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Guotan Braised Chicken

Traditional famous food in Nanyang, Henan Province
stay Tanghe County Guotan Roasted Chicken is famous far and wide, known as "fresh and tender meat" and "spiced and boneless" Henan Province Nanyang Traditional famous food. It has a long history of more than 400 years, starting from the Tang and Song dynasties and the Ming and Qing dynasties. The processed meat is rotten, bone crisp, and skin unbreakable. When eaten, the bone and meat are automatically separated, fat but not greasy, and the taste is delicious. It is rich in a variety of nutrients, high protein, low fat.
Chinese name
Guotan Braised Chicken
Guotan Town, Tanghe County
"Fresh and tender meat", "Five fragrant and boneless"
Traditional famous food in Nanyang, Henan Province

Development history

Tanghe Guotan Braised Chicken
Guotan Roasted Chicken Began in the Tang and Song Dynasties Ming and Qing Dynasties It has a long history of more than 400 years. The first person who made the roast chicken was a family named Li in Guotan Town. The roast chicken made with a self-made secret recipe has a unique flavor and excellent taste, so it has been passed down from generation to generation, and has evolved several times to form today's Guotan roast chicken. However, due to the limitation of consciousness, the reputation of Guotan Roasted Chicken has never gone beyond Nanyang. The unique flavor is just a delicacy on the local people's table.

Features and practices

Guotan Roasted Chicken is a kind of free range local cock raised in rural areas( Chaiji )It is the main raw material, and then uses the 400 year old ancestral secret recipe supplemented by the 100 year old soup and more than 20 kinds of precious Chinese herbal medicine The seasoning is made by trimming, pickling, frying, drying and marinating the ancestral secret recipe. The product is well selected with proper configuration, exquisite opening, moderate cooking and right temperature. The processed meat is rotten, bone crisp, and skin unbreakable. When eaten, the bone and meat are automatically separated, fat but not greasy, and the taste is delicious. It is rich in a variety of nutrients, high protein, low fat, with unique health functions. This product uses vacuum packing , pure Chinese medicine, without any hormone and preservative , long shelf life and easy to carry.


Due to its long history and constantly updated practices, when you walk into Guotan Town, you can see that there are more than 20 roast chicken shops in one street, and the business is quite good.