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Selective Twist

Psychological terminology
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Selective distortion, also known as selective misinterpretation, refers to people selectively distort certain information to make it conform to their own intention [1]
Chinese name
Selective Twist
selective distortion



Selective distortion is a kind of inclination, which distorts information so that it conforms to our own meaning and understands information in a way that conforms to our expectations.
Even if the stimulus attracts people's attention, it may not achieve the desired goal. This is because people face objective things There is a tendency to combine the information input from the outside with the patterns already existing in the mind. This tendency to interpret information according to people's existing ideas is called selective misinterpretation. For example, a certain product has built up credibility in the minds of consumers and formed brand preference. Even if the quality of the brand has declined for a period of time, consumers are unwilling to believe it; However, even if the actual quality of another new brand is better than the former, consumers will not easily recognize it. They always think that the original famous brand is better. In short, people tend to interpret information with their existing ideas rather than fight against their own prejudices.


Sun Tzu said, "Go up and fight against the enemy", which means that the best strategy is to understand the enemy's thinking and find a way to defeat the enemy on this basis. Selective misinterpretation means that marketers must understand consumers' ideas and how these ideas will affect the interpretation of advertising and sales information, and on this basis, find advertising language that can attract consumers' attention. For example, the famous advertisement of toothbrush "Not a penny" and the weight-loss drug "Qumei, lock your eyes" belong to this category. Another selective misinterpretation is that some small and medium-sized enterprises use consumers' brand loyalty to well-known enterprises, and use consumers' visual vagueness to play "edge ball". For example, "Binbin" suits imitate "Shanshan" suits. Its advantage is that "good wind borrows horsepower", uses the selective misinterpretation of consumers, and uses other brands to promote their own name; Its weakness is that it underestimates the cognitive ability of consumers. Once an enterprise has a firm foothold and wants to develop in the long run, it will find that such a vague brand is difficult to win the "hearts" of consumers. Therefore, enterprises should not use consumers' selective misinterpretation in this regard, which is not a good way. [2]