
Prefecture level cities under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province
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synonym Jiuquan (Prefecture level cities under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province) generally refers to Jiuquan City
Jiuquan City, formerly known as Suzhou , Yes Gansu Province Jurisdiction Prefecture level city People's Government of Gansu Province Approved Silk Road Economic Belt Important node cities in Gansu section Provincial sub central city [1] As of January 2023, Jiuquan has jurisdiction over 1 district and 2 districts county-level city , 4 county [16] The total area is 192000 square kilometers, accounting for 42% of the area of Gansu Province, including 168100 square kilometers of land, 48000 square kilometers of wetland, and 4600400 mu of arable land [16] [88] By the end of 2022, Jiuquan has 1.0531 million permanent residents. [43]
Jiuquan City is located in China Northwest China Gansu Province Northwest Hexi Corridor West end, east to Gansu Province Zhangye City and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , south Qinghai Province , west Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , north Mongolia , since ancient times, it is the way to Xinjiang and Western Regions The traffic fortress. [16]
Jiuquan City in the Han Dynasty Four counties in Hexi one of, the Silk Road It is an important town of the city. It is named after "there are springs under the city" and "its water is like wine". Jiuquan City Dunhuang The hometown of art, the cradle of modern aerospace, the birthplace of new China's oil and nuclear industry“ the iron man spirit ”The birthplace of. [16] It has successively won honorary titles such as the famous Chinese cultural tourism city influencing the world and the most internationally influential tourist destination in China. [2] Jiuquan City Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Anxi Suoyang City Jiuquan Park Dunhuang Yadan National Geopark And other tourist attractions. [16]
In 2023, Jiuquan's GDP will be 90.87 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year at constant prices [93]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Jiuquan City
area number
six hundred and twenty thousand and nine hundred
Administrative Region Category
Prefecture level city
Northwest China
geographical position
Gansu Province Northwest
West end of Hexi Corridor
168100 km² [88]
Area under jurisdiction
1 zone, 2 county-level city , 4 county
Government residence
Suzhou District
Area Code
Postal Code
seven hundred and thirty-five thousand
climatic conditions
Continental Arid climate
population size
1053100 people [43] (Permanent population by the end of 2022)
Jiayuguan Jiuquan Airport (jointly built by the two cities), Dunhuang Mogao International Airport
License plate code
Gan F
84.09 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

Juyan Site
ancient times When Jiuquan was Qiang Rong Location, Pre Qin At that time, Jiuquan was called Xirong Prefecture, Xiqiang Prefecture, Xiongnu Right Prefecture and the three dangerous places in the west, west and Hexi. In the Qin Dynasty, the ruling area has not yet reached Jiuquan area, and the main people occupying Jiuquan area are Wusun, Yuezhi, Xiongnu and other nationalities.
Battle of Hexi
Western Han Dynasty After establishment, Jiuquan Dunhuang The area is still under the control of Hun Xie Wang, the subordinate of Hun Youxian King, and is called Hun Youdi. In the summer of the second year of Yuanshou (121 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched the second Hexi Campaign. Since then, Hexi area has been included in the reign of the Western Han Dynasty, and Wuwei County has been established [85] Jiuquan County, located in Lufu County (now Suzhou District, Jiuquan City) [85] )。 Together with Zhangye County and Dunhuang County, which were later established, they are called "Four Riverside Counties" [85] In AD 8, Wang Mang became emperor, and continued to use the prefecture and county system, with Fuping County (formerly Jiuquan County) and Dunde County (formerly Dunhuang County). During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jiuquan and Dunhuang prefectures were set up in Jiuquan, which was under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou Governor's Department. In the fifth year of Yuankang (295) of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty, "Lufu" was changed to "Fulu", and Jinchang County was added [85] [61]
During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jiuquan and Dunhuang were successively ruled by the separatist regimes of Qianliang (Han nationality), Qianqin (Di nationality), Houliang (Di nationality), Xiliang (Han nationality) and Beiliang (Xiongnu nationality). In the fourth year of Long'an in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (400 years), Li Hao established the Xiliang regime and set the capital at Dunhuang, where there were four prefectures: Dunhuang, Liangxing, Jinchang and Jiuquan. In the first year of the founding (405), Li Hao moved to Jiuquan. [62] [85]
At the beginning of the third year (442) of the reign of Taiping Zhenjun in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty occupied Hexi and set up Dunhuang Town in today's Jiuquan to govern Dunhuang County. In the fifth year of Zhengguang of Emperor Xiaoming of the Northern Wei Dynasty (524), the town of Dunhuang was abandoned and Guazhou was set up, governing seven prefectures of Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Yumen, Changle, Kuaiji, Xiaogu and Shouchang, and the prefecture governor was stationed in Dunhuang. In the third year of Yongxi in the Northern Wei Dynasty (534), Jiuquan belonged to the Western Wei Dynasty, with six prefectures, namely Shouchang, Dunhuang, Liangxing, Jinchang, Yumen and Jiuquan. In 557, Jiuquan and Dunhuang were under the jurisdiction of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and were reduced from six counties to three counties, Jiuquan, Dunhuang and Changle, respectively under the jurisdiction of Guazhou and Ganzhou. [85]
Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa In the third year (583), Jiuquan Town was set up, and the town was set up with a capital general, who was subordinate to Ganzhou. In the second year of Renshou's reign (602), Jiuquan Town was separated from Ganzhou and changed into Suzhou. The prefecture set up a general manager and led Fulu County. This is the beginning of Jiuquan calling Suzhou. [63] [85]
At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there was Liangzhou Governor's Office in Hexi, which governed four prefectures, namely Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Gua and Su. Suzhou leads Jiuquan, Fulu (including Gaotai and Maomu) and Yumen counties, and Guazhou leads Dunhuang, Jinchang, Changle and Shouchang counties. In the fifth year of Tang Wude (622), Guazhou was divided into Guazhou and Xisha. Guazhou governs today's Guazhou County and governs Jinchang and Changle counties; Xisha Prefecture is located in today's Dunhuang City and governs Dunhuang and Shouchang counties. In addition, there is a Guazhou General Administration Office, which governs Guazhou, Xisha and Suzhou. In the seventh year of Wude (624), Liangzhou's general administration office was changed to the governor's office, governing eight prefectures, including Liang, Su, Gan, Sha, Gua, Yi, Fang and Wen. In the eighth year of Wude (625), the governor's office of Suzhou was set up (leading Suzhou, Guazhou and Xisha). In the first year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (627), there were ten roads in the country, and Suzhou belonged to Longyou Road. In the seventh year of Zhenguan period (633 years), Xishazhou was changed into Shazhou, leading Dunhuang and Shouchang counties. In the first year of Tang Jingyun (710 years), he set up Hexi envoys, led seven states, namely Liangzhou (Wuwei), Ganzhou (Zhangye), Suzhou (Jiuquan), Guazhou (Anxi), Shazhou (Dunhuang), Yizhou (Hami, Xinjiang), and Xizhou (Turpan, Xinjiang), and the envoys were stationed in Liangzhou. In the first year of Tianbao (742), Suzhou was changed into Jiuquan County, Guazhou into Jinchang County, and Shazhou into Dunhuang County; In the first year of the Qianyuan era (758), it was changed to Suzhou, Guazhou and Shazhou. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty (766), Jiuquan belonged to Tubo. From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties, Jiuquan was ruled by the Yijun and the Uighur. [64] [85]
Dunhuang Crescent Spring
In the third year of Song Jingyou (1036), Li Yuanhao of the Western Xia Dynasty captured Suzhou, and successively occupied Guazhou and Shazhou. Suzhou was the county of Fanhe, and the establishment of Guazhou and Shazhou was preserved. In the 21st year of Genghis Khan (1226), the Western Xia Dynasty was defeated. The Mongol Khanate occupied Jiuquan and changed the county of Fanhe into Suzhou. [65] [85]
In the eighth year of the Zhiyuan era (1271), it was set up as the general manager's office of Suzhou Road. In the 14th year of the Zhiyuan era (1277), Guazhou Road and Shazhou Road were built. In the 17th year of the Zhiyuan era (1280), Shazhou Road was upgraded to the general administration office of Shazhou Road, leading Guazhou. In the 18th year of the Zhiyuan era (1281), Gansu Xingzhongshu Province (Gansu Province for short) was set up, which was the beginning of naming the local administrative district as "Gansu". [66] [85]
bright In the fifth year of Hongwu (1372), the Ming army pacified the whole Hexi Corridor, and Jiuquan was included in the reign of the Ming Dynasty. In the 28th year of Hongwu (1395), Suzhou, Weiyuan, Weilu and Shazhou were built in Jiuquan. In the Ming Dynasty, the northern guard system evolved from the separation of vassals and kings to the nine frontier guard system, and Gansu Town was one of the nine frontier towns. [67] [85]
Qing Dynasty After Beijing was established as the capital, Suzhou and Jintana in the east of Jiuquan were under the control of the Qing Dynasty, while the west of Jiuquan was still under the control of Sutan in Turpan, Xinjiang. In April of the second year of Shunzhi's reign (1645) of the Qing Dynasty, Jiuquan followed the establishment of the Ming Dynasty and restored the establishment of Suzhou Wei in the eastern region, implementing the system of military and political integration. After the 57th year of Kangxi (1716), the five garrisons of Chijin, Jingni, Liugou, Anxi and Shazhou were successively set up in the western region. From the second year of Yongzheng's reign (1724) to the 24th year of Qianlong's reign (1759), the garrison was abolished and the government of prefectures, prefectures and counties was established. In the 24th year of Qianlong's reign, the governor general of Gansu was set up, and the governor general's office was stationed in Suzhou. In the 37th year of Qianlong's reign (1772), Ansu Road was set up, which governs the Zhili Prefecture of Suzhou and the Zhili Prefecture of Anxi. [68] [85]
Dunhuang Grottoes
Republic of China In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Jiuquan abolished Zhili Prefecture in Suzhou and Zhili Prefecture in Anxi An Su Dao , set up Daoyin. In the seventeenth year of the Republic of China (1927), Ansu Road was changed to Ansu Administrative Region, leading seven counties including Jiuquan, Gaotai, Jinta, Maomu, Yumen, Anxi and Dunhuang, and Yin was changed to "Chief Executive". In July of the 24th year of the Republic of China (1935), Ansu Administrative Region was changed into an administrative supervision area, township and village were abolished, and Baobao and Jia were compiled. In May of the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Gansu Province was officially divided into seven administrative supervision districts. Jiuquan was the seventh administrative supervision commissioner office, leading seven counties including Jiuquan, Gaotai, Jinta, Dingxin, Yumen, Anxi and Dunhuang. In March of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), Subei Administrative Bureau (county level) was established, which was subordinate to the Seventh Office of Administrative Inspectors of Gansu Province. [17] [69] [85]
On September 25, 1949, Jiuquan was peacefully liberated. On the same day, Jiuquan Military Control Commission was established. By November, local governments at all levels in Jiuquan had been established and the Jiuquan Military Control Commission had been abolished. [70] [85]
On October 1, 1949, Jiuquan District Administrative Supervision Commissioner Office was established, which governs six counties of Jiuquan, Jinta, Dingxin, Yumen, Anxi, Dunhuang and Subei Administrative Bureau, and takes charge of Ejina Banner in Ningxia Province. On October 25, the Subei Mongolian People's Provisional Self Government Committee was established. In May 1950, Gaotai County and Linze County were under the jurisdiction of Jiuquan District. In July, the People's Government of Subei Autonomous Region was established. In January 1951, Ejina Banner was renamed Ejina Banner Autonomous Region, and in February, Ejina Banner Autonomous Region returned to Ningxia Province. [71] [85]
In April 1951, Jiuquan District Administrative Supervision Commissioner's Office was renamed Jiuquan District Commissioner's Office, which was subordinate to the People's Government of Gansu Province. It governs 8 counties including Jiuquan, Jinta, Dingxin, Yumen, Anxi, Dunhuang, Gaotai, Linze and Subei Autonomous Region. In July 1953, the Preparatory Committee for the Aksai Kazakh Autonomous Region was established. In December, Subei Autonomous Region was changed into Subei Mongolian Autonomous Region. Sunan Yugur Autonomous Region was established in February 1954, Aksai Kazak Autonomous Region was established in April, and Ejina Banner Autonomous Region was entrusted in November. [72] [85]
In February 1955, Jiuquan District Commissioner's Office was changed to Jiuquan Commissioner's Office, which was subordinate to the People's Committee of Gansu Province. In the same year, the people's governments of the counties and banners in Jiuquan were changed into county and flag people's committees. Ejina Banner Autonomous Region was renamed Ejina Banner. So far, Jiuquan Commissioner's Office has jurisdiction over eight counties, namely Jiuquan, Jinta, Dingxin, Yumen, Anxi, Dunhuang, Gaotai and Linze, three autonomous counties, namely Subei Mongolian, Sunan Yugu and Aksay Kazak, and Ejina Autonomous Banner. [73] [85]
On October 13, 1955, the People's Committee of Gansu Province abolished Jiuquan and Wuwei Special Districts and merged them into Zhangye Special District. The Zhangye Commissioner's Office was stationed in Chengguan of Jiuquan County before April 1957 and moved to Chengguan of Zhangye County in May 1957. In October 1955, Yumen City was established at the prefecture level to implement the leadership system of government enterprise integration with Yumen Petroleum Administration Bureau, which is subordinate to the People's Committee of Gansu Province and managed by Zhangye Special Administration. In March 1956, the establishment of Dingxin County was revoked, and its administrative region was transferred to Jinta County. In June of the same year, Ejina Autonomous Banner was under the jurisdiction of Bayannur League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Zhangye District has jurisdiction over 20 counties (cities) including Yongdeng, Tianzhu, Gulang, Jingtai, Minqin, Wuwei, Yongchang, Shandan, Minle, Zhangye, Linze, Gaotai, Sunan, Jiuquan, Jinta, Yumen, Anxi, Dunhuang, Subei and Aksay. [74] [85]
In November 1958, the administrative establishment of Yumen County was revoked, and its administrative region was incorporated into Yumen City. In December of the same year, the prefecture level Jiuquan City was established, which governs the administrative regions of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Company, Jiayuguan District and the original Jiuquan and Jinta counties. Jiuquan County and Jinta County were cancelled. [75] [85]
In November 1961, Yumen Petroleum Administration Bureau and Yumen City were set up separately. Yumen City and Jiuquan City were changed into county-level cities, and Jinta County was restored. [76] [85]
In January 1962, Jiuquan Commissioner's Office was established. It has jurisdiction over 7 counties (cities), including Jiuquan City, Yumen City, Jinta County, Anxi County, Dunhuang County, Subei Mongolian Autonomous County, and Aksay Kazak Autonomous County. In June 1964, Jiuquan City was revoked and the organizational system of Jiuquan County was restored. The original administrative division remained unchanged. In July 1965, Jiayuguan City (district level) was established under the People's Committee of Gansu Province, which was divided from the administrative region of Jiuquan District. [77] [85]
On March 18, 1968, the Jiuquan District Revolutionary Committee was established to implement the "unified" leadership of the party and government. In September 1969, Ejina Banner under Bayannur League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was under the jurisdiction of Jiuquan Special Region. In October 1969, Jiuquan District was changed into Jiuquan District, and the Revolutionary Committee of Jiuquan District was changed into the Regional Revolutionary Committee. [78] [85]
In May 1970, Jiayuguan City was changed into a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Jiuquan Special District. In September 1971, Jiayuguan City was changed into a prefecture level city, directly under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province. [79] [85]
On December 4, 1978, the Jiuquan Revolutionary Committee was abolished and the Jiuquan Administrative Office was established as the agency of the People's Government of Gansu Province. It has jurisdiction over 8 counties (cities and banners), including Jiuquan County, Jinta County, Yumen City, Anxi County, Dunhuang County, Subei Mongolian Autonomous County, Aksay Kazak Autonomous County and Ejina Banner. On July 1, 1979, Ejina Banner was under the jurisdiction of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. [80] [85]
The county-level Jiuquan City was established in May 1985, and the establishment of Jiuquan County was cancelled. In October 1987, the county-level Dunhuang City was established, and the establishment of Dunhuang County was cancelled. So far, Jiuquan District Administrative Office has jurisdiction over 7 counties (cities), including Jiuquan City, Jinta County, Yumen City, Anxi County, Dunhuang City, Subei Mongolian Autonomous County and Aksay Kazak Autonomous County. [81] [85]
On June 18, 2002, with the approval of the State Council (GH [2002] No. 53), Jiuquan Prefecture and county-level Jiuquan City were abolished and prefecture level Jiuquan City was established. Jiuquan City sets up Suzhou District, with the administrative region of the original county-level Jiuquan City as the administrative region of Suzhou District. Jiuquan City has jurisdiction over Jinta County, Anxi County, Subei Mongolian Autonomous County, Aksay Kazak Autonomous County and the newly established Suzhou District in the original Jiuquan region. Yumen City and Dunhuang City at the county level in the original Jiuquan area are directly under the jurisdiction of the province (under the custody of Jiuquan City). In August 2006, Anxi County was renamed as Guazhou County. [3] [82-83] [85]
Jiuquan is now a prefecture level city with jurisdiction over "one district, two cities and four counties" (Suzhou District, Yumen City, Dunhuang City, Jinta County, Guazhou County, Subei Mongolian Autonomous County and Aksay Kazak Autonomous County). [84-85]

administrative division

As of January 2023, Jiuquan City has jurisdiction Suzhou District 1 zone, Yumen City Dunhuang 2 county-level city Jinta County Guazhou County 2 counties, Subei Mongolian Autonomous County Aksay Kazak Autonomous County 2 autonomous county Jiuquan Municipal People's Government is located in the Municipal Building, Fukang Road, Suzhou District. [16]
Division name
Area (square kilometers)
Suzhou District
one hundred and eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
three thousand three hundred and eighty-six
thirteen thousand three hundred and eighty-nine
thirty-one thousand and two hundred
eighteen thousand and eight hundred
twenty-four thousand and one hundred
sixty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-eight
thirty-two thousand three hundred and seventy-four [4]
Zoning Details
Suzhou District [50]
Yumen City
Street (1) New urban streets [92]
Jinta County
Guazhou County
Subei Mongolian Autonomous County
Aksay Kazak Autonomous County
Jiuquan Administrative Division

geographical environment


Location context

Jiuquan City is located in Gansu Province Northwest Hexi Corridor Westerly Altun Mountain Qilian Mountains And Mazong Mountain (Beishan), located between 92 ° 23 ′ - 100 ° 21 ′ E and 38 ° 05 ′ - 42 ° 43 ′ N. Except for a few parts in the north Mongolia Outside the border, most of them are connected with Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region alxa league Adjacent, west Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , south Qinghai Province Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture , adjacent to the east Zhangye City It is 680 kilometers long from east to west and 550 kilometers wide from south to north, covering a total area of 192000 square kilometers, accounting for 42% of the area of Gansu Province. [16] [88]


The strata in Jiuquan City are divided into three strata (Tianshan Inner Mongolia, Tarim and North China), which are the Lower Proterozoic Middle Proterozoic , Upper Proterozoic Cambrian , Ordovician, Ordovician Silurian Silurian system Devonian Carboniferous system

topographic features

Jiuquan City is high in the south and low in the north, leaning from southwest to northeast. The Qilian Mountains in the south are a series of high mountains of 3000~5000 meters, with many peaks, high and steep. From the east to the west, there are the main peak of Qilian, the Daolai Mountain Great Snow Mountain , Yemashan Altun Mountain Danghe Nanshan Saishiteng Mountain [16]
Jiuquan Basin is 1350-1500 meters above sea level. The southern part of the basin is Qilian Mountains A part of the inclined plain in front of the mountain is slightly higher, about 1500~1800 meters above sea level, and gradually decreases to the northeast, about 1340 meters to the north of Jiashanzi. The fan-shaped alluvial proluvial plain belt to the north of Jiashan starts from the north wing of Jiashan in the south, with an altitude of 1400 meters, and ends at the south wing of Beishan in the north, with an altitude of 1200 meters. It is called Jinta Basin. The Heihe River cuts the north mountain from Tiancheng and winds to the northeast, forming a valley plain in Dingxin. The mountain area is more than 1300 meters above sea level, and the plain is 1100~1200 meters, which is called the Dingxin Basin. An, Dun and Yu basins are Shule River The vast alluvial plain of the basin consists of a series of basins and plains.
From the east to the west, there is the Chijin Basin, 1700m above sea level; Huahai Basin, 1200 meters above sea level; Yumen Town Plain, 1400 meters above sea level; Bulongi Plain, 1300m above sea level; Stable basin, 1080m above sea level; Anxi Delta Plain, 1170m above sea level; West Lake Basin, 1080m above sea level; Dunhuang Plain, 1100 meters above sea level, and the plain depressions outside the ancient Yumen Pass, below 1000 meters above sea level.
The southern part, with an altitude of more than 4000 meters, gradually enters the permafrost area and is covered with snow and ice all the year round. With modern glaciers, it is the birthplace of rivers in this area. There are basins in the mountains, the larger ones are Sugan Lake Basin, Shibaocheng Basin, Changmapu Basin, and many small valley basins. It is the golden section of the ancient Silk Road from the boundary of the Jiayuguan uplift belt, to the east is Jiuquan, Jinta Basin, and to the west is Anxi, Dunhuang, and Yumen Basin.
Jiuquan City is located in the eastern part of Altun Mountains and the western part of Qilian Mountains, bounded by Dangjin Mountain Pass. Altun Mountain The main peak is 5798 meters high. Qilian Mountains The mountain is huge, with several parallel high mountains. From northwest to southeast, there are Yema Mountain Great Snow Mountain , Begging Lai Nanshan Namujimu Ridge, Shaguolin , Yema Nanshan Shule Nanshan Danghe Nanshan , Bison Ridge Mountain Chahan Obotu Ridge , Kaktumonk, Turgen Daban Mountain Saishiteng Mountain The main mountain ranges are more than 4000 meters. 4500 meters is the snow line, with snow all the year round, and modern icebergs are distributed. Shule Nanshan Zaiwujiele (Tuanjie Peak) is 5808 meters above sea level, the highest peak in the region. There are Sugan Lake , Shibaocheng, Changma Basin. Northern Mazong Mountain (North Mountain) is composed of several rows of low mountains and monadnock, with an altitude of 1400-2400 meters. [16]


Most of Jiuquan City belongs to cold temperate arid climate type. Among them, the west belongs to warm temperate arid zone, and the southern Qilian Mountains belong to alpine semi-arid and semi humid zone. It is characterized by sufficient heat resources, large temperature difference between day and night, less precipitation, large evaporation, long sunshine time and abundant solar energy resources.
Jiuquan is rich in wind energy resources. Guazhou and Yumen are known as "world wind reservoir" and "world wind outlet". The total reserves of wind energy resources account for about 87% of the province, with a usable area of nearly 36000 square kilometers. It has been approved by the state as the first "10 million kilowatt wind power base".
The annual average temperature of the city is 8.2 degrees, between 5.1 and 10.4 degrees. The hottest temperature is 23.4 ℃ in July; The coldest temperature is - 9.3 ℃ in January. The extreme maximum temperature is 43.1 ℃ (Dunhuang, July 30, 2016); The extreme minimum temperature is - 37.1 ℃ (Mazongshan, December 25, 2002).
Jiuquan City has the least precipitation in Gansu Province. The annual average precipitation is 44.6~189.3 mm, with an average of 81.8 mm. The precipitation decreases from south to north, and the difference between north and south is 4.2 times. The precipitation is the largest in Subei, 189.3 mm, and the smallest in Dunhuang, 44.6 mm, which is the lowest in the province. The average annual precipitation days are 32.8 days. The maximum daily precipitation is 93.8 mm, appearing in Subei on June 5, 2012. The annual average relative humidity is 41%~47%. The annual average evaporation is 2100~3300mm, which is the largest area in the province.
The total annual sunshine hours are 3096.6~3403.7 hours, with an average of 3215 hours. The average wind speed is 2.0~4.4 m/s. It is an area with frequent sandstorm weather in the province, with annual gale days of 6.8~49.2 days and sandstorm days of 0.6~4.4 days.
The frost free period is 143~189 days, and the maximum depth of frozen soil is 98~188 cm. The number of thunderstorm days is 3.2~7.5 days, and the number of hail days is 0.0~1.1 days.
The main meteorological disasters include drought, gale, sandstorm, cold wave, frost, rainstorm, snowstorm, etc.


Rivers in Jiuquan City, divided into Shule River Heihe River Halten River The three major river systems all originate from the Nanshan glacier snow area. From east to west, the tail of Heihe River enters Dingxin from the north of Tiancheng and crosses the easternmost edge of the area. Other rivers in turn are Maying River, Guanshan River, Hongshan River, Fengle River, Hongshuiba River and Beida River (Daolai River) in Jiuquan City, which are the main irrigation water sources. There are Linshui River and Qingshui River in the north of the city, which depend on the underground underground flow to overflow and form numerous springs and streams to form a river for irrigation.
Jiuquan City is naturally divided into flood area and spring area according to water source conditions. Jinta has Beida River flowing into Yuanyangchi Reservoir to irrigate Jinta Basin; Baiyang River, Chijin River and Shule River in Yumen City. Qianer River irrigates the land to the east of Yumen Town, and Shule River irrigates the land to the west of Yumen Town; Anxi is located in the middle and lower reaches of Shule River, and Yulin River irrigation basin; Dunhuang has Dang River, which flows to North Lake and joins Shule River before flowing into Hala Lake. Generally, Shule River has no water entering the country, so Dang River system is the irrigation water source of Dunhuang City. The annual runoff of the above rivers is about 3.334 billion cubic meters. Due to the climate, the water inflow varies greatly in different periods, and the water volume is unstable. From July to October every year, it is the wet season, and the dry season is very long. 5. In June and February, the water volume rose rapidly, which was closely related to the abundance and decline of agriculture. [16]
Jiuquan City spans three water systems, namely Heihe River, Shule River and Sugan Lake. There are 19 major rivers in Jiuquan City, all originating from the southern Qilian Mountains and Altun Mountains. According to the third survey and evaluation of water resources in Gansu Province and the analysis of the results of the evaluation of the carrying capacity of water resources in Jiuquan County, the total water resources in Jiuquan City is 4.103 billion cubic meters, including 3.954 billion cubic meters of surface water resources, and 149 million cubic meters of net resources of the part of groundwater deducting the duplication of surface water. In 2022, the per capita water resources will be 2929.5 cubic meters, an increase of 0.02% over the previous year. The total storage capacity of large (medium) reservoirs was 2.494 billion cubic meters, an increase of 22.6% over the end of the previous year. The total water consumption of the year was 2.09 billion cubic meters, up 1.1% over the previous year, of which domestic water consumption was 70 million cubic meters, up 34.7%; Industrial water consumption was 80 million cubic meters, down 1.2%; Agricultural water consumption was 1.66 billion cubic meters, down 0.6%; Ecological water consumption was 290 million cubic meters, up 5.9%. The per capita water consumption was 1988.4 cubic meters, up 1.1%. [52]

natural resources


land resource

As of April 2022, the total supply of construction land in Jiuquan City is 2606.7 hectares, an increase of 31.9% over the previous year. The cultivated land reserve is 302000 hectares, including 200000 hectares of basic farmland protection area. The actual construction occupies 282.6 hectares of cultivated land, and 93.3 hectares of additional cultivated land for land consolidation, reclamation and development. [18]
By October 2023, the total land area of the city is 16808300 square kilometers, and the wetland area is 48000 square kilometers; The cultivated land area is 4600400 mu; The planting area is 500200 mu; The forest land area is 11.5967 million mu; The grassland area is 79285500 mu; 1.0547 million mu of land for towns, villages and industrial and mining areas; 860200 mu of land for transportation; 2.7195 million mu of land for water area and water conservancy facilities; Other land covers an area of 96200 square kilometers. [86]

Biological resources

As of April 2022, the afforestation area of Jiuquan City is 183000 mu, an increase of 32000 mu over the previous year. At the end of the year, the forest area was 11.21 million mu, with a forest coverage rate of 5.55%. [18]
As of April 2022, Jiuquan has 29 original nature reserves of all levels and types, with a total area of 4.5537 million hectares, accounting for 27.1% of the land area of Jiuquan City. [40] 28 nature reserves of all levels and types have been established. Among them, there are 5 national nature reserves, 5 national desert parks, 2 national wetland parks, 1 national scenic spot, 9 provincial-level nature reserves, 2 provincial-level forest (desert) parks, and 5 geological parks. The total area of the protected area demarcation vector is 4.5846 million hectares, accounting for 27.29% of the total land area of Jiuquan City. [39]
Main protected areas under the jurisdiction of Jiuquan City
National Nature Reserve
National Desert Park
National Wetland Park
Jiuquan Liufen Wetland National Wetland Park
Provincial nature reserves
Subei Mazong Mountain North Goat Provincial Nature Reserve
Aksay Xiaosugan Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Aksay Great Sugan Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Guazhou Tangdun Lake Provincial Nature Reserve
Yumen Ganhaizi Provincial Nature Reserve
Yumen Changmahe Provincial Nature Reserve
Yumen Nanshan Provincial Nature Reserve
Jinta Elaeagnus angustifolia Yuanzi Provincial Nature Reserve
Dunhuang Yadan Geological Relics Provincial Nature Reserve [97]

mineral resources

Jiuquan is a large city of mineral resources, with superior metallogenic geological conditions, complete mineral varieties, and obvious advantages in ferrous, precious and non-metallic minerals. 97 kinds of minerals have been found in the city, of which 73 kinds have been found. There are 415 proven ore producing areas, including 21 energy ore producing areas, 74 ferrous metals, 50 non-ferrous metals, 88 precious metals, 8 rare metals, 2 rare earth metals and 172 nonmetals; According to the reserve scale, there are 26 large ore producing areas, 49 medium-sized ore producing areas and 340 small ore producing areas. Among the minerals identified, there are 15 kinds of minerals, including chromium, vanadium, tungsten, niobium tantalum, rubidium, scandium, chrysotile asbestos, andalusite, kyanite, magnesite, phosphorus, crystalline graphite, limestone, quartzite, and granite for decoration, ranking first in the province. The top three are iron, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, gold, fluorite, barite, dolomite, gypsum 13 kinds of bentonite, etc.
The distribution of mineral resources in Jiuquan City is relatively concentrated. Subei County has obvious advantages in coal, iron, chromium, copper, lead and zinc, nickel, tungsten, gold, crystalline graphite, magnesite and gypsum; Manganese ore, niobium tantalum, cement limestone, chrysotile, kyanite and clay are concentrated in Aksay County; Dunhuang has obvious advantages in vanadium, tungsten, phosphorus and facing stones; The reserves of iron, copper, lead and zinc, andalusite and quartzite in Jinta County are relatively high in the whole city; Guazhou County has prominent advantages in gold, lead and zinc and other metal minerals, while stone, quartzite and crystalline graphite have certain advantages; Yumen gold, fluorite, quartzite and limestone have great potential for development and utilization.
Beishan area is one of the 19 major metallogenic belts determined by the national mineral resources planning, with huge mineral resources potential. Subei Tulu Coal Mine Area, Hongshan Qijiaojing Iron Mine Area, Hongliuxia Daaobaogou Crystalline Graphite Mine Area, and Dunhuang Xiaodushan Tungsten Mine Area are listed as national key planning mining areas. [41] [86]

clean energy

Jiuquan has sufficient sunshine and abundant solar energy resources. The annual sunshine hours are 3033.4-3316.5 hours. It is rich in heat resources and water resources, and has great potential for solar energy and wind energy development. The total annual solar radiation in the whole district is between 145.6-153.8 kcal/cm2.
Jiuquan has sufficient wind energy, light and heat resources. Guazhou and Yumen in Jiuquan are known as the "World Wind Reservoir" and "World Air Outlet". The total reserves of wind energy resources are 150 million kilowatts, and the exploitable capacity is more than 40 million kilowatts, accounting for more than 85% of the province's reserves. The annual output of wind energy is 45.7D2 horsepower/hour, and the usable area is nearly 10000 square kilometers, It was approved by the state as the first "10 million kilowatt wind power base". [16]

water resource

Jiuquan City spans three water systems, namely Heihe River, Shule River and Sugan Lake. There are 19 major rivers in Jiuquan City, all originating from the southern Qilian Mountains and Altun Mountains. According to the third survey and evaluation of water resources in Gansu Province and the analysis of the results of the evaluation of the carrying capacity of water resources in Jiuquan County, the total water resources in Jiuquan City is 4.103 billion cubic meters, including 3.954 billion cubic meters of surface water resources, and 149 million cubic meters of net resources of the part of groundwater deducting the duplication of surface water. [18] The available water resources in Jiuquan City are 3.086 billion cubic meters, of which the available surface water is 2.219 billion cubic meters and the exploitable groundwater is 866 million cubic meters. [26]
In 2022, the per capita water resources will be 2929.5 cubic meters, an increase of 0.02% over the previous year. The total storage capacity of large (medium) reservoirs was 2.494 billion cubic meters, an increase of 22.6% over the end of the previous year. The total water consumption of the year was 2.09 billion cubic meters, up 1.1% over the previous year, of which domestic water consumption was 70 million cubic meters, up 34.7%; Industrial water consumption was 80 million cubic meters, down 1.2%; Agricultural water consumption was 1.66 billion cubic meters, down 0.6%; Ecological water consumption was 290 million cubic meters, up 5.9%. The per capita water consumption was 1988.4 cubic meters, up 1.1%. [18]



population size

According to the data of the seventh population census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Jiuquan City is 1055706. [45]
In 2021, Jiuquan will have 1.0533 million permanent residents, a decrease of 1700 over the previous year, including 686900 urban residents, accounting for 65.22% of the total population, 1.02 percentage points higher than the end of the previous year. The annual birth population was 8200, with a birth rate of 7.78 ‰; 7900 people died, with a mortality rate of 7.52 ‰; The natural growth rate is 0.26 ‰. [15]
By the end of 2022, the permanent population of Jiuquan City will be 1.0531 million, a decrease of 2000 over the end of the previous year. Among them, the urban population is 694000, accounting for 65.9% of the permanent population (urbanization rate of permanent population), 0.68 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. The annual birth population was 7200, with a birth rate of 6.8 ‰; The death toll was 8200, with a mortality rate of 7.74 ‰; The natural population growth rate is -0.94 ‰. [43]
By the end of 2023, Jiuquan City has a permanent population of 1042700, 10400 fewer than the end of the previous year. Among them, the urban population is 699400, accounting for 67.07% of the permanent population (urbanization rate of permanent population), an increase of 1.17 percentage points over the end of last year. The annual birth population was 6500, with a birth rate of 6.19 ‰; The death toll was 8600, with a mortality rate of 8.22 ‰; The natural population growth rate is -2.04 ‰.
Change of permanent population in Jiuquan City (2018~2022)
Reference source [15] [43] [45-47]

Ethnic Composition

Jiuquan has more than 40 ethnic groups, including Han, Mongolian, Kazak and Hui, with a total population of 1.132 million. [16]


Main leaders
full name
Municipal Party Committee
Standing Committee Member, Secretary General
municipal government
Vice Mayor
Li Shengqian, Pang Qi, Zhao Zhigang, Jin Qiaorong, Chen Guoxi, Yang Dong, He Zheng army [89] Zheng Xianghui [95]
Secretary general
Municipal CPPCC
Vice Chairman of the CPPCC
Yang Guowen, Chai Xi
Note: Data up to 2024 February [44] [87] [90-91] [94-96]




In 2021, Jiuquan's GDP will be 76.27 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year and an average growth of 7.5% over the two years. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 13.3 billion yuan, up 10.9% over the previous year; The added value of the secondary industry was 32.98 billion yuan, up 9.4%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 29.99 billion yuan, up 7.6%. The ratio of three industrial structures is 17.4:43.3:39.3. The per capita GDP was 72356 yuan, an increase of 9.2% over the previous year. The added value of the top ten ecological industries was 27.11 billion yuan, accounting for 35.5% of the regional GDP. [15]
In 2022, Jiuquan's GDP will be 84.09 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 14.33 billion yuan, up 6.5%; The added value of the secondary industry was 37.13 billion yuan, up 5.6%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 32.63 billion yuan, up 6.5%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 17% of the regional GDP, the added value of the secondary industry accounted for 44.2%, and the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 38.8%. According to the permanent population, the annual per capita GDP was 79840 yuan, an increase of 6.2% over the previous year. [43]
In 2023, Jiuquan's GDP will be 90.87 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 15.14 billion yuan, up 6.6%; The added value of the secondary industry was 40.38 billion yuan, up 10.8%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 35.35 billion yuan, up 8.1%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 16.7% of the GDP, the added value of the secondary industry accounted for 44.4%, and the added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 38.9%. According to the permanent population, the annual per capita GDP was 86714 yuan, an increase of 9.5% over the previous year. The added value of the city's top ten ecological industries throughout the year was 30.48 billion yuan, accounting for 33.5% of the city's regional GDP. The fixed asset investment of the whole city increased by 21.4% over the previous year, and the investment in the primary industry decreased by 26% according to the three industries; Investment in the secondary industry increased by 30.2%, of which industrial investment increased by 30.2%; Investment in the tertiary industry increased by 16.6%. Among the city's fixed asset investment, infrastructure investment increased by 17.7% over the previous year, accounting for 17.1% of the fixed asset investment. Private fixed asset investment increased by 29.3% over the previous year, accounting for 52.6% of fixed asset investment. The annual project investment increased by 23.7% over the previous year. Among them, the investment in manufacturing industry increased by 34.4%, the investment in power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries increased by 23.7%, the investment in transportation, storage and postal services increased by 18.4%, and the investment in water conservancy, environment and public facilities management increased by 40.8%. Investment in real estate development decreased by 12.5% over the previous year. Among them, investment in residential buildings fell by 9.4%, that in office buildings by 20.6%, and that in commercial buildings by 28.1%. The housing construction area was 4.263 million square meters, up 15.3%. The newly started housing area was 1.124 million square meters, an increase of 24.2%. The completed housing area was 473000 square meters, an increase of 76.7%. The sales area of commercial housing was 1.003 million square meters, down 16.8%. The general public budget revenue of the whole city was 5.58 billion yuan, an increase of 49.6% over the previous year, of which the tax revenue was 3.43 billion yuan, an increase of 60.5%; Non tax income was 2.15 billion yuan, up 35%. From the perspective of main taxes, the domestic value-added tax was 1.38 billion yuan, an increase of 272.5%; Enterprise income tax was 300 million yuan, up 47.1%; Individual income tax was 70 million yuan, down 1%. The general public budget expenditure was 20.86 billion yuan, an increase of 13.9% over the previous year. [98]
Reference source [15] [43] [46-48]

primary industry

The agricultural type of Jiuquan City is Irrigated agriculture , domestic Hexi Corridor Irrigation Agricultural Area It is the most important agricultural area in Gansu Province, the famous irrigated agricultural area in the northwest inland of China, and the most important Commodity grain base And concentrated production areas of cash crops, providing more than 2/3 Commercial grain , almost all cotton , 9/10 beet , more than 2/5 Oil Beer barley and fruits and vegetables. Main planting in flat oasis area spring wheat barley Millet , millet Corn , and a small amount rice sorghum Potato Oil crops are mainly Flax Melons watermelon , baby melon and White orchid melon , fruit trees with dates Pear Apple Mainly. The piedmont area is mainly planted with summer cereals Highland barley Rye Broad bean peas Potato and rape Hexi has developed animal husbandry. For example, Shandan Mayingtan has been a famous military horse farm since ancient times. [5] The regional development pattern of efficient vegetables mainly in Suzhou, Jinta, Yumen, Guazhou, and Dunhuang, modern seed production mainly in Suzhou, Jinta, and Yumen, famous and high-quality fruits mainly in Dunhuang, Guazhou, and Jinta, characteristic Chinese medicinal materials mainly in Yumen and Guazhou, and strong sheep raising counties or counties in seven counties (cities, districts) has been initially formed. [27]
In 2022, the sown area of crops in Jiuquan will be 3.244 million mu, an increase of 80000 mu or 2.5% over the previous year. The annual grain planting area was 1.019 million mu, an increase of 14000 mu or 1.4% over the previous year, including 331000 mu of summer grain, an increase of 27000 mu or 9.1%; The area of autumn grain was 688000 mu, down 13000 mu or 2%. The cotton planting area was 231000 mu, an increase of 35000 mu, or 17.6%. The oil planting area was 65000 mu, decreased by 32000 mu, or 33.2%. The vegetable planting area was 587000 mu, an increase of 52000 mu, or 9.7%. The planting area of medicinal materials was 432000 mu, decreased by 8000 mu, or 1.8%. The planting area of melons and spice crops was 319000 mu, an increase of 15000 mu, or 4.9%. The orchard area was 188000 mu, decreasing by 2000 mu or 1.2%.
In 2022, Jiuquan will produce 565000 tons of grain, an increase of 2.5% over the previous year, including 157000 tons of summer grain, an increase of 9.7%; The output of autumn grain was 408000 tons, with a reduction of 0.2%. The cotton output was 31000 tons, with an increase of 25.5%. The oil production was 13000 tons, with a reduction of 28.5%. The vegetable output was 1.823 million tons, increasing by 10%. The fruit output was 283000 tons, with a reduction of 0.6%. The output of medicinal materials was 105000 tons, with a reduction of 2.5%.
In 2022, Jiuquan will raise 303000 cattle, an increase of 5.6% over the previous year, including 158000 on hand, an increase of 5.9%; 144000 units were sold, up 5.3%. The number of sheep raised was 7.78 million, an increase of 11% over the previous year, of which 3.735 million were on hand, an increase of 10%; 4.045 million were sold, up 12%. The number of pigs raised was 618000, an increase of 7.3% over the previous year, of which 236000 were on hand, an increase of 5.5%; 382000 products were sold, up 8.4%. The number of poultry raised was 11.967 million, an increase of 11.4% over the previous year, of which 7.55 million were sold, an increase of 7.8%. The total meat output of the year was 119000 tons, an increase of 10.2% over the previous year. The output of milk was 24000 tons, an increase of 20.1% over the previous year. The output of poultry eggs was 13000 tons, an increase of 12.3% over the previous year. The output of aquatic products was 2000 tons, up 4.6% from the previous year. [51]
Strategic emerging industry in Jiuquan is new energy Equipment manufacturing New materials Industry Pharmaceuticals Industry information-technology industry and Energy conservation and environmental protection industry Among the five industries above designated size in Jiuquan, equipment manufacturing, power, petrochemical, metallurgy, nonferrous metals, building materials, food, etc. are the pillar industries. Gradually form a development pattern with new energy and new energy equipment manufacturing industry as the leading industry, petrochemical industry, coal chemical industry and fine chemical industry, non-metallic and building materials, metallurgy, nonferrous metals, agricultural product processing, and medicine as the support. The production field involves 28 industry categories. [24]
Dunhuang Capital Energy Saving 100 MW Tower Molten Salt Project
In 2022, the total industrial added value of Jiuquan City will be 33.4 billion yuan, an increase of 5% over the previous year. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 8.1%. In industries above designated size, the added value of state-owned enterprises increased by 15.5%, joint-stock enterprises by 6.1%, and foreign-invested enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan investors dropped by 17%, depending on the type of economy. In terms of subordinate relationship, the central enterprises decreased by 2.7%, local enterprises increased by 22.4%, and other enterprises increased by 18.4%. In light and heavy industries, light industry grew by 4.3% and heavy industry by 8.2%. In terms of categories, the mining industry grew by 28.6%, the manufacturing industry grew by 3%, and the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water declined by 2.2%.
In 2022, among the industries above designated size in Jiuquan, the added value of petrochemical industry will increase by 2.1%, power industry will decrease by 2.3%, building materials industry will increase by 1.2%, equipment manufacturing industry will increase by 15.1%, coal industry will increase by 86.7%, metallurgical industry will decrease by 15.8%, nonferrous industry will decrease by 6.4%, food industry will increase by 6%, and pharmaceutical industry will increase by 8.2%. The added value of strategic emerging industries decreased by 18.3% over the previous year, accounting for 11.6% of the added value of industries above designated size. The industrial added value of wind power generation enterprises decreased by 15.3%, accounting for 10% of the industrial added value above designated size; The industrial added value of wind power generation equipment manufacturing enterprises increased by 25.1%, accounting for 4.7% of the industrial added value above designated size. [51]
In 2022, Jiuquan's installed power generation capacity will be 24.995 million kilowatts, an increase of 21.4% over the previous year. Among them, the installed capacity of thermal power is 3.443 million kilowatts; Hydropower installed capacity 502000 kW; The installed capacity of grid connected wind power was 14.63 million kilowatts, up 17.5%; The installed capacity of grid connected solar power generation was 6.39 million kilowatts, up 53.2%; The installed capacity of biomass power generation is 30000 kW.
In 2022, industrial enterprises above designated size in Jiuquan will achieve an operating revenue of 67.6 billion yuan, up 30.3% over the previous year. The cost per 100 yuan of operating income was 79.1 yuan, an increase of 1.1 yuan over the previous year; The operating income profit margin was 5.6%, up 2.8 percentage points. At the end of the year, the asset liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size was 64%, 0.5 percentage point lower than that at the end of the previous year.
In 2022, the added value of Jiuquan's construction industry will be 3.74 billion yuan, an increase of 10.1% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 211 general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with qualification levels, 42 more than at the end of the previous year. [51]
In 2023, the sown area of crops in Jiuquan will be 3.366 million mu, an increase of 122000 mu over the previous year. The annual grain planting area was 1.024 million mu, an increase of 5000 mu, including 338000 mu of summer grain, an increase of 7000 mu; The area of autumn grain is 686000 mu, reducing 2000 mu. The cotton planting area is 232000 mu, an increase of 1000 mu. The oil planting area is 69000 mu, an increase of 5000 mu. The vegetable planting area is 627000 mu, an increase of 40000 mu. The planting area of medicinal materials is 439000 mu, an increase of 7000 mu. The planting area of melons and spice crops was 353000 mu, an increase of 33000 mu. The orchard area is 187000 mu, reducing by 1000 mu. The annual grain output was 576000 tons, an increase of 1.9% over the previous year, including 163000 tons of summer grain, an increase of 4%; The output of autumn grain was 413000 tons, an increase of 1.1%. The cotton output was 32000 tons, an increase of 3.7%. The oil production was 15000 tons, an increase of 9.2%. The vegetable output was 1.913 million tons, an increase of 5%. The fruit output was 289000 tons, an increase of 2.4%. The output of medicinal materials was 109000 tons, an increase of 4.2%. The number of cattle raised in the city was 318000, an increase of 6.1% over the previous year, of which 166000 were on hand, an increase of 5%; 152000 units were sold, up 7.4%. The number of sheep raised was 8.661 million, an increase of 11.3% over the previous year, of which 4.019 million were on hand, an increase of 7.6%; 4.641 million were sold, up 14.8%. The number of pigs raised was 651000, up 5.4% over the previous year, of which 235000 were on hand, down 0.6%; 417000 were sold, up 9.1%. The number of poultry raised was 12.883 million, an increase of 7.6% over the previous year, of which 8.041 million were sold, an increase of 6.5%. The total output of meat in the year was 134000 tons, an increase of 12% over the previous year. Milk output was 28000 tons, up 15%. The output of poultry eggs was 14000 tons, up 12.9%. The output of aquatic products was 2000 tons, up 2.7%. [98]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Night View of Jiuquan City
In 2022, the added value of Jiuquan's wholesale and retail industry will be 5.3 billion yuan, up 7.7% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 3.9 billion yuan, up 10.3%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 1 billion yuan, down 0.2%; The added value of the financial industry was 4.95 billion yuan, up 4.6%; The added value of the real estate industry was 3.28 billion yuan, up 7.8%; The added value of other service industries was 13.07 billion yuan, up 5.8%. The operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size in the city was 5.14 billion yuan, an increase of 22% over the previous year, and the operating profit increased by 78.9%.
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Jiuquan will be 31 billion yuan, up 6.5% over the previous year. According to the statistics of business locations, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 22.84 billion yuan, up 5.7%; The retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 8.16 billion yuan, up 8.9%. According to the consumption pattern, the retail sales of goods were 27.24 billion yuan, up 6.4%; Catering revenue was 3.75 billion yuan, up 7.8%.
In 2022, the retail sales of grain and oil, food, tobacco and alcohol, clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles, cosmetics, gold, silver and jewelry, daily necessities and household appliances will increase by 48%, 112.8%, 23.2%, 82.4%, 34.4%, 99.1%, 20.2% and 12.2% respectively, of the retail sales of the above designated units in Jiuquan City, Cultural and office supplies declined by 23.9%, furniture by 64.9%, communication equipment by 28.3%, oil and products by 17.2%, and automobiles by 17.4%. [51]
In 2022, the total revenue of Jiuquan's postal and telecommunications business will be 200 million yuan, up 5.7% over the previous year; Postal service revenue reached 280 million yuan, up 10.3%. The postal industry completed 346000 postal letters and 14000 parcels in the whole year; The express business volume was 7.419 million, up 13.6%; The express business revenue was 190 million yuan, up 9.2%. The revenue from telecommunications business was 1.08 billion yuan, up 6.3% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 1.611 million telephone users, including 1.342 million mobile phone users, 796000 4G mobile phone users and 474000 5G mobile phone users. The penetration rate of mobile phones was 127.4 per 100 people, an increase of 1.6 per 100 people over the previous year. 602000 fixed Internet broadband access users, 48000 more than at the end of the previous year.
In 2022, Jiuquan will receive 15.398 million domestic and foreign tourists, down 60% from the previous year; The tourism revenue reached 8.28 billion yuan, down 76% over the previous year.
By the end of 2022, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Jiuquan City was 136.96 billion yuan, an increase of 13.8% over the end of the previous year, of which the balance of RMB deposits was 136.76 billion yuan, an increase of 13.9%. The balance of local and foreign currency loans of financial institutions was 94.81 billion yuan, an increase of 10.9% over the end of the previous year, of which the balance of RMB loans was 94.4 billion yuan, an increase of 10.8%.
In 2022, the premium income of Jiuquan insurance companies will be 4.32 billion yuan, down 1.4% over the previous year; All kinds of compensation and payments were 1.12 billion yuan, up 2%. [51]
In 2023, the total industrial added value of Jiuquan City will be 35.82 billion yuan, an increase of 9.6% over the previous year. The added value of industries above designated size increased by 11.6%. In industries above designated size, the added value of state-owned enterprises increased by 10%, joint-stock enterprises by 11.2%, and foreign-funded enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested enterprises by 19.4%, depending on the type of economy. In terms of subordinate relationship, the added value of central enterprises increased by 8.2%, local enterprises by 14.3%, and other enterprises by 15.2%. In terms of light and heavy industries, the added value of light industry increased by 27.9% and that of heavy industry by 11.2%. By category, the added value of the mining industry increased by 2.8%, the manufacturing industry increased by 19%, and the power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries increased by 5.7%. Among industries above designated size, the added value of petrochemical industry increased by 10.8%, power industry by 6.3%, building materials industry by 18.6%, equipment manufacturing industry by 51.6%, coal industry by 9.1%, metallurgical industry by 4.6%, non-ferrous industry by 11.4%, food industry by 7.6%, and pharmaceutical industry by 5.4%. The added value of strategic emerging industries increased by 7.6% over the previous year, accounting for 15% of the added value of industries above designated size. The industrial added value of wind power generation enterprises increased by 3.5%, accounting for 9.9% of the industrial added value above designated size; The industrial added value of wind power generation equipment manufacturing enterprises increased by 50.2%, accounting for 6.3% of the industrial added value above designated size. At the end of the year, the installed power generation capacity of the city was 34.086 million kilowatts, an increase of 36.4% over the end of the previous year. Among them, the installed capacity of thermal power was 5.443 million kilowatts, up 58.1%; The installed hydropower capacity was 523000 kilowatts, up 4.2%; The installed capacity of grid connected wind power was 18.03 million kilowatts, up 23.2%; The installed capacity of grid connected solar power generation was 9.3 million kilowatts, up 45.5%; The installed capacity of biomass power generation is 30000 kW. In the whole year, the operating revenue of industrial enterprises above designated size in the city was 80.98 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% over the previous year. The cost per 100 yuan of operating income was 79.5 yuan, an increase of 0.2 yuan over the previous year; The operating income profit margin was 7.5%, up 2.3 percentage points. At the end of the year, the asset liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size was 63%, 1.1 percentage points lower than that at the end of the previous year. The added value of the city's construction industry throughout the year was 4.61 billion yuan, an increase of 21.1% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 250 general contracting and professional contracting construction enterprises with qualification levels, 39 more than at the end of the previous year. [98]
Service industry
In 2023, the added value of Jiuquan's wholesale and retail industry will be 5.76 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4% over the previous year; The added value of transportation, warehousing and postal services was 4.86 billion yuan, up 17.2%; The added value of accommodation and catering industry was 1.24 billion yuan, up 23.7%; The added value of the financial industry was 5.17 billion yuan, up 8.9%; The added value of the real estate industry was 3.08 billion yuan, down 4%; The added value of other service industries was 13.96 billion yuan, up 6.6%. The operating revenue of service enterprises above designated size in the city was 6.94 billion yuan, up 16.7% over the previous year, and the operating profit decreased by 344%. The annual road freight volume was 38.625 million tons, up 9.1% over the previous year; The turnover of goods was 12.19 billion ton kilometers, up 23.7%. The highway passenger traffic volume was 25.035 million, up 69% over the previous year; Passenger turnover reached 1.84 billion person kilometers, up 104.7%. At the end of the year, the total mileage of highways in the city was 17690.8 kilometers, including 1083.8 kilometers of expressways and 16493.1 kilometers of classified highways. At the end of the year, there were 269000 civil cars in the city, an increase of 7.8% over the end of the previous year, including 240000 private cars, an increase of 7%. The number of civilian cars was 105000, up 7.1%, including 100000 private cars, up 6.9%. In the whole year, the total business volume of the postal industry was 250 million yuan, an increase of 28.7% over the previous year; Postal service revenue reached 360 million yuan, up 28.8%. The postal industry completed 437000 postal letters and 12000 parcels in the whole year; The express business volume was 10.861 million, up 46.4%; The express business revenue was 260 million yuan, up 35.2%. In the whole year, the revenue from telecommunications services reached 1.18 billion yuan, up 9.2% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 1.653 million telephone users, including 1.395 million mobile phone users, 636000 4G mobile phone users and 683000 5G mobile phone users. The mobile phone penetration rate was 133.1 units/100 people, an increase of 5.7 units/100 people over the previous year. 657000 fixed Internet broadband access users, an increase of 55000 over the end of the previous year. Among them, 651000 fixed Internet fiber broadband access users, 49000 more than the end of the previous year. The penetration rate of fixed broadband access users was 62.7 units/100 people, an increase of 5.6 units/100 people over the previous year. Mobile Internet user access traffic throughout the year was 237 million GB, an increase of 11.8% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there were 1.068 million Internet broadband access ports, up 14.6%. The added value of information transmission, software and information technology services in the whole year was 470 million yuan, up 7% over the previous year. [98]
Domestic trade and foreign economy
In 2023, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Jiuquan will be 34.54 billion yuan, an increase of 11.4% over the previous year. According to the statistics of business location, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 25.34 billion yuan, up 11%; The retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 9.21 billion yuan, up 12.8%. According to the consumption pattern, the retail sales of goods were 29.75 billion yuan, up 9.2%; Catering revenue was 4.79 billion yuan, up 27.6%. Among the retail sales of commodities above the designated size in the city, the retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 20.6% over the previous year, the retail sales of beverages increased by 51.8%, the retail sales of tobacco and alcohol increased by 1.1%, the retail sales of clothing, shoes and hats, knitwear and textiles increased by 180.9%, the retail sales of cosmetics increased by 97.3%, the retail sales of gold, silver and jewelry increased by 673.9%, the retail sales of daily necessities decreased by 10.3%, the retail sales of household appliances and audio-visual equipment increased by 10.4%, and the retail sales of cultural and office supplies, Furniture increased by 178.3%, communication equipment by 26%, oil and products by 9.2%, and automobiles by 14.2%. At the end of the year, there were 424 foreign trade import and export enterprises in the city, 44 more than at the end of the previous year. The total import and export volume of the year was 1.64 billion yuan, an increase of 114.2% over the previous year, of which the export volume was 1.49 billion yuan, an increase of 128.8%; Imports were 150 million yuan, up 29.3%. 982 construction projects were started in the whole year, including 527 foreign investment projects and 532 completed and put into operation projects. In the whole year, 75.75 billion yuan of funds were introduced, up 10.4%. [98]
By the end of 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits of financial institutions in Jiuquan City was 145.69 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4% over the end of the previous year, of which the balance of RMB deposits was 145.54 billion yuan, an increase of 6.4%. The balance of local and foreign currency loans of financial institutions was 115.07 billion yuan, an increase of 21.4% over the end of the previous year, of which the balance of RMB loans was 114.66 billion yuan, an increase of 21.5%. [98]
In 2023, Jiuquan will receive 46.07 million domestic and foreign tourists, an increase of 199.2% over the previous year; The tourism revenue reached 38.84 billion yuan, an increase of 369.1% over the previous year. [98]




By the end of 2022, Jiuquan will have 17529.3 kilometers of roads, including 1083.8 kilometers of expressways and 16206.6 kilometers of classified roads. Jiuquan has 250000 civilian cars, up 6.8% from the end of last year, including 225000 private cars, up 6.5%. The number of civilian cars was 98000, up 6.2%, including 93000 private cars, up 6.5%.
By the end of 2022, Jiuquan's road transport freight volume will be 35.41 million tons, down 8% over the previous year; The turnover of goods was 9.86 billion ton kilometers, an increase of 41.2%. The highway passenger traffic volume was 14.81 million, down 48.7% over the previous year; The passenger turnover volume was 900 million person kilometers, down 51.7%. [51]


Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway And the second double line dunhuang railway Across Jiuquan. In 2004, Jiuquan Section of Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway mainly consisted of 22 stations from east to west, namely Qingshui, Shangheqing and Xiaheqing. Jingtieshan was a mining station, Yumen South Station was an oil station, and the rest were passenger and freight stations. On December 26, 2021, the Jiuquan Dongfeng section of Jiuquan Ejin Banner Railway will be officially opened to traffic, marking that Jiuquan has achieved the goal of connecting the county to the county railway. [37]
Trunk railway
Jiuquan Section of Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway, Dunhuang (Andun) Railway
Special railway
Yumen Oilfield Dedicated Railway, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Dedicated Railway, Jiuquan South Suburb Dedicated Railway


Jiuquan has two civil airports and two dual-use airports.
Airport name
be located Jiayuguan City It is 12 kilometers away from the northeast, 18 kilometers away from the north of Jiuquan, and 10 kilometers away from Gansu Xinjiang Highway in the south. It is a domestic branch airport.
It is located on the south side of National Highway 313, 12 kilometers east of Dunhuang City, and was completed and opened to navigation in October 1982.
Xiaheqing Airport

Public transportation

By 2022, the urban area of Jiuquan City includes two expressways, Jiujia Expressway and Suhang Highway, and 29 main roads, including West Street, East Street, Binhe North Road, Century Avenue, Jiefang Road, and Jinquan Road. Among them, 18.622 kilometers are expressways, 79.831 kilometers are trunk roads, 56.324 kilometers are secondary trunk roads, and 30.238 kilometers are branch roads, with a total length of 185.015 kilometers. By the end of 2022, Jiuquan urban area will open 27 regular bus lines, and Jiuquan Jiayuguan intercity bus lines, with a total length of 279.4 kilometers, 154 new energy or clean energy buses, and an annual passenger capacity of 20.54 million people.
By 2022, Jiuquan City has opened and operated three urban and rural bus lines and operated 38 departures. There are three bus parking lots in Jiuquan City, and 442 bus stops have been built, including 12 bay stops, with a coverage rate of 83% for 500 meter stops. Two smart bus platforms and one monitoring center have been built and put into use. Jiujiang Jiaxing intercity bus has been opened, with 15 operating vehicles and a total length of 19.5 kilometers. [36]
In order to implement the urban transport policy of "giving priority to the development of public transport", the city and the transportation department of Suzhou District comprehensively considered the economic and social development of Suzhou District, the public transport travel demand of residents, the urban development strategy and industrial layout and other factors. On the basis of the existing public transport network, the city bus route optimization project of Suzhou District was implemented, and the existing public transport network was optimized and adjusted. After optimization and adjustment, the original 20 bus routes have been increased to 23, including 19 regular lines, 2 characteristic lines and 2 Jiujia intercity lines. The length of public transport network increased from 99.86 km to 183.24 km, an increase of 83.50%; The network density has increased from 1.31 km/km2 to 3.16 km/km2, an increase of 141.22%; After optimization and adjustment, the network coverage rate of the old urban area reached 95.28%, and that of the new urban area reached 88.27%. The performance indicators of the public transportation network in Jiuquan urban area have been greatly improved, which can better meet the travel needs of citizens. [49]

social undertakings



Jiuquan Dunhuang Middle School
By 2021, there will be 1 ordinary university, 11 ordinary secondary professional schools, 96 ordinary primary schools, 191 kindergartens and 2 special education schools in Jiuquan; There are 55 ordinary middle schools, including 4 complete middle schools, 11 senior middle schools, 39 junior middle schools and 1 12 year consistent school. Various schools cover an area of 8.344 million square meters, including 5.342 million square meters for ordinary primary and secondary schools. The school building covers an area of 2.544 million square meters, including 1.504 million square meters for ordinary primary and secondary schools. The sports ground covers an area of 1.83 million square meters, with a book collection of 4.97 million.
By 2022, there will be 4235 college students, 13244 students and 4460 graduates in Jiuquan. Secondary vocational education enrolled 3462 students, 10928 students and 3571 graduates. There are 7325 students enrolled in ordinary high schools, 21022 students on campus and 7153 graduates. There are 9882 junior high school students, 30634 students and 11041 graduates. The general primary school enrolls 9660 students, 60150 students and 10046 graduates. Special education enrolls 12 students, 130 students and 23 graduates. There are 35103 children in the kindergarten. The consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education is 99.74%, and the gross enrollment rate of high school education is 96.82%. [51]
In 2023, there will be 4320 college students, 12507 students and 4821 graduates in Jiuquan. Secondary vocational education enrolled 2844 students, 9086 students and 4135 graduates. There are 7649 students enrolled in ordinary high schools, 21778 students at school and 6759 graduates. There are 9660 junior high school students, 29739 students and 10561 graduates. Regular primary schools enrolled 12148 students, 62410 students and 9722 graduates. Special education enrolled 90 students, 514 students and 117 graduates. There are 32843 children in the kindergarten. The consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education is 99.78%, and the gross enrollment rate of high school education is 96.84%. [98]
Some schools in Jiuquan
Ordinary colleges and universities
Provincial Demonstration High School
Dunhuang Middle School
Gansu Jinta Middle School
Yumen Oilfield No.1 Middle School [56]

Science and technology

By the end of 2021, there will be 22864 professional and technical personnel in Jiuquan, including 6584 with intermediate and above professional titles. The government invested 120 million yuan in science and technology, an increase of 59.8% over the previous year. 80 new technological achievements were registered throughout the year, an increase of 7 over the previous year; The number of effective invention patents is 241, and the number of invention patents per 10000 people is 2.28. 167 technical contracts were signed throughout the year, up 35.8% over the previous year; The turnover of technology contracts was 3.64 billion yuan, up 17.4%. [15] In 2022, 88 provincial scientific and technological achievements will be registered, including 3 basic theories, 84 applied technology achievements and 1 soft science achievement. 1227 patents were granted, up 4%, including 45 invention patents, up 40.6%. There are 270 effective invention patents, and the number of invention patents per 10000 people is 2.56. 430 technical contracts were signed throughout the year, up 157% over the previous year; The turnover of technology contracts was 4.41 billion yuan, up 21.1%. [25]
In 2023, Jiuquan will register 113 provincial and municipal scientific and technological achievements, including 7 basic theories, 101 applied technology achievements and 5 soft science achievements. The number of patents granted was 1257, down 1.6%, including 102 invention patents, up 126.7%. 374 effective invention patents, 3.55 invention patents per 10000 people. 772 technical contracts were signed throughout the year, an increase of 79.5% over the previous year; The turnover of technology contracts was 5.2 billion yuan, up 17.9%. [98]
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2022, there will be 3 art performance groups, 6 theaters, 8 cultural centers, and 46 museums and memorials in Jiuquan. There are 8 public libraries with a total collection of 1.053 million books. Throughout the year, 6.73 million newspapers, 13000 magazines and 5.14 million books were published.
By the end of 2022, Jiuquan City will have 15 FM and TV transmission stations, and 8 radio and television stations. The broadcast time of radio programs throughout the year is 25955 hours, and the radio population coverage rate is 100%; The broadcast time of TV programs throughout the year is 49515 hours, and the comprehensive TV population coverage rate is 100%. [51]
By the end of 2023, there will be 3 art performance groups, 6 theaters, 8 cultural centers, and 46 museums and memorials in Jiuquan. There are 8 public libraries with a total collection of 1.191 million books. Throughout the year, 6.784 million newspapers, 15000 magazines and 5.15 million books were published. There are 15 FM and TV transmission stations and 8 radio and television stations in the city. The broadcast time of radio programs throughout the year is 25956.5 hours, and the radio population coverage rate is 100%; The broadcast time of TV programs throughout the year is 49725.4 hours, and the comprehensive population coverage rate of TV programs is 100%. [98]
Main museums (exhibition halls) in Jiuquan
Jiuquan Museum
Suzhou District Museum
Yumen Museum
Guazhou County Museum
Aksay Kazak Ethnic Museum
Memorial Hall of the Anxi Campaign of the Red West Road Army
Yumen "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall
Jiuquan Uprising Memorial Hall
Suzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum
Jiuquan Yushengyuan Gemstone Museum
Dunhuang Nature Museum
Jiuquan Zuo Zongtang Exhibition Hall
Guazhou Qiaowan Museum
Dunhuang Geological and Mineral Museum
Dunhuang Yumenguan Relics Exhibition Hall
Jinta Agricultural Culture Museum
Jinta Black Vinegar Culture Museum
Subei Black Gobi Museum
Subei Yilite Folk Museum
Dunhuang Mogao Agricultural Museum
Yumen Red Culture Museum
Jinta County Museum
Museum of Subei Mongolian Autonomous County
Dunhuang Museum
Jiuquan Folk Custom Museum
Dunhuang Yangguan Museum
Dunhuang Yangguan National Nature Reserve Animal and Plant Specimen Exhibition Hall
Geoscience Museum of Dunhuang Yadan National Geopark
Suzhou Shennong Folk Farming Culture Museum
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center History Exhibition Hall
Jiuquan Wine Culture Museum
Jiuquan Car Culture Museum
Jiuquan Suyun Folk Custom Museum
Erdeni National Folk Museum in Subei
(Dunhuang) Zhenqing Village History Museum, Yangguan Town
Yumen Longding Wine Culture Museum
Guazhou Xuanzang Buddhist Scripture Collection Museum
Guazhou Silk Road Art Museum
Jinta Tibetan Mansion Museum
Jiuquan Stone Culture Museum
Gansu Highway Museum
History Museum of Qigong Village, Guazhou County
Yumen Changma Folk Art Museum
Shangba Memory Museum, Suzhou District
Jiuquan Yugu Folk Custom Museum
Jiuquan Tianbaoshi Cultural Museum


In 2022, there will be 3330 sports venues in Jiuquan City, with an area of 2.541 million square meters and a per capita sports area of 2.28 square meters. 113.5 medals were won in sports throughout the year, including 40.5 gold medals. Sports games were held 300 times, 40 times more than the previous year. In the year, 381 sports talents were sent to various colleges and universities. The number of students who regularly participate in physical exercise is 400000, and the number of school-age students who reach the National Physical Exercise Standards is 112000.
In 2023, there will be 3809 sports venues in Jiuquan City, with an area of 3.194 million square meters and a per capita sports area of 3.04 square meters. Throughout the year, sports won 169 medals, including 40 gold medals. [98]

medical and health work

In 2022, Jiuquan will have 1024 medical and health institutions. There are 41 hospitals, including 18 general hospitals, 8 TCM hospitals and 15 specialized hospitals; 959 primary medical and health institutions, including 16 community health service centers, 77 health centers and 440 village clinics; There are 24 professional public health institutions, including 8 disease prevention and control centers, 8 maternal and child health centers (stations), and 8 health supervision centers (centers). At the end of the year, there were 9572 health technicians, including 3057 licensed doctors, 893 licensed assistant doctors and 4826 registered nurses. There are 8484 beds in medical and health institutions, including 6072 in hospitals and 1694 in health centers. A total of 5.323 million people were diagnosed and treated, and 194000 people were discharged. [53]
By the end of 2023, there are 1011 medical and health institutions in Jiuquan. There are 42 hospitals, including 19 general hospitals, 8 TCM hospitals and 15 specialized hospitals; 953 primary medical and health institutions, including 16 community health service centers, 75 health centers and 440 village clinics; There are 16 professional public health institutions, including 8 disease prevention and control centers and 8 maternal and child health centers (stations). At the end of the year, there were 10460 health technicians, including 3512 licensed doctors, 807 licensed assistant doctors and 5345 registered nurses. There are 8747 beds in medical and health institutions, including 6286 in hospitals and 1694 in health centers. A total of 5.166 million people were diagnosed and treated, and 231000 people were discharged. [98]
Main medical and health institutions in Jiuquan
Jiuquan People's Hospital
Jiuquan Disease Prevention and Control Center (Municipal Health Supervision Institute)
Jiuquan Maternal and Child Health Hospital
Jiuquan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital
Jiuquan Central Blood Station [38]

social security

In 2022, Jiuquan City will have 7 social welfare homes with 452 beds. 29 nursing homes and 3042 residential beds. At the end of the year, there were 80 community service centers and 455 community service stations with a service facility area of no less than 30 square meters per 100 households.
By the end of 2022, there will be 679000 people participating in the basic endowment insurance in Jiuquan, an increase of 15800 over the end of the previous year, with a coverage rate of 98.2%, including 459900 urban and rural residents participating in the endowment insurance. 948700 people participated in basic medical insurance, a decrease of 5700 people. Among them, 183200 people participated in basic medical insurance for employees and 765500 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. 131200 people participated in maternity insurance, an increase of 7600 people. [53] 120500 people participated in unemployment insurance. There are 149300 people covered by industrial injury insurance, including 30000 migrant workers. In the whole year, 1.684 billion yuan of basic pension was paid to enterprise retirees, 105 million yuan of unemployment insurance was paid, and 82 million yuan of work-related injury insurance was paid. At the end of the year, 18000 people in Jiuquan City enjoyed the urban minimum living security, 20000 people enjoyed the rural minimum living security, and 192 million yuan of urban and rural minimum living security was granted throughout the year. [15]
By the end of 2023, 226500 people had participated in the basic endowment insurance for urban employees in Jiuquan, an increase of 7400 over the end of the previous year. 453600 people participated in the basic pension insurance for urban and rural residents, a decrease of 6300 people. 943600 people participated in basic medical insurance, a decrease of 5100 people. Among them, 194500 people participated in basic medical insurance for employees and 749100 people participated in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. 127900 people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 7400 people. At the end of the year, 673 people in the city received unemployment insurance benefits. 158400 people participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 9100 people, including 38400 migrant workers who participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 8300 people. 140200 people participated in maternity insurance, an increase of 9000 people. At the end of the year, a total of 17400 people in the city enjoyed the minimum living security for urban residents, 28300 people enjoyed the minimum living security for rural residents, and 2300 people enjoyed the assistance and support for rural people living in extreme poverty. At the end of the year, there were 400 home and community elderly care service facilities in the city. Among them, there are 28 elderly care service institutions, 25 township (street) comprehensive elderly care service centers, 79 community elderly care service facilities, and 268 village level elderly care service facilities. [98]

environmental protection

In 2022, there will be 313 days of excellent air quality in Jiuquan urban area, accounting for 85.8%, an increase of 16 days year on year. PM ten ), fine particles (PM two point five )All the six indicators above have met the target requirements, and the ambient air quality has reached the national secondary standard for four consecutive years. The standard rate and excellent rate of surface water section quality under national and provincial control in the city are 100%, which have met the assessment objectives for six consecutive years, and the standard rate of drinking water source at county level and above is 100%. The soil environmental quality is safe and controllable. [54]
In 2022, the city will eliminate 9 coal-fired boilers of 370 steam tons, complete the clean heating transformation task of 185 households, and eliminate 3840 old motor vehicles of all kinds; 103 centralized drinking water source protection areas in towns and villages were divided, and 96 were standardized; The rural environment improvement task of 15 administrative villages was completed, the rural domestic sewage treatment rate reached 33.2%, and there was no rural black and odorous water body in the city; 111000 tons of hazardous waste were disposed and utilized, and 6.97 tons of heavy metals were reduced; Completed the construction task of Jiuquan Tongfu Chemical Industry Phase II Project, and repaired 125000 m of contaminated soil three The safe utilization rate of key construction land reached 100%. [55]

Historical culture


cultural relics and historic sites

By 2023, Jiuquan has 1393 immovable cultural relics, including 5 world cultural heritage sites, 22 national key cultural relics protection sites, 65 provincial cultural relics protection sites, 29 municipal cultural relics protection sites, and 850 county-level cultural relics protection sites. [28]

Intangible Cultural Heritage Project

By 2021, Jiuquan City has Hexi scroll Jiuquan luminous cup carving Dunhuang Quzi Opera Six items of Subei Mongolian costumes, Aksai Kazak Aites, and Subei Mongolian Zhuzanci are included in the national intangible cultural heritage representative items list, 45 items are included in the provincial intangible cultural heritage representative items list, and 403 items are included in the municipal intangible cultural heritage representative items list, 636 projects were included in the county-level intangible cultural heritage representative project list, including 3 representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage projects, 27 provincial, 225 municipal and 569 county-level. [57]
  • Hexi scroll
Hexi Baojuan is mainly spread in the Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province. Bianwen, colloquial preaching and sutra telling mainly absorbed and followed the structure of Dunhuang Buddhist sutras, while Liangzhou Baojuan further nationalized, localized and popularized it while inheriting it, making it a form of Chinese folk storytelling and singing literature. Hexi Baojuan was mature and popular during the Ming, Qing and the Republic of China. During the "Cultural Revolution", it gradually became silent and began to decline.
There are four types of Hexi scroll: Buddhism, historical stories, myths and legends, and fables. The content reflects the social life of the people. The theme mostly condemns disobedience and cruelty, and promotes filial piety and good deeds. [59]
  • Jiuquan luminous cup carving
Suzhou District, Gansu Province, once called Jiuquan County in history, has been established for more than 2000 years since the West Han Dynasty. It is one of the four famous counties in the West of the ancient river and an important historical and cultural city on the Silk Road.
Jiuquan luminous cup is a rare drinking vessel made of jade. According to the Records of Ten Continents, during King Mu's reign, the Western Regions presented the Imperial Court with a cup full of night light. The cup was the essence of white jade. Liang Zhou Qu written by Wang Han, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said: "If you want to drink wine and glow in the night cup, you should hurry up at once. Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield, and several people have gone back to battle in ancient times." It can be seen that the glow in the night cup of Jiuquan has appeared at least in the Tang Dynasty. The wine is produced in Liangzhou (Wuwei), and the luminous cup is produced in Suzhou (Jiuquan). The quality of the wine is more obvious because of the cup. The cup is more famous because of the wine, which complements each other and is famous for thousands of years.
The production of luminous cup goes through 28 complicated processes. First of all, we need to select the best jade materials in Laoshan Wozi, Qilian Mountain, cut them into cylinders of different specifications according to the size of the wine glass, and then make blanks according to a certain size, and then cut and fine grind the appearance to form the prototype of the luminous cup. After that, the luminous cup is basically shaped by taking out the chamber. Finally, after 14 processes, such as fine grinding, punching, grinding, expanding, polishing, and waxing, it is polished with horsetail mesh, It can be made into a crystal clear luminous cup.
Jiuquan luminous cup is as thin as paper with smooth and delicate surface. Through continuous improvement of the manufacturing process, it has been able to produce six categories of luminous cups with more than 30 shapes. All kinds of products attach great importance to maintaining the traditional production process, making the luminous cup more brilliant. [33]
  • Dunhuang Quzi Opera
Quzi Opera is a folk opera popular in five provinces in northwest China. It originated from folk tunes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, local dramas with different styles were formed in various places, such as Dunhuang Quzi Opera, Huating Quzi Opera, Xinjiang Quzi Opera, Ningxia Quzi Opera, etc. The singing of Quzi Opera is a kind of couplet, which is composed of many Qupai. In the process of development, it also absorbs the artistic elements of Qin Opera and Meihu. There are two forms of performance: stage performance and floor stall sitting singing. The stage performance is commonly known as "colorful singing". There are civil and military fields and clothing props. The monologue is in local dialect. The performance requires the Dan to dance happily, walk freely, dance lightly and lively, and be vivid. The clown needs to be humorous, witty, and slick. The floor stall sitting singing is commonly known as voiceless singing. It is not limited by the performance venue and does not need costumes and props. As long as the singer has a good voice, accurate singing tone, many tunes and a stable board, he can sit in and sing. The songs and dramas cover a wide range of subjects, mostly representing myths, historical legends and folk social life. [60]
  • Aksay Kazak Ayetes
Ayetes means to "extract the essence", "select" and "gather the essence". It is a form of Kazakh folk art, which belongs to the nature of the song of persuasion. It extracts the essence from Kazakh proverbs, maxims, poems and other literary works, and then sings with tunes. Aites has a history of more than 200 years, mainly spreading in Aksay Kazak Autonomous County in Gansu Province, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture (Ili, Tacheng, Altay) in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Barikun Kazak Autonomous County, Mulei Kazak Autonomous County and other Kazak inhabited areas. [34]

folk culture

Some folk cultures in Jiuquan
brief introduction
Shehuo Jiuquan has a long history. The social fires spread in Jiuquan include Lion Dance, Ditiaozi, Tiexinzi, Taiping Drum, Dragon Dance, Land Boat, Stilt and Running Donkey, among which the Lion Dance is divided into two types: Fenwen and Wu. Wenshi focuses on performing the movements and expressions of the lion rolling the embroidery ball and climbing high; The martial lion mainly shows the lion climbing the ladder, getting on the table, turning the heel, etc. The basic movements are lifting, jumping, jumping, running, turning, rolling, etc. Jiuquan Ditiaozi, also known as "Old Shehuo", "Rundaochang" and "Yanggezi", is the oldest folk collective carnival dance popular in Jiuquan. The performances of "theory banter, ridicule and banter, singing and dancing harmony" are widely welcomed and loved by the masses. [29]
Bathing Festival
On the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes will be held Bathing Festival Temple fair. During the temple fair, the bells and drums were ringing in the nine floor Buddha Hall, the monks chanted sutras, and the pilgrims paid their vows. Disciples and believers in front of the main hall of Leiyin Temple in the south of the city held willow branches and used clean water to shower jade Buddha statues. On the day of the Buddha Bathing Festival, the passageway behind the Buddha will be opened, and people will queue up from the right side and make three rounds along the passageway to show Buddha worship and pray. [30]

Specialty food


special snacks

Main characteristic snacks in Jiuquan
brief introduction
Crispy fire
It is made by mixing pastry fillings and cooking oil in noodles and frying them on the fire. It is light yellow in color, larger than snacks and smaller than ordinary baked cakes. It is best to eat it hot in a restaurant. It is soft, sweet, and oily, but not greasy. It is suitable for breakfast and supper. Halal fire is prepared with sesame oil.
Shortbread bun
Crispy bun, also called sweet crisp bun: use hot noodles to put turmeric Monascus Such flavoring materials, through kneading, rolling, platting, pressing and other techniques, are oblate in shape and layered, with a moderate amount of syrup placed in the middle concave, the circumferential surface layer coiled, the surface sprinkled with white sugar particles, and burned in a pan. They are yellow and bright, crisp and sweet, and can be eaten both hot and cold. They are often sold in streets and alleys.
Juice is a unique mixed powder soup made in Jiuquan. Its soup is mainly mutton soup, and then mixed with pork soup and chicken soup. The soup is required to be clear and clean, and no dregs or meat scraps are allowed. After the soup is prepared, add broad bean vermicelli, pork and mutton slices. The meat slices are fat, thin and salty.
Kang sheep intestines
Kangyangchang is a small food with western characteristics. Add some flour into the fresh sheep blood, pour it into the sheep intestines, put it into boiling water, scald it for a moment, take it out, cool it, cut it into oblique slices with a thickness of one centimeter, put it into an oil pan, and bake it on the kang. It is better to eat it hot. Kangyangchang has the function of stopping dysentery and diarrhea. [19]
Other special snacks in Jiuquan
Oil mouse
Sweet water
Sweet beige
Oven dried grain
Hot cake
Hot soybean meal
Steamed flour
Plain gluten
Meaty gluten
bubble Dumplings
Preserved mutton
Preserved beef
Braised calabash
Maisuo seed
Grind Zhenzi
Braised Cake [19]

Featured products

Main specialties of Jiuquan
brief introduction
Guazhou Melon
Guazhou“ Guazhou Melon ”There are 4 series and more than 30 varieties, with sugar content of 14% - 19%. It is a good product for relieving heat and thirst. [32]
Cynomorium songaricum
Cynomorium songaricum It is one of the unique precious Chinese medicinal materials in Guazhou, also known as "ageless medicine". It is a wild fleshy parasite. It tastes sweet and warm, and has the effects of tonifying the kidney, strengthening yang, nourishing essence, moistening dryness, strengthening tendons, and relieving constipation.
Jiuquan luminous cup
Jiuquan luminous cup It is a rare drinking vessel made of jade. On May 20, 2006, the heritage was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. [31]
Other specialties of Jiuquan
Dunhuang Li Guangxing
Guazhou Watermelon
Yumen Ginseng Fruit

famous scenery



List of Jiuquan Tourist Attractions (Part)
Name of scenic spot
5A level scenic spot
Jiuquan Dunhuang Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Spot
4A level scenic spot
Jiuquan Western Han Scenic Spot
Jiuquan Dunhuang Yangguan Cultural Relics Tourist Attraction
Jiuquan Dunhuang Yadan Geopark
Jiuquan Yumen Chijin Gorge Scenic Area
Jiuquan Fukang Dream Paradise Scenic Spot
Suoyang City Scenic Area, Guazhou, Jiuquan
Jiuquan Guazhou Caosheng Hometown Cultural Industrial Park Scenic Spot
Jiuquan Jinta Desert Populus euphratica Forest Scenic Spot
3A level scenic spot
Jinzexi Scenic Spot, Jinding Lake, Jinta
Guazhou Bridge Bay City Tourist Attraction
Aksay Jinsha Lake Scenic Area
Aksay Kazak Folk Custom Park
Yumen Wang Jinxi Memorial Hall Scenic Spot
Dunhuang Night Market
Dunhuang Tongzhou Island
Dunhuang Leiyin Temple Scenic Spot
2A level scenic spot
Dafachuang Temple in Jiuquan
Sugan Lake Tourist Attraction
Suzhou Huacheng Lake Ecological Tourism Scenic Spot
Grade A Scenic Spot
Dunhuang White Horse Pagoda Scenic Spot [58]

Main attractions

  • Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes
Mogao Grottoes Located 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province Mingsha Mountain The Daquan River at the foot of the mountain is about 1610 meters long from north to south. It is the largest, longest lasting, best preserved and most artistic cave group in the world. By 2010, there were 492 well preserved caves with 45000 square meters of murals and more than 2000 painted sculptures. More than 90% of the cultural relics unearthed in the Sutra Cave are Buddhist scriptures. In 1984, the State approved the expansion of the Dunhuang Cultural Relics Institute to Dunhuang Academy [35]
Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Scenic Spot
  • Dunhuang Yadan National Geopark
Dunhuang Yadan National Geopark 185 kilometers away from Dunhuang, 85 kilometers west of Yumen Pass wind-erosion landform Community, commonly known as Devil City, has been built in China by 2010 Geopark On a dry river bed with an east-west length of 25 kilometers and a north-south width of about 1-2 kilometers. [20]
Dunhuang Yadan National Geopark
  • Mingsha Mountain Yueya Spring
Mingsha Mountain is located 7000 meters south of Dunhuang City. In ancient times, it was called Shensha Mountain and Shajiao Mountain. It is formed by the accumulation of sand in the whole mountain system, about 40 kilometers long from east to west and 20 kilometers wide from south to north, Crescent Spring At the foot of Mingsha Mountain, it was called Shajing in ancient times, commonly known as Medicinal Spring. Crescent Spring is nearly 100 meters long from north to south, and about 25 meters wide from east to west. The spring water is deep in the east and shallow in the west, about 5 meters deep at the deepest point, curved like a crescent, hence its name. [20]
Mingsha Mountain Yueya Spring
  • Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Located in Ejina Banner of Alxa League in Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, 250 kilometers northeast of Jiuquan City, it is the earliest and largest construction in China Satellite launch center It is also a comprehensive launching site for various types of carrier rockets and sounding meteorological rockets.
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
  • Western Han Dynasty Jiuquan Scenic Spot
Jiuquan Scenic Spot in the Western Han Dynasty, also known as Jiuquan Park, is located 1.9 kilometers east of the Drum Tower, covering an area of 270000 square meters Hexi Corridor A well preserved Han style garden, with eight scenic spots, including Jiuquan Scenic Spot, Moon Cave Golden Pearl, Western Han Scenic Spot, Qilian Chengbo, Deep Smoke, Quyuan Dining Show, Flower and Moon Shuangqing, and Lupei Evening Boat. cover National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China It is named AAAA tourist attraction. [20]
Western Han Dynasty Jiuquan Scenic Spot
  • Yangguan
Yangguan , located in Yangguan Town, 70 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Huo Qubing, the general of the hussars, to attack the Huns, and set up Jiuquan, Wuwei, Zhangye, and Dunhuang prefectures in Hexi, and built Yangguan and Yumen Pass at the same time. It is said in history that "four counties are listed and two passes are passed". It is a national AAAA tourist attraction. [20]
  • Yulin Grottoes in Guazhou
Guazhou Yulin Grottoes Also known as Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave, it is one of the important treasure caves of Chinese Buddhist stone gallery art. It is located on the gravel cliffs on both sides of Yulin River Valley 76 kilometers south of Guazhou County. There are 42 grottoes, including 31 on the east cliff and 11 on the west cliff. They are named after elm trees growing all over the river valley. There are more than 1000 painted sculptures and murals covering more than 1000 square meters from the Tang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. [23]
  • Suoyang City, Guazhou
Guazhou Suo Yangcheng It is located in the south central part of Guazhou County at the west end of Hexi Corridor. The ancient Shule River passes through the western margin of the Changma diluvial fan. Suoyang City was built in the Han Dynasty and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. Its shape preserves the typical style of the ancient city of the Tang Dynasty. In the northeast of the city, there is a large temple built in the Yuan Dynasty. The big tower is 14.5 meters high, and thousands of small towers are arranged in a line. [20]
Suo Yangcheng
  • Chijin Gorge National Water Conservancy Scenic Area
Chijin Gorge National Water Conservancy Scenic Spot is located 50 kilometers west of Yumen City. It was named "National Water Conservancy Scenic Spot" by the Ministry of Water Resources in 2004 and rated as a national AAAA tourist attraction in 2013. The main scenic spots of Chijin Gorge National Water Conservancy Scenic Spot are: Dripping Guanyin, Flying Dragon Spitting Water, Chijin Water Cut off Stele, Artificial Waterfall, Cloud Water Bridge, Dragon King Pavilion, etc.

Famous people


Honorary title

Honors of Jiuquan City
The most popular city in the west
National Advanced City of Science and Technology Progress
China Excellent Tourism City
China's most internationally influential tourist destination [2]
2012 New Energy Logistics Pioneer City Award
A famous Chinese cultural tourism city influencing the world
Visit 100 cities in China
In 2019, ranked 77th in China's top 100 prefecture level cities [6] China's urban green competitiveness ranking 27th [7] 2019 Top 100 Chinese Cities in Brand Evaluation (prefecture level cities) seventy-eighth
"China Urban Science and Technology Innovation Development Index 2019" No. 115 [8] National Model City (County) of Double Support [9] "Advanced Provincial (Municipal) Award for Voluntary Blood Donation" [10]
Top 100 brand cities in prefecture level cities of China [11] The second batch of national culture and tourism consumption pilot cities [12] List of the third batch of provincial tourism demonstration areas [13]
May 2022
The first batch of pilot cities integrating production and education in Gansu Province city [14]

Sister city

Domestic sister cities
Guangdong Province
Yangjiang City [42]
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Hami region
Guizhou Province
Qiandongnan Prefecture
International Sister Cities
the republic of korea
South Jeollah Road, Happy County