Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb

Cultural relics in the middle of the Warring States Period
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Bamboo slips from Guodian Chu Tomb, Hubei Province, October 1993 Jingmen City Guodian Village 804 bamboo slips were excavated in M1 of Guodian No.1 Chu Tomb, which are bamboo ink.
There are 730 letters, more than 13000 in total Chu characters Chu Bamboo Slips It contains a variety of ancient books, three of which are Taoist school School works, the rest are mostly Confucian School Most of the documents recorded are first discovered and identified as national First Grade Cultural Relic
The characters of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips are typical Chu characters, which have the characteristics of Chu characters, and the font is elegant and beautiful, which is a fine calligraphy at that time. The discovery of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips is important for the research Chinese philosophy , history of thought Ancient philology historical records System and The art of calligraphy And so on.
Chinese name
Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb
Collection location
Jingmen Municipal Museum
Time of excavation
Mid Warring States Period
Site of excavation
Chu Tomb, No. 1 Guodian, Jingmen City, Hubei Province
Calligraphic style
Chu Seal Script
Bamboo ink

Bamboo Slips


Basic information

From the middle of the 4th century BC to the beginning of the 3rd century BC
[Unearthed] Unearthed from Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen City, Hubei Province in 1993
[Specification] It can be divided into three categories: the first category is about 32.5 cm in length; The other is 26.5 to 30.6 cm long; The third category is 15 to 17.5 cm long.
[Quantity] 804 pieces in total, 730 pieces in total
[Number of words] More than 13000 in total Chu characters [1]

Excavate data

Zhiyi, a bamboo slip from Guodian Chu Tomb [2]
October 18-24, 1993 Hubei Province Jingmen Municipal Museum The first tomb of Guodian was salvaged and excavated. Guodian Cemetery is located in Shayang District, Hubei Province (changed to Shayang County Jishan Town Guodian Village One group. South to the old capital of Chu Ji Nancheng About 9 km.
804 bamboo slips (M1: T4) were unearthed in the first tomb box. [3] Although the two have been harassed by theft, Grave robber He broke the side box and stole some cultural relics. But it was discovered later plan Look, not much has been lost, especially Jane, who was basically spared. There are still more than 800 pieces left. [4] A small part of them are without character slips. According to the statistics after sorting out, there are 730 character slips in total. Most of them are complete, and the number of small fragments that are not spliced is not large. Chu bamboo slips contain many ancient books, three of which are Taoist school School works, the rest are mostly Confucian School Works of.
Judging from the shape of the tomb and the characteristics of the artifacts, M1 in Guodian Tomb No. 1 is late in the middle of the Warring States Period, and its burial date was from the middle of the 4th century BC to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. [5] The No. 1 Tomb of Guodian is a Soil pit A wooden coffin tomb with vertical holes, one coffin and one outer coffin. In addition to the coffin, there are side boxes Headbox The funerary objects It is mainly concentrated in the side box and head box Knitting Most of the decayed and disordered bamboo slips are intact and a few are broken. There are also remains Copper beryllium Dragon shaped jade belt hook Seven string zither Lacquer ear cup Lacquered toilet box And other cultural relics. [6]

Bamboo slips in detail



Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb II [7]
The shapes of Guodian Chu bamboo slips are different.
In terms of length, it can be divided into three categories: one is about 32.5 cm in length; The other is 26.5 to 30.6 cm long; The third category is 15 to 17.5 cm long.
There are also two types of bamboo slips. The two ends of one type of bamboo slips are flush, and the two ends of the other type of bamboo slips are trimmed into trapezoids. All bamboo slips have wedges to hold the threads. Each bamboo slip of the first two lengths has two notches, one at the top and one at the bottom. The shortest bamboo slips have three notches, one at the top, one at the middle and one at the bottom. The length and shape of the bamboo slips used to copy the same ancient book are the same, and the spacing between the upper and lower wedges is the same. The length of Guodian Chu slips is much shorter than that of Jingmen Bao Shan Chu slips Despatch policy Their difference should be Chu historical records System reflection. These ancient books are different from ordinary official documents and documents, and are copied by special people. The format of copying in the upper and lower columns and the insertion method of correcting and supplementing characters found in this discovery are unprecedented in the previous Chu bamboo slips. [8]


The Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips were scattered and damaged when they were unearthed. Although they were divided and linked according to the shape of the bamboo slips, the style of copying and the meaning of the bamboo slips, they could not be completely restored. Each article originally had no title, and the title was added by the organizer. [9]

Calligraphic style

The characters of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips are typical Chu characters, which have the characteristics of Chu characters, and the font is elegant and beautiful, which is a fine calligraphy at that time. [10] Cong Wenjun In the section of "Ancient Chinese Tadpole", it is said that "these bamboo slips are written by several people in different styles, but they are all skillful, exquisite and exuberant." "These bamboo slips show that, Handwriting Center Lateral front The natural changes and graceful floating round strokes "make the ancient Chinese tad bucket lines" suddenly appear strange and elegant ". [11]


Li Ling Reading Notes of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips (Updated Edition) 》He believes that bamboo slips are classified by "font and shape, not content", and five types are roughly divided into five categories: the first type: Group A, Group B, Group C, Tai Yisheng Shui, and Yu Cong Si (The Way of Saying); The second type: Five Elements, Zhiyi, Lu Mu Gong Asking Zisi, and When I Was Poor; The third font: "The Way of Tang Yu" and "The Way of Faith"; The fourth kind of font: "Sex is appointed by itself" ("Sex"), "Cheng Zhi Wen Zhi" ("Jiao"), "Six Virtues" ("Six Virtues") and "Respect for Virtue and Justice". The fifth typeface: Yucong 3 (Father and Evil), Yucong 1 (Everything from Hope to Life) and Yucong 2 (Name).
Note: The title in the brackets is proposed by Li Ling. [12]

Bamboo Slips Content


Literature overview

Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips include 16 pieces Pre Qin Documents of the period, in which Taoist school There are three ancient books, respectively《 Laozi 》(A, B, C)《 Tai Yisheng Water 》, Yucong IV《 The Way of Speaking 》; confucian There are 13 ancient books, respectively《 Zhiyi 》、《 Duke Lu Mu asked Zisi 》Five Elements《 Poor for a long time 》、《 Tang Yu's Way 》、《 The Way of Loyalty 》、《 Hear of success 》Five Elements《 Respect morality and righteousness 》、《 Sex comes out of its own accord 》Six Virtues, Yucong I, Yucong II, Yucong III. Except for Laozi and Zhiyi, which are handed down from generation to generation, and the Five Elements, which are found in silk books unearthed at Mawangdui in Changsha, the rest of these ancient books are lost more than 2000 years ago.

Literature overview

Laozi, a bamboo slip from Guodian Chu Tomb [13]
Abridged edition《 Laozi 》A, B and C are the earliest biographical transcripts of Laozi seen in the 1990s. Most of its sentences are similar to or identical with the current version of Laozi, but they are not distinguished German classics and Daojing And the chapter number does not correspond to the current edition. The simplified version of Laozi can be found in the Sanyi chapter of the biographical version of Laozi. Some of its contents are equivalent to the whole chapter of the biographical version, and some are equivalent to only one or most of the chapter. The simplified version contains 2046 words, about two fifths of the original. Due to the theft of tombs several times, bamboo slips are missing, and the simplified version of Laozi is no exception. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately estimate the original quantity of the simplified edition.
Tai Yisheng Water 》It is a lost article. "Taiyi" in the article is called "Tao" in the pre Qin period. This article mainly discusses the relationship between Taiyi and heaven, earth, four seasons, yin and yang, which is a very important Taoist work.
The article in Yucong IV (The Way of Speaking) is mostly about the way of dealing with the world and protecting one's life. It is a Taoist conspiracy work.
The Content and Biography of Ji Yi《 The Book of Rites ·Zhiyi is basically the same, but their chapters and chapters are quite different, and their characters are also different. Through two phase collation, we can find some errors in the manuscript. The Five Elements was once seen in the silk books of the Han Tomb at Mawangdui, and there are some differences between the simplified version and it. Some scholars argue that Guodian bamboo slips "Zhiyi" and "Wuxing" are from Zisi , and other works such as "Sex Comes out of Its Own Life" are also related to Zeng Zi And Zisi have something to do with it, so we can even regard it as Zisizi. [14] Mawangdui Silk Book The organizer pointed out that the Five Elements belong to Simeng School The two works are from the same tomb, which may imply that the Simeng School was widely spread in Chu.
"Duke Lu Mu Asks Zisi" and "When I Was Poor" were copied on bamboo slips with the same shape. The former has not been circulated, and most of the contents of the latter can be found in《 Han Shiwaizhuan 》Volume VII《 Shuoyuan ·Miscellaneous Words and other books.
The bamboo slips with the same shape and similar fonts are also copied from the "Nature Comes out of Self command", "Cheng Zhi Wen Zhi", "Zun De Yi" and "Six Virtues". The form of Jane is basically the same in "The Way of Tang Yu" and "The Way of Faith".
Each article in Yucong is copied on the shortest kind of slips, and the content is composed of proverbial sentences. Its style is similar to《 Shuoyuan · Tancong 》、《 Writings of Prince Huainan ·Shuolin is similar. [15]

Bamboo Slips Calligraphy Style

Cong Wenjun commented on the Bamboo Slips of Guodian Chu Tomb in the section of Ancient Chinese Tadpool: "For example, the bamboo slips of Chengzhiwenzhi, whose strokes are perfect, the positive and negative changes are ethereal, fully showing the style and beauty of Changfeng, are the only ones that can be revealed in Chu ink marks on worm-eaten objects Mysterious works. " "Yu Cong San" is short, "The font is vertical, straight and beautiful, grand and magnanimous, with Langmiao style". In "Nature Comes out of Its Own Order", it is simple, "carefree, careless, unrestrained, beautiful, and natural. It is impossible to reach this state without being perfect". "Yu Cong Si" Jane, "The pen is clear, powerful, round, beautiful, beautiful, and graceful. Although Jane is narrow, it can be sprinkled vertically and horizontally, and it is bright and colorful《 Chu Silk Book 》Very close in appearance, it can be called a boutique ". [16]

Publishing Research


Bamboo Slips Publishing

In 1998, Cultural Relics Publishing House publish Jingmen Municipal Museum The book Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb. The foreword of the book records the participants in the interpretation of Guodian Chu bamboo slips Peng Hao Jingzhou Museum ), Liu Zuxin and Wang Chuanfu. Peng Hao and Liu Zuxin are responsible for the affixing and annotation of bamboo slips, Peng Hao is responsible for the compilation of the whole book, and is responsible for the protection of bamboo slips Fang Beisong (Jingzhou Museum), Liu Xiong, the photos of sorting work were taken by Jinling (Jingzhou Museum) and Zhou Guangjie, and the photos used in the book "Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb" were taken by Hao Qinjian Hubei Provincial Museum )Shooting.
Ancient writing Scientist Qiu Xigui Reviewed the manuscript, combined some incomplete slips, adjusted the order of the arrangement of various slips except Zhiyi, Wuxing and Lumu Gongwen Zisi, and adjusted the division of the slips; In addition to directly correcting technical problems, many revision suggestions and views for reference are also put forward for the explanation and annotation. The author has included it in the notes in the form of "Qiu Yin". [17]

Academic Conference

The cover of Guodian Laozi -- A Dialogue between Eastern and Western Scholars [18]
At the end of 1994《 hubei daily 》It published another major discovery in the archaeological history of China - the earliest bamboo slips (Laozi) and other ancient books were unearthed in Jingmen, and disclosed the relevant situation of Guodian bamboo slips for the first time; In July 1997 Excavation report Officially published; In May 1998, the book Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb was officially published in the Cultural Relics Publishing House. As soon as this batch of materials was released, the academic community immediately attached great importance to them. Academic seminars and symposiums were held in various places to discuss issues related to Guodian bamboo slips.
In May 1998, Damus University in the United States held the world's first "Guodian Laozi Academic Seminar", which focused on the study of Laozi and Tai Yi Yi Shui, and some of the papers were included in the book Guodian Laozi - Dialogue between Eastern and Western Scholars.
In October 1999, the "Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips International Academic Seminar" was held in WuHan University The meeting focused on issues such as the interpretation, editing, and text collation of the short articles, and the related achievements are summarized as《 Collected Papers of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips International Academic Seminar 》, dated May 2000, by Hubei People's Publishing House Publication.
In August 2000 Peking University The "new launch" bamboosilk The International Academic Seminar is a direct expansion and continuation of the 1998 Conference.
In January 2001, Shaanxi Normal University The "Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips and History and Culture Symposium" was held.
In December 2003, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the excavation of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, Jingmen Museum organized and held an "International Seminar on Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips", which was concluded as "New Knowledge of Ancient Tombs - Album of Essays to Commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Excavation of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips". In November 2003 Hong Kong International Yanhuang Culture Published by the publishing house.
In addition, in other Bamboo and Silk Science At the meeting, Guodian bamboo slips were still the focus of academic discussion. [19]

Research literature

Liao Mingchun Edited 17 monographs (albums) and 345 papers on the research literature (up to 2000) compiled in the "Guo Dian Chu Bamboo Slips Essays Catalogue (Revised Edition)". Due to space limitation, entries are only included in some monographs (albums).
1. Jingmen Museum: Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb, Beijing: Cultural Relics Press, May 1998.
2. Paper of Guodian Laozi International Academic Seminar, Damus University, May 1998.
3. Cui Renyi: Research on Laozi in Jingmen Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, Beijing: Science Press , October 1998.
4. Ding Yuanzhi: Interpretation and Research on Guodian Bamboo Slips (Laozi), Taipei : Wanjuanlou Books Co., Ltd., September 1998.
five Jiang Guanghui Editor in chief: Research on Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips (20th Edition of Chinese Philosophy), Shenyang Liaoning Education Press, January 1999.
six Liu Xinfang : Interpretation of Laozi in Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, Taipei: Yiwen Printing House, January 1999.
eight Zhang Guangyu Editor in chief: Research on Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, Volume I《 Character editing 》Taipei: Yiwen Printing House, January 1999.
nine Chen Fubin Editor in chief: Collected Papers on Unearthed Ideology and Chinese Classical Philosophy of the Century (Volume I and Volume II), Taipei: Furen University Press, April 1999.
ten Wei Qipeng : Cambodia Interpretation of Chu Bamboo Slips "Lao Tzu", Taipei: Wanjuanlou Books Co., Ltd., August 1999.
eleven Chen Guying Editor in Chief: Research on Taoist Culture, Volume 17 ("Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips") Special number )Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore, August 1999.
12. Gao Dingyi: Research on Laozi's Tao Te Ching, Beijing Broadcasting University Press, June 1999.
13. Collection of Papers of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips International Academic Seminar, Volume I and Volume II, Wuhan University Chinese Culture Research Institute Et al., October 1999.
fourteen Hou Cai : Reading the Bamboo Slips of Guodian Chu Tomb, Dalian Press , September 1999.
Peng Hao: Lao Zi's Reading of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, Hubei People's Publishing House, January 2000.
16. Edited by Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips Research Association of the University of Tokyo: Research on the Ideological History of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, Volume I, November 1999.
17. Editorial Department of Chinese Philosophy, International Confucian Federation Academic Committee Co editor: Guodian Bamboo Slips and Confucianism Research (21st Edition of Chinese Philosophy), Shenyang: Liaoning Education Press, January 2000.

Meaningful value


Academic value of bamboo slips

Guodian Chu bamboo slips have important academic research value and are known as "the classics that rewrite the history of Chinese thought". There are 2 Taoist literatures and 14 Confucian literatures recorded on Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, among which the Taoist literature Laozi is the most famous. Laozi is the work of a thinker, Laozi and his disciples in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. However, the original appearance of Laozi and its formation process have not been handed down in history, and it has never been clear. Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips "Lao Zi" The change of bamboo slips from long to short shows the order of its formation from early to late. It is the earliest Taoist work with the most primitive characters found up to the 20th century. In addition, Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips Confucianism Works, among Confucian thinkers Confucius and Mencius Played a role of undertaking. Because Confucius and Mencius are nearly 200 years apart, Confucian researchers have always believed that Confucianism in the past 200 years has not been developed and inherited. The 14 Confucian works first published in Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips are the "link" of Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius.
The excavation of Guodian bamboo slips has caused a worldwide sensation Ideological Academics have attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad, which has set off an upsurge of research on Guodian Chu bamboo slips at home and abroad Canada , Taiwan, etc countries and regions , have set up institutions to study Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips, and have held several international meetings on Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips symposium Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips Chinese nation Great contribution to world culture. Rao Zongyi It is believed that a large number of new archaeological discoveries have been made in the past 20 years since 1970 Chu Bamboo Slips The excavation and research of The Renaissance Movement to replace the New Culture Movement which was impacted by the West in the last century ". [20] Xiao Yufu The professor said: "The comprehensive study of Guodian bamboo slips and Shangbo bamboo slips is bound to re try these big outstanding cases, rewrite the history of Chinese academic history, the history of changes in Confucian classics Chu State cultural history 。”

National precious ancient books

From 2008 to 2010, the State Council successively announced three batches《 National List of Precious Ancient Books 》13 kinds of ancient books unearthed from the Warring States Chu Tomb at No. 1 Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei were selected:
1. Poor for a long time. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
2、 Zhiyi Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
3. Lu Mugong asked Zisi. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
4. Five Elements. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
5. The success is heard. Warring States Period, Bamboo Slips, Chu Tomb of Warring States Period, No. 1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
6. Language cluster 1, 2, 3, 4. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
7. Liude. Warring States Period, Bamboo Slips, North Jingmen Guodian No.1 Warring States Chu Tomb;
8. Sex comes out of its own accord. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
9. Respect morality and righteousness. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
10. The way of Tang Yu. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
11. The way of faithfulness. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
12. Too much water. Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb No.1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei;
13. Laozi (A, B, C). Warring States Period, bamboo slips, Warring States Period Chu Tomb, No. 1, Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei. [21]