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Orhun River

River name in Mongolia
Orhun River( mongolian :Орхон гол; English: Orkhon River) is located in the north of central Mongolia Mongolia The longest river originates from Houhangai Province Of Hang'ai Mountains (In ancient China, it was called Yanran Mountain ), passing 1124km northward and flowing into Mongolia Russia border Selenge River The main tributaries of Orhun River are Tula River and Tamir River.
Chinese name
Orhun River
Foreign name
Orkhon River
Орхон гол
Main tributaries
Tula River
1130 km
Drainage area
132000 km²

Watershed scope

The whole river is in Mongolia and originates from Hang'ai Mountains A wooded hillside. It flows out of the mountains to the east, and then turns north, passing through the ancient times Mongol Empire Capital of Halahelin A fault separates the Orhun River from the Selenge River. Both rivers flow to the northeast, in the south of the Russian border Trade Centre Sukhbaatar (Suhbaatar) Meet. Then the Serenge River continues to flow northward into Russia. In 1889, the 8th century tombstone was found near Halahelin, on which some of the oldest known Turki It is called the Orhun Inscription.

Tributary condition

The Orhun River has a total length of 1130km, and is only navigable in July and August draft A shallow tug. Drainage area About 132000 square kilometers. The main tributaries are Tuul, Haraa and Yoroo rivers, which all originate from Kent Mountains And they all flow into the Orhun River from the right side. Tula River On the way to the Orhun River, it flows through the capital of Mongolia Ulan Bator Due to unstable rainfall and extremely cold winter, agriculture along the Orhun River can only maintain basic grain production.
The rivers in northern Mongolia, Selenge River Maximum tributary. Originated from Mongolia central section Hang'ai Mountains At the southern foot, it flows to the northeast, joins the Selenge River near the border, and flows into Russia Domestic Lake Baikal The total length is 1124 kilometers, and the drainage area is 138000 square kilometers. There are many tributaries, and the larger ones are Tula River The water is shallow and fluctuates greatly, including 4 Monthly settlement In freezing season, small boats can be used in summer. Streaming Wood plays a big role.

Historical site

Orhun River
Along the river There are several important historical sites: the first capital court of the Huihe Empire Dental account , the capital of the Mongol Empire Halahelin Russia Explorers П\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Hun Shan Yu The tomb of.
The Mongolian Golden Palace tent near the Orhun River and its tributary Tamir River valley Uighur Ya'an City Wokuotai Summer Palace And the Huns Three linked cities Although it is a quick glance, it is worth remembering for a long time.
Passing Erhun River Bridge northward Hang Aishan At the west foot, we walked for about an hour and a half to the mouth of the valley where Khoton County is located, and then entered the valley westward. This place has left Hala and Lin's Qianhang'ai Province (Ouml; vouml; rkhangai Aimag, Ouml; vouml; r means "south"), enter Houhangai Province (Arkhangai Aimag, Ar means "north"). Go west along this valley and enter the hinterland of Hangai Mountain. From the depths of the valley Fir forest The river flowing from the mountain flows northward until the Wokuotai Summer Palace we are going to visit in the afternoon. In this valley full of horses, there is a site of an ancient city National Mongolian history Museum curator Mr. Ochir said that this is the site of an ancient Mongolian city, commonly known as the Golden Palace tent. The scale of the ancient city is not large, and the remains of the city wall are not obvious. There are dozens of eagles walking slowly on the grassland inside and outside the city, and people get close to them before they hover. These eagles are huge and their eyes are bleak. Two days ago, when camping on the grassland in Dashinchilen Sum, Bulgan Aimag, there was an eagle nest on the cliff next to the camp. The eagle nest is exposed on a towering rock cliff, white Hawk dung Let the eagle nest and surrounding cliff stones look like they are covered in snow. Traditional Chinese medicine has the so-called "eagle feces white", which is used to treat the face scar It's probably as white as snow. The eagle, who was disturbed by the unexpected visitors, roared and flew all the time, patrolling over our camp. Compared with the eagle in shock, the large group of eagles here are leisurely and arrogant.
From the valley where the golden palace tent site is located, continue to travel northward at the western edge of the gentle and vast Orhun River valley grassland, passing through the high splendid achnatherum Low-lying areas. Less than half an hour later, the bus suddenly turned east and saw the ancient city wall protruding from the grassland in the east in the distance. That was the famous Uighur Khar Balgas, Mongolian It means "Black Tiger City"). Aoqier led everyone to some big stones scattered on the ground. When you see that piece Panlong Headstone At that time, someone shouted: "Nine surname Khan Monument!" Yes, these broken and scattered granite stones are part of the famous Uighur nine surname Khan Three body Monument that has been broken for thousands of years. The so-called three style writing means that the stele is written in Chinese Turkic Luni and Sogdian Write as. Inscriptions on steles in Chinese“ Uighurs with nine surnames There is no honey in Aiden Liluo Bilge Qaghan Shengwen Shenwu Stele Tang Xianzong In the ninth year of Yuanhe (814), it was a celebration Baoyi Khan Brilliant deeds.

Stele of Khan with Nine Surnames

The monument of the Khan of the Nine Surnames and the site of the Uighur Yatent near it were discovered by the Finnish H. Heikel in 1890. The stele body was broken into eight pieces at that time, and later it was damaged more seriously. In 1892, Ricker Helsinki Finno Ougrinne Society published his amazing discovery under the title of Inscriptions de L'Orkhon. At that time Turkic Neither the Sogdian nor the Sogdian has been interpreted yet. To understand the meaning of the inscription, only the Chinese part can be used. In this regard, Chinese scholars have played their part. Russian scholar Radlov In 1892, the Mongolian Archaeological Atlas was compiled and collected the Erhun steles. In 1893, the Russian envoy to China took this book to Prime Minister's Yamen for International Affairs Request help, Qing government send Shen Zengzhi Come out, in the book Que Secret Service Stele Pilgakhan Stele and Stele of Uighur Khan with Nine Surnames The Chinese part of is studied. later Li Wentian Preparation《 Helin Gold and Stone Record 》It also includes and interprets the Chinese part of the monument of nine Uighur khans. Wang Guowei He wrote the Postscript of the Nine Surname Uighur Khan Tablet, and used Chinese historical records to study the Uighur history reflected in the inscription, which pushed this study to a new height. With the successful interpretation of Turkic and Sogde texts, the rich content of the Khan Tablet has been fully displayed, and the research has also been more and more in-depth, although the long-term damage has made the preservation of the inscription quite bad.
When introducing this monument, a domestic Uighur history expert said that it was located "on the bank of the Qaidam River". In fact, it was in the south of the Uighur Yatent on the west bank of the Orhun River. There was a large-scale architectural site at the place where the monument was erected. Some scholars thought it should be a Mani Temple. The Khan Monument is located at the east end of the temple. 1996 and 1997, Osaka University, Japan Heifu Mori The investigation team led by the professor (interestingly, the Mongolian partner at that time was also Professor Aoqier) visited the Uighur Yazhan City twice, and the monument of nine Uighur khans was the focus of the investigation. They made a detailed and comprehensive study of the existing steles, historical records and rubbings of inscriptions in various countries. According to their research, there should be 34 lines in Chinese, 45 lines in Sogd, and 116 lines in Turkic Luni in the original tablet's three character script. Rubbings of inscriptions are respectively collected in the Asia Museum in St. Petersburg, the Asia Society in Paris, and the Kyoto The Kyoto University Museum And Ritsumeikan University Ministry of Literature Osaka Of Osaka University Ministry of Literature, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Sciences; There are two libraries in China that collect rubbings of this monument, one is the National Library, the other is Central University for Nationalities Library For a long time, there have been many versions of paraphrasing and translation of the damaged Sumerian and Turkic inscriptions. The latest paraphrasing and translation were completed by Japanese professors Takeo Mori (Turkic) and Yoshida Feng (Sumerian).
The inscriptions on the nine surname Uighur Khan stele involve many aspects of Uighur history Major issues , such as the belief of Uighurs Manichaeism The academic circle has always attached importance to the materials of. Tang Suzong Uighur in the first year of Baoying (762) Mou Yu Khan assist Tang Jun Pingding An Shi Rebellion The next year, when he returned from Luoyang to the north, he carried four Manichaeismic monks, which was the beginning of the introduction of Manichaeism into the Uighurs. According to the Chinese part of the Khan stele, "Aidengli Luoguru has no honey, Shijie Dudengmi Shihe all records Bijia Khan" (it should be Mouyu Khan, the 18 characters in front of the Khan are Khan's names). When returning from the east capital (Luoyang) to the north, "the four divisions, including Ruixi, entered the country, expounded the Second Sacrifice, and penetrated the three times... so they can start orthodox religion in the Uighurs", resulting in the Uighurs "regretting the past and wishing to be orthodox", And it abandoned the traditional shaman, so that Manichaeism gained the exclusive status in the Uighur region Candida The disciples, the east and the west circulate, and go back and forth to educate ". According to the transcription and translation of Professor Mori An, there are also words directly related to Manichaeism in the Turkic part.
It is different from the tablet of Vijakhan, Uighur The Khan Monument is not only broken, but also incomplete. It is said that at the end of the 19th century, the Russians transported two large stones back to St. Petersburg. Even if these two pieces are still there, it is difficult to piece together the appearance of the original stele. Perhaps it is because of this that the remaining pieces are scattered on the grass. When the wind blows, the grasshoppers thick growth of grass He jumped up and landed on the head of the Khan Monument, making a clear sound.
Not far to the north is the Uighur Yating City. We walked through the slightly undulating grassland, passed the columns of tower shaped rammed earth piles arranged in the east and west, and went down to the grassy city moat From the moat, climb up the rammed earth city wall more than seven meters high to the city wall of Ya tent. Now you can see the whole city. Of the more than ten ancient cities seen in Mongolia, the Uighur Yatent City is undoubtedly the most impressive Impressive It is the highest, the most magnificent and reminiscent of the Tongwan City The Uighur Yazhan City is located in Khoton County, Houhangai Province, just north of the provincial boundary of Qianhangai Province Longitude and latitude Yes: N47ordm; 33.837acute; E102ordm;39.490acute;, Of course, the data will be slightly different for different measurements. have a chance to Yes, you can rely on GPS Find it directly in the Orhun River Valley. Even if the data is slightly wrong, the tall and straight city wall will call you when you are far away. North of the Gobi desert Uighur Khanate It was built in 751. Later, as the capital of the Uighurs, it became the political and cultural center of Mobei until 840 Xiegas People destroyed the Uighur khanate in Mobei.
The whole city is irregular square, and has always been measured Data Very inconsistent. According to the measurement of Professor Sen An Xiaofu and others in 1997, the north wall is 424 meters long, the west wall is 335 meters long, the south wall is 413 meters long, and the east wall is 337 meters long. There are moats outside the south, west and north city walls. Because of the low-lying, the grass in the moats grows very well, and is lush, forming dark green strips. On the inside of the well preserved north moat, there is another row of short walls, which seems to be some kind of military installation There is a gate in the east and west of the city, and there is a big gate in the west Barbican City There seems to be a low wall outside the urn. There are obvious ruins of square walls in the city, which shows that there is a regular block planning in the city. Soviet Union Scholars have excavated in the city, and it is said that they found something with Tang style Lotus pattern tile In the southeast corner of the city, there is a high platform that is about four or five meters higher than the foundation in the city. Its scale should be equivalent to a large building. Judging from the fragments of bricks and tiles on the ground, there were indeed buildings here. Overlooking the whole city from this high platform, the situation is superior Kim Yong cheng Quite similar. Guess here should be Khan Palace Account location. Outside the east city wall, there are obvious street relics, and the pattern of the square wall is similar to that in the city. This may be the living area of ordinary people. In case of foreign enemies, they can withdraw from the east gate into the city. Seen from the southern city wall, there are also traces of ridges or low walls in a considerable range. Some scholars believe that this may be Irrigated agriculture Marks.

Mongolian pagoda

There is one line on the north and south sides of the city, about 50 meters away from the trench rammed earth Tower building. This is similar to Hala and Lin's Erdeni Call The white pagodas around are somewhat similar. In the west of the city, there is a huge tower. What are the tower buildings inside and outside the city? Mongolian scholars believe it is a pagoda. From a very early time, many European scholars, such as Radlov, also believed that it was a pagoda. Of course, other scholars believed that it was a tower used as a military lookout. General travel guides (such as the famous Lonely Planet series) also say that they are pagodas. However, the Uighurs believe in Manichaeism. How could there be a pagoda? It is obviously not in line with the actual religious life of the Uighur khanate to say that it is a pagoda. Minorsky of the Soviet Union and Koio Mori of Japan do not agree with this interpretation. About the attributes of the tower in the city, Xinjiang Jimsar Of Beiting Ancient City There is also such a pagoda inside, so many scholars tend to interpret it as a military facility (think about Hebei Dingzhou There is also an extremely high Northern Song Dynasty Liaodi Tower )。 What are the two columns of tower shaped rammed earth buildings on the north and south sides outside the city? It is obviously difficult to give a convincing explanation.
Manichaeism forbids killing and eating meat, which is called "eating vegetables is evil". The nine surname Uighur Khan stele also says Uighur khanate After the Manichaeism, "the blood is smoked and the customs are changed into the land of vegetables and rice; the state is slaughtered and turned into a country of persuasion". This is a huge change to the way of life of the Uighur society under the nomadic economy. Of course, not all the people of the Khanate completely abandoned their traditional life and strictly adhered to the Manichaeism. But even if the core group changes slightly, it also needs sufficient economic support. Settling down in cities, irrigating agriculture, concentrating craftsmen, etc. are probably social changes that complement each other. The Uighurs had a very close relationship with the Tang regime, especially the huge gifts given to the Uighurs every year by the Tang Dynasty after the An Shi Rebellion, as well as the "harmony market" of horse and horse horse trading every year( Bai Juyi It is said in the poem that "fifty horses will be changed into one horse, and there will be no day when they are lifted to Malaysia"), which was given to the Uighur khanate Ruling class Maintaining its lifestyle away from the traditional nomadic economy provides the basis. In the Uighur Ya tent city, seeing the regular square wall blocks inside and outside the city and the large-scale ridge pattern, people also feel vaguely that they are in the agricultural area, rather than in the Mobei grassland under the blue sky.

Wokuotai Summer Palace

Wokuotai Summer Palace (Doytyn Balgas)。 There are Peacock blue Glazed wall tiles, this kind of blue is rarely seen in China. Many members of the investigation team picked up some pieces and claimed to take them back as souvenirs. In fact, we were collecting all kinds of brick and tile fragments along the way. Every time we left a camp, we would see discarded collections. To the north of the Summer Palace is a nearly dried up small lake, Doytyn Tsagaan, and the surrounding grassland is seriously salinized. It was probably a fertile pasture in those days. from ogodei Drive northward for 1 hour and 40 minutes to the Summer Palace, and arrive at Tamir River at about 5 p.m. Tamir River has a large amount of water, and the river valley is lush with grass, Birch Chenglin.
Three linked cities
Hudgiyn Denj is a parallel distribution of three large ancient cities from east to west. Aoqier said that it is generally believed that it was in the Hun era.