acid-base theory

Explain what is acid-base and what is the theory of acid-base reaction
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synonym Acid-base ion theory (acid-base ion theory) generally refers to acid-base theory
The acid-base theory is a theory to clarify what is acid-base and what is acid-base reaction. Robert Boyle first put forward the concept of acid-base. On the basis of his theory, the concept of acid-base is constantly updated and gradually improved, among which the most important ones are: acid-base ionization theory, acid-base proton theory and acid-base electron theory. There are many acid-base theories in history, but all of them are based on the views of a class of substances and reactions with common characteristics. They have their own characteristics, and they are interrelated and complementary to each other, improving people's understanding of the nature of acid-base. The concept of acid and alkali is embodied in all aspects of nature, which is of great significance to people's production and life.

Classical acid-base theory

Human beings have experienced a long time in understanding acid and alkali. At first, people called sour substances acid and astringent substances alkali. 17th century British chemist Boyle The plant juice is extracted as an indicator, and we have a preliminary understanding of acid and alkali. On the basis of a large number of experiments, Boyle put forward the original acid-base theory: substances whose aqueous solution can dissolve some metals will lose their original characteristics when contacted with alkali, and substances that can make litmus test solution red are called acids; The water solution of any substance has a bitter taste, which can corrode the skin, lose its original characteristics when contacting with acid, and can make litmus test solution blue is called alkali [1] This definition is much more scientific than previous ones, but there are still loopholes, for example, some products after the reaction of acid and base still have the properties of acid or base. Since then, scientists such as Lavoisier, David, and Libich have further supplemented this view, gradually touching on the essence of acid-base, but still have not been able to give a perfect theory.

Acid-base ionization theory



Swedish scientist Arenius (Arrhenius) summarized a large number of facts and put forward the essential point of view on acid-base - acid-base ionization theory (Arrhenius acid-base theory) in 1887. In the acid-base ionization theory, acid-base is defined as: all cations ionized in aqueous solution are H + Its substance is called acid; All ionized anions are OH - The substance of H is called alkali, and the essence of acid-base reaction is H + And OH - Reaction of combining to generate water [1] (The form of hydrogen ion in water is Hydrous hydrogen ion (H three O + ), but for the convenience of writing, it can be abbreviated as H without causing confusion +


In the acid-base ionization theory, the acid-base property of aqueous solution is measured by the concentration of hydrogen ion and hydroxyl ion in the solution: the greater the concentration of hydrogen ion, the stronger the acidity; The greater the concentration of hydroxyl ion, the stronger the alkalinity. At 298K, it always exists in dilute solution
Therefore, when the concentration of one of the hydrogen ions or hydroxyl ions increases, the concentration of the other will inevitably decrease. Acids and bases are opposite.
For convenience of writing, define
, then pH The smaller, the stronger the acidity of the solution; pH The greater the solution, the stronger the alkalinity.

Weak acid and strong acid

According to acid-base ionization theory Ionization degree Not necessarily the same. Some reach more than 90%, some only 1%, so there are strong acid and weak acid Strong base and weak alkali The strong acid and strong base are completely ionized in aqueous solution, while the weak acid and weak base are partially ionized [1] The concentration of hydrogen ion (hydroxide ion) in strong acid (alkali) solution is equal to the concentration of strong acid itself, while the concentration of hydrogen ion (hydroxide ion) in weak acid (alkali) solution is less than that of weak acid.
Ionization equilibrium exists in acid. If the general formula of acid is HA, then equilibrium constant
, strongly acidic K a >1, pK a <0, otherwise it is weak acid.


  1. one
    The theory of acid-base ionization reveals the essence of acid-base reaction more profoundly;
  2. two
    Since H in aqueous solution + And OH - The concentration of is measurable, so this theory is the first time to describe the properties of acids and bases and their behaviors in chemical reactions from a quantitative perspective. The acid-base ionization theory is applicable to pH Calculation, ionization degree calculation, buffer solution calculation, solubility calculation, etc., and the calculation accuracy is relatively high, so it is still a very practical theory.
  3. three
    Arenius also pointed out that, Polybasic acid And polybasic in aqueous solution The acid that can ionize multiple hydrogen ions is a polybasic acid, and the base that can ionize multiple hydroxyl ions is a polybasic. They are ionized in several steps [1]


  1. one
    In the absence of water, acid-base reactions can also occur, such as Hydrogen chloride Gas and ammonia Reactive formation ammonium chloride However, these substances are not ionized, and ionization theory cannot discuss such reactions.
  2. two
    Dissolve ammonium chloride in liquid ammonia The solution has the characteristics of acid, can react with metal to produce hydrogen, and can change the color of indicator Nonaqueous solvent There is no ionized H in + The ionization theory cannot explain this.
  3. three
    Sodium carbonate in aqueous solution OH is not ionized from - However, it is alkaline. According to the ionization theory, carbonate ions occur in water hydrolysis To.
  4. four
    In explaining NH three When the alkalinity of aqueous solution was caused, people once mistakenly believed that NH was formed first four OH, And then ionize out OH - [1]
To solve these problems, the concept of acid-base must be separated from solvent (including water and other Nonaqueous solvent )It exists independently. At the same time, the concept of acid and base cannot exist in isolation from chemical reactions. Acid and base are interdependent and both are relative.

Acid base solvent theory



Franklin put forward the acid-base solvent theory in 1905, which includes: the solute that produces the characteristic cation of the solvent in the solvent is called acid, and the solute that produces the characteristic anion of the solvent is called base [2]
For example, the following balance exists in liquid ammonia:
Therefore, NH is ionized out of liquid ammonia four + It is acid, such as NH four Cl, Ionization out of NH two - It is alkali, such as NaNH 2。
Liquid N two O four The following balances exist in:
So in liquid N two O four NO ionized out of + Acid, such as NOCl, ionizes NO three - Alkali, such as AgNO 3。
In the acid-base solvent theory, acid and base are not absolute. An acid in one solvent may be a base in another solvent.

Connection with ionization theory

The theory of acid-base solvents can be seen as the expansion of acid-base ionization theory in non-aqueous solvents -- the H produced by the autoionization of water in the acid-base ionization theory + And OH - In the acid-base solvent theory, it becomes the anion and cation ionized by the solvent self coupling. The acid-base solvent theory further develops the acid-base ionization theory, and has some influence on the later theory [3]

Classification of solvents

According to the autoionization of solvents, solvents can be divided into two categories [3]
  1. one
    Proton type solvent: solvent with proton participation in the process of self coupling ionization, such as hydrogen fluoride, water, liquid ammonia, etc;
  2. two
    Non proton solvent: solvent without proton in the process of autoionization, such as nitrogen tetroxide, sulfur trioxide, etc.
According to the acidity and alkalinity of the solvent, the solvent can be divided into [3]
  1. one
    Amphoteric neutral solvent: it can be used as both acid and alkali solvent. When the solute is strong acid, the solvent is alkaline; When the solute is a strong alkali, the solvent is acidic. [6 ] Common examples are water and alcohol;
  2. two
    Acid solvent: This solvent is also an amphoteric solvent, but it is more acidic than water. Common examples include acetic acid, sulfuric acid, etc;
  3. three
    Alkaline solvent: This solvent is also an amphoteric solvent, but it is more alkaline than water. Common examples are liquid ammonia, ethylene diamine, etc.

Leveling solvent and distinguishing solvent

In the acid-base ionization theory, the acid strength of strong acids cannot be distinguished because they are completely ionized in water, and it is impossible to distinguish which acid is stronger. However, a lot of experimental facts show that the strength of strong acids is still different. For example, when acetic acid is used as the solvent, it can be measured that the acidity of perchloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is HClO four >H two SO four >HNO three The effect of such a solvent that can distinguish the strength of acid or alkali is called Discriminative effect The corresponding solvent is called acid Differentiate solvents Correspondingly, in a relatively alkaline solvent such as water, the acidity of strong acids is reflected by hydrated hydrogen ions. The alkalinity of water eliminates the acidity difference of strong acids. This effect of flattening acids of different strengths to the level of solvated protons is called Flattening effect , the corresponding solvent is called flattened acid Leveling solvent [3]


  1. one
    Expanding the range of acid and alkali [3] In different solvents, there are corresponding different acids and bases;
  2. two
    Applicable to Nonaqueous solvent System and Superacid System;
  3. three
    It can well explain the following reactions:
The solvent is liquid NH three
The solvent is liquid SO two
The solvent is liquid BrF three


  1. one
    Only for Autoionization Solvent system; [3]
  2. two
    It cannot indicate the shape of CaO+SO three =CaSO four The reaction not carried out in solvent;
  3. three
    The acid-base reaction in benzene, chloroform, ether and other non ionizing solvent systems cannot be explained.

Acid base proton theory



J.N. Bronsted and Lowry put forward the acid base proton theory (Bronsted acid base theory) in 1923, and the corresponding acid base definition is: proton (H + )All substances are acids; All substances that can accept protons are bases. [1] It can be seen that the scope of acid and base is no longer limited to electrically neutral molecules or ionic compounds, and charged ions can also be called "acids" or "bases". If a substance can both give and receive protons, it is both an acid and a base, and is usually called "acid-base amphoteric substance". In order to distinguish the acid-base proton theory, sometimes the "acid" in this theory is called "protonic acid", and the "base" in this theory is called "protonic base".

Acid-base conjugation

Acid (HA) and base (A - )The following relationships exist between:
The acid and base in the above formula are called Conjugated acid base pair , base is the conjugate base of acid, and acid is the conjugate acid of base [1] This formula shows that acid and base are interdependent.
At the same time, it is easy to prove that in the aqueous solution,
Therefore, the stronger the acidity of the conjugate acid, the weaker the alkalinity of the conjugate base. On the contrary, the weaker the acidity of the conjugate acid, the stronger the alkalinity of the conjugate base.

Acid-base reaction

In the following reactions:
HCl and H three O + Can be released proton , they are all acids; H two O and Cl - Both can accept protons, and they are bases:
The above reaction is called Proton transfer reaction [1] , which can be expressed by a general formula:
acid one +Alkali two → Acid two +Alkali one
acid one And alkali one , acid two And alkali two It's two pairs Conjugated acid base pair The above formula shows that when one molecule or ion loses its proton to play the role of acid, another molecule or ion must accept the proton to play the role of base, and a single pair of conjugated acids and bases cannot undergo acid base reaction. The shape is like "acid=alkali+H + ”The reaction of cannot occur, called Acid-base semireaction [1]
In order to simplify writing, H in proton transfer reaction can be three O + Abbreviated as H + , get a reaction formula similar to the acid base semi reaction, for example:
This reaction formula is actually an abbreviation for the reaction of hydrogen chloride with water, not an acid-base semi reaction, although it looks exactly the same as the acid-base semi reaction. When it is necessary to distinguish between the abbreviated form and the semi reactive form, it is not difficult to analyze it in context.
It can also be seen from the general formula that whether a substance is an acid or a base depends on its role in the acid-base reaction. HCO three - Released when reacting with NaOH proton At this time, it is an acid, HCO three - When reacting with HCl, it receives protons, which is a base. For example, nitric acid is an acid in water, but it is a base when dissolved in pure sulfuric acid. It can be seen that the concepts of acid and base are relative.


  1. one
    The range of acid is expanded. As long as it can be released proton No matter in water solution or not, no matter in ion or neutral molecule, they are all acids, such as NH four + 、HCO three - 、HSO four - 、HS - 、HPO four 2- 、H two O。
  2. two
    The scope of alkali is expanded. NH three 、Na two CO 3、 F - 、Cl - 、Br - 、I - 、HSO four - 、SO four 2- Such substances can accept protons and are all bases.
  3. three
    The range of acid-base reaction is expanded. In the acid-base ionization theory, the products of the reaction between acid and base must be "salt" and water, but in the acid-base proton theory, there is no such requirement. Neutralization in acid-base ionization theory, strong acid replacing weak acid, acid-base ionization, hydrolysis of salts, reaction between ammonia and hydrogen chloride, etc. are all acid-base reactions [1]
  4. four
    The relativity of acid and base is put forward.


Acid base proton theory still has unexplained reactions [3] , such as the following reactions:
In this reaction, SO three It obviously has the property of acid, but it does not release protons; CaO is obviously alkaline, but it does not accept protons.
For another example, experiments have proved that many compounds without hydrogen (they cannot release protons), such as AlCl three 、BCl three 、SnCl four Both can react with bases, but the acid base proton theory does not consider them to be acids.
As another example, liquid N two O four The following balances exist:
The reaction is as follows:
This reaction is very similar to the acid-base reaction, but because there is no proton transfer, the acid-base proton theory cannot deal with it. Therefore, the acid-base theory needs further improvement.

Acid-base electron theory



1923 American chemist Gilbert Newton Lewis (Gilbert Newton Lewis) pointed out that there is no reason to believe that acids must be limited to hydrogen containing compounds, and his understanding stems from the fact that oxidation reaction does not necessarily involve oxygen. Louis is Covalent Bond Theory The founder of, he proposed the acid-base electronic theory (Lewis acid-base theory) with the view of structure: acid is the acceptor of electrons, and base is the donor of electrons. Acid base reaction is a process in which an acid receives a pair of electrons from a base to form a coordination bond and obtain an acid base adduct. The acid base reaction under this theoretical system is called Acid-base addition reaction [2] The general formula is:
Generally, the "acid" in the acid-base electronic theory is called Lewis acid, and the "base" is called Lewis base to show the difference.

Acid base reaction type

In the acid-base electronic theory, there are four basic reaction types [3]
  1. one
    Acid base addition reaction: the reaction of acid and base to produce acid base adducts;
  2. two
    Acid substitution reaction: the reaction in which a strong acid displaces a weak acid from another acid-base adduct formed by a weak acid;
  3. three
    Base substitution reaction: the reaction in which a strong base displaces a weak base from another acid-base adduct formed by a weak base;
  4. four
    Double substitution reaction: the reaction in which two acid-base adducts exchange components to form two more stable acid-base adducts.

Comparison with proton theory

Lewis base includes all Brownst bases, while Lewis acid does not necessarily include Brownst acid [2] For example, in the proton acid base theory, HCl is a proton acid, while in the Lewis acid base theory, HCl is a Lewis acid - H + And Lewis base - Cl - Acid base adduct formed by combination.


Lewis acid base reaction is one of the three basic reaction types in chemistry [3] (The other two are redox reaction and free radical reaction).

Organic reaction mechanism

Lewis acid-base theory believes that many organic reactions are also acid-base reactions, such as CH three + 、C two H five + 、CH three CO + Both are acids, respectively with alkali H - 、OH - 、C2H5O - Synthetic adduct CH four 、C two H five OH、CH three COOC two H five In organic reaction, Lewis acid is Electrophilic reagent Lewis base is Nucleophile [2]


  1. one
    The scope of acid and base is further expanded, which can indicate that there is no proton Acidity and alkalinity of substances, including metal cations Electron deficient compound , polar double bond molecules (e.g carbonyl Molecules), valence layer expandable atomic compounds (complexes of some elements in the P region), neutral molecules with lone pair electrons, molecules containing C=C bonds (e.g Chase salt ), the most widely used [1]
  2. two
    The scope of acid-base reaction is expanded, and the essence of acid-base reaction is pointed out more profoundly.


It is difficult to accurately describe the strength of acid-base reaction and judge the direction and limit of acid-base reaction [1]

Soft and hard acid-base theory



On the basis of previous work, Ralph G. Pearson put forward the soft and hard acid-base theory (HSAB) in 1963: small size, high positive charge number, Polarizability Low Central atom It is called hard acid. The central atom with large volume, low positive charge and high polarizability is called soft acid. It is difficult to oxidize those with high electronegativity and low polarization Coordination atom be called Hard alkali And vice versa Soft alkali [2] Other acids and bases are boundary acids and bases.

Acid base hardness

In 1983, Pearson and Robert Parr jointly proposed a method to calculate the soft hardness of acid-base. The calculated soft hardness is called Chemical hardness [3]

Reaction rule

Pearson's acid-base reaction law is: "hard acid has priority over Hard alkali Combination, soft acid has priority over Soft alkali Combine. " [3] Although this is an empirical rule, the experiment proves that the following rule is completely consistent with HSAB theory:
  1. one
    The substitution reactions tend to form hard hard and soft soft compounds.
  2. two
    Soft soft and hard hard compounds are relatively stable, while soft hard compounds are not stable enough.
  3. three
    Hard solvent preferentially dissolves hard solute, while soft solvent preferentially dissolves soft solute. Many organic compounds are not easily soluble in water, because water is Hard alkali
  4. four
    Explain the reaction mechanism: the Friedel Crafts alkylation reaction in the organic reaction uses anhydrous aluminum chloride (AlCl three )As a catalyst, its mechanism is AlCl three It is a hard acid, and the hard base Cl in RCl - It is activated by combination.


  1. one
    Complexes suitable for discussing metal ions [3]
  2. two
    Accurately predict the direction of Lewis acid-base reaction [3]
  3. three
    Prediction of the stability of complexes [3]
  4. four
    Reasonable explanation Goldschmidt rule Geochemistry [3]


  1. one
    The scope of application cannot include the entire Lewis acid-base system [3]
  2. two
    It is only a qualitative rule, and the degree of reaction cannot be calculated quantitatively( K );

matters needing attention

The hardness and softness of acid-base are different from the strength of acid-base. When dealing with acid-base reaction, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the hardness and softness of reactants. When the softness and hardness of acid and base are equal to the acid-base property, the softness and hardness of acid and base play a leading role in the direction of reaction [3]


Historically, acid-base theories have their own characteristics, but they are not completely irrelevant. The following Venn diagram shows the relationship between the four most commonly used acid-base theories [3] (HSAB is regarded as a supplement to electronic theory and is not marked in the figure):
Relationship between acid-base theories [4]
It can be seen from the figure that the range of acid base electronic theory is the widest. In fact, almost all other existing theoretical concepts are included, and all acid-base reactions can be treated with acid-base electronic theory (combined with HSAB), but when quantitative calculation is required, electronic theory is powerless.
The acid-base proton theory has greater advantages in dealing with acid-base reactions with proton transfer, because compared with the ionization theory, the application scope of the proton theory is wider; Compared with the electronic theory, the quantitative calculation of the proton theory is more complete.
The acid-base solvent theory can be used to deal with acid-base reactions in aprotic solvents, and some quantitative calculations can also be done. However, due to its large restrictions and relatively small practicality, it is rarely used.
The acid-base ionization theory has the advantage of being easy to understand. In dilute aqueous solution, the calculation results obtained by ionization theory are identical with those obtained by proton theory, and it is simpler than proton theory in dealing with some calculation problems, so it is still widely used in quantitative calculation.
Therefore, when dealing with acid-base problems, it is necessary to reasonably select acid-base theory in order to draw correct conclusions, optimize the treatment process and save time.
In addition, after synthesizing the above theories, it is not difficult to find that in the above acid-base theories, most acid-base reactions are not redox reactions, because in these theories, acid-base reactions are always accompanied by the breaking of ionic bonds or covalent bonds Heteroschisis There is basically no gain or loss of electrons or transfer of electron pairs.

Unusual theory


Definition of Usanovich

This acid base definition comes from Mikhail Usanovich, a Russian chemist. According to this definition, as long as negative charge can be accepted or released positive charge Is acid, and vice versa. Because this definition is somewhat coincident with the definition of redox, chemists are not very inclined to use this definition. This is because redox mainly focuses on the physical electron transfer process, rather than the bond formation and fracture process, although it is impossible to completely distinguish the two. [5]

Definition of Lux Flood

This definition was proposed by German chemist Hermann Lux in 1939, and then further revised by H.kon Flood in 1947, mainly used in the geochemical and electrochemical research of modern molten salts. According to this theoretical definition: can accept oxygen ion O 2- The substance that can provide oxygen ion is alkali [5]
Base=Acid+O 2-
Importance and advantages: applicable to high-temperature oxide reaction Glassware and Ceramics Silicate industry Geochemistry It plays an important role in.
Disadvantages: small application area.