Zheng Banqiao

Calligraphers, painters and litterateurs in the Qing Dynasty
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Zheng Banqiao (November 22, 1693 - January 22, 1766), formerly known as Zheng Xie, with the word Kerou, also known as Li An, also known as Banqiao, Jiangsu Xinghua People, ancestral home Suzhou the Qing dynasty Calligrapher, painter and litterateur.
Kangxi Scholar, a famous scholar in the 10th year of Yongzheng, Qianlong The first year (1736) Jinshi Guanshan Fan County (Qing Dynasty- Caozhou Mansion County under jurisdiction) [26] Weixian County County magistrate with outstanding political achievements and guest residence Yangzhou , making a living by selling paintings“ Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics ”Important representatives.
Zheng Banqiao is good at painting orchids, bamboos, stones, pines, chrysanthemums, etc., and he has made the most outstanding achievements in painting orchids and bamboos for more than 50 years. It is based on Xu Wei, Shi Tao and the Eight Great People, and has its own family style. It has a sparse appearance and a strong style. Calligraphy, with eight points of Han Dynasty mixed with regular script and cursive script, calls itself six and a half points of calligraphy. And the calligraphy brush is integrated into the painting. It is advocated that we should abandon three points in order to inherit the tradition. We should pay attention to the originality of art and the diversity of styles. The so-called "before painting, do not establish a single pattern. After painting, do not leave a single pattern." It is still of reference significance today. The poems and essays are sincere and interesting, and are loved by the people. It can also heal seals. [25] His poetry, calligraphy and painting, known as the "three wonders" in the world, was a representative literati painter in the Qing Dynasty.
Representative works include《 New Bamboo Planting 》《 Clear light retention map 》《 Orchid and Bamboo Fragrant Painting 》《 Gangu Juquan 》"The Painting of Orchids and Thorns", etc., and wrote "Zheng Banqiao Collection".
Zheng Banqiao, known as Mr. Banqiao
Li Nunnery, Banqiao
Qing Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Xinghua, Jiangsu
date of birth
November 22, 1693
Date of death
January 22, 1766
Key achievements
Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics ”Representative figure, known as "three wonders" in poetry, calligraphy and painting
Main works
Complete Works of Banqiao, Painting of Gangu Juquan, Painting of Qingguang Liuzhao, Painting of Molan, etc
True name
Zheng Xie
Official position
Fan County (Qing Dynasty- Caozhou Mansion County under jurisdiction) [26] , County Magistrate of Weixian County

Character's Life


Early age hardships

Holy Ancestor of the Qing Dynasty Kangxi Zheng Banqiao was born at the time of Zishi in the 32nd year (November 22, 1693), when his family fortune had declined and his life was in poverty. At the age of three, Mrs. Wang, her biological mother, died and followed her father when she was young Erect an nunnery Go to study in Maojiaqiao, Zhenzhou. By the age of eight or nine, he had been writing couplets under the guidance of his father.
Kangxi Forty five years (1706), lost again at the age of 14 stepmother Madam Hao [1-2] wet nurse Fei Shi, a kind, hardworking and simple working woman, gave Zheng Banqiao careful care and meticulous care, and became the pillar of Zheng Banqiao's life and feelings. At the age of 16, I learned to fill in words from Mr. Lu Zhongyuan, a village elder.
In the 52nd year of Kangxi (1713), he was admitted as a scholar at the age of 20.
In the 55th year of Kangxi (1716), he married Mrs. Xu. Zheng Banqiao went to Beijing for the first time in the autumn, and Yu Shuyunxuan wrote Ouyang Xiu in calligraphy《 Autumn Sound Fu 》。
In the 58th year of Kangxi (1719), he went to Zhijiang Village in Zhenzhou to set up a private school to teach. [3]

Stay in Yangzhou

In the first year of Yongzheng's reign (1723), his father died. At that time, Banqiao had two daughters and one son, making life even more difficult. Because of his poor life, Zheng Banqiao abandoned the museum and went to Yangzhou to sell paintings for a living after he was 30 years old. He actually saved the poor and assumed the name of "elegance". During the ten years of selling paintings in Yangzhou Tourism activities Unfortunately, Mrs. Xu's son died, and Zheng Banqiao wrote poems to express his condolences.
In the third year of Yongzheng's reign (1725), he traveled to Jiangxi and met Monk Wufang and Manchu scholar Paul on Mount Lushan. Traveling to Beijing, making friends with Zen Zunzu and his disciples in the Feather Forest, commenting and commenting on people, we got Crazy name During his stay in Beijing, he married the Emperor Kangxi and the Prince Shen Yunxi , the owner of Ziqiong Cliff. [3]

To study and become an official

In the fifth year of Yongzheng (1728) Tongzhou , studying in Yangzhou Tianning Temple , handwriting Four Books One for each.
In the seventh year of Yongzheng's reign (1730), he wrote the first draft of Ten Taoist Feelings. At the age of 39, Madam Xu died of illness. Zheng Banqiao has known many painting friends in Yangzhou for ten years, Jinnong Huang Shen They are closely related to his past and have a great impact on his creative ideas and even his personality.
In the tenth year of Yongzheng's reign (1732), Zheng Banqiao was 40 years old. It was the autumn of this year, he went to Nanjing to take part in the rural examination. For further study, I went to Jiaoshan, Zhenjiang to study. Current Jiaoshan Biefeng Temple There is a woodcut couplet written by Zheng Banqiao in calligraphy, "Why should the room be so elegant? There is no more fragrance of flowers".
In the first year of Qianlong's reign (1736), he took part in the ceremonial examination in Beijing the Hall of Supreme Harmony The former red chi took part in the palace examination, and ranked the 88th in the second place. In order to give birth to the talent, he wrote a picture of okra stalagmites and wrote a poem saying, "I am also called a talent by the end of kui, and I will follow the laurel champion". His joy is expressed in his words.
In the second year of Qianlong's reign (1737), he stayed in Beijing for about a year to make an official career. However, he failed and returned to Yangzhou in the south. He was funded by Cheng Yuchen in the west of the Yangtze River and married the Rao family. Feynski's stroke of wet nurse.
In the fourth year of Qianlong's reign (1739), he wrote four verses of seven laws and presented them to Lu Jianzeng, the transport commissioner of Huainan.
In the fifth year of Qianlong's reign (1740) Dong Weiye Preface to Yangzhou Zhuzhi Ci.
In the sixth year of Qianlong's reign (1741), when he entered Beijing, there was a shortage of alternate officials and he was appointed by the Prince Shen Yunxi Your courtesy and hospitality.
In the spring of the seventh year of Qianlong's reign (1742), Zhengbanqiao became Fan County (Qing Dynasty- Caozhou Mansion County under jurisdiction) [26] It was also ordered to appoint a small county to serve as the imperial court, and began to draft poems and word collections, and to hand print them. [3]
In the eighth year of Qianlong's reign (1743), the "Ten Taoist Sentiments" was revised several times until it was finalized by Fang, and was engraved with the Shangyuan Situ Wengao.
Zheng Xie's "Confused"

Two heads of the county

Qianlong In 1744, my concubine Rao gave birth to a son. Zheng Banqiao, Ren Fan County (Qing Dynasty- Caozhou Mansion County under jurisdiction) [26] During the period of being in charge of the county, pay attention to agriculture and mulberry, observe the people's conditions, revitalize the people and rest live and work in peace
In the 11th year of Qianlong's reign (1746) Fan County It was transferred to Weixian County. In the same year, there was a great famine in Shandong, and people often ate people. Weixian used to be a prosperous town. Because of the famine for several years, disaster relief has become an important part of Zheng Banqiao's administration of Weixian County. He opened warehouses to relieve goods, ordered people to obtain vouchers, and promoted labor service, built cities and pools to attract hungry people from far and near to work. Large families in the town opened factories to cook porridge and take turns to eat. Close the family of millet and live more than ten thousand people. In autumn, when the harvest was poor, we donated money for the wheel, destroyed the IOUs, and there was no way to live the people. The hungry people in Weixian County went out to look for food, and Banqiao sighed that it was because of this.
Manchuria, the 12th year of Qianlong's reign (1747) Zhenghuang Banner People, lecturers, and professors are mainly in charge of Shandong Province. Banqiao is in the same auditorium, and they sing with each other.
In the 13th year of Qianlong's reign (1748), he was a bachelor Gao Bin Hedu Imperial Historian Liu Tongxun Banqiao accompanied the envoy to Shandong for relief. It was autumn, and the disaster situation in Weixian County was gradually easing. Hungry people also returned home from outside the Shanhaiguan Pass. Banqiao was responsible for returning home. In order to prevent water intrusion, we donated money to advocate the overhaul of Weixian City Wall. At the end of autumn, the book revised the city records of Weixian County. Qianlong made a tour of Shandong. Zheng Banqiao participated in the preparation for the "History of Painting and Calligraphy", arranged the Emperor to climb Mount Tai and lay on the top of Mount Tai for more than 40 days. He often took pride in this and engraved a seal "Yunqianlong Cambodian Seal History of Painting and Calligraphy".
In the 14th year of Qianlong's reign (1749), the son born to Rao died of illness in Xinghua. Visit Guo's Garden with the Imperial Historian Shen Yanfang. Re order letters and poems, and hand print them.
In 1750, the 15th year of Qianlong's reign, he wrote a preface to Banqiao Bridge. In the same year, the Wenchang Temple was rebuilt, and the No. 1 Scholar Bridge was built.
In the 16th year of Qianlong's reign (1751), the sea overflowed and Banqiao reached Yuwangtai in the north of Weixian County for disaster survey. Zheng Banqiao served as an official with the intention of "benefiting the people if he gets the will". Therefore, he was able to sympathize with civilians and small traders, reform the corrupt government, and safeguard their interests from laws and measures. During the reign of Banqiao, he was diligent and honest, with no accumulation, and no injustice to the people, which won the support of the people. Rich businessmen gathered in Weixian County, and people were compatible with extravagance. Zheng Banqiao advocated literary affairs, found talents, and left many stories. Make a banner of "Rare Lake Painting".
In the seventeenth year of Qianlong's reign (1752), he presided over the repair of the City God Temple in Weixian County and wrote the inscription of the City God Temple. In the inscription of Wenchang Temple and the inscription of the City God Temple, Banqiao urged the gentry and people in Weixian County to cultivate literature and clean conduct, which had a considerable impact on Weixian people. In the same year, he wrote a paper with Han Hao, a boy from Weixian County, and wrote a seven character running script couplet Zheng Banqiao wrote a lot in Weixian County《 Weixian Zhuzhi Ci 》Forty especially win universal praise "People become sons when they are in the right place, and officials read more when they are free". In the seventh year of the official Wei Dynasty, Banqiao reached a new peak in both official administration and poetry, calligraphy and painting. After ten years as an official, Banqiao has seen the darkness of officialdom and made contributions to the world. It is difficult to realize the ambition of cultivating people, and the intention of returning to the field is growing day by day. [3]

Old age life

Zheng Banqiao's "Losing is a blessing"
In the 18th year of Qianlong's reign (1753), Zheng Banqiao was 61 years old. He went to the government because he thought the people were asking for relief and disobeying the officials. When they went to Weicheng, the common people covered the roads to detain them, and their family portraits were sacrificed to them, and they spontaneously built a shrine for Zheng Banqiao in Haidao Temple in Weicheng. After leaving the official post, Banqiao made a living by selling paintings, traveling between Yangzhou and Xinghua, painting and calligraphy with fellow artists, and singing poetry and wine.
In the 19th year of Qianlong's reign (1754), Zheng Banqiao visited Hangzhou. Go over Qiantang to Kuaiji, explore Yu's acupoint, visit Orchid Pavilion, and travel to and from the mountain.
In the 22nd year of Qianlong's reign (1757), Yu Jian, the transport envoy of the Huaihe River and Huaihe River, took part in the ceremony of Hongqiao, and got to know Yuan Mei. During this period, there were many calligraphy and painting works by Banqiao, which were widely spread.
In the 27th year of Qianlong's reign (1762), a "Bamboo and Stone Painting" was painted. A huge stone stood up to the sky and the thin bamboo almost broke the picture. A poem was inscribed in the upper right corner blank: "Seventy old people painted bamboo stones, and the stones were more straight than bamboo. I know that this old pen is extraordinary, and it is very tall. The Qianlong Guiwei, Banqiao Zheng Xie." Press the two name seals below. The blank space at the lower right of the painting is also marked with the "Song Blows Ancient Yangzhou" chapter. Zheng Banqiao has been wandering around all his life, never bowing to all kinds of evil forces. He is still as strong as a rock, as strong as a bamboo, and as noble as an orchid. The poem is full of oblique themes, large and small, or on the peaks and ridges, which are replaced by texturing; Or connecting the paintings into one piece between bamboo poles; Or in the orchid cluster, the flowers are more numerous and the leaves are more luxuriant. The poem inscribed on the painting is the first in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, which was not created by Zheng Xie, but it is rare to see Zheng Xie's subtlety, which lies in the high unity of various arts.
On December 12, the 30th year of Qianlong's reign (January 22, 1766), Banqiao died and was buried in Guanruan Village, east of Xinghua City, at the age of 73. [3-4]

Key achievements


Three Wonders of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting

The art of calligraphy
Zheng Banqiao's calligraphy, which uses clerical script mixed with running regular script, calls itself "six and a half strokes", known as“ Slab bridge ”。 Most of his paintings are based on orchids, bamboos and stones. The calligraphy art of Zheng Banqiao, whose orchids and bamboos almost become his soul, is unique in the history of Chinese calligraphy.
Xiaokai Ouyang Xiu, written by him at the age of 23《 Autumn Sound Fu 》It is inferred from "Poems by Xiaokai Fan" written at the age of 30 that in his early years, Banqiao learned from Ouyang Xun. Its font is neat and beautiful, but a little stiff: this is related to the uniform and beautiful pavilion style prevailing in the calligraphy world at that time, which was used as the standard font for selecting scholars in the imperial examination. In this regard, Zheng Banqiao once said: "The small regular script is too regular, and the long work scares the soul." After he was a 40 year old scholar, he rarely wrote again. Zheng Banqiao's calligraphy is most praised as "six and a half characters", that is, "Han Bafen" (a kind of official script), a unique style of "Banqiao style" with regular script, lines and cursive characters.
Zheng Xie's Self written Running Script Tang Duoling's Ci Fan, collected by Shanghai Museum [5]
The "six and a half" book is a banter title of Zheng Banqiao's original calligraphy. There is a kind of "eight part script" with multi wave strokes in Lishu. The so-called "six part and a half" means Lishu in general, but it is mixed with regular script, line, seal script, grass and other calligraphy styles. The axis of Running Script of Cao Cao's Poems (as in Yangzhou Museum) can be regarded as a representative work of "six and half" style. This is Cao Cao《 Watching the sea 》Poetry is very large, with an average area of more than 10 square centimeters per space. It has strong clerical script and regular script; The shape is flat and long, and the house is mainly square and slightly suspended. Simple and bold, just like the magnificent and broad style of Cao's poems. Zheng Banqiao was once in《 Present to Pan Tonggang 》In the poem, he praised his calligraphy: "My Cao's brush array flies through the clouds and clouds, sweeps the sky and spreads the blue sky. Two lines of numbers are written in one line, and stars are arranged in the south and north."
Zheng Banqiao's calligraphic works are also very distinctive in their composition. He can intersperse the size, length, square, fat, thin, and density, such as "strewn with stones", with rules in the vertical placement. It seems to be free writing, but the overall view produces a sense of bouncing rhythm. As in Qianlong The banner of Xingshu Lunshu, which was written in 27 years ago, was 70 years old and was a masterpiece in his later years. The main idea is that Su Dongpo likes to use the Xuancheng Zhuge Qi Feng pen, which is very satisfactory. Later, when he changed to another pen, his palm didn't match. Banqiao himself likes to use Taizhou Deng's Yanghao pen, which can be written in a graceful and flying manner. So he compared Taizhou Deng's sheep hair to Zhuge Qifeng in Xuancheng, and finally said, "Why dare you imitate Dongpo? All books written with pen prefer fat to thin, which means slope." The whole work has large and small characters, thick and thin strokes, oblique posture, stippling, pressing, turning like joy in the ear, birds flying in the air, fish swimming in the water, He Shaoji, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said that his words were "especially interesting because of their orchids and bamboos". From the composition, structure and strokes of this work, it is not difficult [24] The God of Orchid Bamboo Lous who saw his "wonderful ancient shape of waves". [6]
Painting Art
Zheng Banqiao's Painting of Black Bamboo
Zheng Banqiao was born in a scholarly family. He was a scholar in the late Kangxi period, a candidate in the 10th year of Yongzheng period, a scholar in the first year of Qianlong period, and a magistrate of Fan County and Wei County in Shandong Province for 12 years since the age of 50. The idea of "benefiting the people with ambition" made him take such measures as "opening a warehouse to relieve the famine" and "donating money to the honest people to replace the losers" in his official career, which caused the dissatisfaction of corrupt officials, evil tyrants and evil gentry and demoted them. After that, he made a living by selling paintings. Zheng Banqiao experienced ups and downs in his life, experienced ups and downs, and saw through the vicissitudes of life. He dared to incorporate all these into his works. Zheng Banqiao's poems on paintings have broken away from the traditional pattern of painting with poetry or painting. Every painting he paints must be written with poetry, and the title must be good, so as to achieve "the image of painting like painting" and "the meaning of poetry challenging painting". The poems and paintings reflect and expand the breadth of the picture infinitely. Zheng Banqiao's poems on paintings are concerned about real life, and have profound ideological content. With words like guns and swords, he criticizes the shortcomings of the times, As he said in "The Painting of Orchid, Bamboo and Stone", "There must be something that can lift the heavens and uncover the earth, shock the thunder, and scold the ghosts. There must be no ancient or modern painting, which is not in the ordinary path."
① Thin and vigorous bamboo painting: Zheng Banqiao painted bamboo, "like the Lord of Slope, many are not disordered, few are not sparse, get rid of the habit of time, and show great strength". The Portrait of a Scholar in the Qing Dynasty said that he spent two thirds of his life writing pictures for bamboo. He once wrote a poem: "For forty years, he has painted bamboo sticks, waved them in the daytime and thought at night, cut them down and left them thin. When he painted, he was ripe.". Later, he said, "Where I draw bamboo, I have no teacher, more than the middle ears of sunlight and moonlight on paper windows and powder walls.". Through observation and artistic creation practice, he refined the theory of "bamboo in the eyes", "bamboo in the chest" and "bamboo in the hands". "Bamboo in the Eyes" is a natural scene, which is an observation of nature and an experience of painting; "Bamboo in the chest" is the idea of artistic creation; "Bamboo in Hand" is the realization of artistic creation. He organically integrates subjectivity and objectivity, phenomenon and imagination, truth and art, creating a realm of learning from nature and being higher than nature.
The bamboo of nature exists objectively. The painter sees that the bamboo in his eyes is different from the bamboo of nature, and then he needs to process and subjectively deal with it to form the bamboo in his chest. This is the meaning of the word "first in writing". When it falls on the paper, it will be transformed into the bamboo in his hand. The "bamboo in hand" refers to a "second nature" created by the painter, Bamboo in the chest and bamboo in the hand are the sublimation of bamboo in the eyes. To sum up, it is the process of artistic creation that the artist processes the objective image seen by the eyes, through image processing in the brain, and finally through technical processing into a typical artistic image.
The Painting of Seizing the Green Mountains (1765)
When Zheng Banqiao was the magistrate of Weixian County in Shandong Province, he once painted a picture《 Weixian County Office Chinese Painting Bamboo Chengnian Bo Bao Dazhong Cheng Kuo 》The bamboo in the painting is no longer the "representation" of natural bamboo, and the poem title is no longer a poem title without feeling. Through the paintings and poems, people associate people with the character of Banqiao. As a magistrate, he associates the people's distress and illness from the bamboo sound in the Yazhai, which indicates that he has people in his heart and the emotional chain is tied to the people. At this time, the bamboo leaves in the painting had an image expansion. The scenes of Zheng Banqiao opening a warehouse to relieve the victims emerged in people's minds one after another. The "frozen moment" became an infinite story in the minds of the audience, just like an infectious novel or film, which was gripping and thought-provoking. A few strokes of bamboo leaves and a few concise poem topics make people feel the profound thoughts and deep feelings contained in the works. Zheng Banqiao left Weixian County after being demoted. Three donkeys and a cart of books left in a breeze. Before and after his departure, he painted a bamboo picture with the title: "When the black gauze is thrown away, he is not an official. When the bag is thin and the sleeves are cold, he writes a thin bamboo and a bamboo fishing rod on the Qiufeng River." Through bamboo, he expressed his calm attitude of abandoning the official position for the people, indifferent to fame and wealth, and enjoying life《 Bamboo and Stone 》On the painting, three or two thin and vigorous bamboos stand up from the cracks in the stone, indomitable and unyielding to the wind. Zheng Banqiao expressed his free and open-minded mind by using bamboos, expressing his character of facing reality bravely and never yielding to setbacks. Bamboo is personified. At this time, "poetry is invisible, and painting is tangible poetry". Similarly, there are "Ink Bamboo Painting" and "Bamboo Painting". These ink bamboo paintings are all used to express that he became more relaxed after being demoted. Most of the bamboo paintings and poems inscribed on the paintings by Zheng Banqiao express the feelings of "Yazhai lying to listen to Xiao Xiaozhu, suspected to be the voice of folk suffering", show the tenacity of "standing in the rock, letting the wind from east to west, north to south", and express the integrity and spirit of "writing a thin bamboo, throwing black gauze away is not an official". All bamboos are noble and clean, honest and upright, Elegant, heroic and other charms were vividly displayed by him. This is exactly the difference between Zheng Banqiao's works and traditional flower and bird paintings, as well as his predecessors. Traditional orchids and bamboos are mostly displayed as appreciative and entertaining themes. The paintings mainly pursue the truth and beauty of natural images, the high and low painting skills, and the skillful and elegant use of brush and ink. In addition to these skills, Zheng Banqiao's poems on paintings also endow the subject with new ideological content and profound artistic conception, so that flower and bird paintings can also be ideological and lyrical, Give people a deep feeling. [7]
② Peak stone diagram
Zheng Banqiao's bamboo painting is unique, as is his stone painting. No matter how ruthless the natural stone is, it also lives in his pen, such as the stone in the Painting of Pillars and Stones, which is also a common theme in previous paintings, but it is rarely represented as the main image. In the middle of the painting, Zheng Banqiao painted a unique isolated peak stone, but it has the spirit of soaring into the sky. There is no background around. There are four seven character poems on the painting: "Who is lonely with the barren house? A pillar is standing on the sky, and Tao Yuanliang is standing upright. How can the five dippers break my waist?" The poem points out the theme of the painting, and combines the stone with the character at once. It can be said that "if the painting is not enough, the topic will be enough, and the painting will be silent and the poetry will be heard. Poetry and painting can be used for each other, opening countless ways for future generations." The slab bridge borrows the firm stone, Praise Tao Yuanming. Banqiao praised his upright and noble personality, and also seemed to reveal his own experience and tolerance. The stone in the painting represents the image of the figure, and contains the qualities of integrity and magnificence, which makes people feel that the stone painting here is more meaningful than the painter, and can reveal the profound meaning.
 Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works
Zheng Banqiao's Calligraphy and Painting Works
Orchid figure
③ Orchid: Zheng Banqiao still has many orchid The paintings with the theme also show some new contents, which are brought into play by poems inscribed on paintings, implying views on various things. For example, some take advantage of the characteristics of orchids to show that people should not be arrogant when they win or discouraged when they lose. With a common attitude, they wrote a poem: "Orchids are related to bamboo, always in green mountains and green waters. Frost and snow do not wither, spring does not bloom, and people laugh at red and purple when they are guests." Orchids make people associate themselves with people. People should be quiet, lasting, fragrant, not frivolous, not impatient, and not compete for beauty. Close to each other, the picture expands infinitely, and the artistic conception is profound. Another example: some express the generous temperament of a gentleman who can tolerate villains by borrowing a bunch of orchids with some thorns. The poem inscribed on the Painting of Thorns, Orchids and Stones says: "It is not allowed that thorns cannot become orchids, and outsiders can see coldly that fish and dragons are mixed, so we know that Buddhism is vast and boundless." Another painting of Thorns, Orchids and Stones says: "All men are gentlemen, and what will be the end of thorns? A gentleman can accommodate small people, and no small people can become a gentleman, so the orchid among thorns is more luxuriant." The plank bridge is ingenious. Several thorns are interspersed in the orchids. The paintings of orchids and thorns coexist, expressing the magnanimous mind of meeting villains, being open-minded, living together in harmony, and "becoming heroes after tempering". The painting readers also benefit greatly. The more you read, the more you feel that simple plants have profound artistic conception and endless fun. Looking at the orchid and bamboo stones painted by Zheng Banqiao and carefully reviewing the poems on paintings, we can easily see the reason why he likes to paint orchid and bamboo stones, as he said: "The orchid never thanks at four times, the bamboo is evergreen at a hundred knots, the stone is invincible forever, and the person remains unchanged through the ages", and "the four beauties". "There are orchids, bamboos, stones, knots, incense and bones". In his eyes, the orchid bamboo stone can represent people's unyielding, selfless, tenacious, bright hearted, noble character and other characters, so the words and sentences of his poems on paintings are based on the material and express their aspirations, with profound artistic conception. [7]
④ Painting poems: In his writing, painting poems are more artistic and interesting in form than ideological and lyrical in content. Painted poems can fully reflect the artistic interest of "painting and calligraphy are of the same origin" and "using the same method of writing". Most of the postscripts of traditional painters are written in the blank of the painting, playing a balance role with the picture. However, the title of "Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics" has broken away from the traditional Chinese painting, "literati painting" title and poetry, especially Zheng Banqiao's combination of calligraphy and painting, It has also become a special way to jointly express the image, which is inseparable from each other. For example, in the "Blue Stone Painting", Zheng Banqiao ingeniously used the form of calligraphy to combine poems, real grass, clerical script, and seal script, which were large and small, and were askew, like "strewn with stones" inscribed on the stone wall, replacing the texturing method required for stone painting, producing the beauty of rhythm and rhythm, and just to a good place to show the three-dimensional sense and texture beauty of the stone, It is more interesting than simply using texturing method to express three-dimensional sense. This has become an indispensable way of expression, which not only profoundly reveals the characteristics of orchids and implies the artistic beauty of noble character, but also has the artistic beauty of calligraphy instead of texturing. People can enjoy the beauty of artistic conception of painting and poetry, as well as the formal beauty of calligraphy art, immersed in poetry and painting. In addition, on many paintings of orchids, bamboos and stones, the form of his poems is changeable, not conforming to the rules, not sticking to the same pattern, naturally becoming interesting, achieving good calligraphy and proper style, and his paintings are also enhanced accordingly. The so-called appropriate style of travel means to conceive according to the reality of the picture and pay attention to the beauty of the form of the composition. Therefore, he wrote poems with paintings on the side, or on the top and bottom, or on the vertical, or horizontal, or oblique, or between orchids and bamboos, or between rattan leaves, intermittently, looking at their shapes, uneven, and dense. It is not only a wonderful reproduction of calligraphy, but also a comprehensive art that makes calligraphy and painting interesting. Calligraphy and painting organically blend together to form a unified poetic and picturesque atmosphere, giving people a comprehensive and perfect artistic enjoyment. [7]

Clear and bright administration of officials

Zheng Banqiao was deeply attached to the people and shared their worries. Zheng Banqiao Caozhou Mansion Fan County, under its jurisdiction, has been a magistrate for five years, and has left a historical story of "Yi Jing". His verse "The Yazhai sleeps to listen to Xiao Xiaozhu. It is suspected that it is the voice of folk suffering Caozhou County officials, one branch and one leaf, are always close ", full of deep feelings for the people. [26] Qianlong In the spring of the sixth year (1741), Zheng Banqiao was sent to Shandong Fan County served as county magistrate and began his 12 year official career. As an official, he tried to be simple and clean, and regarded the etiquette of platoon and drinking as shackles. In order to observe the people's conditions and visit their sufferings, he often does not sit in a sedan chair, do not sound the gong to open the way, do not sign "Avoid" or "Silence", and wear casual clothes and straw sandals to visit the countryside. Even if we went for inspection at night, we only needed one person to carry a lantern with the word "Banqiao" to guide us. Because he often dressed in "sleep in Longshang and watch coupling farming", so that "several times to ask each other in the mansion", he could not find his shadow.
He always cared about the sufferings of the people. He was good at drawing bamboo all his life, especially at writing poems based on bamboo. When he was appointed as the county magistrate in Weixian County, his immediate supervisor, the governor of Shandong Province, asked him for calligraphy and painting. He drew his own bamboo and wrote a poem on it: "Yazhai lies down to listen to Xiao Xiaozhu, which is suspected to be the voice of civil suffering. Some of the county officials in Caozhou, one branch and one leaf, are always close to the customs."
Qianlong In the eleventh year (1746), Zheng Banqiao dispatched Weixian County After seven years of service in Weixian County, drought, locust and flood occurred in five years, causing great loss of people. On the one hand, he reported the disaster to the imperial court and asked for relief; On the one hand, they provided work for relief, built city roads, recruited hungry people from far and near to work for food, and ordered large families in the city to open factories by turns to cook porridge beside the roads, so as to satisfy the hunger of women and children. At the same time, the hoarders were ordered to sell the millet to the hungry at the usual price. He also economized on food and clothing and donated official salaries for hungry people. In the most critical moment, he resolutely decided to open the official storehouse to store food. Qianlong In 1752, he resigned in anger and returned to his hometown Xinghua, Jiangsu to settle down. [4] [8]

Publishing books

  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Painting on Banqiao is a painting book written by Zheng Xie in the Qing Dynasty.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Commentary on Zheng Banqiao's Family Letters is a book published by Yuelu Publishing House on April 1, 2004. The author is Zheng Banqiao.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Work time 2003-08
    Banqiao Family Letter - Complete Book of Confused Success, written by Zheng Banqiao, was published by China Translation and Publishing Corporation in 2003.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Work time 2011-11-24
    Classic Series of Chinese Painting Masters: Zheng Banqiao is a book published by China Bookstore Press in 2011. The author is Zheng Banqiao.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Work time 2002-1
    Classic Collection of Famous Chinese Painters. Ancient Part. Zheng Banqiao is a book published by Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House. The author is Zheng Banqiao
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    The Painting of Orchid and Bamboo is a paper ink painting created by Zheng Xie, a painter in the Qing Dynasty. It is now in Yangzhou Museum.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Calligraphy
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    The Painting of Thorns and Orchids is a paper-based ink and wash painting created by Zheng Banqiao, a painter in the Qing Dynasty. It is now in Nanjing Museum. This scroll is themed with orchids and bamboos, with rocks between them. The painting method is bold and unconstrained. The orchid clumps are drawn with the vertical long brush in cursive. The high and low sides are different, and the flowers have different shapes and colors. The bamboo grove is ethereal, moist and beautiful, and full of charm. At the end of the picture is a cluster of orchids growing among thorns. The flowers bloom far more than ordinary orchids, which is exactly what the author said in his self title: "No villain can not become a gentleman, so in the thorns..."
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Work time 1991-9
    Banqiao Ci is a book published by Guangdong People's Publishing House. The author is Zheng Banqiao
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Work time 2010-6-1
    Manual Reading of the Analects of Confucius is a book published by China Bookstore in 2010 by Zheng Banqiao.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    "Banqiao Family Letter" was written by Zheng Xie, one of the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou in the Qing Dynasty. One year after being granted the title of calligraphy and painting history by Emperor Qianlong, Zheng Banqiao sorted out his family letters and printed them into "Banqiao Family Letter", which was mainly written to his younger brother Zheng Mo. Zheng Xie (1693-1765), known as Ke Rou, is a slab bridge.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work category Classical literature
    Work time 2004-1-1
    Zheng Banqiao's Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting is a book published by the Ethnic Publishing House in 2004. The author is Zheng Banqiao. This book includes many poems of Zheng Banqiao and many paintings and calligraphy collected by the Chinese History Museum and other units.
  • Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work time 2011-6-1
    Zheng Banqiao Collection is a book published by Jiangsu Guangling Publishing House Co., Ltd. on June 1, 2011.
  • Classic Series of Chinese Painting Masters Zheng Banqiao [23]
    Author name Zheng Banqiao
    Work time 2011-10
    Zheng Banqiao, the classic series of Chinese painting masters, was published in October 2011 by Zheng Banqiao.

Character evaluation

Yangzhou painter Li Yi ("Couplets")
Three poems, calligraphy and painting, one official returns. [9]
the Qing dynasty Yuan Mei
Banqiao calligraphy, wild and solitary, is also... Crawling snakes and worms, not enough concubines.
Scholars in the Qing Dynasty Kang Youwei
In Qianlong's time, he was tired of old learning. Dongxin (Jinnong) and Banqiao use clerical writing, but if they lose it, it will be strange. They want to change but don't know. [10]
calligrapher and painter Initiate meritorious service (On Book Jue Jue)
Frankly, the broad-minded products are the highest, and the spirit is cold and the bone is heavy and the ink is thin. Zhu Wenyin's villain occupied the old Banqiao two hundred years ago. [5]
Dramatists and litterateurs in the Qing Dynasty Jiang Shiquan (Painted Orchid)
Painting on the slab bridge is like writing orchids. The waves are fluttering in strange ancient shapes. Writing on the slab bridge is like writing characters. Showing leaves and thinning flowers is a gesture. [11]
Qing Dynasty“ Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics One of Jinnong
Xinghua Zheng Jinshi's Banqiao is romantic, elegant and playful. It has a very famous book. It has wild grass and ancient Zhou style, which is a word for word, and is also the best of all.
Historical geographer, epigraphy philologist, catalogue editor, calligraphy artist in the late Qing Dynasty Yang Shoujing (《 Learn from your words 》)
Banqiao Xingkai and Dongxin Fenli are not bound by their predecessors, and they have opened their own paths. However, he became a teacher of later learning, or fell into the Devil Way. [12]
Portrait of Zheng Banqiao

Historical records

Biographies of the Qing Dynasty ·Zheng Xiezhuan [14]
Yangzhou Prefecture Annals ·Volume 48 [15]

Anecdotes of characters


Famous for being eccentric

Zheng Banqiao's "weirdness" is a bit like Jigong Living Buddha. The "weirdness" always contains some sincerity, some humor, and some sour and hot. Whenever he saw corrupt officials and traitors being paraded to the public, he drew a picture of plum orchids and bamboo stones hanging on the prisoners as a screen to attract the audience and warn the people. [17]
A lot of abuse
Zheng Banqiao, who had no official position and was light, returned to Yangzhou to sell calligraphy and paintings. His status was quite different from that of the former. Many people wanted more and his income was considerable. But he hated those upstarts who attached themselves to Confucianism, such as some fat salt merchants in Yangzhou. He ignored the high prices. When you are happy, start writing at once. When you are unhappy, you will swear if you don't allow it. His strange temper is hard to be understood by the secular world. Once, when painting for a friend, he specially inscribed to make a frank confession:
"I write and paint all day long, without rest, I will scold people. I don't start writing for three days, but I want to use a piece of paper to ease its dull atmosphere. This is also the humble appearance of Cao Cao. It is extremely inexplicable to ask me to paint, not to paint, not to ask me to paint, but to paint. I understand people here, but listen with laughter."
Personal examples
Zheng Banqiao sells his paintings, unlike the traditional literati painters who still hold the pipa half hidden. Now that we have entered the market, we should be generous. He formulated "Banqiao Runge" and became the first Chinese painter to sell his paintings at a clear price. "Six taels in large format, four taels in middle format, two taels in small format, one tael in banner couplet, and five yuan in fan square. It is better to give gifts and food than silver; what you give is not as good as what your younger brother likes. If you give cash, you will be happy in your heart, and both calligraphy and painting will be good. Gifts are entangled, and you will be particularly bad on credit. Old and tired, you can't accompany you to make useless words." A poem was also attached at the end: "Painting bamboo is more than buying bamboo, and the paper is six feet high and costs three thousand. Ren Qu talks about the handover of the old, and only when the autumn wind is passing by." Obviously, it is an unbearable thing, but when he goes out of various plank bridges, he feels that his popularity is cute, because he is frank. [9] [17]
Delicious dog meat
Banqiao ordered Runge, stipulating that anyone who asked for calligraphy and painting should pay a deposit in advance, and make Runge examples, which is quite interesting. At that time, many rich and powerful gentry, whose halls were decorated, often took pride in getting Banqiao calligraphy and painting. However, Banqiao is not attracted to fame and wealth, and is not afraid of power. In his life, he does not like to do calligraphy and painting for those officials and evil gentry, which is inconvenient to say in his Runge. On one occasion, a group of gentry set traps to gain their calligraphy and painting. They learned that Banqiao loved dog meat, so they borrowed villagers' cottages to cook a pot of delicious dog meat on the way he had to go out with friends when Banqiao passed by; The host "greeted each other with a smile, and treated each other with dog meat and good wine." Banqiao did not doubt that he was happy to drink, and even praised the wine and food. After dinner, the master brought out the four treasures of the study and asked the adult to leave a couplet as a souvenir. Banqiao deeply felt that he had a good taste today, so he immediately agreed. Then he got up and wrote, asked the owner's name, and signed the money to pay for his elegance. After finishing the book, enjoy yourself. Later, at a banquet, he accidentally found his calligraphy and painting works hanging there. Only then did he know that he had been cheated, and he regretted that he was greedy. [17]

Assiduously learn to write

Zheng Banqiao
It is said that Zheng Banqiao studied very hard in his early years, and wrote many fonts that were similar to each other, but he finally felt inadequate. On one occasion, he even scratched on his wife's back to figure out the strokes and structure of characters. The wife became impatient and said, "You have your body, I have my body, what do you always draw on others' body?" This unintentional pun made Banqiao suddenly realize that you can't always "follow the rules" on others' physique. Only on the basis of personal perception, can we blaze a new trail to lead the way. So he took Huang Tingjian's long pen and drew it into eight points to exaggerate its dangerousness, "rocking waves and stopping knots". The word is slightly flat, low on the left and high on the right, and the posture is picturesque. He also used the brush of painting orchids and bamboos to get the meaning of calligraphy. Jiang Shiquan, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said that he "wrote like an orchid, with waves flowing in strange and ancient shapes", vividly expressing the characteristics of "slab bridge body". [17]

Slab bridge marriage

Zheng Banqiao's literary talent is unparalleled, but it's a pity that he was early desperate One day, when he came to the door of a family, he was surprised to find that the couplet in front of the door was his own poem. Zheng Sheng asked Mrs. Rao, the head of the household, what the matter was. Mrs. Rao said that his daughter loved Zheng Banqiao's works very much. Zheng Sheng hurried to say that he was Zheng Banqiao. Mrs. Rao immediately called out her daughter, Five Niangs, and called her out be betrothed to Give it to Zheng Banqiao, who later became a high school student and joined the imperial examination together. The couple also loved each other all their lives. [17]

Supernumerary peach teeth

Zheng Banqiao once wrote in his autobiography of Banqiao: "He is fond of mountains and waters. He is also lustful, especially when he is old and ugly. This generation has benefited from my gold coins. One word about foreign affairs was scolded, which was not confused." Yu Taochi and Jiao Feng'er are all allusions to good manliness. I especially like it Masculinity But because of the old clown, he is often approached because of money. But he won't pimp Interfere with his foreign affairs, or he will be expelled. The county was not delayed because of male sex. He once advocated to change Criminal law The bottom of the whip is the back of the whip. As a county magistrate, I once had to punish a man who gambled with beautiful men, and almost cried in the court. [18]

Delicately scold the gentry

Once, one Gentry seek Zheng Xie Inscribe a door Plaque That gentry usually flatters Government , has done many bad things. Zheng Xie decided to play a trick on him and wrote "Yawen Qijing". When painting the plaque, Zheng Xie told him painter For the words "elegance, rising and respect", only paint the left half; for the words "smell", only paint "door". After a while, the unpainted part of the characters on the plaque on the front door of the gentry building became blurred, and the painted part became clearer. From a distance, the original "Yawen Qijing" has become "Yamen Zhugou"(“ Yamen Lackey Homophony )。 [17]

Family members

Member Introduction
Great ancestor
Zheng Xinwan, with the word Changqing and Xiangsheng.
Zheng Shi, with clear words, is a Confucian official.
Zheng Zhiben, whose name is Li An, and whose name is Mengyang, Lin Sheng, gave apprenticeship at home. There were hundreds of people who had been employed.
Mrs. Wang
Madam Hao
Xu, Rao
Zheng Zhibiao was named Provincial Nunnery.
The second son died early and was succeeded by his disciple Zhang Tian (with the character of inkstone ploughing). [19]

People Memorial


Memorial Hall

Zhengbanqiao Memorial Hall, Xinghua, Jiangsu
Zheng Banqiao Memorial Hall
Xinghua Zhengbanqiao Memorial Hall, located in Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province Zhaoyang Town No. 2 Pailou North Road. It was established in November 1983 in memory of Zheng Banqiao, a calligrapher, painter and litterateur in the Qing Dynasty. In November 1993, the new building was a classical building, and the Yingmen Gate was a large granite full body statue of Zheng Banqiao, and a bamboo stone marble mural of Zheng Banqiao. The museum has 1181 collections, including 33 paintings and calligraphy of Zheng Banqiao, Jinnong Min Zhen Zheng Luan Liu Xizai 348 paintings and calligraphies by people like Zheng Banqiao Shi Naian And 833 paintings and calligraphy. [20]
Memorial Hall of Zhengbanqiao, Fanxian County, Henan Province
Zhengbanqiao Memorial Hall in Fanxian County, Henan Province Xinzhuang Township Maolou Village Covering an area of 28 mu, the main building "Three Wonders Hall" will display Zheng Banqiao's life, writing and painting scenes, in addition to the three wonders of poetry, calligraphy and painting works exhibition. There are also "Jinshui Bridge", "Banqiao Former Residence", "Youyi Corridor" and other buildings. [21]

Former Residence

Former Residence of Zheng Banqiao
Former Residence of Zheng Banqiao, located in Jiangsu Province xinghua No. 7-8, Zhengjia Lane, Dongcheng Wai. It faces south from north and enters back and forth. There are three main rooms facing north from south, and one gatehouse, one small study, and one kitchen. In the former residence, Zheng Banqiao's life tools, calligraphy and painting replicas are displayed, and information about Zheng Banqiao is studied. There is an ancient bronze statue of Zheng Banqiao standing on the strip platform in the main room. In 1983, it was comprehensively repaired and became a municipal cultural relics protection unit. [22]


The cemetery is located in the north of Guanruan Village, Daduo Town, Xinghua City, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, to the west of the exhibition room of Zhengbanqiao Forest Garden, and the old place name is "the chair handle field of Zhengjia Dachang". In 1964, in order to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Zheng Banqiao's death, the local government rebuilt Zheng Banqiao's tomb and moved it to the Zhonghu Island in Haizi Pool beside Parrot Bridge; Destroyed during the Cultural Revolution; On April 19, 1995, Zheng Xie's Tomb was announced by the People's Government of Jiangsu Province as the fourth batch of cultural relics protection units in Jiangsu Province.