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Purchasing company

Companies engaged in commodity procurement
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Purchasing companies, generally in a narrow sense, are companies engaged in commodity procurement. They are responsible for providing solutions and exist with their own business methods of small profits but quick turnover. stay network In this era of unimpeded flow, procurement companies now generally use the Internet to conduct their own business, which is generally reflected in many procurement websites.
Chinese name
Purchasing company
Companies engaged in commodity procurement
Provide information to help purchase

brief introduction

Purchasing Company: generally refers to the collective purchase of certain shared items by several manufacturers. In this way, a pure purchasing company can be established.
Moreover, similar services provided by logistics companies, such as Purchasing website , provide information to sellers through various sales and purchase information released by merchants.


The possibility of purchasing companies is not certain, which can be generally summarized as:
1、 Whether there are small-scale demands of sufficient scale that may be concentrated by a third party;
2、 Whether the existing brand operators need to outsource the procurement in the form of division of labor;
3、 If the professional procurement is carried out by the design company, it may be a good division of labor. In this case Purchasing company It may be a new development based on the existing manufacturers;
4、 If the purchase is made by a third party, attention should also be paid to the transaction costs arising therefrom;

Purchase Classification

(1) Classification by price
1. Bidding procurement 2. Inquiry procurement 3. Price comparison procurement 4. Price negotiation procurement 5. Pricing procurement 6. Open market procurement
(2) Classification by purchase entity
1. Personal procurement 2. Group purchase
(3) Classification by procurement method
1. Traditional procurement
Purchasing Page
2. Scientific procurement: 1. Ordering point procurement 2. MRP procurement 3. JIT procurement 4. Supply chain procurement 5 E-commerce procurement (i.e Online procurement )

Procurement steps

1、 Discover requirements
2、 Describe the demand, that is, accurately describe the characteristics and quantity of the goods, goods or services required
3、 Identify and analyze potential suppliers
4、 Determine price and purchase conditions
5、 Prepare and issue purchase orders
6、 Tracking and/or expediting orders
7、 Accept and inspect the goods received
8、 Settle invoices and pay for goods
9、 Maintenance records

Implementation process of purchasing company

1. Establish a strategy to meet the needs of enterprises
2. Establish an internal structure supporting strategic alliances and partnerships
3. Identify opportunities for alliances or partnerships
4. Determine the candidates of the alliance or partnership
5. Contact with candidates' senior leaders
6. Evaluate the candidates of the alliance or partnership
7. Negotiation with candidates
8. Cultivate and develop alliances and partnerships

Success factors of purchasing companies

1. Commitment of senior management
2. Strict supplier selection process
3. Continuous improvement
4. Consistency of objectives
5. Alliance and partnership support system and documents
6. Keep focusing on win-win opportunities
7. Extensive communication and information sharing
8. Trust building
9. Resource concession
10. Obvious signs or indicators of success
11. Internal education on alliance and partnership goals and expected benefits
12. Ability to maintain alliance and partnership when personnel changes