
[dū hù]
Ancient official position
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Duhu, official name. west Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty Divine baron Two years (first 60) purchase“ Western Region Capital Guard ”, the highest officer stationed in the Western Regions, controls the countries in the Western Regions. "City" means all, "protection" means leading troops to supervise, and "capital protection" means "chief protection".
Chinese name
Official name
For all
”It means "chief supervisor protection"
Generation time
60 BC

Explanation of words

Dufu It was in the Han and Tang dynasties Central Plains Dynasty A military organ set up to defend the border and rule the surrounding ethnic groups. In the Western Regions of the Han Dynasty Western Regions Capital Guard , Wei Western Jin Dynasty With Western Regions Changshi Mansion , once established in the Tang Dynasty Six Capital Guard The governor of Dufu is called Dufu.

Relevant historical materials

Duhu is a professional title added to other official titles Riding Duwei or official in charge of admonition and arbitration And receive two thousand stone salaries; Dufu Located at Ulei City (Today's Xinjiang Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Wheel table Cedaya South), guardianship of the Western Regions Zhucheng Countries Hun After a major victory in the war of Zhang Qian's Access to the Western Regions Li Guangli After the expedition to Dawan Sphere of influence In order to create favorable conditions for the future war against Hungary, and also to ensure the smooth road of trade in the Western Regions, " Dunhuang West to Salt marsh (Today Lop Nur ), often from the pavilion.
During the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was a single official. It was not often abandoned afterwards. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty, there were captains, and in Guangzhou, there were captains of Xijiang and Nanjiang.
Eastern Han Dynasty Emperor Guangwu Time setting General of Capital Protection three countries Wei Yanzhi. Shuyou Zhongduhu Li Yan ). Xingduhuo, whose authority is as follows dadudu , commanding all internal and external military affairs. Wu set up the right and left capitals to protect all armies. See at《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms Shu Shu: Biography of Liu Peng, Liao Li, Liu Wei and Yang“ Zhang Wu In the second year, the leader (Li) Yan visited Yong'an Palace and paid homage Shangshu Decree For three years, the former Lord was seriously ill, and (Li) Yan Yu Zhuge Liang And was assisted by a posthumous edict Minority owner Take strictness as the central protection, unify internal and external military affairs, and stay in the town Yong'an 。”
Tang Dynasty from Taizong to Wu Zetian Set successively when Ansi , An Bei, Shan Yu, An Dong Annan Beiting Six "metropolises". Each government set Daduhe , deputy general protection (or Assistant nurse )To manage border defense, administration and affairs of all ethnic groups within its jurisdiction. Yuan dynasty Dufu There are Dadu nurses, Tongzhi nurses and deputy dadu nurses as supervisors Uyghur Uygur )Chief Justice in litigation between ethnic and Han nationalities.
The general's horn bow can't be controlled. It's hard to protect the iron clothes—— Bai Xuege Send Judge Wu to Beijing
Xiao Guan When waiting to ride, you should guard Yanran. -———— [Make it on the plug] Wang Wei