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Tongji Bridge

An Sidao's Stele of the Yuan Dynasty
Tongji Bridge, a monument of the Yuan Dynasty, statehood Confucianist Zheng'an thinks of Taoism as a memorial Xingzhong Prefecture The Tongji Bridge was built in Alana, Daru Huachi. [1 ] The original monument of Tongji Bridge came from the Lama Temple in Chaoyang County in 1957( Youshun Temple )Remove from the screen wall inside the gate.
The inscription of Tongji Bridge is now included in《 Chaoyang County Traffic Records 》, "Chaoyang County Literature and History Materials Series III" and other documents. [2]
Tongji Bridge
Chaoyang County Traffic Records 》Chaoyang County Cultural and Historical Materials Series III
Creation era
yuan dynasty Rightness Nine years (1349)

Original text

Tongji Bridge
Daning Road statehood Confucian Zheng'an Thought Taoist Writings
In the past, Yu suppressed the flood and the world was flat. Since the obstacles were far away, the people settled in. There is a road to travel through rivers and lands, by boat and by manpower. Zichan listened to the politics of the State of Zheng, and helped people in Qinwei by taking advantage of the public opinion. Mencius ridiculed him for his benefits but did not know how to govern. There is a saying that when I was ten years old, I became a disciple in Tugang, and when I was twelve months old, I became a governor in Liangcheng, and my people were not sick. The saying of Fuming Bridge has come a long way. Later, there will be people who can take charge of it.
Guangdong Yingzhou It is also the old city of Murong's family. It is famous for its outstanding people and beautiful scenery. It is clearly stated in the biography. Poets of all previous dynasties wrote poems during this period, which were regarded as the best in other counties. To the east of the city, Helongshan When there is water, it is called Lingjiang River. It will rain heavily in May and June in summer; In the spring and winter, the water suddenly congealed and blocked. By is the official of the state Tone up Every year on August the last day of every year President It is a household name. It is made of wood and earth by sending people to work together. If you want to make a temporary profit, it will soon be bad. It will cost a lot to enrich the officials and serve the people. Yu plays. When you come to the public, you should take it as your own responsibility to improve your skills. After collecting pictures, you should eliminate the former disadvantages, collect strength and materials, and do not take anything from the people. Do as you like to do, and make it more profitable. committee Sapphire The most capable person is to supervise the work and make things, and the public service is repeated. He will not come in person when he is free. At the beginning of the business, we should not be anxious, and we will achieve success soon.
Seeing the magpie feather filling the river, it is not enough to call it strange; The rainbow waist crosses the sea, but it is not enough to describe its shape. The columns are split in rows, and the spikes are through the boards. Singing and singing are both solid and good. gather firewood Buddhism North Korean involvement The worry, the beauty of praise, all say not fake boat, help people in Tongjin. As the saying goes, benevolence is difficult first, and then it can be achieved. It is only our prison marquis. Those who have a heart of no politics, abandon justice to show personal kindness, and go against justice to make false reputation can be talked about in the same year as the public. To study in a closed house, and to spend the rest of your time away. County Elderly One day, Zhang Zhongda came here with a staff, and took it as a record to tell the story. To praise the exploiters, in the name of Tongji, to shovel all the stones, and to take the later as the government, when you cross this bridge to see this monument, you will also be grateful for your gentleness.
When you are in September, remember that in the morning.
Rightness October 9 Xiaoxing Township President Zhang Zhongdali
Guo Zhenke, a stonemason [1 ] [5]

Creation background

According to the inscription, the Yuan Dynasty Rightness September 2009 Xingzhong Prefecture The Tongji Bridge built by the local magistrate Alanauri was completed. The bridge is located in Lingjiang (now Daling River )Up, to Helongshan (Today Phoenix Mountain ), is a wooden structure bridge. [6] Those involved in bridge construction Xiaoxing Township President Zhang Zhongda invited Jianzhou Confucianism Zheng'an to write this monument, which was carved and erected in October that year.
The original monument was removed from the Lama Temple in Chaoyang County in 1957( Youshun Temple )Remove from the screen wall inside the gate. The original of Tongji Bridge is now included in《 Chaoyang County Traffic Records [1 ] , "Chaoyang County Literature and History Materials Series III" and other documents. The original stele has disappeared. [2]

Original text notes

1、 Xingzhong Prefecture : State name of Yuan Dynasty, ancient name Yingzhou Longcheng , Liaoning today Chaoyang [4]
2. Daru Huachi Alana lost: Daru Huachi It is the official name of the Yuan Dynasty and the highest local official in its jurisdiction. Alana Baili was a person's name, which was then called Daru Huachi in Xingzhong Prefecture.
3、 statehood : State name of Yuan Dynasty, Huanghuatan, Chaoyang, Liaoning today, extant Jianzhou City Site [3]
4. Confucian school officials: local school officials.
5. Zi Chan listens to the policies of the State of Zheng: it is written in《 Mencius 》。 Offspring Preside over the administration of Zheng State, and use his special car to help others cross Qinshui and Weishui. Mencius commented: "He is a good man, but he does not know how to govern the country. If a walking bridge is built in November and a walking bridge is built in December, people will not worry about crossing the river."
6. Yueying Prefecture: Yuetong said, saying words. Yingzhou Ancient name Longcheng , Chaoyang, Liaoning today, 16 countries Qianyan Hind swallow Beiyan It was founded here. [4]
7. Murong: Murong Built Qianyan Murong Chui Built Hind swallow , both of which were once built in Longcheng. [4]
8、 Helongshan : East of Xingzhong Prefecture, today's Chaoyang City Phoenix Mountain Unified Annals of the Yuan Dynasty 》"Helong Mountain is located in the east of Xingzhong Prefecture. It is 60 miles long from north to south and 30 miles wide from east to west. One peak is extremely towering. It is called Tianzhu Gufeng."
9. Lingjiang: Daling River The Unified Annals of the Yuan Dynasty: "The Daling River flows through the southeast of Xingzhong Prefecture from the boundary of Jianzhou to the boundary of Yizhou."
10、 Tone up : Lift dispatching and command.
11、 President : In the Yuan Dynasty, every 50 grass-roots organizations were organized into a commune, and Han landlords who were old and familiar with farming were chosen as the president.
12、 Yu Xi The pronunciation is the same as "wuhu", a modal particle.
13. Completed: Completed. Completion (zhu à n): appearing and possessing.
14、 gather firewood : Cutting firewood and mowing is a daily life plan.
15. As the saying goes, benevolent people have difficulty first and then gain: from《 The Analects of Confucius ·Yong Ya: "Benevolent people can be said to be benevolent if they are difficult first and then obtain."

About the author

An Si said that during the Zhizheng period of the Yuan Dynasty, the Confucian school in Jianzhou was established. Today《 Stele of the permanent residential property of Datong Temple in Xingzhong, Yizhou Road, Dayuan 》, Tongji Bridge, etc. [2]