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Ice Racing
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Speed Skating is based on skates A kind of ice racing for tools on ice. Belong to in international sports taxonomy Skating It refers to the skating competition aimed at speed within the specified distance, referred to as speed skating, and is the official event of the Winter Olympic Games. The athletes slide on the ice with their skates, cut into the ice with the blade of the ice skate to form a stable support point, pedal the ice, retract the leg, and lower the knife by turns through the two legs, slide into the action, and coordinate with the whole body to quickly slide forward. [1]
Speed skating is a sport with a long history. As early as the 11th and 12th centuries, there were records in the early literature of the Netherlands, Britain, Switzerland and some Scandinavian countries about the fast movement of animal bones tied to feet on ice, which is the early prototype of skating. Since the 1840s, speed skating has spread rapidly from England and the Netherlands to other countries, and skating clubs have also been established. In the 1870s, some countries began to ask for the establishment of national skating organizations. In 1879, the British Skating Association, the first national leading skating organization, was founded. In January 1893, under the leadership of the International Skating Federation, the first world men's speed skating championship was held in Amsterdam. Male and female speed skating were listed as Winter Olympics event. [1-2]
The most advanced organization of speed skating International Skating Union In 1892 Netherlands Establishment. The highest level organization in China is Chinese Skating Association In 1980 Beijing Establishment. [3-4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Speed Skating
Time of origin
11th and 12th centuries
Place of origin
Netherlands, UK, Switzerland and Scandinavia
representative figure
Li Yan Li Jiajun Wang Meng
Major competitions
World Speed Skating Championships World Short Track Speed Skating Championships

Project History

Speed skating is a sport with a long history. As early as the 11th and 12th centuries, there were records in the early literature of the Netherlands, Britain, Switzerland and some Scandinavian countries about the fast movement of animal bones tied to feet on ice, which is the early prototype of skating.
In the middle of the 13th century, an iron ice skate installed on a wooden board appeared in Holland.
In 1572, a Scotsman made the first pair of all iron ice skates. After about a century, ice games, as military training and palace entertainment, also began to rise in China.
In the middle of the 17th century, a Dutch man first slipped along the ice with an ice skate from one city to another. However, speed skating in this period still has not got rid of the nature of games.
In the 18th century, skating was rapidly popularized in England and quickly developed into a competitive activity.
In 1742, the first skating organization, Edinburgh Skating Club, was founded in England.
On February 4, 1763, Britain held the first speed skating race with a distance of 15 miles.
At the beginning of the 19th century, speed skating competitions began to appear in the Netherlands.
In 1805, the race was held in Leeuwarden, the capital of the Frilands Province in the north of the Netherlands. The distance was short and the race was held on a straight road. More than 130 participants were women.
In the 1840s, speed skating quickly spread from England and the Netherlands to other countries, and skating clubs were also established.
Since the birth of Edinburgh Skating Club in 1842, speed skating has developed to more than 70 countries and regions, of which 59 countries and regions have joined the International Skating Federation.
In 1850, E. W. Bushnell of the United States made the first pair of steel ice skates.
In the 1870s, with the development of international sports, speed skating became more and more popular. As a result, the requirement of establishing national skating organizations in some countries began to emerge.
In 1879, the British Skating Association, the first national leading skating organization, was founded.
In the late 19th century, capitalism completed the transition to monopoly capitalism, and various international monopoly organizations emerged one after another. This kind of economic cross-border has the objective factor of strengthening international exchanges and holding international competitions.
At the end of the 19th century, European skating was introduced into China, and speed skating gradually became a favorite winter sport for people in the north.
In 1880, a 25 mile race was held in Brooklyn, New York.
In 1885, the competition was held in Christiania (Oslo), Norway. During this period, three Norwegians, Axel Paulsen, Carl Werner and Harald Hager, made great contributions to world speed skating. They have greatly promoted the development of this sport and expanded its influence through competitions and performances in various countries. Paulson invented the tubular speed skating skate. In the same year, two large-scale international speed skating competitions were held in Hamburg, Germany and Luvaden, Netherlands. After that, similar competitions were held many times in Oslo, Norway and Hamburg, Germany. In these international competitions, the most common problems people encounter are the specifications of the venue, the events and the distance of the competition. In response to these problems, the Dutch put forward the proposal of starting at the same time in a group of two people on two runways and setting up short, medium and long distance events.
In 1888, the Dutch proposal was adopted. According to this proposal, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom jointly drafted and formulated a rule. Therefore, the rules of the international speed skating competition were determined.
In 1889, the first international competition held according to the new rules was the World Championships held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
In 1889, 1890 and 1891, three world championships were held successively under the organization of the Ice Club in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
In 1891, the first champion of the World Championships was born. He was Joseph Donoghue, an American athlete who won all four championships.
In July 1892, at the initiative of the Netherlands, the Netherlands Skating Association hosted an international skating congress in Scheveningen, north of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which was the first famous international skating federation congress in the world skating history. The achievements of this congress lie in the election of the leading body of the International Skating Union and the solid foundation of the speed skating competition.
In January 1893, under the leadership of the International Skating Federation, the first world men's speed skating championship was held in Amsterdam. The World Championships have thus embarked on the track of institutionalization. However, in nearly half a century, no women's competitions have been held.
In 1924, speed skating was included in the Olympic Games as an official event. At first, there were five events, namely, men's 500 meters, 1500 meters, 5000 meters, 10000 meters and the all-around. From the second session, the all-around project was canceled. In the same year, male speed skating was listed as Winter Olympics event.
In 1933, the World Women's Speed Skating Championships began.
In 1935, a skating competition was held in Beijing.
In February 1943, the ice games held in Yan'an featured men's and women's 100 meter speed skating and various performances.
In February 1953, the first National Ice Games was held in Harbin. Six units participated in the speed skating competition, creating the first batch of speed skating records in China.
In 1959, the first National Winter Games was held in Harbin. Chinese speed skater Wang Jinyu won the men's all-around championship in the six nation international invitational tournament in Almaty, the Soviet Union, and defeated the world record holder Soviet athlete Mikhail Mikov in the 5000m race. In the same year, in the 53rd World Men's Speed Skating Championships, Yang Jucheng won the second place in the 500m race with a result of 42 "4 (equal to the first place).
In 1960, women's speed skating was included in the Winter Olympics, which further promoted the development of speed skating.
In 1961, at the World Women's Speed Skating Championships, Chinese player Liu Fengrong won the fourth place in the all-around; In the men's championship, Wang Jinyu, a Chinese player, won the eighth place in the all-around competition, and won the all-around championship in the nine nation international invitational tournament in the same year.
In 1975, China's Zhao Weichang won the second place in the 500 meters at the World Championships held in Norway.
In 1980, the Chinese speed skating team participated in the 13th Winter Olympic Games held in Lake Placid in the United States.
In the mid-1990s, following the emergence of steel ice skates in the 16th century and the invention of tubular ice skates in the 19th century, the speed skating ice skates underwent another reform. The biggest feature of a new type of ice skate called "Slipper" is that its structure is more in line with the requirements of kinematics, dynamics and human morphology. The appearance of the Shi Libo ice skate has made the performance of speed skating improved rapidly.
In 1998, the gold medal winners of the Winter Olympics and the new world record creators used almost all new ice skates. [1]
In 2014, in the women's 1000m speed skating final of Sochi Winter Olympics, Zhang Hong Won the first speed skating gold medal for China in the history of the Winter Olympics. [16]
On February 12, 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics In the men's 500m speed skating race, Chinese athletes Gao Tingyu He broke the Olympic record in 34.32 seconds and won the championship. This is the first time that China has won the gold medal in men's speed skating at the Winter Olympics. [18]
 quick-skating quick-skating quick-skating quick-skating

hardware requirements



  • Speed skating track
Speed skating runways are divided into standard runways and runways of other specifications. The standard runway consists of two straight runways connecting two semicircular curves with 180 ° radians to form two closed runways. The maximum perimeter is 400m and the minimum perimeter is 333.33m. The radius of the curve in the two runways shall not be less than 25m and not more than 26m. If it is impossible to draw a standard speed skating runway, the runway of other specifications can be specified, and a double runway with a total length of not less than 300 meters can be drawn, with the radius of the inner curve not less than 18 meters. The lane changing area shall not be less than 40m, and the width of each lane shall not be less than 2m. [1]
  • Speed skating runway boundary
The two runways shall be divided by neat isolines and extended to the lane changing area (at the boundary of straight and curved sections). The snow line shall not freeze on the ice. If there is no snow, a 5cm wide rubber, wood block or other suitable material can be painted with a coordinated color to replace the snow line. In this case, the distance between the blocks 15 meters in front and behind the curve is 50 cm, the distance between the blocks in the middle of the curve is 1 m, and the distance between the blocks on the straight road is 10 m. Whether other boundaries comply with the rules shall be determined by the presiding judge. [1]
  • Rules for speed skating to prevent accidents
In order to avoid various accidents, the runway shall be measured and verified before the competition and shall be approved by the Chief Judge. It is not allowed to mark the runway with fixed stakes or similar things. The driving track of the standard runway shall be at least 3 meters wide, and the protective objects to prevent accidents shall be set outside the curves and straight roads. If the snow wall cannot be set, the protective mat with a thickness of at least 15 cm shall be prepared. [1]
  • Measurement and marking of speed skating track
The runway shall be calculated at 0.50 m from the inside edge of the runway (lane separation line). The starting and ending lines shall be clearly marked with color lines. All starting and ending lines shall be at right angles to the straight line or the extension of the straight line, and the correct angle and curve radian of the curve shall be drawn; The preparatory starting line shall be 1 m behind the starting line; A clear color line shall be marked every 1 meter in the first 5 meters of the finish line (the line width is 5 cm; the finish line is red, the rest is blue, and the preparatory starting line is dashed). For a standard 400m runway, the starting line of 500m shall be set inside the straight line at the end and at right angles to the straight line. The starting line of 1000m shall be set in the middle of the lane change area, and its finishing line shall be determined according to the starting line. The starting line of the 1500m inner track shall be at right angles to the extension line of the straight track. For runways of other specifications, the end point should not be drawn on the curve as far as possible. [1]


Speed skaters wear nylon tights (clothes, pants, hats, socks, gloves together). Due to the poor heat preservation of nylon clothing, athletes need to wear close fitting cotton wool underwear in low temperature climate conditions. Male athletes also need to wear triangular underpants or bodyguards. In extremely cold weather, windbreak paper or other articles should be padded on the knees, chest and other parts. When doing preparatory activities, skates should be covered with well insulated shoe covers. In case of foot frostbite, warm clothes should be worn during practice. Both sides of trousers should be locked to facilitate wearing and taking off. [1]


Speed skating skates are mainly made of high-quality thick cow leather and reinforced with glass fiber and carbon steel. The speed skating skate is composed of blade, blade tube, front knife holder, front big knife holder, front tray, rear knife holder and rear tray. Speed skating skates are half high waist and slender, and the heel is hard to surround and fix the heel. The sole is made of hard leather, and the ice skate is fixed on the sole with screws or rivets. [1]


The advanced speed skating skate used in the competition is made of high-quality high carbon steel and light alloy, and the blade is very wear-resistant. The skate is under the skate and is longer than the skate. The base plate and blade are the main components of the skate. In addition, the skate also includes the blade tube, front and rear knife holders, front and rear trays and other parts. Thick cowhide is the main material for making skates. The heel is made of hard material, the sole is hard leather, and the skate blade is fixed on the sole. The front and back of the skates are longer than the skates. The front end is 8 to 9 cm longer than the toe, and the back end is 5 to 6 cm longer than the heel. The position of the left and right skates fixed on the skates is different, which is determined by the direction of the race curve. When crossing a curve, the athlete leans to the left. In order to adapt to the curve taxiing, the tip of the ice skate on the left foot should be between the big toe and the second toe, and the tip of the ice skate on the right foot should be at the position of the big toe. The end of the ice skate on either foot should be at the middle of the heel.
Speed skating skates are different from figure skating skates, and also different from ice hockey skates in terms of height, length, thickness and weight. Among the three kinds of skates, the height of the speed skating skate is in the middle of the other two kinds of skates, which can neither be too high nor too low. The speed skating skate is the longest, thinnest and lightest of the three kinds of skates. In order to maintain good straightness, the blades of speed skating skates are flat.
Ice skates and skates are combined in sets. Specifically, the size and style of ice skates depend on the size of the skates. [5]
 Speed skating supplies Speed skating supplies Speed skating supplies Speed skating supplies Speed skating supplies
hardware requirements



Competition mode

Generally speaking, each group consists of two athletes. In the two tracks, the runners who start from the inner track should change to the outer track when taxiing to the lane changing area, and the runners from the outer track should change to the inner track. In the lane changing area, in order to avoid the collision of athletes, the outsider has the priority of lane changing. In case of collision during lane changing, the insider will be disqualified. [6]

general rule

  • Start
After hearing the command of "each in position", the athlete must stand between the reserve line and the starting line, and maintain an upright position. After hearing the command of "prepare", the athlete should quickly take the starting position and wait for the gun to sound. At this time, the skates of the athletes shall not cross or step on the starting line, and can only touch the line with the tip of the skates. If the athlete intentionally does not stand in position immediately or runs out before firing the gun, it is a foul. The athlete shall be called back and the offender shall be warned. If one athlete steals and another athlete steals, only the former will be warned and the latter will not be punished. The same athlete will be disqualified for the second race. [7]
  • Trot
Athletes must run in a counterclockwise direction during the race. They must run in the runway determined by their own lottery. If they run in the runway of others, they will be disqualified for the race. If an athlete falls down during the running, he can continue to run after standing, but he must not interfere with others' running, otherwise he will be disqualified from this entry. When entering and exiting the curve and taxiing in the curve, it is not allowed to touch and cross the snow line for the purpose of shortening the distance. Violators will be disqualified. If the athlete is affected by his own fault, he can be allowed to run again with the permission of the referee, and take the better result of the two runs. However, if the skate is damaged or the ice rink is unclean, it is not allowed to slide again. [7]
  • Swap runway
The runners in the inner and outer runways must change runways when they slide to the lane changing area. If the event starts at the lane changing area, it will not change lanes at the beginning of the race. When the athletes of the inner and outer runways arrive at the lane changing area at the same time and run, let the athletes of the outer lane change into the inner lane first. The athletes of the inner lane must pass in front of the athletes of the outer lane before changing lanes. [7]
  • Running in the same track
When an athlete skis back and forth in the same track, the latter must maintain a distance of 5 meters from the former, or surpass the former, but must not run in parallel or with a belt. Otherwise, a warning will be given. If it is repeated, the athlete will be disqualified and ordered to exit the track immediately. The latter can surpass the former from the inside or the outside, but shall not hinder the former. In case of collision, the latter's admission qualification for this item will be cancelled. However, if the latter wants to surpass the former, the former shall not hinder the latter's surpass, or the former's admission qualification will be cancelled. [7]
  • To reach the destination
When the athlete reaches the finish line, the skate shall touch the finish line. If the skates touch the finish line when they fall down near the finish line, they will be deemed to have reached the finish line. After falling down, the athletes can stretch their feet and try to touch the finish line, but they should not hinder others from sliding, otherwise their admission qualification will be cancelled. [7]
  • scoring method
Each individual event of speed skating is ranked by time. The calculation method of the total all-round score of speed skating is as follows: the athlete's score in each event is converted from his average speed of 500 meters to one point in one second. The faster the speed is, the less time is needed, and the fewer the score is, the less the total score is, and the better the ranking is. The scoring method for short distance all-around is the same. [7]

Key points of rules

  • Determination of race course
The route number of two athletes in the same group shall be determined in the following way: if the group is organized by drawing lots, the first athlete who wins the group number shall slide on the inner lane; If the team is organized according to the ranking of the events that have been conducted, the athletes with the highest ranking in the same group will slide on the inner lane; If one of the athletes in the same group withdraws from the competition after drawing lots, the rest of the athletes will run according to the original track. According to the relevant provisions of "the first lottery of the all-around competition", if there is an encounter between athletes from the same unit, the outsider should be connected to the next group of outsider. When the last group meets the athletes of the same unit in this paragraph, it will not be considered. The men's and women's all-around events on the second day and the short distance all-around events will not be carried out in accordance with the provisions of "the first draw of the all-around competition". If an athlete needs to re run in a group, he/she shall enter in accordance with the relevant provisions of this article. If the original track times are the same, the original track times shall be kept and they shall run separately. The inner and outer athletes wear white and red signs respectively. [1]
  • Regulations on draw back
Athletes who abstain from the lottery are not allowed to participate in the competition again. If the athlete is unable to participate in the competition due to injury or illness (which must be determined by the doctor designated by the General Assembly) after the draw, another athlete in the same group will still run according to the original group. If one athlete from each of the two groups withdraws from the competition after drawing lots, the two athletes can be grouped together according to the order of the two groups, and ensure that they are notified 15 minutes before running. [1]
  • Composition of referees
In the national speed skating competition, the following referees and staff must be appointed: the chief referee (1 person), the deputy chief referee (2 persons), the starter (2 persons), the assistant starter (1 person), the end referee (1-2 persons), and the timekeeper (1 person). If manual and electric timing are used at the same time, two timekeepers and one assistant timekeeper shall be responsible for manual timing and electric timing respectively. In addition, timekeepers (8 persons, manual timekeepers), lap counters (2 persons), lane change area indicators (1 person), lane change area supervisors (2 persons), curve supervisors (2 persons), destination recorders (2 persons), recorder (3 persons), recorder (1 person), recorder (4 persons), doctor (1 person), and meteorologist (2 persons) are also required. [1]
  • Rules for participation
Athletes participating in the competition must wear the number and logo issued by the conference, wear sports clothes suitable for the characteristics of speed skating, and must be clean, neat and generous, otherwise they are not allowed to participate in the competition. In the all-around competition, it is not allowed to enter only one or part of the events. [1]
  • Race counter clockwise taxiing and track exchange
The speed skating race is run counterclockwise, that is, the left side of the athlete always faces the inner circle of the stadium. All races should be timed to run on two sealed runways. When starting from the inside track, the athlete should turn to the outside track to run when sliding to the straight track of the lane changing area; Similarly, the athletes who start from the outside track will turn to the inside track to run, and the violators will be cancelled the result of this competition. Only on the 400m standard runway, no lane change is allowed when starting at the lane change area for 1000m or 1500m. The events held on other runways shall be handled according to the corresponding provisions above. [1]
  • Rules on cutting off the snow line in competitions
In the entrance and exit curve line, it is prohibited to cross the inside snow line or the basic line of the runway between the color line below the snow line substitute and the substitute in order to shorten the running distance. Violators will be disqualified from the competition. [1]
  • Regulations on Obstruction and Collision in Competition
When an athlete goes out of a curve to enter the lane changing area (the snow line or its substitute ends at the curve and connects to the straight lane of the lane changing area without snow line), the athlete who goes out of the inner curve to change the outer lane cannot hinder his opponent's normal taxiing from the outer lane to the inner lane. If the collision is not caused by the opponent's blocking action, the athlete who changes from the inside to the outside should be responsible. When athletes run back and forth in the same track, the latter can overtake from the inside or outside without interfering with the former. In case of collision, the overtaking person shall be responsible. If the referee confirms that the athlete violates the above rules, the offending athlete will be disqualified from the competition.
  • Distance between athletes
In a two track race, if two athletes slide into the same track, when the latter overtakes the former, the overtaken can only slide 5 meters away from the overtaker. If the athlete violates this regulation for the first time, he will be warned. If he violates this regulation again, he will be disqualified from this competition and ordered to exit the runway. [1]
  • Accompanying or running in the race
In the course of various speed skating competitions, it is not allowed to run with or with an athlete who is in the race. A warning will be given for the first time of running with an athlete, and the qualification will be canceled for the second time. The athletes who are led to run will be disqualified from the event once they are found, and will be disqualified from all the events as fraud. [1]

Important events

  • World Men's Speed Skating Championships
The World Men's Speed Skating Championship was founded in 1893, and has been held once a year since then. Except for the interruption during the two world wars, it has continued to this day. It is the first speed skating competition hosted by the International Skating Federation. The events of the World Championships are the all-around events of 500 meters, 1500 meters, 5000 meters and 10000 meters; The competition is scheduled to be 500 meters and 5000 meters on the first day, 1500 meters and 10000 meters on the second day. [8]
  • World Men's and Women's Short Distance Speed Skating Championships
In 1972, the International Skating Union set up the world men's and women's short distance speed skating championships and held the first competition in Eskilsteiner, Sweden. The short distance speed skating competition will be held in two days. The events will be 500 meters and 1000 meters, and will be held once a year later. [8]
  • European Men's Speed Skating Championships
The European men's speed skating championship was founded in 1893 and held once a year. It has a history of 100 years. The setting of competition events and competition methods are identical with those of the World Championships. The European men's speed skating championship is one of the earliest competitions hosted by the International Skating Federation, and its level is on par with the world championship. [8]
  • Asian Speed Skating Championships
The Asian Speed Skating Championships started on December 29, 2012 at Jilin Provincial Speed Skating Gymnasium. The competition lasted for two days. At the same time, the Asian region competition of the 2012-2013 International Speed Skating Youth World Cup and the Asian region qualification of the 2013 World Speed Skating All around Championships will also be held. There will be 65 athletes from China, Japan, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Singapore and other six countries participating in the three-day three events. [9]
  • National Speed Skating Championships
A national event hosted by China Skating Association and hosted by Heilongjiang Provincial Sports Bureau, Heilongjiang Provincial Winter Sports and Reserve Talent Management Center, and Heilongjiang Provincial Ice Training Center. [10]


  • International Skating Union
The International Skating Union (ISU), short for International Skating Union (ISU), was founded in the Netherlands in 1892. ISU is the earliest international sports organization that created winter sports. Its task is only to deal with amateur athletes' competition, not professional athletes. At present, there are 83 association members (some countries and regions set up several associations according to different projects to join). The International Skating Federation is a member of the Federation of International Federations. The official working languages are English, German, French and Russian. The head office of ISU is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. [11]
  • Asian Skating Federation
Asian individual sports organization was established in Sapporo, Japan in March 1990. The purpose of the Alliance is to strengthen the relationship and friendship between speed skating and ice hockey figure skating players in Asian countries and regions, and promote the development of Asian skating. [12]
  • Chinese Skating Association
It was established independently in 1980. It belongs to China Winter Sports Association. An individual sports organization under the leadership of the All China Sports Federation, located in Beijing. The tasks are: to promote the development of national skating and improve the technical level; Announce skating competition rules and referee law; Review and publish performance records; Organize competitions, academic and experience exchange activities, etc. [13]

representative figure

Jaap Eden (1873-1925) was a Dutch speed skater. The first world champion in speed skating history. In 1893, he won the 500m, 1500m and 5000m titles in the first World Speed Skating Championships. In 1895 and 1896, they won the 500m, 1500m, 5000m and 10000m titles in two world skating championships for seven times respectively. He has successively set world records in 1500m, 5000m and 10000m. [14]
Das Thunberg (1893-1973) was a Finnish speed skater. The number of gold medals won in the world, European skating championships and the Winter Olympics ranks first in the world. In 1924, he won the gold medals of 1500m, 5000m and all-around in the first Winter Olympic Games. In 1928, he won the gold medals of 500 meters and 1500 meters in the Second Winter Olympic Games. He has won many awards in the world skating championship. In 1923, 1925, 1929 and 1931, he won many championships in the all-around and other individual events. In addition, he won many silver and bronze medals in the Olympic Games, the World and European Skating Championships. In his life, he broke the world record six times in three events, namely, 50 meters, 1000 meters and 3000 meters. [14]
Li Yan, Chinese women's short track speed skater, world record maker and athlete. People from Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province. In 1988, he successively won the gold medal in the 1000m and bronze medal in the 500m and 1500m in the short track speed skating exhibition competition of the 15th Winter Olympic Games. He broke the 1000m world record with a time of 1:39 seconds and the 1500m world record with a time of 2.34.85 seconds. In 1988, he was awarded the Sports Honor Medal by the National Sports Commission.
Wang Xiuli , Chinese women speed skater. In 1984, Wang Xiuli, as a member of Heilongjiang, won three gold medals in the national championship. The next year, she won five championships in this competition with absolute advantage; In the two world championships in 1987 and 1988, she won one bronze medal each, and won many 4th and 5th places. In the world championships held in 1990, Wang Xiuli won the 1500 meter world championship with a time of 2:3:34, making a historic turn in China's speed skating movement in the past 27 years. [15]
Miao Min, Chinese women speed skater. From Jiamusi, Heilongjiang. Since 1979, it has broken many national records. In December 1981, in the Sino Japanese speed skating friendly competition held in Japan, he won the championship with a time of 2:15 seconds and broke the national record. [15]

Technical essentials

1、 Cut the snow line
Cutting off the snow line means that the skates cut through the snow line or other objects instead of the snow line in order to shorten the distance when entering the curve and on the way to the curve. In the 500m race, the athlete will be disqualified as long as he touches or exceeds the snow line once. If an athlete touches or exceeds the snow line three times and is warned twice in all other events, he or she will be disqualified from the competition. [1]
2、 Give way
When the athletes run back and forth in the same track, the former should be allowed to overtake the latter from the outside or inside without blocking. However, the premise is that the latter cannot affect the normal running of the former, otherwise the violator will be disqualified. [1]
3、 Swap runway
The speed skating track is a double track track, with different lengths of the inside track and the outside track. During the competition, the athletes shall exchange the inside and outside lanes in the designated lane changing area after each lap. Previously, the inner track runners had to cross in front of the outer track runners to switch to the outer track, while the latter switched to the inner track. In case of collision during this process, the insider athlete will be disqualified. [1]
4、 Lane changing area
The lane changing area refers to the area defined by the athletes when exchanging runways in speed skating. It is an area no less than 40 meters long delineated at the straight end of the double runways marked with 1500 meters and 100 meters starting points in the standard speed skating field. [1]
5、 Running fouls
Running foul refers to the foul behavior of athletes in the process of running. When athletes shorten distance, push people, cross cut, slow down, aid, collision, collusion and dangerous sprint in the process of race skating, they are considered as skating fouls. The athlete or relay team who commits a running foul will be disqualified from the event. In case of any foul action, the referee will show a yellow card to the player for warning. Any player who is shown two yellow cards will be immediately expelled from the field and his or her performance will be cancelled. If the referee thinks the foul is very serious, he can immediately expel the player from the competition field and cancel all the matches. [1]

Project Data

Olympic Records
Record holder
Men's events
Men's 500m
34 seconds 32
February 12, 2022
Beijing China [17]