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Bondi, Sir Hermann (1919-2005), Austria UK mathematician
Bundy was born in Vienna on November 1, 1919 Nazi Germany After the occupation of Austria, Bundy was persecuted and forced to move to Great Britain, where he stayed later. Won in 1944 Trinity College, Cambridge University Master of Arts degree. the Second World War He worked at the British Admiralty (1942-1945), Cambridge University from 1945 to 1954, and then King's College London Teach math. In 1955, he became Royal Society In 1973, he was knighted and awarded the Barth Medal.
He combined his academic career with his dedication to the public cause. He is the director of the European Space Research Organization (1967~1971), the chief adviser of the British Ministry of Defence (1971~1977), the chief scientist of the energy sector (1977~1980) and the chairman of the Natural Environment Research Committee (after 1980).
Chinese name
Foreign name
Bondi,Sir Hermann
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
Won in 1944 Trinity College, Cambridge University Master of Arts
one's native heath
Representative works

Academic viewpoints

In 1948, Bundy and Hoyle Gold Put forward together steady-state cosmology Their view is: relativity Middle space and time are unified, since Cosmological principle If all spatial positions are equal, then all moments should be equal. In other words, the large-scale distribution of celestial bodies (matter) is not only uniform and isotropic in space, but also constant in time. That is, in any era, the images of the universe seen by observers at any location are the same on a large scale.
Bundy is here General relativity They have also done important work.

Main works

Cosmology (1951), The Universe (1960), Relativity and Common Sense (1964), Assumptions and Myths in Physical Theory (1967).