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nakhon si thammarat

Cities in southern Thailand
Re translation“ Luo Kun ”。 Thailand south city Nakhon Si Thammarat capital stay Malay Peninsula East bank Gulf of Thailand The population is 63000 (1980). It is located in coastal plain. It was the capital of the Luokun Empire established by the ancient Malay people. It is a distributing center for rice, rubber, coconut, aquatic products, fruits, tin, tungsten ore and other products. There are textile, chemical, grain and wood processing plants. The handicraft industry is famous for its black alloy inlays. The railway is connected to the Tainan railway trunk line. The road leads to Beiwenlang Port in the east. There are agricultural colleges in the city. The 76 meter high Maha Sheri Pagoda in the suburb has a history of more than a thousand years. There is a museum in the pagoda to collect historical relics.
Chinese name
nakhon si thammarat
Luo Kun
geographical position
Malay Peninsula East bank Gulf of Thailand [1]
population size
63000 (1980)
Regional Profile
Nakhon is the second largest prefecture in the south. During the Srivijaya period, Nakhon is the dominant Buddhist place, 780km away from Bangkok, covering an area of 9942 square kilometers. In the west, there are plateaus and mountains. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east, forming a basin along the coastline of the Gulf of Thailand. In addition to its long history, Luokun (Nakhon Nakhon Nakhon Marat) is proud of its green primeval forests and rich vegetation, and is famous for its picturesque beaches and beautiful waterfalls. It may also be "Deng Liumei Country" recorded in Chinese ancient books.