Zheng Zhouyong

Founder of Hyundai
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Zheng Zhouyong( Korean :정주영 [3] [5] /English: Chung Ju yung [4] November 25, 1915 [3] March 21, 2001), Benguan Hedong [3] , No Eshan (아산) [5-6] the republic of korea The founder of Hyundai, with 43 affiliated enterprises and 155000 employees turnover Up to US $51.2 billion( Hyundai Motor US $9.2 billion). In addition to core enterprises such as automobile and construction, it also includes related enterprises such as shipbuilding, heavy electrical machinery and electronics, Hyundai It is an enterprise group with the least stock listing, the lowest foreign capital, and the most "Korean color". In this generation of global division of labor and cooperation, it has become a unique dark horse in the world.
Chinese name
Zheng Zhouyong
Foreign name
정주영 [3]
Chung Ju-yung [4]
Eshan [5]
date of birth
November 25, 1915 [3]
Date of death
March 21, 2001
one's native heath
North Jiangyuan Road, Korea
Representative works
automobile real estate metallurgy chemical industry transport Electronics finance
Bian Zhongxi
Zheng Mengjiu, Zheng Yixuan

Character experience

Zheng Zhouyong was born at present North Korea Eshanli, Tongchuan County, Jiangyuan North Road, Democratic People's Republic [6] (Also because he was born in Eshan, it is said that Zheng Zhouyong named himself Eshan [6] )After graduating from primary school, 60% of the poor peasant families began to work everywhere to make a living. At first, they worked as wheelbarrows. By 1942, they had set up a Automobile repair plant Korean War After that, he used to work as a handcart Construction site Experience is ultimately in architecture Events Get a place and build US troops stationed in South Korea Barracks, military repair vehicles and other affairs will be buried later Ford The foreshadowing of automobile cooperative factory establishment.

Kaimi Store

In November 1915, Zheng Zhouyong was born in Tongchuan County, Jiangyuan North Road, central Korea Peasant family There are eight brothers and sisters in the family. He is the eldest. Since he was 10 years old, his father woke him up at 4 o'clock in the morning and took him to work in the fields on a 15 mile night road. His father asked him to set an example for his younger siblings and become a practical farmer.
Day after day, Zheng Zhouyong is eager to go out of the countryside, out of the world and live a good life. At that time, the district head had a share in his family《 East Asia Daily 》Zheng Zhouyong went to the district head's house every day, hoping that he would not be divorced from the society. After that, he increasingly wanted to go outside to see the outside world.
From 1931, Zheng Zhouyong graduated from primary school. He ran away from home four times, but every time he went out to find a job, his father took him home. Once, in order to save enough travel expenses, he sold the most valuable thing in his family - two cows. His father had no choice but to do so.
In 1935, Zheng Zhouyong ran away from home for the fourth time. He came here alone Incheon As a coolie at the dock, he worked in Seoul for nearly a year. Finally, he found a better paying job in a rice shop and settled down. This was his first chance to leave home many times, when Zheng Zhouyong was under 20 years old.
Zheng Zhouyong worked hard in the rice shop and was appreciated by the boss. He established good relations with some customers at that time, laying a foundation for the future. In 1938, when the opportunity came, the rice shop owner was seriously ill, and the only son was idle, so he gave the rice shop to the penniless migrant worker for free to manage. In a flash, he changed from a waiter to a shopkeeper.
He used the money he earned to buy more land for his family, and at the age of 22, he was ordered to marry Bian Zhongxi, the daughter of a fellow villager whose parents "appointed" him. The two had a hard time together. For a time, his wife went to the roadside to sell tofu to support her family.
But soon, the Japanese war of aggression against China broke out, and Japan implemented food to Korea Rationing system , order all rice stores to close. The premature death of the rice shop had a great impact on Zheng Zhouyong, but he was not discouraged and borrowed money to work as a profitable car at that time Repair industry However, after five days of opening, the factory was destroyed by a fire. It seems that God wants to test this person's endurance!
But Zheng Zhouyong was not discouraged because he did not have the time and right, because the family of more than 20 people depended on themselves. He had to borrow money again. What touched Zheng Zhouyong was that when he borrowed money from old customers, they lent it to him without saying anything because of his good reputation. This lesson made Zheng Zhouyong understand that credibility is everything!
Memoirs of Zheng Zhouyong
On February 1, 1940, he raised funds to re launch the "A Dao" specialized in automobile Automobile repair shop ”In business, he also learned the principles of cars and the structure of engines. At that time, although there were 160 employees in Aldao Auto Repair Factory, it was not a small enterprise, but Zheng Zhouyong had breakfast every day pickled cabbage and A cup of porridge There is nothing else outside. Zheng Zhouyong's mother and wife had to cook for the workers every day. They were so busy that they couldn't even lift their heads. Thanks to such efforts and diligence, the factory grew stronger day by day.
In 1945, on a day of national celebration, when Japan surrendered after the defeat, the US military auctioned off the property. Zheng Zhouyong and several friends bought a confiscated property in Seoul to do car repair, and for the first time hung up the "Modern Automatic Vehicle Industry Society". At that time, there were many American vehicles stationed in the south of Korea. Zheng Zhouyong gained the trust of customers because of his rich experience in repair and good technology. Within a year, Zheng Zhouyong's factory had developed into a large repair shop with nearly 100 people.
After the war in South Korea, there was nothing left to be done. The shrewd Zheng Zhouyong saw that the profit from auto repair alone was still too little, and the construction should be a Emerging industries At that time, the US military had many preferential conditions for the construction industry. On May 25, 1947, the sign of "Modern Civil Engineering Society" was hung next to the sign of "Modern Automatic Vehicle Industry Society". Many friends advised him not to be familiar with the business and not to set foot in an unfamiliar industry. Zheng Zhouyong said, "I have worked hard at the dock and have more experience than anyone else." He insisted on opening his business despite his friends' advice. This day was May 25, 1947, and later became the birthday of a "modern" family.

Building starts

At the beginning, modern civil engineering was just a lot of second-hand contracting Builder One of. With Zheng Zhouyong's efforts, he has finally gained a firm foothold in the construction industry. On January 10, 1950, Hyundai Motor Formally merged with modern civil engineering to establish modern construction limited company Just then Korean War In the outbreak, Zheng Zhouyong took over many projects of the US military and made great profits. However, God once again put setbacks before Zheng Zhouyong.
The Gaoling Bridge project from April 1953 to May 1955 was a major difficulty he faced. The Gaoling Bridge project is hosted by the government. Because it is located in a traffic artery, it is difficult to construct, but the profit is also very considerable. After many setbacks, Zheng Zhouyong applied for this project, but it is much more difficult to do!
At that time, although the modern construction was rich in funds, the equipment was extremely backward. At the beginning of the project, many disasters were encountered. Gaoling Bridge was an area prone to mountain torrents, and its piers were easy to be collapsed by floods. So it started again and again. One year later, 13 piers had not been repaired, but prices rose rapidly, and the expenditure before the project was completed had already exceeded the budget. Modern construction faces serious financial crisis
However, Zheng Zhouyong is a person who strictly abides by his reputation. He is determined to borrow money to complete the project and pay the workers' wages even if he has no money! In desperation, the whole family sold their house and raised 99.7 million yuan in cash, saving modern construction. Although this project deficit More than 65 million yuan, paid a painful price, but Zheng Zhouyong also gained something that could not be bought for any amount of money - credibility! To this end, the Korean government spoke highly of the project, which has played a huge role in his future undertaking of government projects.
From this failure, Zheng Zhouyong learned that it is not enough to rely only on hard work and hard work, and technology is also key, so equipment update can be in an invincible position! Modern construction soon entered after equipment upgrading and technology adjustment Architecture Among the top six.
In 1967, the President Park Chung hee At the request of Gyeongbu Expressway Project, this is the first article in the history of South Korea expressway Its success or failure is not only a personal problem, but also related to the honor or disgrace of the country. After nearly two years of hard work, the highway was finally completed, and Zheng Zhouyong also won a "Bronze Tower Industry Medal".
Zheng Zhouyong's eyes also focused on foreign countries. After all, South Koreans are many and small, which also restricts the pace of enterprise expansion to some extent. Therefore, Zheng Zhouyong began to base himself on South Korea and face the world. Despite continuous losses at the beginning, Zheng Zhouyong believes that this is the tuition fee that should be paid, and success can only be achieved through failure!
At that time, South Korea Economic circles The evaluation of Zheng Zhouyong is that his business energy is domestic market , unable to rush Foreign market But Zheng Zhou never believed in evil. In 1976 Saudi Arabia Jubail Industrial port International project bidding China, with a price tag of 9314.4 million US dollars, defeated the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan and other western countries developed country We won the bid and completed the project ahead of schedule with high quality.
Since then, Zheng Zhouyong's modern construction army has Middle East The company has driven into the Middle East and is invincible Construction project The "modern" cause is at its peak.

Car Dream

Don't forget, Zheng Zhouyong's dream started from auto repair, so he also has an unusual feeling for cars. Although he has spent a lot of effort in the construction industry, he has never forgotten about cars. The huge profits in the construction industry enabled him to realize his dream of automobile.
With the help of Korean War Driven by the post construction wave, Zheng Zhouyong established the Hyundai Motor Company The first choice for new automobile manufacturers Ford As its partner, Ford is responsible for providing Hyundai with the technology necessary for the production of cars and light trucks.
However, Ford was very indifferent to Hyundai. They thought that even if they produced cars in a small market like South Korea, they would not make much money, so they created difficulties. Finally, Zheng Zhouyong made a crucial decision to terminate the cooperation with Ford and produce their own cars.
In January 1976, through the introduction of models from George Dunbull Design Office and the use of Japan And the UK Production technology Hyundai Motor The first independent model of "Xiaoma" has finally been put into production. This Mini car It has rapidly achieved great success in the domestic market, making Hyundai Motor the first in the domestic market for 20 years. become Automobile market The last real black horse.
Moreover, in 1992, Hyundai proudly launched the first concept car, HCD-I, which was successfully developed by itself at the Detroit Auto Show. With its smooth lines and avant-garde shape, Hyundai immediately conquered the competition with two bright eagle eye headlights North America The most "terrible" thing is that the price of this two seater sports car is only 14000 dollars, which immediately shocked the whole world.

Modern spirit

In South Korea, Zheng Zhouyong can be said to be rich enough to rival his country. Koreans call him the richest man in South Korea. Zheng Zhouyong did not think so. He said that he was just a rich laborer and a person who used his labor to produce wealth.
Group photo of Zheng Zhouyong and Kim Jong Il
Zheng Zhouyong believes that a person who works with 10 times the energy will get 10 times the return. He often tells his employees about his own experience. He said that when I worked in the rice shop, it took me an hour and a half to walk to the rice shop from where I lived in order to save 5 cents. For fear of waste shoes, simply nail a nail on the sole. At that time, I never bought newspapers. I went to the rice store to read the newspapers bought by the boss. At that time, my monthly salary was a bag of rice, and I had to save half of it every time. In the process of rapid urbanization, Egoism The trend of money omnipotence, extravagance and waste, and decadence began to spread. In order to eliminate these bad tendencies and re-establish a new spiritual outlook, the Korean government actively guided the whole people to be diligent and thrifty.
Zheng Zhouyong strongly supported this. He said to the young workers, "Don't be busy buying TV first. You don't even have your own house. Where do you put the TV when you buy it radio It is enough for you to understand the world's major events. You'd better not smoke before you have a family, Even coffee It's better not to wait. The company sends you coverall , even underwear, as long as there is one set to see my mother-in-law man 's suit That's enough. When I was young, there was only one set Spring In winter, add a piece of underwear to the spring and autumn clothes. It's been a good year. "
In addition to diligence and thrift, in Zheng Zhouyong's Operation mode There is also an important point: to promote "on-site first doctrine". He thinks that the market is like a battlefield commander If you don't come to the front to command the battle, you can't win the battle.
stay Hyundai Group Zheng Zhouyong is the busiest person. He gets up at 4 o'clock every day, listens to reports, reads reports, and keeps abreast of the trend of Hyundai Group. Most of his time is spent on Construction site On. Whether at the construction site of Jingfu Expressway or Ulsan Shipyard construction site, whether in Bahrain You can see his feet in Jubail Military boots A figure in overalls. As soon as he arrived at the construction site, he could hear his roar: "Hurry! Hurry!" As soon as Zheng Zhouyong arrived at the construction site, modern workers would say: "The tiger is coming." Zheng Zhouyong was truly a "tyrant on the construction site".
This is the modern spirit, which Zheng Zhouyong proudly summarized as "creation, pioneering, fortitude and thrift".
However, Zheng Zhouyong was not satisfied. He also marched into politics ambitiously. In 1992, he campaigned at the age of 77 President of South Korea , breaking the routine that businessmen do not engage in politics, although they did not succeed in the end. In 1998, Zheng Zhouyong twice drove hundreds of cattle across the "38th parallel" and directly into North Korea. This "cattle diplomacy" was a milestone in the North South Korean peace talks.
Until his death, Zheng Zhouyong is still busy. Although he only served as the honorary chairman of the group, he is called "King Chairman". He still insists on working at the headquarters in Seoul every day. This is Zheng Zhouyong, a person who never stops his steps!

The black horse in the car circle

Taking advantage of the great opportunity of rising in the construction industry, Zheng Zhouyong established the modern foreign behavior foundation of trading and manufacturing machinery and auto parts in 1962 Ford Motor Company Cooperate to create Hyundai Motor, officially heavy industry March. In the early days Ford Corte ira and Granadae were used as benchmark cars to develop cars suitable for use in South Korea, and the results were average.
Maybe the management idea could not reach resonance, Zheng Zhouyong and Japan in 1967 Mitsubishi Signed by the Group's automotive division technical cooperation , developed the "Pony -" car model due to Mitsubishi Car factory Fully support technology transfer, simple and clean shape, economical and fuel saving Pony It has good performance and practicability, and has won high praise at home and abroad after listing, especially when it first entered North America, which was a great success.
The good momentum of the "Xiaoma" car group of Hyundai Auto Factory moving to the world's largest auto market - North America has made Zheng Zhouyong realize that "high quality" is the guarantee of an invincible position, so he not only invested heavily in the R&D department, but also Mitsubishi Motors Of technical support Next, keep updating Production equipment For example, the latest computer-controlled robots and the testing instruments that meet the British MIRA and Japanese MC standards are all available, so that the products can pass rigorous testing at all stages of the integrity of materials, parts and components, and finished vehicles, and achieve consistent high quality. In addition, a 20km long ring road will be built in Ulsan Car Factory Testing ground Keep abreast of prototype vehicles in design, new vehicles just off the line, and test results of various road conditions and roads as reference for immediate improvement and correction.
This kind of efforts and persistence were rewarded later. A new version of the pony was introduced in 1983, and a large number of cars were exported Canada , which is highly praised. Later, 1.6L "Stellar" was launched, and the export sales were also very successful. Hyundai built a factory in Canada the same year to produce new cars nearby. In 1985, Weiying North America Regional demand, and the Excel car developed was accepted by consumers in North America as soon as it was launched. In 1985, with an unprecedented sales volume of 85000 cars Lower Canada In the same year, 170000 imported cars were sold in the United States, which became a black horse in the world.

Publishing books

  • Author name Zheng Zhouyong
    Work time 1999-6
    My "Modern" Career -- Memoirs of Zheng Zhouyong is a book published in June 1999 by Zheng Zhouyong.
  • Author name Zheng Zhouyong
    Work category novel
    My "Modern" Career - Memoirs of Zheng Zhouyong is a book published by Life · Reading · Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore, written by (Han) Zheng Tongyong
  • 이 땅에 태어나서 [2]
    Author name Zheng Zhouyong
    Work time 2015-4-15
    이 땅 에 태 어 나 서 is a book published in April 2015 by Zheng Zhouyong.

Production system

Zheng Zhouyong is not complacent about these achievements. He not only wants Hyundai to have the first Market share Furthermore, we should take the initiative and lead in the world auto market. Therefore, he insisted on having Self development Ability. As early as 1976, 8 years after the establishment of the factory, Hyundai Automobile Factory had its own new model developed successfully in 1981 and Mitsubishi Motors Joint venture (Mitsubishi contributed 10%), developed the second new car in 1983, and in 1985 in Canada Quebec Set up a car factory with an annual output of 100000 vehicles.
Zheng Zhouyong
In response to the trend of automobile industry electronization, Zheng Zhouyong established Modern Electronics in 1982 Hyundai Motor Strong backing for modernization. However, Hyundai Automobile Factory strives to reach the goal of 95% self production rate. In 1988, it independently developed the injection system Oil supply system The new engine is the result of the successful cooperation between Hyundai Motor Factory and downstream manufacturers. Zheng Zhouyong continues to promote the independent research and development and manufacturing of materials and parts.
In addition, it is worth mentioning that most of the production machines and tools of modern car factories, including computer hardware equipment, are mostly national products. At the same time, in order to improve Quality control , did not adopt Japanese style“ real-time control system ”, while implementing high-level Vertical integration Method, year Average yield 1150000 passenger cars.
Hyundai Auto Factory is now selling 128 cars in the world countries and regions There are Exc el, Elantra Sonata (Sonata) and the platform shared with Elantra Coolpad ( coupe )Sports cars and other four models. The Elantra car won the title in 1992 and 1993 Australia Supercross Freestyle Mass production vehicle The champion of the group and won the British Automotive The magazine "WhatCar" is the most worthy medium-sized RV to buy; Excellence was selected in the 1994 American Automobile Yearbook( CarBook )The best safe minivan; Sonata landed on the Chinese mainland in early 1993 and sold 40000 vehicles from January to May.

management idea

Hyundai Motor In a short period of time, Zheng Zhouyong can surpass the most historic and large-scale Kia Automobile Factory in South Korea, and become famous in the world management idea -- On the spot principle is the key to success: he not only wants all his family's 15 younger brothers, 8 sons and 1 son-in-law to stand on the first line of business, but also keeps close contact with the "on the spot" production line. He also boldly employed the cadres from the science and engineering department who were always ignored by South Korea. These managers, who focused on "on-site" work, naturally became Zheng Zhouyong's“ a sensor ”, and fully grasp the real-time status of related enterprises.
Unfortunately, in July 1987, the problem of "strike" began to appear, which was dominated by modern machinery, and quickly spread to the entire modern enterprise group. As a result, the "labor agreement meeting" formed by 12 enterprises in the group required Zheng Zhouyong to withdraw from the management team. Finally Decision power And management right After being handed over to the general managers of the companies, the strike was ended, but the six major enterprises in the group were closed.
Labor disputes Continuously, Hyundai Group lost a lot of operating opportunities and performance. In January 1992, during the strike of Hyundai Ulsan Automobile Factory, the impact on exports to Europe and Asia Pacific Of amount of damages , more than US $1.25 billion, which does not include the US $5.3 million needed to repair plant and equipment. But Hyundai's successor Zheng Shiyong Inherited from my brother Mental power Practice "siteism", Hyundai Motor It seems that the style of the world's car industry has not declined.

Top 5

In fact, Zheng Zhouyong also faced a critical moment of "whether to continue to produce automobiles?" Quan Douhuan The government strives for political integrity to effectively improve society Uneven wealth In August 1980 and February 1981 Heavy chemical industry Adjustment measures.
Facing the two waves of government Strong adjustment Measures, Zheng Zhouyong can only "enrich power generation equipment" and "develop automobile industry ”Between, select one living space As a result, he did not hesitate to choose to develop the automobile industry, and even "refused to admit defeat" and refused to invest 50% of GM's automobile investment Autonomy The development, production and sales of the "Korean automobile" industry era, while the modern goal, France.
Zheng Zhouyong
However, Hyundai still has many ways to go to achieve the goal of becoming one of the top five in the world. For example, it must enter the Chinese market. It is a new topic for Hyundai to enter the Chinese market. The successful experience in Canada and the United States may not be used in the Chinese market, because the current Chinese market is similar to the Korean market at the beginning of Hyundai's establishment Status symbol The stage of transition to household consumer goods. Although China market size It is not large and the demand is scattered, but Hyundai Motor The top five dream is a key link. Some data show that China will become one of the largest auto markets in the world within ten years.
In 2000, Hyundai Motor established Hyundai kIa "China Headquarters", focusing on developing the Chinese market. Hyundai has opened more than 60 service outlets in China to supply Vehicle repair Equipment and orthodox parts. More importantly, in 2002, Hyundai Motor and BAIC Motor Industry Holding Co., Ltd Joint venture established Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd , and has been approved by relevant national ministries and Beijing The city's full support. Hyundai Sonata and Elantra Car sales momentum is good, Elantra is even in China Car market A dismal 10 year rebound against the market, with a monthly sales of 13000 vehicles.
Since 1967, compared with the century old brands we know, Hyundai is too young, but this is the birth calf Let's see Korean cars in the world automotive industry Hope and position on. According to such "modern speed", the fifth "modern goal" in the world is no miracle.
The father of "modernity" - Zheng Zhouyong
Wealth archives
Hyundai logo
Zheng Zhouyong is a legendary entrepreneur who has built the largest enterprise in South Korea from scratch, including shipbuilding, automobile, real estate, metallurgy, chemical industry, transportation, electronics, finance and other industries Comprehensive enterprise ——Hyundai Group, the richest man in South Korea, once ran for President of South Korea in 1992. Hyundai is not only Korean economy It is also a supporter behind the political arena.
Enterprise type
Automobile manufacturing.
March 21, 2001, South Korea contemporary history On Legendary figures Zheng Zhouyong, founder and honorary chairman of Hyundai Group, died at the age of 86 in a hospital in Seoul. The death of Chung Chow yong shocked the Korean government and the public. President Kim Dae jung and other political figures and economic celebrities have issued message of condolence In order to show condolences. The Korea Economic Men's Federation, the largest business association in South Korea, even asked to hold a meeting for him state funeral This man who enjoyed all the sorrows and glory was called "the giant of the times who left footprints at every important moment in the modern history of South Korea". Why does his death attract so many people's attention? That is because his experience is a brief history of South Korea's economic development, and he succeeded after many hardships.

Character family

Spouses and children
Spouse: Bian Zhongxi (변 중 석, 1921-2007)
The eldest son Zheng Mengbi (정필필, 1936-1982): former president of Incheon Iron Manufacturing, was killed in a car accident.
second son Zheng Mengjiu (정, 1938 -): Yes Hyundai Kia Auto Group President, President of Hyundai Motor, President of Kia Motor.
Zheng Yixuan (정 의 선, 1970 -): Zheng Mengjiu, the eldest son, is vice president of Hyundai Motor, vice president of Hyundai Steel, and president of the Korean Archery Association.
Sanzi Zheng Menggen (정근, 1942 -): Yes Modern department store Honorary President of the Group. The eldest daughter Zheng Qingji (정희, 1944 -)
Zheng Zhixuan (정 지 선, 1972 -): Zheng Menggen, the eldest son, is the president of Modern Department Store Group.
Zheng Jiaoxuan (정 교 선, 1974 -): Zheng Menggen, the second son, is the vice chairman of Modern Department Store Group.
Quartet Zheng Mengyu (정우우, 1945-1990): former president of modern aluminum industry, poisoned himself.
Zheng Rixuan (정 일 선, 1970 -): The eldest son of Zheng Mengyu, now president of BNG Steel, is a member of Hyundai Kia Motor Group.
The five sub Zheng Mengxian (정정정, 1948-2003): former president of Hyundai Group and former president of Eshan, jumped from a building to commit suicide.
Xuan Zhenen (현정은은, 1955 -): Madam of Zheng Mengxian, the current president of Hyundai Group, Hyundai Elevator and Hyundai Eshan.
Zheng Zhiyi (정 지 이, 1977 -): Zheng Mengxian, the eldest daughter, once worked in the Finance Department of Modern Merchant Shipping, and was a modern UNI specialist.
Liuzi Zheng Mengzhun (정준, 1951 -): Member of Parliament of the New National Party, the largest shareholder of Hyundai Heavy Industry Group, and honorary president of the Korean Football Association; Former president of modern heavy industry, former FIFA Vice President (1994 - 2011), former President of Korea Football Association (1993 - 2009), Chairman of the 2002 World Cup Organizing Committee.
Seven sons Zheng Mengyun (정윤, 1955 -): Yes Modern Marine Fire Insurance Company president.
Eight sons Zheng Mengyi (정일, 1959 -): former president of Modern Commercial Bank and Jiangyuandao Bank, is a modern Corporate Finance president.
brothers and sisters And nephews and nephews
second younger brother Zheng Renyong (정 인 영, 1920-2006): Founder and Honorary President of Hanna Group; Original《 East Asia Daily 》Reporter, former president of Hyundai Construction, after leaving Hyundai Group, he founded Hanna Group and served as its president.
Zheng Mengguo (정 정, 1953 -): The eldest son of Zheng Renyong, former vice president of Hanna Group, and former South Korea Institute for Nationalities (Now Hannah University )Chairman of the board of directors is the chairman of MT Industry.
Zheng Mengyuan (정원원, 1955 -): Zheng Renyong's second son, President of Hanna Group, President of Hanna Construction, and President of Korean Hockey Association.
Third Brother Zheng Shunyong (정 순 영, 1922-2005): Xingyu Group Founder and honorary president; He once worked in Hyundai Construction, and later he boldly acquired Hyundai Cement to form Xingyu Group.
Zheng Mengshan (정선, 1954 -): the eldest son of Zheng Shunyong, chairman of Xingyu Group and chairman of Modern Cement.
Zheng Mengxi (정석석, 1958 -): Zheng Shunyong's second son, president of modern comprehensive metals.
Zheng Mengxun (정훈, 1959 -): the third son of Zheng Shunyong, president of Xingyu Electronics.
Zheng Mengyong (정용용, 1961 -): the fourth son of Zheng Shunyong, president of Xingyu Automobile.
Sister Zheng Xiyong (정희영, 1925 -)
Kim Yong ju (김영영영영영, 1920-2010): husband of Jeong Hee yong, honorary president of Korean FLANGE Industry.
Kim Yunsoo (김윤윤, 1946 -): the eldest son of Kim Yong chu and Jeong Hee yong, president of Korean FLANGE industry.
Zheng Shiyong, the fourth younger brother (정영, 1928-2005): Modern industry Honorary President of Development Group, former President of Hyundai Group, former Hyundai Motor president.
Zheng Mengkui (정규, 1962 -): The eldest son of Zheng Shiyong, the former president of Hyundai Motor, is the president of Hyundai Industrial Development Group and the president of the Korean Football Association.
Zheng Xinyong (정 신 영, 1931-1962), the fifth younger brother, is a reporter of East Asia Daily West Germany When pursuing a doctorate in economics (also served as the East Asia Daily Special correspondent )Died intestinal obstruction Zheng Zhouyong established the "Xinyong Research Foundation" in his name.
Zhang Zhenzi (51109정 자, 1935 -): wife of Zheng Xinyong, president of Modern College.
Zheng Mengxuan (정혁, 1961 -): the eldest son of Zheng Xinyong, is the president of modern comprehensive business.
Zheng Xiangyong, the sixth younger brother (정 상 영, 1936 -): KCC Group Founder and Honorary President.
Zheng Mengjin (정진, 1960 -): Zheng Xiangyong The eldest son, president of KCC Group.
Zheng Mengyi (정익, 1962 -): the second son of Zheng Xiangyong, president of KCC Group.
Zheng Menglie (정열, 1964 -): the third son of Zheng Xiangyong, president of KCC Construction.
Zheng Zhouyong is the eldest brother of six men and two women in the family. In addition to the five younger brothers and one younger sister introduced above, there is a younger sister who got married in North Korea, but die young