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Genetic trait

Biological concepts
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Hereditary trait refers to the individual genetic trait Genetic differences It leads to its distinctive characteristics in morphology, structure, physiology and biochemistry. Such as the height of plants, the hair of animals, and the difference of individual blood types. [1]
The black and brown, hairy and hairless hair color are not continuous variations. The traits that can be clearly distinguished are called qualitative characters, while the traits such as weight, length, life span and other variations that have continuity but cannot be clearly classified are called quantitative characters. [7]
Chinese name
Genetic trait
Foreign name
genetic character
Main body
Handed down from generation to generation everything form Features physiology characteristic
And Environmental Science Time factor Results of interaction


Genetic traits refer to all morphological characteristics, physiological characteristics, biochemical characteristics, metabolic types, behavioral instincts and pathological phenomena that can be passed down from generation to generation. [2]
Traits are the morphological and structural characteristics, physiological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of organisms. Relative traits are different manifestations of the same trait. [2]
Traits refer to the morphological, physiological, biochemical or psychological characteristics that can be observed in any organism, and are called cha meters. Different traits are the result of the interaction between the active genes and the environment during the expression process. [7]
However, the role of each gene is originally qualitative, so genotype differences should also be qualitative. Quantitative traits are essentially the same as qualitative traits. [7]
Since the phenotypes of quantitative traits are measured continuously, each observation (phenotype) cannot directly correspond to the genotype. Therefore, statistics such as population mean or standard deviation must be used for analysis when making selection. [7]

Classical genetic theory

Gregor Mendel is the father of modern genetics and the founder of classical genetics.
Mendel's famous pea experiment is essentially about the study of genetic traits. In general, Mendel believed that genetic traits were determined by genes, and the extent of expression was determined by the dominance and recessiveness of genes.
His classical genetic theory achievements include:
First, Mendel found that there are basic units in all organisms, which are called genes today. Genetic characteristics are passed from parents to offspring through genes. In the plants studied by Mendel, each individual characteristic is determined by a pair of genes. This pair of genes comes from one male parent and one female parent. [4]
Secondly, Mendel found that if two genes in a pair are different (for example, green seeds are recessive and yellow seeds are dominant), then usually only dominant genes can be expressed in the first generation (in this case, yellow seeds). However, the recessive gene has not been destroyed and may be passed on to the offspring of the plant. Each germ cell, the gamete (equivalent to a human sperm cell or egg cell), contains only one of each pair of genes. As for which of a pair of genes appears in an individual gamete and is passed on to offspring, it is entirely a question of opportunity. [4]
Mendel's "Pea Experiment"   
Mendel first obtained 34 varieties of peas from many seed merchants, and selected 22 varieties for experiment. They all have some stable traits that can be distinguished from each other, such as tall or short stem, round or wrinkled seed coat, gray or white seed coat, etc. He cultivated these peas through artificial sexual hybridization, and carefully observed, counted and analyzed the characters and numbers of peas in different generations. [4]
He loved his research work very much. He often pointed to peas and said proudly to visitors, "These are my children!"
After eight years of hard work, Mendel discovered the basic law of biological genetics and obtained the corresponding mathematical relationship. People call his discoveries "Mendel's first law" and "Mendel's second law" respectively, which reveal the basic laws of biological genetic mystery. [4]
In addition to peas, Mendel also made a lot of similar studies on other plants, including corn, violets and jasmine, in order to prove that the genetic laws he discovered are applicable to most plants. Mendel knew the epoch-making significance of his discovery, but he repeated the experiment carefully for many years in order to further improve it. [4]
In 1865, Mendel read out his research results twice in the conference hall of the Brook Science Association.
For the first time, the participants listened to the report politely and cheerfully. Mendel simply introduced the purpose, method and process of the experiment. The one hour report made the audience fall into the clouds. [4]
The second time, Mendel carried out in-depth theoretical proof based on experimental data. However, the great Mendel thought and experiment were too advanced. [4]
Although most of the participants are members of the Bruin Natural Science Association, including chemists, geologists and biologists, as well as botanists and algalists in biology. However, the audience was not interested in the endless numbers and tedious arguments. [4]
Mendel could not agree with the secret that Mendel had told him with his painstaking efforts. It was not until 16 years after Mendel's death, 34 years after the official publication of the "pea experiment" paper and 43 years after he was engaged in the pea experiment that the prophecy became reality.
The year 1900 was an epoch-making year in the history of genetics and even biological science. Since then, genetics has entered the Mendelian era. [4]

Theoretical confirmation

Sixteen years later, his prediction was made by Hugo de Frith of the Netherlands, Karl Caulains of Germany, and Eric von Chermack of Austria, three different scientists from Europe, who unexpectedly found Mendel's article in the environment of independent work. Each of them was doing his own plant experiments, and each of them discovered Mendel's law alone. Before publishing his own results, each of them found Mendel's original text in the literature. They also seriously cited Mendel's papers and confirmed Mendel's conclusions with their respective experimental results. [4]

Different viewpoints

Mendel can be called the ancestor of modern genetics.
But once, Mendel Morgan School was considered idealistic and reactionary; Michelin School is considered to be materialistic and revolutionary. [4]
The speech of Mendel Morgan School has experimental basis, and the said gene does exist, involving the essence of genetics.
The statement of the Michulin School also has experimental basis. It only talks about the relationship between the external environment, not the essence of genetics. Michelin is a practitioner and breeder, but he is by no means a genetic theorist. [4]
However, the correct attitude towards different theories should be: neither superstitious nor acceptable. To distinguish who is reasonable and who is unreasonable.

Langmuir theory

This is an innovative new theory on genetic traits proposed by the Chinese.
Professor Lan Tianzhu of Nankai University questioned some concepts of Mendel's classical genetics. He looked at the problem from the perspective of classical genetics rather than molecular genetics through the method of biostatistics. [4]
He believes that genetic traits are determined by nuclear genes, but the expression is determined by the dominance of cytoplasmic genetic variation. He gave an example of a horse and a mule mating to produce two different results of the next generation: if the horse is the female parent, the offspring will be the donkey; If the mule is the mother, the offspring will be mules and donkeys. [4]
Both are different in form and endurance. In this way, Mendel's theory does not make sense. But if it is based on new concepts and theories, it can be readily solved. Because the nucleus genes of donkey and mule are the same, and the cytoplasm comes from different maternal parents, their performance is certainly different. [4]
"So Mendel is only half right!"
According to the results of research and experiments, he proposed the concept that the expression of genetic traits is transferred according to the dominance of cytoplasmic genetic variation to replace the dominant and recessive concepts of nuclear genes, and proposed the concept that the nucleus stimulates the variability to supplement the concept that genetic traits are determined by nuclear genes. [4]
According to these new concepts, the new theory of "Inheritance of Quantitative Traits in Crop F1 Hybridization" has fundamentally shaken some theoretical foundations of Mendel's classical genetics: that is, heterosis is due to the potential variability of species, and in the process of sexual hybridization, due to genetic heterogeneity in the nucleus, it becomes an active trigger variation.
Blue Sky Column believes that the extent to which the genetic variation intensity factor can be expressed is affected by the capacity factor. The expression of genetic variation traits is transferred according to the dominance of cytoplasmic genetic variation. This new theory not only inherits and develops Mendel's theory, but also sublates and breaks through. "From the perspective of classical genetics, thinking has always puzzled geneticists". [4]
This theory can not only integrate various experimental data of hybridization in different regions, different years, and different growth conditions, but also predict unknown hybrid offspring under various conditions - this is where the vitality of Blue Sky Pillar theory lies.
The rational use of this principle to guide hybrid breeding and heterosis utilization can avoid blindness, save manpower and material resources, and shorten breeding cycle. Its social and economic benefits are self-evident. [4]
The formation of the new concept of Blue Sky Column and the induction of the equation are based on the statistical analysis of hundreds of hybrid combinations of sorghum and maize and tens of thousands of experimental data. Gai Junyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that the research achievements of Lan Tianzhu have developed a different way from the classical genetic research methods, exploring the relationship between F1, female parent and male parent, which is characterized by taking the female parent as the base (because the hybrid seeds grow on the female parent plant), and then considering the changes caused by the addition of the genetic material of the male parent, so the "maternal resistance to variation" The concepts of "male parent introduces variability", "male parent activates female parent potential variability" and "genetic variability dominance". Therefore, the relative equation of F1 and its changes in various situations are proposed. Through the linear regression method, the parameters such as potential variability and genetic variability dominance can be estimated from experimental data, and the significance test method is proposed. [4]

Genetic disease research

Usually, a genetic trait or disease gene is located on the autosome. Genetic diseases are mainly divided into two categories:

Hereditary traits of monogenic diseases

In monogenic genetic diseases, according to the different chromosomes where the genes that determine the disease are located, their genetic modes are mainly divided into the following types:
Ⅰ. autosomal dominant inheritance, or AD for short
Ⅱ. autosomal recessive inheritance, or AR for short
Ⅲ. X-linked dominant inheritance (XD for short)
Ⅳ. X-linked recessive inheritance (XR for short)
Ⅴ. Y-linked inheritance
Ⅵ. Mitochondrial inheritance
Because autosomal recessive inheritance is recessive in nature, that is, it cannot show corresponding symptoms in the heterozygous state, some patients with X-linked recessive inheritance diseases are fatal, and continuous transmission is rarely seen. Close relative marriage usually increases the risk of XR. [5]
When the pathogenic gene is located on the X chromosome and is dominant, it will become ill when it is heterozygous, which is called X-linked dominant inheritance (XD). Due to cross inheritance, all daughters of male patients are ill and all sons are normal; Half of the children of female patients will suffer from the disease. In the pedigree, female patients are more than male patients, about 2:1, but the condition of female patients is often mild. Among the existing cases, we can see that some families have patients for several generations in succession, that is, continuous transmission. For example, hereditary nephritis and vitamin D resistant rickets belong to XD. Like AD, XD can also appear incomplete dominance, which may be misjudged as XR. [5]
When the gene controlling a certain trait or disease is located on the Y chromosome and transmitted along the Y chromosome, it is called Y-linked inheritance. Those with Y linkage are all male. The pathogenic gene of the male parent is only transmitted to all sons, and all daughters are normal, which is also called all male inheritance. There are few Y-linked genes, most of which are related to testicular formation and gender differentiation. Such as sex determining region SRY, azoospermia gene AZF, etc. [5]
Mitochondrial genetic diseases occur in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation of germ cells, which can be passed to the next generation along with gametes, and is maternal inheritance. This is because during fertilization, only the nuclear DNA of sperm enters the fertilized egg, but its cytoplasm does not. Heterogeneity and replication segregation show that even individuals with identical nuclear genomes, such as twins, can have different cytoplasmic genotypes, thus their phenotypes are different. [5]
A certain phenotype can only appear when the mutant mtDNA reaches a certain proportion. The severity of phenotype is tissue specific, that is, the disease condition is related to the degree of dependence of this tissue and organ on oxidative phosphorylation. The dependence of brain, skeletal muscle, heart, liver, etc. on energy is gradually reduced, and the degree of general damage is also gradually reduced. [5]
The evolution rate of mtDNA is extremely high, generally 10 – 20 times higher than that of nuclear DNA. Therefore, mtDNA can be used for individual recognition, which also shows that the genotype of mitochondrial disease is very common, but there are few phenotypic types. [5]

Genetic traits of polygenic diseases

Polygenetic inheritance is a genetic trait caused by the cumulative effect of multiple genes, which generally acts together with environmental factors. [5]
Most cases are familial, but they do not conform to Mendel's genetic law, that is, the prevalence rate among siblings is far lower than 1/2 or 1/4, only about 1% – 10%. The risk rate of children recurrence is high when parents are closely married, because the two sides of closely married have more identical disease genes inherited from the common ancestor. [5]
Research shows that the distance of kinship is also related to the incidence. For example, the incidence of the first degree relatives of cleft lip patients is 4%, that of the second degree relatives is 0.7%, and that of the third degree relatives is 0.3%. This genetic characteristic is different from autosomal genetic diseases. The risk of each generation of autosomal dominant inheritance is half lower than that of the previous generation. [5]
And the data shows that the more serious the disease is, the higher the recurrence risk rate of relatives. For example, in children with simple cleft lip, the risk of recurrence of their siblings is 4.0; If the patient suffers from bilateral cleft lip and palate, the risk of recurrence of their siblings increases to 5.6%. [5]
In fact, most congenital malformations, such as anencephaly, spina bifida and other neural tube defects, and most congenital heart diseases, as well as many common adult diseases, such as cancer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, gout, schizophrenia, depression, and diabetes, are not diseases caused solely by single gene mutations or chromosomal abnormalities, It is the result of the joint action of multiple genes and environmental factors, and belongs to multifactorial genetic disease. [5]

Improvement of crop genetic traits

From the micro gene level, finding the key genes that determine the two macro traits of crop plant type and grain, and understanding how these genes operate, will hopefully improve crop yield. [3]
The rapid development of modern biological breeding theory and technology is expected to enable breeders to improve target traits in a shorter time. Scientists define the major genes controlling complex traits or functional units composed of multiple genes and capable of genetic operation as "genetic networks", and propose that the discovery and utilization of key genes related to yield and the analysis of complex genetic networks of major yield components can further tap the genetic potential of crop yield, Finally, new breeding approaches and methods to break through yield potential will be obtained. [3]

Genetic Regulation Mechanism of Crop Yield Traits

With the continuous progress of genomics and sequencing technology, the research tools of crop trait genetic network are increasingly mature. [3]
In 2012, Wu Weihua, Wan Jianmin, Han Bin and a group of scientists who have been engaged in crop genetic traits improvement for a long time jointly proposed a major research plan to the National Natural Science Foundation of China on "genetic regulation network analysis of major crop yield traits".
In 2013, the major research plan was launched. The scientific goal is to comprehensively analyze the molecular genetic, physiological and biochemical regulation network of important biological processes in the growth and development of major crops, and provide theoretical and technical support for the cultivation of high-yield varieties of major crops in China. [3]
In the past 10 years, under the continuous support of major research programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, scientists have carried out scientific research on the molecular genetic mechanism of yield traits of rice, maize and wheat. Scientists have completed the cloning and functional analysis of 228 key new genes related to plant type and grain development, discovered new mechanisms for the formation of yield traits such as plant type and grain development, and created a new method of molecular design breeding. Using this new method, 25 new varieties of national and provincial approval have been bred. These scientific breakthroughs have not only been written in more than 700 papers, It was also written in the field. [3]

Molecular navigation

This is the product of the above prospective research.
The researchers used bioinformatics technology to anchor the heterotopic points of rice key functions one by one to the precise location of the rice genome, and used the genetic population to accurately assess the strength of their effects, and for the first time, mapped a complete electronic map of rice gene key variations. The researchers then developed the rice "map navigation" system RiceNavi based on the map, initially realizing the intellectualization of rice breeding. [3]
Recently, the evaluation of this major research plan has been completed. Wu Weihua, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is accepting the Chinese Science Daily During the interview, he said: "Scientific researchers have analyzed the molecular genetic, physiological and biochemical regulation networks of plant type development and grain formation of major crops, which are two important biological processes that affect crop yield traits and are closely related, and established the molecular design breeding theory of major crop yield traits, providing theoretical and technical support for the cultivation of major crop high-yield varieties in China. Now, the international influence of research on rice, maize plant type and grain development in China has significantly increased, and the relevant research has achieved from "parallel running" to "partial leading". [3]
Biological sequencing technology and the frontier focus of informatics have changed. Sequencing technology has developed from transcriptome sequencing to single cell sequencing, and the frontier focus of informatics has shifted from big data to artificial intelligence. By means of cutting-edge technologies such as single cell data analysis methods and deep learning, and by using cutting-edge cross means of biology and informatics, molecular breeding and molecular analysis of important traits of rice, corn and wheat are guided. [3]

Research progress of genetic traits


Studies on genetic characters of rice

Uncover the mystery of rice tillering regulation - researchers explore new ideal rice plant type genes and clarify their regulatory network.
For rice, genetic traits such as tiller number and tiller angle are two important factors that affect plant type and play a decisive role in rice population yield. [3]
Researchers have fully excavated and collected genetic materials, cloned a series of genes with important breeding value, and constructed a key genetic regulation network to regulate tiller number and tiller angle by analyzing the mechanism of action of new genes in rice tiller number and tiller angle. [3]
Study on the genetic character of tiller number
As a new plant hormone, Cyclopodophyllolide plays an important role in the regulation of rice tiller number, and it is of great scientific significance to study its signal transduction process.
On the basis of previous research, researchers found that the ideal plant type regulator IPA1 is the downstream target gene of the negative regulator D53 in the unipodactone signaling pathway. D53 protein inhibits the transcriptional activation activity of IPA1 through interaction with IPA1, thereby inhibiting the expression of downstream genes. At the same time, IPA1 can be directly combined D53 And activate D53 The expression of genes forms negative feedback regulation. These results have penetrated the signal transduction pathway of Cyclopodonolactone. [3]
The researchers also used yeast two hybrid method to screen the IPA1 interacting protein IPI1. Further analysis revealed that IPI1 has tissue specificity for the ubiquitination of IPA1, thus fine regulating IPA1 protein levels in different tissues.
Industry experts believe that, IPI1 While increasing the number of grains per ear, the number of tillers was not "sacrificed", which is expected to become a genetic resource that can be applied to production practice. [3]
Study on Genetic Traits of Tiller Angle
Gravity reaction is one of the important factors affecting the formation of tillering angle. Researchers have constructed a molecular network for dynamic regulation of rice tillering angle at the whole genome level, and excavated important node genes that regulate the formation of rice tillering angle HSFA2D LA1 WOX6 and WOX11 On this basis, the LA1 mediated regulation pathway of rice tillering angle was established. [3]
At the same time, researchers found that genes OsHOX1 and OsHOX28 By inhibiting the expression of HSFA2D and reducing the content of endogenous auxin, the tillering angle of rice was redundantly regulated HSFA2D - LA1 - WOX6 / eleven The molecular genetic pathway mediated by gravity induction as the core enriches the genetic regulation network of rice tillering angle. [3]
In addition, researchers also used map based cloning technology to clone new genes that control rice plant type and yield PAY1 30 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling tillering angle in rice were identified by whole genome association analysis (GWAS), and in-depth analysis was carried out. [3]

Studies on genetic characters of maize

Using agronomy and informatics, researchers cloned key genes regulating the number of rows per ear in maize, and successfully analyzed the genetic regulation mechanism of the formation of rows per ear for these genes.
Researchers first target candidate genes KRN2 It was found that it had a negative regulation effect on the number of rows per ear. Then through expression analysis, protoplast transient expression experiment, nucleotide polymorphism analysis and other advanced experimental methods, it was finally determined that KRN2 The upstream non coding region was selected in the process of maize domestication and improvement, which led to the decrease of its expression, thus increasing the number of rows per ear of maize. [3]
Based on the above conclusions, the researchers found that compared with the wild type, KRN2 The number of rows per ear, grain number per ear, grain weight per ear and other yield related traits of the knockout mutant were improved, and the yield was increased by about 10% compared with the wild type; At the same time, KRN2 The mutant did not cause significant changes in other agronomic traits such as flowering date, plant type, leaf type, tassel, ear length, 100 grain weight, grain volume, etc. [3]
At the same time, the researchers analyzed the regulation network formed by the number of rows per ear of maize. Major genetic loci for controlling grain number in maize KRN4 , using genome-wide association analysis, map based cloning and other means to confirm that KRN4 Located in an important gene controlling maize ear development Unbranched3 UB3 )And remote adjustment UB3 Gene expression. And KRN4 Interactive UB3 By binding LOG1 and ARRs Gene promoter region regulation LOG1 and ARRs Gene expression, and LOG1 and ARRs The quantitative variation of the number of rows per ear in maize is mainly controlled by the synthetic signal pathway of cytokinin. [3]
Further research shows that, KRN4 As a UB3 Remote enhancer of promoter, through chromatin interaction and recruitment UB2 Centric transcriptional complex regulation UB3 Expression in the spikelet meristem. This result provides new evidence for the involvement of intergenic regions in the fine regulation of quantitative traits. [3]
In addition, the researchers also identified a mutant gene that affects multiple meristems in different ways gif1 And ZmACO2, which controls the ear length and flower number of maize. [3]

Green Revolution of Genetic Traits

Researchers believe that the achievement of these achievements marks the starting point of the "new green revolution" and leads the new direction of breeding. [3]
First, through the integration of agronomy and informatics, researchers have built an intelligent breeding system. In the research of rice molecular design breeding method, we systematically collated all publicly reported research results of rice quantitative trait genes, anchored the heterotopic points of rice key functions to the precise locations of rice genome one by one through bioinformatics technology, and accurately evaluated their effects by using genetic population, It is the first time to draw a complete electronic map of key variation of rice genes. [3]
Secondly, RiceNavi, the rice version of the "map navigation" system, was launched, initially realizing the intellectualization of rice breeding. In the improvement of the main conventional rice variety "Huanghuazhan", scientists obtained a new line "Navigation 1" with the help of the "Map Navigation" system. This new variety has compact plant type, short growth period and fragrance, and is being popularized and applied. [3]
Thirdly, based on polygene polymerization molecules, researchers designed a new combination of rice with high yield and good quality. Qian Qian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led the research team to design 28 excellent target genes, including rice yield, rice appearance quality, cooking and eating quality, and ecological adaptability, taking "Nippon Sunny" and "9311" as excellent target gene donors. The research results will greatly promote the transformation of traditional crop breeding to efficient, accurate and targeted molecular design breeding. [3]
In addition, the researchers also used a series of cloned yield genes to design a polymerization breeding model for high-yield genes, elaborated the molecular breeding theory based on the utilization of heterosis between indica and japonica subspecies, laid the theoretical foundation for the design of future super hybrid rice, and provided a guiding idea for the third yield leap of rice production. [3]
Huang Xuehui, a professor of Shanghai Normal University, said that with the help of RiceNavi's selection guidance and route optimization, researchers had achieved the established breeding goal in only two and a half years, and obtained a new line "Navigation 1" with compact plant type, short growth period and fragrance. At present, this achievement has been officially transferred to China's large seed industry groups for promotion and application, which will provide technical support for the rapid cultivation of new rice varieties. [3]
The cross research of biology and informatics has been the development trend in this field, and the exploration of this major research plan in this field has just begun.

Display of research results

Plant Genetic Engineering and Genetic Breeding
The research and application of transgenic technology shall be carried out by using molecular biology technology and genetic engineering technology, and the genetic improvement of rape, rice, wheat and other major crops shall be strengthened. Carry out relevant basic research and genetic breeding research in QTL mapping, transgenic and RNAi technology of plant related functional genes. [6]
Develop efficient new technologies of molecular marker breeding, transgenic breeding and molecular design breeding, and break through the technical bottleneck in genetic improvement of complex traits. For example, develop large-scale development technology of important trait functional markers based on genome sequence and gene high-throughput cloning technology to solve the major problem of lack of practical molecular markers and genes with important breeding value. [6]
We will break through the technology of polygene polymerization in molecular marker breeding, the technology of high-throughput gene cloning, gene efficient expression, polygene transformation, artificial chromosome and safe transformation in transgenic breeding, and the technology of breeding simulation and whole genome selection in molecular design breeding to further improve the efficiency of plant molecular breeding. [6]
Systematic genetic research on erucic acid, oleic acid and protein content in rapeseed was carried out, and QTL analysis on development regulation and factor composition information of complex traits was carried out with the help of statistical genetics and bioinformatics, and molecular marker assisted selection breeding was carried out. [6]
The RNAi vector was constructed to inhibit the expression of rape fatty acid lengthening enzyme gene (FAE1), and the mutant with function loss of rape fatty acid lengthening enzyme gene (fae1) was obtained. The restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing confirmed that the RNAi vector with reverse repeat structure of rape fatty acid lengthening enzyme gene (fae1) was successfully constructed, 29 transgenic regenerated lines of rapeseed were obtained. [6]
Plant Cell Engineering and Genetic Improvement
The research idea is to closely combine plant cell engineering technology, haploid technology and ion beam mutagenesis technology to create a technical system for polyploid induction of plants and research on genetic improvement:
① Tissue culture technology;
② Pollen, anther and microspore culture techniques;
③ Using somatic hybridization, embryo culture and other cell engineering technologies to artificially synthesize Brassica napus, and create a new type of plant male sterile line;
④ Cell engineering technology breeding;
⑤ Research on the creation and application of plant polyploid induction technology system. [6]
Study the growth and development, genetic improvement and environmental adaptation of crops from the molecular to individual level, explain, control and improve the genetic traits of plants in theory and application, and provide basic basis and means to guide genetic breeding research.
A large number of homologous and heterologous polyploids of Arabidopsis thaliana, Chinese cabbage and rapeseed were obtained by using genome polyploidy technology. The effects of homologous chromosome reduction separation and gene recombination were carried out, and the genetic regulation mechanism of B. napus (AACC) phenotypic changes in newly synthesized Brassica napus was preliminarily revealed at the level of whole gene (genome) expression, providing new ideas for chromosome engineering breeding of Brassica napus. [6]
The technical system of breaking the reproductive isolation between species at the polyploid level, completing the exchange of genetic material between alien species, and creating new plant germplasm was proposed; At the cellular level, the development status of plant somatic cells, the biological effects of low-energy ion beams and the secondary metabolites of clonal cells were studied; The genetic improvement of wheat, rice, corn and other crops has achieved initial results. The research on large-scale cell level cultivation of tobacco, taxus, rabdosia rubescens, hedyotis diffusa and other medicinal plants in order to develop their secondary medicinal ingredients has also reached the desired goal. Important progress has also been made in tobacco quality improvement and research on cell culture of medicinal plants. [6]
Utilization of plant heterosis
Carry out relevant basic research and genetic breeding research in plant male sterility genetic mechanism, heterosis utilization, quality trait improvement, QTL mapping of related functional genes, RNAi technology, etc. Based on the idea of "high quality+hybrid+biotechnology", we will combine the two themes of high quality and hybrid with new biotechnology, focus on the genetic mechanism of plant male sterility and heterosis utilization, actively explore new technologies and methods for heterosis utilization of rape, corn and other crops, and select excellent new varieties such as super high yield hybrid rape and hybrid corn. [6]
At present, the team of Zhengzhou University is mainly responsible for the national support plan project, national agricultural science and technology achievements transformation funds and other major projects. It has successfully cultivated three cytoplasmic male sterile lines, and has bred seven new varieties, including Zhengda 203 rape, Zhengda 501 tomato, Qingxiu pepper, black seedless watermelon No. 2, and Zhenmi melon No. 5, to be promoted to production, which has produced significant economic and social benefits. [6]