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Deng Xiuxin

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Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Deng Xiuxin, male, doctor [1] , born in November 1961 in Hunan Yizhang County [2] Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Huazhong Agricultural University Professor and doctoral supervisor [3] Chinese Academy of Engineering Vice President, Central Committee of the China Democratic League vice president [4] China Association for Science and Technology vice president [1] Honorary Chairman of Science and Technology Association of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences [5]
Deng Xiuxin was admitted as a graduate student of Huazhong Agricultural University in 1981 after graduating from Hunan Agricultural University with a bachelor's degree; In 1987, after graduating from Huazhong Agricultural University with a doctor's degree, he stayed in the university to teach. He successively held the posts of lecturer, associate professor, professor, doctoral supervisor, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory for Crop Genetic Improvement, director, vice president, president of the Department of Horticulture, etc; In 1991, it was granted "special government allowance" by the State Council [6] In 2007, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; He successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the 11th, 12th and 13th National People's Congress, member of the 9th and 10th CPPCC National Committee, member of the 8th Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the NLD, member of the 8th and 9th Central Committee of the NLD, member of the 10th and 11th Central Standing Committee of the NLD, and vice chairman of the 12th and 13th Central Committee of the NLD [4] [31] Member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Committee [35-36]
Deng Xiuxin is mainly engaged in the research of citrus genetic improvement and variety breeding. Deng Xiuxin organically combined cell engineering, molecular marker technology and conventional breeding, improved the efficiency of citrus breeding, and created more than 40 tetraploid and more than 10 triploid citrus materials; Many new citrus varieties such as Zaohong have been cultivated and widely applied in production [7]
In October 2021, he was elected Chairman of the 14th Council of the Chinese Horticultural Society. [27]
Chinese name
Deng Xiuxin
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Yizhang County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province [2]
date of birth
November 11, 1961
University one is graduated from
Huazhong Agricultural University
Education and research workers
Representative works
Chinese Citrus Varieties
Key achievements
In 2007, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
"Special government allowance" of the State Council [6]

Character experience

In November 1961, Deng Xiuxin was born in Kuang Lidong Brigade, Baishawei Community, Yizhang County, Hunan Province (present genus Baishawei Township [2]
In 1972, Deng Xiuxin successfully entered the Wuqi Middle School of Baishaxu People's Commune after taking the primary entrance examination [8]
From February 1978 to December 1981, Deng Xiuxin studied at Hunan Agricultural University (Now Hunan Agricultural University He majored in fruit tree in the Department of Horticulture and obtained a bachelor's degree.
From February 1982 to December 1984, Deng Xiuxin studied in the Department of Horticulture, Huazhong Agricultural University (now Huazhong Agricultural University), majoring in fruit tree, and obtained a master's degree.
From February 1985 to December 1987, Deng Xiuxin studied in the Department of Horticulture, Huazhong Agricultural University, majoring in fruit trees, and obtained a doctor's degree [9]
In December 1987, Deng Xiuxin worked in Huazhong Agricultural University and served as lecturer, associate professor (promoted in 1990), professor (promoted in 1992) and doctoral supervisor (Selected by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council in 1993)
In August 1988, Deng Xiuxin joined China Democratic Alliance
From July 1989 to July 1990, Deng Xiuxin was in the United States University of Florida The citrus research and education center is a visiting scholar.
In 1991, Deng Xiuxin received the "special government allowance" from the State Council [6]
From January 1993 to July 1993, Deng Xiuxin was a senior visiting scholar at the Citrus Research and Education Center of the University of Florida.
From May 1993 to May 1995, Deng Xiu was newly appointed as the head of the Department of Horticulture of Huazhong Agricultural University.
In July 1993, Deng Xiu was newly appointed as the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement of Huazhong Agricultural University.
In January 1995, Deng Xiuxin joined Communist Party of China In the same year, it was supported by the "Cross Century Talent Fund" of the National Education Commission. Later, it was also selected into the national "Hundred and Ten Thousand Talents Project" and the "Shennong Plan" of the Ministry of Agriculture.
From May 1995 to March 2002, Deng Xiu was newly appointed Vice President of Huazhong Agricultural University.
In 1996, Deng Xiuxin won the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
From October 1996 to November 1996, Deng Xiuxin worked in the Department of Plant Pathology of the University of Florida [10]
In May 2007, Deng Xiuxin Yan'an Cadre College study.
From June 2007 to October 2018, Deng Xiu was newly appointed President of Huazhong Agricultural University.
In December 2007, Deng Xiuxin was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
From March 2009 to July 2009, Deng Xiuxin was a student of the third branch of the 26th session of the first class of middle school youth in the Central Party School.
In May 2011, Deng Xiuxin studied in the theoretical seminar for academicians and experts of Yan'an Cadre College.
In April 2012, Deng Xiu was newly appointed as Vice Chairman of the 8th Committee of Hubei Association for Science and Technology [11]
In December 2012, Deng Xiuxin was employed by the CPC Yizhang County Committee and the County Government as an economic consultant and a technical consultant for citrus production [2]
In June 2016, Deng Xiu was newly appointed China Association for Science and Technology Vice Chairman of the Ninth National Committee.
In February 2017, Deng Xiu was newly appointed Vice Chairman of the 12th Central Committee of the China Democratic League [12]
June 2018 - Deng Xiu was newly appointed as Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering [13] [29] On October 21, Deng Xiuxin ceased to be President of Huazhong Agricultural University [14]
On September 9, 2020, he served as honorary chairman of Science and Technology Association of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. [5]
In May 2021, he was elected Vice Chairman of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. [25]
In October 2021, Deng Xiuxin was elected Chairman of the 14th Council of the Chinese Horticultural Society. [26]
In July 2022, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering [29] The 8th Presidium member [30]
In March 2023, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress and a vice chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Committee. [35-36]

Appointment and removal information

On July 8, 2022, the State Council appointed Deng Xiuxin as Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. [29]
On December 23, 2022, the 13th National Congress of the China Democratic League closed in Beijing, Deng Xiuxin Elected Vice Chairman. [31]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Deng Xiuxin organically combined cell engineering, molecular marker technology and conventional breeding, improved the efficiency of citrus breeding, and created more than 40 tetraploid and more than 10 triploid citrus materials; Many new citrus varieties such as Zaohong have been cultivated and widely applied in production [7]
As of April 2017, Deng Xiuxin took the lead in establishing a citrus cell engineering breeding system in China, and created a new way for cell engineering to be used in production practice; A systematic molecular evaluation of citrus resources in China was carried out, and the world's largest in vitro database of citrus materials was established; Explore gene resources, build a research platform for citrus genomics, and lead the team to complete the whole genome sequencing of sweet orange double haploid, the first fruit tree type in China; Organize industry experts to establish China's agricultural citrus industry technology system, take the lead in preparing the citrus industry development plan of China and some major producing districts and counties, and play a core role in the sustainable and healthy development of China's citrus industry [15]
  • Main contributions
1、 Establish a technical system for cell fusion, culture and regeneration
Deng Xiuxin took the lead in establishing the technology of citrus protoplast culture in China, and established the molecular identification technology of citrus protoplast fusion regeneration and hybrid; Perfect the chemical and electric induction fusion technology and establish the experimental technology of asymmetric fusion; Modern molecular marker techniques (RAPD, AFLP, SSR, SCAR, MSAP, etc.) have been successfully applied to the genetic analysis of fusion regenerated plants. These studies have technically constituted the most perfect cell fusion technology system for Chinese fruit trees and even the whole woody plants. Deng Xiuxin has established an embryogenic callus bank containing more than 70 genotypes of major species and varieties in the world, obtained more than 30 interspecific and intrageneric somatic hybrids between citrus and kumquat, jiulixiang, wampee and a batch of cytoplasmic hybrids, enriched Chinese citrus breeding materials, and provided valuable parents for improving Chinese varieties [11]
2、 Citrus Cell Engineering Technology and Breeding Practice
Deng Xiuxin crossed the somatic hybrid obtained with some local varieties in China, and obtained more than 200 triploid progeny of somatic hybrid, Shatian pomelo, local zaogui and other 8 combinations through embryo rescue, which is expected to breed seedless triploid seedless pomelo types. In the process of sexual hybridization of somatic hybrids, it was found that the fruit embryo after hybridization was aborted, thus the new idea of "applying the pollen of somatic hybrids to award diploid pomelo, realizing seed abortion in the same year, producing grapefruit with shrunken seeds, and improving the quality of grapefruit" was proposed, which not only found a way to improve the quality of grapefruit varieties with more seeds, but also found a way to improve the quality of grapefruit varieties with more seeds, It opens up a new field for the application of plant somatic hybrids. In addition, the technical system of in vitro preservation (low temperature and ultra-low temperature) of adult and juvenile materials of citrus, apple and other fruit trees has been established, and breakthroughs have been made in the in vitro culture and regeneration of adult citrus. It was found that stress treatment can improve the regeneration ability of preserved materials during the preservation process.
3、 Molecular Markers and Germplasm Resources Evaluation
Deng Xiuxin used molecular marker technology to evaluate the main citrus species and varieties in China, and established RAPD fingerprints of 251 resources, AFLP and SSR fingerprints of 29 species, which provided a reference for the conservation, introduction and breeding of Chinese citrus resources, and was highly valued by the International Germplasm Resources Research Institute (IPGRI).
4、 Variety breeding and service industry
Deng Xiuxin, with the support of international cooperation and the national "948" project, has screened out "red flesh navel orange", "HB pomelo" and other varieties suitable for cultivation in the Yangtze River basin of China after 10 years of experiments, introduced, demonstrated and promoted a number of new citrus varieties and supporting technologies, established a disease free breeding base for improved varieties, and is now planting and promoting in seven provinces (cities), including Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi, The demonstration and promotion area reaches 450000 mu. Deng Xiuxin has taken root in the countryside, and has traveled all over the major citrus producing areas in China, such as the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, and Yunnan. He has provided more than 60 good varieties of navel orange, citrus, and pomelo to the main citrus producing areas, more than 600000 virus free seedlings or sprouts, trained more than 10000 cadres for three years, and more than 100000 farmers. The varieties promoted have produced remarkable economic benefits in Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places [11]
  • Academic treatise
Academic papers:
As of February 2017, Deng Xiuxin has published more than 100 academic papers in Chinese and foreign academic journals [7]
1. Lu S, Zhang Y, Zheng XJ, Zhu KJ, Xu Q, Deng XX*. Isolation and Functional Characterization of a Lycopene β-cyclase Gene Promoter from Citrus. Front Plant Sci, 2016, 7: 1367.
2. Chaoyang Liu, Jianmei Long, Kaijie Zhu, Linlin Liu, Wei Yang, Hongyan Zhang, Li Li, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Characterization of a Citrus R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor That Regulates the Flavonol and Hydroxycinnamic Acid Biosynthesis. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:25352.
3. Lu S, Zhang Y, Zheng XJ, Zhu KJ, Xu Q, Deng XX*.Molecular characterization, critical amino acid identification, and promoter analysis of a lycopene β-cyclase gene from citrus . Tree Genet Genomes, 2016, 12(6): 106.
4. Zeng YL, Du J, Wang L, Pan ZY, Xu Q, Xiao SY, Deng XX*. A comprehensive analysis of chromoplast differentiation reveals complex protein changes associated with plastoglobule biogenesis and remodelling of protein systems in orange flesh. Plant Physiol, 2015, 168: 1648-1665.
5. Jidi Xu, Haidan Xu, Yuanlong Liu, Xia Wang, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Genome-wide identification of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) histone modification gene families and their expression analysis during the fruit development and fruit-blue mold infection process. Front Plant Sci, 2015, 6: 607.
6.HongboCao†, JiangboWang†, XintianDong, YanHan, QiaoliMa, YuduanDing, FeiZhao, JianchengZhang, HaijiangChen, QiangXu, JuanXu,XiuxinDeng*.Carotenoid accumulation affects redox status, starch metabolism, and flavonoid/anthocyanin accumulation in citrus. BMC Plant Biol, 2015, 15:27.
7. Fei Guo, Huiwen Yu, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Transcriptomic analysis of differentially expressed genes in an orange-pericarp mutant and wild type in pummelo ( Citrus grandis ). BMC Plant Biol, 2015, 15:44.
8. Fei Guo, Huiwen Yu, Zheng Tang, Xiaolin Jiang, Lun Wang, Xia Wang, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Construction of a SNP-based high-density genetic map for pummelo using RAD sequencing. Tree Genet Genomes, 2015,11: 2.
9. Manosh Kumar BISWAS, Peng CHEN, Mohamed Hamdy AMAR, Xiuxin DENG*. Novel polymorphic EST-based microsatellite marker isolation and characterization from Poncirus trifoliata (Rutaceae). Front Agr Sci Eng, 2015, 2(1): 60–65.
10. Yang XM, Li H, Liang M, Xu Q, Chai LJ, Deng XX*. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of citron (Citrus medica L.). Tree Genet Genomes, 2015, 11: 129.Tree Genet Genomes, 2015, 11: 129.
11. Yunliu Zeng, Zhiyong Pan, Lun Wang, Yuduan Ding, Qiang Xu, Shunyuan Xiao, Xiuxin Deng*. Phosphoproteomic analysis of chromoplasts from sweet orange during fruit ripening. Physiol Plantarum, 2014,150(2): 252-270.
12. Shi-ping Zhu, Jun Wang, Jun-li Ye, An-Dan Zhu, Wen-wu Guo, Xiu-xin Deng*. Isolation and characterization of LEAFY COTYLEDON 1-LIKE gene related to embryogenic competence in Citrus sinensis. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 2014, 119: 1-13.
13. Manosh Kumar Biswas, Qiang Xu, Christoph Mayer, Xiuxin Deng*. Genome Wide Characterization of Short Tandem Repeat Markers in Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis). Plos one, 2014, 9(8):e104182.
14. Qianming Zheng, Zheng Tang, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Isolation, phylogenetic relationship and expression profiling of sugar transporter genes in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 2014, 119:609-624.
15. Wenfang Zeng, Ming Huang, Xiaopei Wang, Charles Ampomah-Dwamena, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Identification and Functional Characterization of the Promoter of a Phytoene Synthase from Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck). Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31: 64-74.
16. Qiang Xu, Ling-Ling Chen, Xiaoan Ruan, Dijun Chen, Andan Zhu, Chunli Chen, Denis Bertrand, Wen-Biao Jiao, Bao-Hai Hao, Matthew P Lyon, Jiongjiong Chen, Song Gao, Feng Xing, Hong Lan, Ji-Wei Chang, Xianhong Ge, Yang Lei, Qun Hu, Yin Miao, Lun Wang, Shixin Xiao, Manosh Kumar Biswas, Wenfang Zeng, Fei Guo, Hongbo Cao, Xiaoming Yang, Xi-Wen Xu, Yun-Jiang Cheng, Juan Xu, Ji-Hong Liu, Oscar Junhong Luo, Zhonghui Tang, Wen-Wu Guo, Hanhui Kuang, Hong-Yu Zhang, Mikeal L Roose, Niranjan Nagarajan, Xiu-Xin Deng*& Yijun Ruan. The draft genome of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). Nature Genet, 2013, 45: 59–66.
17. Wenfang Zeng, Zongzhou Xie, Xiaoming Yang, Junli Ye, Qiang Xu. Xiuxin Deng*. Microsatellite polymorphism is likely involved in phytoene synthase activity in Citrus. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 2013, 113(3): 449-458.
18. Cao HB, Zhang JC , Xu JD, Ye JL, Yun Z, Xu Q, Xu J and Deng XX*. Comprehending crystalline β-carotene accumulation by comparing engineered cell models and natural carotenoid-rich system of citrus. J Exp Bot, 2012, 63 (12): 4403-4417.
19. Keqin Yu, Qiang Xu, Xinlei Da, Fei Guo, Yuduan Ding, Xiuxin Deng*. Transcriptome changes during fruit development and ripening of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). BMC Genomics, 2012, 13:10.
20. Pan ZY, Zeng YL, An JY, Ye JL, Xu Q, Deng XX*. An integrative analysis of transcriptome and proteome provides new insights into carotenoid biosynthesis and regulation in sweet orange fruits. J Proteomics, 2012, 75: 2670-2684. [15]
Academic monographs:
1. Deng Xiuxin, Xu Juan Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture.Beijing:China Agriculture Press,2010.
2. Deng Xiuxin. Chinese Citrus Varieties. Beijing: Agricultural Press, 2008
3. Deng Xiuxin, Hu Chungen. Horticultural Plant Biotechnology. Higher Education Press, 2005 [3]
Authorized patent:
In December 2012, the State Intellectual Property Office granted a patent for a method of purifying the colored body of citrus pulp (the first person to complete it)
2 In May 2008, "Zaohong", the Ministry of Agriculture protected the right to new plant varieties (the first person to complete it)
In April 2004, the State Intellectual Property Office granted a patent for a method of producing grapefruit [3]
  • Undertake projects
As of February 2017, Deng Xiuxin has successively presided over the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and more than 20 major projects, such as the National "863", the Ministry of Agriculture's scientific and technological breakthrough, the Ministry of Agriculture's "948", the Ministry of Agriculture's industry special projects, the National Immigration Administration and the National 973 Plan [15]
The projects undertaken are as follows
Starting and ending years
entry name
Project source and category
Host or participate
National Fruit Virus free Germplasm Indoor Preservation Center
Ministry of Agriculture
Experiment and Demonstration of Citrus Varieties in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Major projects of the National Immigration Administration
National Citrus Breeding Center
Ministry of Agriculture
Innovation Team of the Ministry of Education (IRT0548)
Innovation team of the Ministry of Education
Study on the Model Cultivation and Storage Technology of Citrus
Industry special project of the Ministry of Agriculture
Key technologies of citrus processing, introduction and demonstration of improved varieties
948 Special Key Rolling Project
From 2007 to
Citrus industry technology system - chief expert and post scientist of citrus
Ministry of Agriculture/Ministry of Finance
Molecular basis of the formation of red flesh character in sweet orange
Key projects
Study on Germplasm Resources and Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Crops
Innovation group project
Formation mechanism and regulation of fruit quality of important horticultural plants
973 Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology
  • Rewards for scientific research achievements
As of April 2017 [15] Deng Xiuxin has won one second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award and many provincial and ministerial awards [1]
entry name
Award name
Ranking of winners or completers
August 1989
Protoplast culture and plant regeneration of citrus
First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Agriculture
Second Complete Adult
September 1991
Plant Regeneration from Intergeneric and Interspecific Somatic Hybrids of Citrus
Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Agriculture
First Complete Adult
October 2001
The creation of citrus allotetraploid and its application in the production of grapefruit with withered seeds
Second Prize of Natural Science Award of Hubei Province
First Complete Adult
Year 2006
Exploration and Innovation of Excellent Germplasm Resources of Citrus and Breeding and Extension of New Varieties
Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award
Deng Xiuxin Yi Hualin, Guo Wenwu, Xia Renxue, Sun Zhonghai, Liu Jihong, Peng Shuang, Zhong Balian, Qin Wei, Tan Yong [28]
December 2012
Research, development and demonstration of citrus cultivation technology for improving quality and efficiency
First Prize of Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award
First Complete Adult
January 2013
Research and Demonstration on Breeding of a New Citrus Variety 'Guicheng No.1' and Key Techniques for High Quality and High Yield Cultivation
Second Prize of Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award [3]
Second Complete Adult

personnel training

As of March 2019, Deng Xiuxin has successively guided more than 50 doctoral students and 40 master students [16] Three postgraduates under Deng Xiuxin's guidance won the annual "National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertations" award, one was nominated for "National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertations", and seven were awarded "Hubei Excellent Doctoral Dissertations" [16]
Some information is as follows
Excellent doctoral dissertation
full name
One hundred excellent doctoral dissertations in China
Xu Qiang
One hundred excellent doctoral dissertations in China
Cheng Yunjiang
One hundred excellent doctoral dissertations in China
Hao Yujin
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hubei Province
Cheng Yunjiang
two thousand and three
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hubei Province
Hao Yujin
two thousand
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hubei Province
Guo Wenwu
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hubei Province
Shi Yongzhong [3]

Honor recognition

Honor recognition
Awarding unit
Young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions
Ministry of Agriculture [3]
Chinese doctoral degree winners with outstanding contributions
Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, State Education Commission [17]
The Third Youth Science and Technology Award of China Association for Science and Technology
China Association for Science and Technology [3]
National level young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions [18]
Ministry of Personnel [3]
Top Ten Outstanding Youth in Hubei Province [17]
National Advanced Individual in Teacher Ethics [19]
China Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Commission
October 2004
National Model Teacher [3]
Advanced Individual of National Rural Science Popularization [8]
China Association for Science and Technology
National advanced individuals for introducing talents [18]
State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
Advanced individuals in building a well-off society in an all-round way [18]
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Chinese Academy of Engineering [17]
March 2007 [3]
National Agricultural Science and Technology Promotion Pacesetter [18]
Ministry of Agriculture
Provincial advanced individual in science popularization
Hubei Provincial Government [20]
April 2007
National Labor Medal [18]
All China Federation of Trade Unions
October 2008
December 2008
National Contribution Award for Introducing Foreign Intelligence
State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs [3]
January 2009
Outstanding Innovation Team Award
Ministry of Agriculture and Chinese Agricultural Association [3]
October 2010
National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Tutor
Ministry of Education, Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council [3]
September 2011
ASHS Outstanding International Horticultural Award
American Horticultural Society [3]
November 2012
ISC Fellow
International Citrus Society [21]
Chinese Agricultural Talent Award
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Ho Leung Ho Lee Fund Technology and Progress Award [16]
Ho Leung Ho Lee Fund
April 2, 2018
Annual Outstanding Contribution Award of Hubei Province
Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Award Conference [22]

Publishing books

  • Biotechnology of Horticultural Plant
    Author name Deng Xiuxin
    Work time 2005-8
    Horticultural Plant Biotechnology is a textbook compiled for the course of "Horticultural Plant Biotechnology" added to the future horticultural professional training of senior talents under the new situation of rapid development and increasingly extensive application of biotechnology. The book consists of ten chapters. The history, current situation, development trend and application prospect of horticultural biotechnology are introduced first, and then the tissue culture, protoplast culture and somatic hybridization technology of horticultural plants, and the removal, detection and identification of horticultural plant viruses are introduced

Social posts

Part time position
1998 to
Deputy Director of Cell Professional Committee of Chinese Botanical Society
From 1999 to
Journal of Horticulture 》Member of the Editorial Committee
From 1999 to
World Agriculture 》Member of the Editorial Committee
April 1998 to November 2009
President of China Citrus Society
From May 2000 to
Member of the Expert Advisory Group on Planting Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture
From 2000 to
Subtropical Plant Science 》Member of the Editorial Committee
From 2001 to
inheritance 》Member of the Editorial Committee
From May 2002 to
Visiting Professor of Tropical Agricultural University
From 2003 to
Deputy Editor in Chief of Fruit Science
February 2004 to October 2008
Executive Chairman of International Citrus Society
November 2005 to
Vice President of China Horticultural Society
October 2007 to
Chief scientist of modern agricultural (citrus) technology system
October 2008 to
Leader of the Expert Group of Fruit Tree Consultant of the Ministry of Agriculture
Member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture
Director of Citrus Research Institute of Huazhong Agricultural University
Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement
Director of Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology, Ministry of Education
Member of the Horticulture Discipline Group of the National Teaching Steering Committee of Agricultural Universities
Joint editor of SCI magazine Scientia Horticulturae
Member of the Standing Committee of the 11th, 12th and 13th National People's Congress [23]
Member of the 9th and 10th CPPCC National Committee
Member of the 8th Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the NLD
The 8th and 9th Central Committee Members of the NLD, the 10th and 11th Standing Committee Members of the Central Committee, and the 12th Vice Chairman of the Central Committee
Honorary Chairman of Science and Technology Association of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th Central Committee of the China Democratic League [32]
February 2023
Deputy to the 14th National People's Congress [33-34]
March 2023
Member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, Vice Chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Committee [35-36]
February 2024
Member of the Scientific and Technological Innovation Strategy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs [37]

Character evaluation

Deng Xiuxin is the first in New China Fruit tree science Doctor, the leader of China's citrus basic research into the international advanced ranks [22] Xinhua Comment)
Deng Xiuxin led the scientific research team to plant pieces of "money trees" on the red land in southern China, build "green banks", and promote the people in the old revolutionary base areas to stand at a new historical starting point and start a new journey of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Deng Xiuxin has become the chief scientist with the greatest achievements, most outstanding contributions, most authority and popularity in the scientific and technological system of China's citrus industry, and is honored as "Academician of Citrus" in the industry [24] (CPC Yizhang County Commission evaluation)