Zou Rong

[zōu róng]
Democratic revolutionaries in the late Qing Dynasty
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Zou Rong (1885-April 3, 1905), famous in modern China bourgeois revolution Promoter, original name Mandarin , also known as Weidan Weidan Shaotao , studying abroad Japan It was renamed Zou Rong at that time. Sichuan Baxian County People (today Chongqing City Banan District [19 ] ), born in a commercial capitalist family. Yingba County Child test , because he was angry at the remoteness of the examination questions, he stopped the examination, and was disgusted from then on imperial examination eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations, knows for it rigidity of form and poverty of ideas ) His father ordered him to enter Chongqing Jingshu Academy, and he was dismissed for scorning the old school. Later gradually yearning Reform reform In the 27th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1901) Chengdu The student who applied for the examination to stay in Japan as an official fee was disqualified before leaving because of his ideological tendency to reform, so he decided to go to Japan at his own expense Overseas Study Guangxu reign period In the autumn of the twenty eighth year (1902) Tokyo , enter Tongwen Academy. Initial writing《 Revolutionary army 》First draft. [17-18]
In April 1903, Guangxu returned to Shanghai, lived in the patriotic society, and met Zhang Taiyan , tied as friends with complete mutual understanding At this time Anti Russian movement happen. He was in Zhang Yuan Speech at a rally against Russia, signing to join Anti Russian Volunteers In May, we initiated the organization of Chinese students Alliance During this period, The Revolutionary Army Shanghai Printed by Datong Book Company and signed by Zou Rong, a pawn of the revolutionary army, please Zhang Taiyan Preface. Su Bao case After the incident, he surrendered to the patrol room on July 1 and was imprisoned in concession prison. Zou Rong was sentenced to two years' imprisonment by the concession authorities, suffering from illness. He died in prison on April 3, 1905. March 29, 1912 Sun Yat-sen approval, Nanjing Provisional Government Posthumous gift General Collection of posthumous works《 Collected Works of Zou Rong 》。 However, there is no denying that Zou Rong's thought is also blind and one-sided because of his young age.
Chinese name
Zou Rong
Guiwen, also known as Weidan Weidan Shaotao
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
Date of death
April 3, 1905
University one is graduated from
Japanese Tongwen Academy
Bourgeois revolutionary propagandist and speaker
Key achievements
Propaganda of revolutionary ideas
one's native heath
Fuba County, Chongqing (now Banan District, Chongqing) [19 ]
Representative works
Revolutionary Army
Ancestral home
Hubei Macheng

Character's Life



Zou Rong, a student from Chongqing studying in Japan
Zou Rongsheng Chongqing Government Baxian County (Today, Banan District, Chongqing [19 ] )A business capitalist Family, ancestral home Hubei Macheng In the 17th year of Guangxu period (1891), Zou Rong joined his elder brother Yun Dan Private school Fa Meng. When he was eleven or twelve years old, he was already familiar with it Confucian classics , can recite《 Redords of the Grand History of China 》、《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》And other famous historical works. Right now Reform movement Zou Rong was gradually exposed to the promotion“ New learning ”、“ Western learning ”Mainly books and periodicals. He began to accept another elementary education And thus, to a certain extent, sprouted contempt for feudal culture Imperial examination system Perception Qing Dynasty The corruption of the rule, the suffering of China Imperialism Divide up the frenzy of China We are also deeply worried about the danger. In this way, Zou Rong's thoughts and interests were completely different from his father's expectations. The conflict between the old and the new soon broke out between father and son. His father wants him imperial examination In high school, he hated the banality of Confucian classics and despised them eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations, knows for it rigidity of form and poverty of ideas ) Honor, like reading《 Theory of Celestial Performance 》、《 Current affairs 》And other new books and periodicals, and new thoughts of reform and reform.
In the 23rd year of Guangxu's reign (1897), Zou Rongman was 12 years old and ordered by his father to accompany his eldest brother Baxian County Child test Just entering the first stage, he immediately contradicted the examiner because the test questions were very rare, so he left in anger. Back home, he was beaten by his father. But Zou Rong was unconvinced, and stubbornly defended to his father, saying, "Stinky stereotyped people don't want to learn, and people don't want to join. What's the use of getting fame in the declining world?" [1] Later, his father Zou Zifan forced his son to enter Chongqing Confucian Classics Academy Continue to accept Confucian classics However, Zou Rong still refused to comply with the education of the Academy. [2] "Attack Cheng Zhu and Qing Confucian Theory, especially the body is incomplete ". [3] Therefore, he was expelled from the Academy.
In the 24th year of Guangxu (1898), the Reform Movement of 1898 failed Tan Sitong When the news of the death of the Six Gentlemen, he was filled with grief and indignation. He wrote a poem saying: "The morale of Xianghu Lake is declining because of the death of the late King Tan. But those who hope to follow him will not lose their ambition." [4] To express his regret and ambition for change. At this time, Zou Rong was not an adult. Later, he entered Chongqing Institute of Economics, still concerned about national affairs, determined to save the country and the people, and often talked about political affairs, so he was expelled. [5]

To study in the east

In the 27th year of Guangxu (1901), Sichuan Province It is the first time to send students to study in Japan Chengdu Hold examinations. Zou Rong asked to take the exam. Zou Zifan felt unable to make his son linger on the path of imperial examination, so he promised him to have a try. The purpose was to let him return from studying abroad to gain the fame of being a candidate and a scholar granted by the imperial court, and still to enter the officialdom. Because the Qing Dynasty has issued an imperial edict“ Reform ”It is widely rumored that measures have been taken to grant foreign students official positions. In June of that year, Zou Rong braved the heat from Chongqing Walk to Chengdu to take the exam. After the exam, Li Liyuan, the alternate prefect who presided over the exam, was admitted Governor of Sichuan Kui Jun Kui Jun "encouraged him to speak a few words, turned his life back to Yuzhi, packed his bags, and went with him in the middle of August Japan ”。 [2] However, just before his departure, Zou Rong was dismissed by some die hards who falsely described him as "smart and unreasonable". [6] But Zou Rong was not discouraged. With a desire to get rid of the shackles of tradition and explore new knowledge, Zou Rong made an effort to offend his father and asked to stay in Japan at his own expense. In the late autumn of that year, he borrowed travel fees from his relatives and shipped from Chongqing to cross Three Gorges , downstream east, arrive Shanghai Soon, enter Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau subsidiary school for training translators set up by Li Hongzhang Make up for Japanese. After being persuaded by his relatives, Zou Zifan promised to pay the cost of staying in Japan.
In the spring of the 28th year of Guangxu's reign (1902), he broke through many obstacles, crossed to Japan at his own expense, and entered Tokyo Tongwen Academy. [7] After arriving in Japan, Zou Rong studied hard. He read a lot of western books bourgeois class Enlightenment works, once "compared with France Rousseau ”At the same time, he also extensively participated in various activities of students studying in Japan, and he would attend speeches at every rally. In Japan, Zou Rong has a lot of contacts with the western bourgeois democratic ideology and culture, and his revolutionary tendency is increasingly exposed. He has met some revolutionary heroes and actively participated in the patriotic activities of students studying in Japan. He is resolute and brave, often competing to make speeches and state his own views. His words are sharp and solemn, and he is recognized as a revolutionary. At that time, the students of the army studying in Japan sent by the Qing government to supervise Yao Wenfu's moral corruption and seduce the students studying in Japan to supervise Qian's wife. Zou Rong and other foreign students broke into Yao Wenfu's residence with scissors. When they met, they slapped him a few times, and Zou Rong cut his braid again. After the event, Yao Wenfu told the envoy of the Qing government to Japan Cai Jun Accuse Zou Rong. Zou Rong's wild and rebellious behavior caused great anger of the Qing government. Under the dual pressure of the Qing government and Japan, Zou Rong was forced to leave Japan and return home.

Revolutionary activities

Zou Rong
In March of the 29th year of Guangxu (1903), it was said that the governor of Guangxi Wang Zhichun Japanese students in Tokyo called the Patriotic Society and China Education Association , looking forward to mutual response and urgent resistance. On April 25, Shanghai patriots Zhang Yuan Hold a "law rejection" meeting. It's coming again Russia Breach of contract, failure to perform the second phase withdrawal agreement, and attempt to monopolize Three Eastern Provinces Right message. On the first day of April (April 27), Shanghainese met in Zhangyuan to "reject Russia". At the beginning of the storm Anti Russian movement Zou Rong actively participated in the Zhangyuan rally and Anti Russian Volunteers Practice. On April 28 (May 24), the China Education Association held an April meeting in Zhangyuan. Zou Rong made a speech on the current trend of reform in China, which was patriotic and affectionate. At the same time, he also proposed to organize the "China Student Union", calling on students all over the country to form large groups. Zou Rong urgently expected the emerging and most aware intellectuals to take the time to cheer up and shoulder the historical task of anti Qing democratic revolution. It was driven by this patriotic passion that Zou Rong finished writing《 Revolutionary army 》A book signed "Zou Rong, a pawn of the revolutionary army", please Zhang Taiyan Modification. After reading it, Zhang praised it and thought that it was such straightforward, bold and popular words that could play a wide role in propaganda, so he did not make any modifications. He wrote a preface and praised the Revolutionary Army as "the first voice of a volunteer". Immediately by last outstanding poet of the traditional school They raised printing fees, handed over to the University and the Book Company for printing, and published and distributed in early May.
Zou Rongyi proposed“ Natural human rights ”, "freedom, equality and fraternity" as the guiding ideology bourgeois-democratic revolution He pointed out that "revolution" is a process of preserving good and eliminating evil, preserving beauty and eliminating ugliness, preserving good and eliminating corruption in daily affairs, and that "revolution" is a process of preserving good and eliminating corruption in ancient and modern times, religion, morality, politics, academia, as well as in ancient and modern times, so he praised: "Weiwei! Revolution! Emperor! Revolution!" The policies to overseas Chinese workers, businessmen, soldiers and a series of foreign policies exposed the oppression of the Qing government on Chinese people and analyzed the inevitability of the revolution. The main meaning of declaring revolutionary independence clearly lies in: "getting rid of the fetters of Manchuria forever, recovering the lost rights, and being between the earth's powerful countries", "all our talents are equal and free", "protecting the great power of our independence", that is, overthrowing the feudal autocratic dynasty and establishing the "Republic of China"!

Prison sacrifice

At the time of the publication of The Revolutionary Army《 Su Newspaper 》Because Zhang Shizhao He took over as the lead writer and announced the "great improvement" on the sixth day of May (June 1). His speech became more radical. The words of "platoon full" and "revenge full" were repeated. The article Kang Youwei was published on the sixth day of the first lunar month, denouncing Kang Youwei's words and deeds of advocating the protection of the emperor and rejecting the revolution. On the 14th (9th), "Read the Revolutionary Army" was published, which was praised as "the first textbook of today's national education"; In the column of "Introduction to New Books", he commented that "the purpose of the Revolutionary Army is to expel the Manchu nationality and recover China. The writing is extremely sharp and the literature is extremely painful. If this book can be popularized in the minds of 40 million people, China will flourish". On the fifth day of leap May (June 29), with the title of "Relationship between Kang Youwei and Jueluo Jun", Zhang Taiyan's "Refuting Kang Youwei's Book" was excerpted, denouncing "the clown carrying Tian, but not identifying Shu and Mai" Protect the emperor Fallacies are painful and refuted. The Soviet Daily soon became the revolutionary newspaper that attracted the attention of the whole country. On the 5th and 6th day of May, Cheng Jifu, Zhang Taiyan and Chen Fan His son Chen Zhongyi and clerk Qian Baoren were arrested. On the seventh day of the first lunar month (July 1), Zou Rong threw himself into the prison to share weal and woe with Zhang Taiyan. Cai Yuanpei Leaving Shanghai in advance Qingdao Chen Fan Huang Zongyang Wu Zhihui Wait for hiding and leave the country. Subsequently, the consular group closed the Soviet Daily on the 13th, favoring Shanghai Dao's request.
Zou Rong has been determined to sacrifice for the revolution since he was put in prison. In prison, he and Zhang Taiyan wrote poems and strived with each other. On May 28, Zhang Yin《 Presented to Zou Rong in prison 》One song: "Zou Rongwu's younger brother was sent to Yingzhou. Cut the braids with quick scissors and use dried beef to make fish. When a hero goes to prison, the world grieves for the autumn. It's better to mix hands when facing fate. There are only two ends of heaven and earth." Zou Rong wrote《 Daxishou in prison 》Xiangsang: "My brother, Uncle Zhang Mei, is worried about the country. I have no bosom friend in the world, and I have no culture in my life. Once I become a hell, when will I wipe out the evil atmosphere? Last night, I dreamed of being together with the revolutionary army." It fully demonstrates the noble sentiment and heroic spirit of the revolutionaries who are fearless in the face of danger, brave to devote themselves, and full of confidence in the future.
Unfortunately, Zou Rongchi was tortured and ill only two months after he was released from prison. He died in prison on February 29 (April 3, 1905), the 31st year of Guangxu, at the age of 20. When the bad news came out, China Education Association immediately held a memorial meeting for him. The remains were collected by revolutionary patriots Liu San (Ji Ping) It was shipped out and buried in Huajing Township, Shanghai. [8] Nanjing Provisional Government After its establishment, Sun Yat sen, the interim president, instructed Zou Rong to "grant subsidies according to the death of the army general". [9]

Main impacts

Revolutionary Army by Zou Rong
In May of the 29th year of Guangxu's reign (1903), a book named "Zou Rong, a pawn of the revolutionary army" was officially published by Shanghai Datong Book Company. In this book, Zou Rong make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning It is proposed to use revolution To overthrow the imperial power of the Qing Dynasty and establish bourgeois class A democratic country and name it“ The Republic of China ”。 The Revolutionary Army sounded the death knell for more than 2000 years of feudal autocracy, sounded the clarion call for the bourgeois democratic revolution, and became a veritable anti imperialist and anti feudal battle call.
The Revolutionary Army, written by Zou Rong, was popular among overseas Chinese at home and abroad, selling 1.1 million copies, which played an immeasurable role in encouraging the revolutionary climax in the late Qing Dynasty. Sun Yat-sen After seeing "Revolutionary Army", I was very appreciative and thought that "this book is very moving and its effect is really incomparable". He is extremely concerned about Zou Rong and Zhang Taiyan being imprisoned. In the early winter of the 29th year, he went to Honolulu to reorganize the China Association and establish“ Chinese Revolutionary Army ”It was determined that "comrades should call themselves troops in the future, so we should remember Zou Rongzhi's contribution". [10] From 1917 to 1919, Sun Yat sen wrote《 National strategy 》In another word, "The Revolutionary Army" is a book that is very popular among overseas Chinese for its fiercest speeches. It has done a great job in enlightening the atmosphere of overseas Chinese. " [11]

Historical evaluation

  • Wu Yuzhang: "Young ambitious sweep Hu Chen , the revolutionary army. When the bugle sounds, the hero wakes up and drowns. "
  • renowned for studies in philology and textual criticism It is called "the first voice of a righteous teacher".
  • Zhang Shizhao Su Bao, the main writer, praised it as "the first textbook of national education".
  • Zou Yihai: "Although he was born in a wealthy family, he is now called" the second generation of rich people " In the period after Zou Rong's birth, Zou Zifan, Zou Rong's father, after years of hard work, accumulated a wealth of money and became a wealthy businessman. He bought land and built Zou Family Ancestral Hall. His children lived a comfortable life, but Zou Rong did not love these things. He enjoyed his material comforts like a floating cloud, without the dandy style of rich children. "

personal works

Zou Rong's main works
"Title Tan Sitong's Portrait"
Letter from Home (two letters)
Revolutionary Army
Refuting the Revolution
He Xishou
The Book of Liu Yazi in Prison
Prison and Cai Yinshu
Sentimental poem 》(During the period of study in Shanghai Guang Dialect Museum)
(Source of personal works [8] [12]

Publishing books

  • Author name Zou Rong
    Work time 1983-9
    Zou Rong's Anthology is a book published by Chongqing Publishing House in 1983. The author is Zou Rong.

Anecdotes and allusions


Oppose stereotyped writing

Zou Rong was very intelligent when he was young. "His insiders have the reputation of being a prodigy", but he was wild and uninhibited, and ignored the way to become famous in the imperial examination. "Stinky stereotype doesn't want to learn, and people don't like to join. What's the use of getting it?" At a young age, anti Manchu and anti feudal ideas have sprouted. This stubborn spirit played an important role in his later dedication to the revolution. Zou Lu recalled: "If we set up Rongyou, we should encourage him to be earnest and sincere, and I am determined that he will not be able to do so today." When reading history books, he was often moved by the achievements of national heroes such as Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Huangyan. He read carefully Huang Zongxi And others, learn from their works nationalism The essence of thought. In Chinese history national hero Zou Rong's deeds and thoughts are the embryonic form of his nationalist thoughts.

Exposure to new learning

As a teenager, Zou Rong came into contact with some new books and newspapers, and the new thought of bourgeois reform deeply influenced him. "Rong admires most Tan Sitong He often hangs his portrait on the side of the seat, which is praised by his poems‘ He He Tan Jun died, and Hunan's ambition declined. Only those who hope for the future will not be discouraged. '" Zou Rong once copied the《 Deliberative newspaper 》Zou Rong absorbed the reformists' patriotic thought of saving the nation from extinction, and on the basis of absorbing the patriotic thought, he contacted and understood some reformers' propaganda of asset level freedom and equality.
In addition to reading China Bourgeois reformists In addition to his works, Zou Rong also read some works of western bourgeois thinkers. For example, Rousseau's《 The theory of civil covenant 》、 Montesquieu The Essence of Ten Thousand Laws John Muller "The Origin of Freedom", "The History of French Independence", "The Declaration of American Independence", etc. He accepted the democratic revolutionary theory of the western bourgeoisie, and had a deeper understanding of freedom, equality, and natural human rights, which injected new elements into his nationalist thought, enriched the content of nationalist thought, and was also the characteristic of Zou Rong's nationalist thought. During his stay in Japan, Zou Rong met many revolutionaries, deeply influenced by the revolutionaries in ideology, and accepted Sun Yat sen's“ Dispel Tartars The slogan, thought and action of "restoring China" are all close to the revolutionaries, and he has really become what he calls "the pawn in the revolutionary army". At this time, his nationalist thought has also risen to a new height. The publication of the book "Revolutionary Army" represents the maturity of his nationalist thought.

Modify Name

Before Zou Rong studied in Japan, his family called him Guiwen or Shaotao. In a letter with his parents, he signed and claimed to be "Guiwen". In terms of relatives and friends, Zou Rong is often called Weidan. In 1903, Zou Rongxian was admitted to study abroad at public expense with excellent results. He, together with many local young talents at that time, was led by Li Liyuan, the prefect of Chongqing (the supervisor of Chongqing public students at that time), to Chengdu to meet with Kui Jun, the governor of Sichuan. This was expressed in Zou Rong's own family letter, and Kui Jun summoned them and encouraged them.
In August 1903, Zou Rongyi arrived in Tokyo and was infected by the atmosphere of patriotism and national salvation in full swing here, so he renamed himself "Zou Rong", implying that his appearance would be changed and reborn from then on. Since then, the name "Zou Rong" has been widely spread among students studying in Japan, and his book of anti imperialist and anti feudal battle call "The Revolutionary Army" has officially signed Zou Rong for the first time. It can be said that the name change is an important symbol for Zou Rong to rebuild his self-image, and also a shining starting point for his short and brilliant life. [13]

interpersonal relationship

  • Father: Zou Zifan, who often travels between Chongqing, Hankou and Shanghai, deals in cotton yarn, cotton cloth and groceries, and has also been to Guangzhou, Chengdu and Xi'an. He has a business name "Lichuan Sheng" in Temple Street, County, Chongqing City, and has also opened a "Tongyi Garden" in partnership with others.
  • Mother: Mr. Wu. [12]
  • Stepmother: Yang Shi. [14]
  • Uncle: Liu Huating, who has been travelling between Chongqing and Shanghai for a long time, has a big business called "Deshengli".
  • Brother: Zou Yundan.
  • Second sister: Zou Lan.
  • Sixth brother: Zou Danyang. [14]
  • Stepson: Zou Mei, the son of Zou Yundan. [12]
  • Grandchildren: Zou Chuanshen, Zou Chuande. [15]
  • Great grandson: Zou Xiaogu, member of the Chinese Zhigong Party. [16]

Commemoration for future generations


Character cemetery

Tomb of Zou Rong
Zou Rong died in prison on April 3, 1905 at the age of 21. His body was collected by the Sino Foreign Daily and buried in Huajing. After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, Sun Yat sen became the temporary president and posthumously awarded Zou Rong the rank of army general. Followed by Hua Jing, Liu Jiping (Liu San) Taking the coffin West side of Huangyelou, Huajing Town (200 meters to the right of the central river bridge abutment of Huajing Road, near the intersection of Yuyu). Tombstone by Cai Yuanpei The title is written as“ Tomb of Zhou Rongzhi ”。 The south side of the tomb is a round stone tomb, 2.36 meters high, 2.48 meters in diameter, with blue stone inscription on the top of the tomb“ Tomb of Zou Rongzhi ”。 too Shinto There is a stone tablet carved with Zhang Taiyan's seal script on the stone steps“ To General Zou Rong of Ba County ”。
Behind the tomb is the bluestone tomb table written by Zhang Taiyan and written by Yu Youren. Behind the monument, there are tall and beautiful shapes Stone screen , magnificent, with a stone pavilion on both sides. It was destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution". In 1980, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Cultural Relics Management rebuilt Tomb of Zou Rong The tomb area covers an area of more than one mu. The tomb platform faces the south and faces the main road. It is surrounded by evergreen pines and cypresses. It is solemn and solemn. Square green areas are planted on both sides with flowers and plants. Zourong Tomb has been renovated and a garden style cemetery has been built, which is open to the public free of charge.

Place name commemoration

In memory of Zou Rong, there are Zou Rong Road named after him in Chongqing, where he was born, and in Shanghai, where he died. On May 3 and 4, 1939, Japanese planes bombed Chongqing for two consecutive days, destroying almost all the busy streets in Chongqing city, causing casualties of 6000 or 7000 residents, which is known as the "May 3, May 4 bombing" in history. During the bombing, five busy streets from the intersection of Daliangzi (now Xinhua Road) Central Park (now People's Park) to Linjiangmen -—— Sanwang Temple Cangping Street, Tianguan Street, Chaijia Lane and Fuzichi were all destroyed. Because these five streets are connected from end to end and are the most important business district in Chongqing, they were later rebuilt, widened and straightened as far as possible, and merged. Therefore, the road is rebuilt, so it is named Xinsheng Road.
In December 1943, the then municipal government renamed Xinsheng Road as Zourong Road in memory of Zourong. Today's Zourong Road starts from the intersection of the park and extends from south to north to Linjiang Gate The Liberation Monument stands in the middle of the street at the intersection of Zourong Road, Minzu Road and Minquan Road.


Zou Rong Stone Statue in Zou Rong Memorial Hall
Located in today's Chongqing Yuzhong District In the South Park. The monument was constructed by Hanhongshun Construction Plant, which started construction on January 26, 1946 and was completed on June 29 of the same year. The monument is octagonal tower type, with a total height of 5.5 meters and a height of 3.52 meters. There are seven gilded characters on the east, south, west and north sides of the monument, and inscriptions on eight sides. The inscription is based on the slightly revised "Tomb Table for General Zou Jun" written by Zhang Taiyan in 1922 for the construction of Zou Rong's tomb in Shanghai, which mainly describes the life of the martyrs. The inscription is an official script, and the inscription reads: "Mayor of Chongqing Zhang Dulun stood in reverence. It was the 35th year of the Republic of China." In order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, the Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress decided to repair the Memorial of Martyr Zourong, and the Memorial of Martyr Zourong was resplendent again.

Artistic image

On July 24, 2011, Zou Rong's original large-scale modern dance drama Zou Rong was staged in Chongqing Jiangbeizui Grand Theater, and the new form of symphonic dance drama was used to portray Chongqing's local heroes.