
[nà bù lè sī]
Capital of Campania, Italy
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synonym Napoli Napoli generally refers to Naples (the capital of Campania, Italy)
Naples is Italy The largest city in the south, Campania as well as Naples The capital of Milan and Rome The third largest metropolitan area in Italy and the 15th largest metropolitan area in Europe. Naples is the largest city in southern Italy. Naples is famous for its rich history, culture, art and cuisine. Naples Historical Center cover the United Nations UNESCO is listed as World Cultural Heritage
The city is beautiful mediterranean sea One of the most famous scenic spots. [1]
Naples began in the first 600 years and played an important role in most of its 2500 years of existence. The city was founded by the ancient Greeks and played an important role in the "Great Greece"; Later, the Romans, Normans and Spaniards all left their marks in the city bourbon dynasty Regnant Two Sicilian Kingdoms Until Italian unification
December 26, 2019, ranked 2019 Global Top 500 Cities No. 252 on the list. [2]
In addition, Naples Foot-Ball Club In the 2022-2023 season Italian Serie A League Win the championship in. [3]
The city flag is from Naples [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Napoli (Italian)
Napoli Napoli
Administrative Region Category
Italy Campania
geographical position
Southern Italy
117 km²(45.2 sq mi)
Area Code
Postal Code
eighty thousand and one hundred
climatic conditions
Mediterranean climate
population size
975139 (2007)
Rosa Russo Jervolino
patron saint
San Yanu Arius

Development history


Build a city

Built 600 years ago. The old city was called Palaopoli. After being conquered by Rome in 326 years ago, the new city was built and renamed today. Used to be Roman emperor A summer resort. In the 6th century Byzantium Ruled by. In the 8th century, it became an independent duchy. In the 12th century Kingdom of Sicily Part of. 1282 Southern Italy and Sicily Separation, renamed Kingdom of Naples Before the French invasion under Napoleon, bourbon dynasty Dominate two places, but they are formally divided into“ Kingdom of Naples ”And“ Kingdom of Sicily ”。 After changing the name of the kingdom, Ferdinand became King Ferdinand I. Incorporated in 1860 Kingdom of Italy the Second World War Middle quilt Severe damage , post-war reconstruction. Southern Italy industrial center It focuses on steel, oil refining, automobile, cement, chemistry, locomotive, shipbuilding, textile and food. Pottery, jewelry, glass, etc Traditional industry Well known. Coral and Pearl culture It is prosperous and used to make exquisite Handicrafts Railway junction , large Trade port , passenger port and naval base The harbor is wide and deep, and can berth ocean going ships. The export is mainly steel and petroleum products. scenery Tourist area Many ancient arts and cultural relics. World famous National Museum , Fuzang ancient Greek Sculpture and Pompeii , Herculaneum unearthed relic There are paintings by Michelangelo and Raphael in Capodimentai Palace. Many medieval churches. The tourism industry is developed, with about 2 million tourists per year.
Naples Satellite Map

Ancient Greece and Rome

Founded by Greeks and acquired by Romans
The history of the city can be traced back to the 7th century, when the nearby Greek colonies Kumai Its inhabitants established a city called Parthenop; Kumai himself is from Greece Ubeia Created by residents of. Parthenoper yes MYTHOS Middle Siren Sea demon )It is said that she was the founder of Naples. However, the Kumai people created the Niapolis The exact reason for this is unknown. During this period, they stopped the attempts of Etruscans to invade. The growth of the new city benefits from the powerful Greek city-state Syracuse The impact of Gulf of Naples The combination of old and new cities.
The city became an ally of the Roman Republic against Carthage; The strong walls around Naples are blocked Hannibal Attack. During the Samnet War, this busy Trade Centre cover Samnit Occupation. However, the city of Niapolis was soon captured by the Romans and became a Roman colony. The city because of its Hellenistic civilization And they were respected by the Romans: the people kept their Greek And customs, built exquisite villas, elevated canals, public baths, Concert Hall , the theater and the temple of Dioscuri, Claude I Many Roman emperors, such as Tiberius, also chose to spend their holidays here. It is said that when Christianity was introduced to Naples, Peter and Paul Both apostles have been here sermon and San Yanu Arius He was also martyred here, and later was honored as the main saint of the city. Established in the first six centuries Egg castle It is the oldest castle in Naples.

The Principality of Naples

Western Roman Empire After the decline, Naples was Germanic Tribal East Goths captured and incorporated East Goth Kingdom However, in 536, Byzantine Empire Eastern Roman Empire )Of Berisaliu The city was captured through the aqueduct.
Gothic War It broke out, the King of East Germany Totila It briefly occupied the city in 543, but finally carried out the Battle of Laktalius The victory of Byzantium was confirmed. Naples and Byzantine Empire Forces in Italian Peninsula Center of ravenna The diocese keeps in touch. After the collapse of the Diocese of Ravenna, the Principality of Naples was founded, although Naples maintained its own Greece- Roman culture Finally, in 763, under the leadership of Duke Stephen II Constantinople To become a pope loyal to Rome.
From 818 to 832, the relationship between Naples and the Byzantine emperor was particularly chaotic, and the local pretenders to the throne of archduke fought. The accession of Dioctesius was not approved by the emperor; It was later deposed and replaced by Theodore II. However, the generals drove him out of the city and elected Stephen III, who minted coins in his own name instead of the name of the Byzantine emperor. By 840, Naples had achieved complete independence.
The Principality of Naples was once a long-time rival Kapua Marquis Pandefour IV occupied by Lombardy direct control After three years, it was recovered by the duke influenced by Greek Roman culture. By the 11th century, Naples, like many other places in this region, employed normans Fight with the opponent; Sergius IV The Duke hired Rainulf Drengot against Kapua. By 1137, the influence of the Normans was greatly strengthened, and they controlled the previously independent principality And principalities, such as Kapua, Beneweto, Salerno Amalfi Principality Sorento Principality and Gaeta Principality; At this time, Naples Italian Peninsula The last independent principality in the south fell into the hands of the Normans, and Sergius VII, the last duke, surrendered to the kingdom of Sicily established by the Normans; After his death in 1137, Naples had no owner and was finally incorporated into the kingdom of Sicily two years later.

Norman to Anjou Dynasty

Norman Kingdom of Sicily, King William II No children, designated marriage originated in southern Germany Swabia Of House of Hohenstaufen Aunt of Prince Heinrich Constance Is the successor. After William II's death in 1189, Sicilian nobles, in order to avoid being ruled by the Germans, supported William II's illegitimate cousin, Count Lecce Tank Red Be king. Heinrich ascended the throne in 1191 Henry VI After the emperor, he sent troops to Sicily to seize the throne, and all the cities surrendered. But in May in Naples, he met resistance led by Ricardo, the Earl of Athera, Nicolo, Aligeno Cotone, and Margarito, Brindisi. The siege lasted until August, plague popular, Bohemian Duke Conrad II and Archbishop Philip of Cologne died one after another, and Henry VI was also sick. Although he recovered, he was rumored to be dead, so he had to rescue and withdraw. The cities that had surrendered were all returned to Tank Red, and Salerno handed over Constance, who was the queen of the city at that time, to Tank Red. Tank Red imprisoned the Queen in Naples' egg castle until the Pope in May the next year Celestine III Release it under pressure. When Henry VI invaded Sicily again in 1194, Alijano Cotoney surrendered without fighting, so the kingdom of Sicily was finally inherited by the Hohenstaufen dynasty.
Friedrich II The world's oldest national university : Federico II of Naples Italian )University makes Naples the knowledge center of the kingdom. Due to the conflict between the Hohenstaufen dynasty and the Holy See Innocent IV coronation Anjou Dynasty Duke of Carlos I Become king of the kingdom. Carlo I officially moved his capital from Palermo to Naples, where the "new castle" is located. During this period, a large number of Gothic architecture Appears in Naples, including the city's main church, the Cathedral of Naples.
In 1282, I Vespri Siciliani After that, the kingdom was divided in two. The kingdom of Naples of the Anjou Dynasty governs the southern part of the Italian peninsula, and sicily Sicily belongs to the Aragon Dynasty. The war lasted until 1302 when the Caltabellotta Peace Treaty was signed. Pope Boyi VIII recognized Frederick III as the king of Sicily, and Carlo II For the king of Naples. Despite the split, Naples continues to grow in importance, mainly as a place where mediterranean sea The central metropolis has successfully attracted Pisa And Genoese businessmen, Tuscan bankers, and some of the most popular The Renaissance Artists, such as Giovanni Boccaccio Famous Persons-Francesco Petrarca and Giotto , so it is still regarded as an important stronghold for Mediterranean transactions. Alfonso V After defeating Rene, the last Anjou king, Naples was conquered, and Naples was once again briefly merged with Sicily.

From Aragon to Bourbon

Sicily and Naples separated again in 1458, but Ferdinand I Under the rule, it was still the dependency of the Aragon Dynasty. The New Dynasty passed Iberian Peninsula The establishment of contacts has promoted the business of Naples. Naples is also a center of the Renaissance. Artists such as Francesco Laurana, Antonello da Messina, Jacopo Sannazaro and Poliziano came to Naples.
In 1501, King of France Louis XII He began to rule Naples, and Frederick IV, the king of Naples, was sent to France as a prisoner; Four years later, Spain won the battle of Galliano, and Naples Hapsburg Dynasty in Spain Period, both in Spanish Empire Under the rule of. Spanish dispatch governor Staying in Naples to deal with local affairs directly: the most important one is Pedro Alvarez de Toledo, who has brought considerable social, economic and urban progress to the city; He also supports Inquisition During this period, Naples became the second largest city in Europe after Paris. It is Baroque period A cultural power station with Caravaggio , Salvatore Rosa and Gian Lorenzo Bernini And other artists, Bernardino Telesio、 Giordano Bruno Campanella And Giambattista· Vico And other philosophers, and writers such as Gian Battista Marino. In 1647, Masagnello, a local fisherman, launched a revolution and founded the independent Republic of Naples, but a few months later, the Spanish rule was restored. Finally, in 1714, as War of the Spanish Succession As a result, Spain abandoned its rule over Naples; Change Austria Charles VI from Vienna Appoint the Governor to manage. however, War of Polish Succession So that Spain can regain Sicily and Naples and form a personal union , recognized in the Vienna Treaty of 1738 Spanish Bourbon Dynasty Of Carlos III Gain independence under rule.
Under Ferdinand IV, French Revolution Influenced Naples, an ally of the Bourbon dynasty Nelson Warned the city in 1798. However, Ferdinand was forced to retreat and flee to Palermo, where he got British Navy Protection of. Lazzaroni, the lower class of Naples, was extremely devout and loyal to the monarch, and supported the Bourbon dynasty. They rebelled against the republic government of Naples, causing civil war. The Republicans occupied St. Elmo Castle and announced the establishment of Parthenopaean Republic, protected by the French army. Fabrizio Ruffo formed the religious army of Lazzaroni and won a great victory. The French surrendered from the castle of Naples and were allowed to return by sea Toulon Ferdinand IV restored the throne; Later, Napoleon occupied Naples for seven years and appointed his brother Joseph Bonaparte For the king. because Austrian Empire With the help of his allies, Ferdinand IV was defeated in the Naples War Bonaparte family , once again restore the kingdom and throne. In 1815 congress of vienna The Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Sicily Two Sicilian Kingdoms The capital is Naples. In 1839, Naples became the first city on the Italian peninsula to have a railway. There were many factories in the kingdom, making it a very important trade center. Italian unification
Giuseppe Garibaldi After leading the Thousand People Expedition, they carried out the controversial siege of Gaeta (1860). In 1861, Naples became Kingdom of Italy Part of bourbon dynasty The rule of. Two Sicilian Kingdoms Once a rich country, 80 million dakots should be withdrawn from the bank to donate to the treasury of the newly established country Italian unification In the process, other original countries contributed far less than this amount. Former Sicilian Economic collapse It led to an unprecedented number of immigrants. From 1876 to 1913, it was estimated that at least 4 million people left Naples or its surrounding areas.

the Second World War

Naples is in the Second World War One of the Italian cities that suffered the most air strikes in Italy, although Naples were in Italy fascist There was no resistance under the rule, but Naples was the first to oppose Germany military occupation Italian cities; On October 1, 1943, Naples held an uprising to free their city. The symbol of Naples' rebirth was the reconstruction of the US Air Force The church of Saint Chiara destroyed by air strikes.

Post-war reconstruction

From 1950 to 1984, the Italian government's Southern Development Fund helped improve the economy, including the Civic Voting Square and other Urban landmark The revival of.


The city is beautiful mediterranean sea One of the most famous scenic spots. Vesuvius Located in the southeast of Naples, Altitude 1281 meters, it is a Active volcano There were many eruptions in history, the most famous one was the large-scale eruption in AD 79 Pyroclastic flow Destroyed the extremely prosperous Pompeii Ancient City There are Observation station The most beautiful place in Naples is the beautiful Santalukia coast. The sunrise here is very beautiful Gulf of Naples , overlooking Mount Vesuvius. Naples Palace Built in the 17th century, it was once the residence of the governor and the king, and is now the national library Newcastle And the National Gallery. [1]
Naples has a long history, beautiful scenery, numerous cultural relics, and is quite charming mediterranean sea One of the most famous scenic spots. It is praised as "sunshine and Happy City ”Here, the sun shines all the year round. Napoli is cheerful, energetic and good at singing. Napoli's folk songs spread all over the world. It is regarded as a pearl of Italy. In the local area, there is a popular saying, which translates to mean "death is enough when you arrive at Naples".
Naples is typical Mediterranean climate , mild and humid in winter, warm and dry in summer. The mild climate and the geographical richness of the Bay of Naples made it famous for the emperor's holiday resort in the Roman period.
Average Climate Data of Napoli Capodichino (1961-1990)
Average high temperature ° C (° F)
twelve point five
thirteen point two
fifteen point two
eighteen point two
twenty-two point six
twenty-six point two
twenty-nine point three
twenty-nine point five
twenty-six point three
twenty-one point eight
thirteen point six
twenty point four five
Average low temperature ° C (° F)
three point eight
four point three
five point nine
eight point three
twelve point one
fifteen point six
seventeen point nine
fifteen point three
eleven point six
seven point seven
five point one
ten point four seven
Precipitation mm (inch)
one hundred and four point four
ninety-seven point nine
eighty-five point seven
seventy-five point five
forty-nine point six
thirty-four point one
twenty-four point three
forty-one point six
eighty point three
one hundred and twenty-nine point seven
one hundred and sixty-two point one
one hundred and twenty-one point four
Relative humidity (%)
seventy-two point three
Source: MeteoAM2009-05-29
Famous seaport
Port nature: Gulf port, with free trade area Basic port (C、M)
Longitude and latitude :40°50′N,014°17′E
Route: North Coast of Mediterranean Sea
Night view of Naples
It is located at the top of Naples Bay on the southwest coast of Italy's APPENNINO Peninsula, near the east side of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Also known as Napoli Port, it is one of the main seaports in Italy. Founded in the 6th century BC Roman emperor A summer resort. Now it has developed into one of the main refining centers in Italy, and is also a steel industrial center one of. The main industries are oil refining, steel, shipbuilding, machinery, chemistry, automobile assembly, textile and food. There are many ancient arts, cultural relics and landscapes Tourist area Tourism is developed. Port distance international airport About 8km, with Regular international flights Fly everywhere. The port is subtropical mediterranean climate , Duobei in the morning - northeasterly wind , Donan in the afternoon - Southwest wind Annual average temperature Maximum 37 ℃, minimum - 4 ℃. The annual average rainfall is about 700mm. Average tide height: at Heavy flood At high tide 0.45m, 0.06m at low tide; 0.03m at high tide and 0.18m at low tide in small flood season. Handling equipment There are various Shore crane Movable crane, container crane Floating crane windlass , grain suction pipe, forklift and Roll on roll off Facilities, among which the maximum lifting capacity of floating crane is 150 tons and that of container crane is 45 tons, Container Yard The area is 160000 square meters, and the capacity of the granary is 42000 tons. Handling efficiency : 4000 tons of coal per hour, 520 tons of grain per hour. Oil wharf The maximum reliable ship is 90000 deadweight tons. also Refinery The annual oil refining capacity is 3 million tons, with pipelines and oil pumps connected to the wharf. Large ship Anchorage Outside the port, the water area is wide, which can berth more than 70 ships, and the water depth is more than 20m. Hong Kong free trade area There are four regulations: (1) Foreign goods Stored in the free trade zone or later Re export , can be exempted from customs duties and other kinds of Import duty (2) All foreign goods consumed or used in the area, as well as foreign construction materials Means of production And must pay customs duties. If transported out of the free trade zone and transferred to Domestic consumption Or use, also have to pay taxes; (3) The loading, unloading, transshipment, storage, processing, transfer and wholesale of commodities allowed in the zone; (4) For commodities exclusively sold by the state, such as tobacco, salt saccharin quinine , gem Small arms And parts Patent medicine Clothes, furs and other precious metals shall be stored in accordance with special regulations. In addition to petroleum products, the main export goods include coal, fruit, steel, food, building materials, vegetables and chemicals, Imported goods Mainly crude oil, ore, grain, wood, fertilizer, fish, steel and petroleum products Etc. 1992 Container throughput It is 163000 TEU, with an annual cargo handling capacity of about 30 million tons. stay holiday and vacations If necessary, homework can be arranged, but 100% of overtime pay The continuous operation of oil tankers is not subject to this.

administrative division

Here are 30 districts of Naples:
1. Pianura
2. Bagnoli
3. Posillipo
4. Fuorigrotta
5. Soccavo
6. Chiaiano
7. Arenella)
8. Vomero
9. Chiaia
10. San Ferdinando
11. Montecalvario
12. San Giuseppe
13. Avvocata
14. Porto
15. Pendino
16. San Lorenzo
17. Mercato
18. Vicaria
19. Stella
20. San Carlo all'Arena
21. Piscinola-Marianella
22. Scampìa
23. Miano
24. Secondigliano
25. S.Pietro a Patierno
26. Poggioreale
27. Zona Industriale
28. San Giovanni a Teduccio
29. Barra
30. Ponticelli





Naples itself has a population of about 1 million. The metropolitan area, sometimes called "Greater Naples", has another 2.5 million people. The metropolitan area usually includes the following towns: Arzano Casandrino、Casavatore、Casoria、Cercola、Marano di Napoli、Melito di Napoli、Mugnano di Napoli、 Portage Pozzoli , Quarto, San Giorgio a Cremano, San Sebastiano al Vesuvio and Volla. Naples The overall population is quite young: 19% of the population is under 14 years old, 13% of the population is over 65 years old, while the national average is 14% and 19% respectively. Female of the place percentage Higher, 52.4%, male only 47.6%. Naples birth rate It belongs to a higher level in Italy, reaching 10.46 people per thousand people, higher than the Italian average of 9.45 people per thousand people
Naples is also the most populous place in Italy. The six most populous towns in Italy (including Naples itself) are all located in Naples
Unlike many northern Italian cities, Naples has a much smaller number of immigrants, 98.5% of whom are Italian. In 2006, there were 19188 foreigners in the city; Most foreigners come from Eastern Europe , especially Ukraine and poland Generally speaking, the number of non Europeans is small, but there are still a few Sri Lanka And East Asian immigrant groups. Statistics show that most immigrants are women; This is because male immigrants tend to seek work in the north.
The dialect spoken by the inhabitants of Naples, Naples, is similar to that spoken in most parts of South Italy.


The economy of Naples and its surrounding areas depends to a large extent on tourism, commerce, industry and agriculture; Naples is also a busy cargo port. Naples was once a busy city Industrial city However, many factories have moved away from here. The city used to have important steel industry And the huge Mobil refinery. The city's industries include alfa romeo Automobile factory; corporate name The term "Romeo" in refers to Nicola Romeo, an engineer from Naples.
According to the total added value, Naples ranks behind 94 among the 103 Italian provinces. statistical data Not included in black market Wealth generated and untaxed wages. because unemployment rate As high as 28%, it is not uncommon for Neapolitan workers to migrate to the north. Centro Direzionale is a new generation in Naples Central Business District , showing The best man is the third Of skyscraper Design art; This is an attempt to concentrate and improve the business and economy of Naples, and its hotels and shops also provide jobs.
Textile is a traditional profession in Naples. senior man 's suit The suits and gowns produced in Naples are mainly provided by the Vatican and European royal family And the nobility. In addition, Naples dolls are also featured products.
Naples' traditional agriculture based economy has gradually transformed into a service based economy. At the beginning of 2002, there were 249590 enterprises registered in the Chamber of Commerce in Naples, employing most of the population, but more than half of them were less than 20 people small business 70 medium-sized enterprises with more than 200 employees; There are 15 enterprises with more than 500 employees. The employment of different economic sectors in Naples is as follows:
public service
manufacturing industry
construction business


In Naples, there are many public and private higher education institutions, as well as a large number of societies and research centers. Naples has what is believed to be the oldest national university university of naples federico ii , by Friedrich II It was founded in 1224. This is by far the most important university in southern Italy, with about 3000 teachers and students. The Naples Botanical Garden is part of this university Joseph Bonaparte Founded in 1807, the 15 hectare garden is planted with about 10000 kinds of plants.
Naples II University Founded in 1989, with the neighboring Casseta The province has close ties. Oriental University of Naples It is a special research institute in the city Oriental Culture The unique educational institution of Jesuit missionaries Ma Guoxian Matteo Ripa was founded in 1732 after returning from the court of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty.
There are other excellent universities in Naples, such as Parthenope University of Naples The private Istituto Universitario Soor Orsola Benincasa in Naples and the Southern Italian Theological Seminary run by the Jesuit Church. Consistent with its strong musical heritage, Naples has a place to learn music: the San Pedro Conservatory of Music. Naples music school It can be traced back to the Spanish rule in the 16th century.


For hundreds of years, Naples Western Europe Music plays an important role in the history of music development. The rich musical tradition of Naples can be traced back to the Spanish rule, when the Naples Music School was founded. In the late Baroque period, Alexandro Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti The Napolian School of Opera; This is based on the new development at that time Orthodox opera Form. Another form of opera that originated in Naples is Operetta This is related to Pegolesi and Piccini Comic opera later Gioacchino Rossini and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart They have all created works of this type. Built in 1737, the magnificent San Carlo Theater is the oldest theater still in use in Europe and is still the opera center of the city today.
original Six string The guitar was invented by Gaetano Vinaccia, a Neapolitan, in 1779 (called the romantic guitar); The Vinaccia family also invented mandolin Naples and Spaniards became Classical guitar The Pioneer of Music, Fernando· Carulli and Mauro Giuliani He is an outstanding representative. Giuliani actually came from Pulia in the south of the kingdom of Naples, and later moved to Naples; He and his Spanish contemporaries Fernando Sol Together, they are considered to be the greatest guitar player and composer in the 19th century. Another Neapolitan music artist with worldwide influence is an opera singer Enrico Caruso , considered to be the most famous tenor And is believed to have come from the working class of Naples.
Perhaps the most famous part of Naples music is "Napoli Ballads"( Canzone Napoletana), The city's indigenous folk songs have hundreds of repertoires, some dating back to the 13th century. Songs《 My sun 》(O sole mio) and Funicul ा Funicul à belong to this style, which is also widely known outside Naples. This kind of folk song was formally shaped in 1835 by the annual "Piedigrotta Composition Competition Festival". The famous artists in this field are Roberto Murolo Sergio Bruni And Renato Carosone. In Naples, there is another kind of Musical form , such as "cantautore" and "sceneggiata"; The most famous artist of this style is Mario Melola.



Classical painting

Among the numerous paintings in Naples over the past few centuries artistic value His works belong to the 17th and 19th centuries. In the 17th century, there appeared a group of Naples painters who presented their own characteristics, including Batistello Calacholo, Anilo Falcone, and Giuseppe de· Ribeira Matthias Bretti and Luca Giordano , and Caravaggio He also taught art in Naples between 1607 and 1610. By the 18th century, Naples' paintings were close to European trends. But by the 19th century, the style of Naples painting had changed completely, from Baroque Change to romanticism , represented by the Posillipo school between 1820 and 1850, and Naples Academy of Fine Arts It is the activity center of the school.

modern art

Naples art not only has a rich past, but also modern art Important laboratory and international showcase. Two in the city Museum of Modern Art Quite active: Naples Art Palace and Donna Reggina Museum of Contemporary Art The former opened in 2005 in an 18th century building, the Rochella Palace, and held exhibitions of various genres of art works. The latter is located in the Virgin Mary of the Mother Emperor (Donna Reggina) convent , by Alvaro Siza It is reconstructed to collect permanent collections. Naples subway station It is not only a transportation place, but also designed as Jos é Kirsch, Mimo Rotera Mario Merz And other exhibition places for works of internationally renowned artists. During the Christmas season every year, a tradition is formed: Mimo Palladino Richard Serra , Rebecca Hoen, Luciano Fabro and other internationally renowned artists to decorate the Civic Voting Square. In 2005, Naples held the "European and Mediterranean Young Artists" biennale ”700 young artists participated.

delicious food

conventional Naples Pizza Naples has a variety of famous cuisines and liquor A long history; In different periods, it was influenced by the culture of the rulers of Greece, Spain and France. Naples cuisine formed its own unique style in the 18th century, which is particularly rich in taste and can be consumed by ordinary people.
Perhaps the most famous aspect of Naples cuisine is its richness savoury dish. Naples is Pisa The birthplace of cakes. It was originally food for the poor, but in Ferdinand IV During the reign, it became widely known that "Margarita" was to visit the city Savoy Named after Queen Margarita. Traditionally, it is made in an oven burning wood, and the material used is strictly controlled by the 2004 rules, so "00" must be used Wheat flour "0" yeast natural water , peeled tomato Or fresh Cherry Tomato sea salt and Extra virgin olive oil pasta The article is also related to the city. Naples rag is a commonly used sauce: the symbol of Naples is the legendary figure Petrushka who is eating a plate of spaghetti.
Naples also has some famous desserts, including colorful gelato (Handmade in Italy ice cream ), similar to ice cream, but with more fruit ingredients. Cakes and Pastries Then include“ zeppole ”"Rum baba | baba à", "sfogliatelle" and "pastiera". The last one is specially prepared for Easter. Another Seasonality Our dessert is "struffoli" eaten at Christmas, which has the taste of honey. Naples also produces drinks: Vesuvius produces wines such as "Lacryma Christi" and "Terzinno". Lemonade (limoncello, a popular lemon Liqueur )Also from Naples.


Located in the center of Naples, the Palace is a cream colored 3-story building. Take the 3-storey clock tower standing in the middle of the palace top as Central axis The 20 windows on the left and right sides of the second and third floors of the imperial palace are symmetrical, and the first floor is a symmetrical arch. In 1888, eight statues of the important kings of Naples were placed between the adjacent arches. From the Piazza del Plebiscito opposite, the whole building is simple, grand and open.
Built in 1600, the palace was the residence of Naples kings during the Spanish rule. The subsequent construction witnessed the historical alternation of Naples. eighteenth century bourbon dynasty During the reign, the palace Be treated as The palace of the Bourbon dynasty, Behind the Palace The Imperial Garden was built in this period. In 1841, the palace underwent a major renovation. After 1860, Italy The king once lived in the palace. In 1925, the National Library was set up in the Imperial Palace.
The interior of the palace is mainly white. The National Library is an important part of the palace. The library has Farnese collections and sand excavated from Herculaneum Papyrus And the Coptic Bible in the 5th century.
Reggia di Capodimonte
Besides the library, there are many places to visit in the palace. Because many important people lived in the palace, the decoration inside the palace was exquisite. Go up the white stairs to the second floor, and you will come to the recreation room of the kings of all ages—— palace theater In the palace theater, the king's seat and other antique decorations, as well as sculptures and other decorations are preserved. In addition to the Palace Theater, several exhibition rooms introducing the life of various generations of residents are also located on the second floor, including the living room, bedroom and The living room The furniture, tableware Ceramic ware , sculpture, oil painting and Tapestry Etc. From the terrace on the second floor, you can see the Vesuvius and Port of Napoli The sea view is very beautiful.
Tips for tourist attractions
Admission: 4 euros
Arrival method: at Central Station Take bus R2, get off at Trieste (Toledo Square), and walk to Piazza del Plebiscito.
Opening Hours : Open from 9:00 to 20:00 every day except Wednesday.