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Shao Yuanping

The Imperial Academy of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty
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Shao Yuanping, initially named Wu Yuan (Jinshi inscribed his name on the stele), has the following characters: Jie San, Lu Huang, Jie San, Zhejiang Kindness and people. Annual average of birth and death Unknown , about the 15th year of Emperor Kangxi (1676) of the Qing Dynasty. In the third year of Kangxi (1664), Jiachenke was the 40th Jinshi. Li Shengguang Temple Shaoqing. Tong Guozhen, the governor of Jiangxi Province, tried to be a "great scholar" and was awarded the Imperial Academy as an attendant. He promoted the affairs of Zhan to fewer affairs in Zhan's office, and revised "Yi Tong Zhi". Seeking an official return, Xiying Lake Villa, and Du Men thanking guests, they amused themselves with the history of Qin, and did not care about world affairs. The Holy Ancestor made a tour to the south and wrote the word "Pengguan" in the imperial script, because he was named Pengguanzi. Yuan Ping's poems are cool and Tang Yin is very popular. Try to continue to be written by Gaozu Jingbang《 Hongjian Record 》One book. He also wrote Historical Mistakes, Jiesan Wencun, Hegong Jianwen, Jingdi, and Yuexing.
True name
Shao Yuanping
Shao Wuyuan
Third Ring, Lv Huang
Abstain from three
Qing Dynasty
Main works
A Brief Record of Continued Hong Historical Error Identification "Three Commandments", etc
Native place
Zhejiang Renhe
Biographies of the History of the Qing Dynasty: "The collection of Jingdi has many ceremonies and songs, which have been passed down from generation to generation."