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Braised Eggplant Strips with Soy Sauce and Mashed Potato

Dishes made from potatoes, onions and ginger
Braised eggplant strips with soy sauce and mashed potatoes are a home-made dish with eggplant as the main ingredient and potatoes, onions and ginger as the auxiliary ingredients.
Chinese name
Braised Eggplant Strips with Soy Sauce and Mashed Potato
Main material
Potatoes, onions, ginger, garlic
Salt, chicken essence Yellow sauce , soy sauce, sugar, etc

Cuisine materials

Braised Eggplant Strips with Soy Sauce and Mashed Potato
Main material: eggplant
Auxiliary materials: Potatoes, onions, ginger, garlic
Seasoning: Salt, chicken essence Yellow sauce , soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, stock, star anise

Cuisine practice

1. Set eggplant Wash and cut into strips, wash potatoes, steam them in a pressure cooker, smear them into mud with a knife, and put them on a plate for later use. Wash and cut onions, ginger, and garlic into powder respectively;
2. Take a pan to ignite and pour in the oil. When the oil is 60% hot, put in anise to stir up the fragrance. Then put in chopped green onion, ginger and garlic, and add a little more Yellow sauce Stir in the fragrance eggplant , add proper amount of stock, add soy sauce, salt, chicken essence in turn, cook until the stock thickens, pour in mashed potatoes, stir fry a few times, and then out of the pot;

Characteristics of dishes

It is brownish yellow in color, crisp and fragrant with potatoes, refreshing with eggplant strips, and salty and delicious.