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Selective action

Exotic compounds have special or specific effects on certain cells, tissues, organs and organism
Selective action, also known as specific action, refers to the special or specific action of foreign compounds on certain cells, tissues, organs and organisms. [1]
Chinese name
Selective action
Foreign name
specific action
Also called
Specific effect
The effect of foreign compounds on certain cells
Microbes, animals and plants, normal people or patients
The universal phenomenon of biology


Effect is also called action. It refers to the biological changes caused by the exposure of the body to a certain amount of chemicals. Most of the differences in nature and intensity can be expressed by qualitative or quantitative indicators. For example, this effect of organophosphate pesticides on the degree of inhibition of cholinesterase can be expressed by the measured value of enzyme activity unit, and this kind of effect is called quantitative effect. However, some effects, such as death and carcinogenesis, can only be expressed with or without observation results. Such effects are called qualitative effects. Sometimes, when the quantitative effect is limited by a certain value, it can also be regarded as an indicator of qualitative effect. For example, if the transaminase activity is higher or lower than the upper and lower limits of the normal range, it can be regarded as an abnormality to explore the dose response relationship.

Selective action

A foreign chemical. It has different toxic effects on different organisms. The organism referred to herein includes microorganism, plant, animal, normal person or patient. Or different organs, tissues, cells or subcellular fabrics in the same body. It is a universal phenomenon in biology. Most industrial poisons, pesticides and medical drugs are selective. [1]

give an example

For example, some chemicals have selective toxic effects on nerve tissues, making them temporarily lose motion and consciousness. This toxicity is reversible, and anesthetics can be made by using this selectivity. Some specific drugs have selective toxicity to microorganisms, parasites or tumor cells, and their effects are persistent or irreversible, while their toxicity to normal organisms is very small. For example, the rodenticide rat terling is extremely toxic to rats, while it is non-toxic to other mammals, which can meet the requirements of high efficiency and low toxicity rodenticides. [1]


The principles of selective action of chemical agents are: (1) different biochemical mechanisms in the process of pharmacokinetics of agents lead to different toxic effects; (2) The inducibility of chemical metabolizing enzymes is different; (3) Sensitivity difference of organism. [1]