Alas! Why bother to look for trouble. If you don't sit still and think about it, you may want to scare others.
On September 9, everyone went to climb high. You saw a Ban Nun, who was walking noisily. Put up a paper kite to dance on the high ground, support the Han people (sound of the bow), arouse the cowards, always in the limelight, need to work hard just right. Although you are famous, it's a pity that you are not full of feathers. I'm afraid that if you slip into the sky, you will be hated forever. Might estimate a piece of package rope, can hoops the sky, both for a guy flow disaster flow difficult, side don't flow to. Alas! It's hard to care about your life experience. I only hope that God will show mercy and help you.


  • Continued Harmony:
Like most traditional festivals, the Double Ninth Festival will also be attached with a legend as the "origin" of the climbing custom. This legend was seen in the Liang Dynasty Wu Jun Mythology, supernatural stories《 Continuous Homology and Harmony 》Huanjing in Runan went on a study tour with Fei Changfang for many years. The Changfang said, "On September 9, there should be a disaster in your family. It's better to hurry and make your family make red bags, hold cornus, tie your arms, climb high and drink chrysanthemum wine. This disaster can be eliminated." Jing said, and the whole family climbed the mountain. In the evening, chickens, dogs, cattle and sheep died suddenly. When the long house heard of it, he said, "This can be a substitute." Today, people climb high to drink wine on the ninth day, and women carry cornel bags. This is the beginning of the cover. Influenced by the myth of "climbing high to avoid epidemic" on September 9, people in some places think that Chongyang is a bad day, so in order to suppress and defeat the evil, the main ritual activity of the Double Ninth Festival is climbing high, and others are additional activities. [13]
Folk evolution version: It is said that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a plague devil in Ruhe. As soon as it appeared, people in every household would fall ill, and even die every day. The people in this area were trampled by the plague devil, which was terrible. At that time, there was a young man named Huanjing in Runan County. One year, the plague took away his parents and almost killed himself. After Huanjing recovered from his illness, he said goodbye to his beloved wife and fellow villagers, and decided to go out to visit the Immortals to learn martial arts and eliminate harm for the people. Huan Jing finally found a powerful immortal in an ancient mountain after going through hardships and dangers. The immortal was moved by his spirit of taking pains to eliminate harm for the people. He decided to take him as an apprentice, give him a demon killing sword, and secretly teach him the demon killing sword technique. Huanjing forgot to eat and sleep, practiced hard day and night, and finally developed an extraordinary martial arts. One day, the immortal called Huan Jing to him and said, "Tomorrow is the ninth day of September, and the plague devil will come out to do evil again. Now you have learned your skills, and you should go back to kill evil for the people!" At this time, the immortal gave Huan Jing a bag of cornus leaves and a bottle of chrysanthemum wine, and gave him the secret of avoiding evil spirits, so that Huan Jing could immediately ride home on the crane. Huan Jing returned to his hometown. On the morning of September 9, he took the villagers to a nearby mountain according to the immortal's instructions, and gave each of them a piece of cornel leaf and a cup of chrysanthemum wine. At noon, the wind howled, the north wind suddenly rose, and the sky was dark. With several shrill roars, the plague devil rushed out of the Ru River and rushed to the foot of the mountain. Just then, the plague devil suddenly smelled the strange smell of cornel and the mellow fragrance of chrysanthemum wine, his face suddenly changed, he shivered and dared not move forward. At that moment, Huan Jing immediately ran down the mountain with the demon subduing sword in his hand. After several rounds of fierce fighting, Huan Jing stabbed the plague devil to death, and the plague was eliminated. Later, people regarded climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival as an activity to avoid disasters. Obviously, this story "Pure fiction" is just an attached absurd legend. In the historical development and evolution, most of the traditional festivals have been attached with "legends" as their origins. According to the actual investigation, these "story legends" are far later than the birth of festivals, and are the "origins" of the construction of later generations. [1] [47]
  • Folklore:
Climbing high to look for nine calamus: It is said that the custom of climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival began First Emperor of Qin Order Warlock Zheng Anqi to go Lingnan Looking for the elixir of life, Zheng Anqi found it in Baiyun Mountain Nine section calamus Unfortunately, he fell off the cliff and flew up on a crane. [30]
Climb the mountain and bring back the lightning kindling: the ancients believed that the mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, and it was the home of the divine dragon who called thunder and rain. Moreover, the mountain thunder You can bring kindling, and use fire to eat cooked food. [1]

Cultural relics protection

On October 31, 2023, the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Units was announced, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Double Ninth Festival project protection units evaluated Grid. [67]