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Disjunctive reasoning

One kind of reasoning method
synonym Disjunctive reasoning (Logic) Generally refers to disjunctive and straightforward reasoning
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Disjunctive and categorical inference is commonly referred to as "disjunctive inference". Disjunctive reasoning in which one premise is disjunctive proposition and the other is straightforward proposition. When the disjunctive premise is a disjunctive proposition with two branches, its conclusion is a straightforward proposition. For example: "Either social existence determines social consciousness, or social consciousness determines social existence; it is not social consciousness that determines social existence; therefore, it is social existence that determines social consciousness." When there are three or more disjunctive premises, according to the nature (compatibility or incompatibility) of the relationship between the disjunctive premises, The conclusion is either disjunctive proposition (when the categorical premise negates one branch of the disjunctive premise) or disjunctive proposition (when the categorical premise must have incompatible relations). [1]
Chinese name
Disjunctive reasoning
Foreign name
disjunctive and categorical inference
The former is as follows: "The error of this statistical table is due to unreliable materials, calculation errors, or transcription errors; the error of this statistical table is not due to transcription errors; therefore, the error of this statistical table is due to unreliable materials, or calculation errors." The latter is as follows: "A triangle or an acute angle, or an obtuse angle, or a right angle; The triangle is right angled; Therefore, the triangle is neither acute nor obtuse. " In disjunctive categorical reasoning, its disjunctive premise can be either compatible disjunctive propositions or incompatible disjunctive propositions. According to this, disjunctive categorical reasoning can also be divided into compatible and incompatible ones.