Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou

Wang Bo's Poems of Tang Dynasty
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synonym Send Ren Shuchuan, Major Du (The five character regular poems created by Wang Bo in the Tang Dynasty) generally refer to Shuzhou (Wang Bo's poems in the Tang Dynasty)
"Farewell to Commander Du in Shuzhou" is Tang dynasty Litterateur Wang Bo His poems. This poem is to encourage friends not to mourn when they leave. The first couplet depicts the situation and style of the place of departure and the place of departure of friends, implying the feeling of farewell and rigorous confrontation; The supporting couplets are words of relief, pointing out the inevitability of departure. They are carried forward by loose tone, and the real is turned into the virtual, with ups and downs of the literary sentiment; The neck couplets stand out, which highly generalizes the scene of "profound friendship, and the country is hard to stop", and elevates the friendship to a higher aesthetic realm; The tail couplet points out the theme of "giving", and continues to encourage and exhort friends, which is also the disclosure of my feelings. The whole poem is full of ups and downs in opening and closing, circulation of qi and broad-minded artistic conception, which can be called the eternal classic of farewell poems. Although it is only forty words long, it is full of endless changes, as if in a small picture, it contains countless hills and valleys, and has endless scenery, which has been widely spread so far.
Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou
Alias of works
Send Ren Shuchuan, Major Du The appointment of Shaofu Du to Shuzhou Ren Shuchuan of Shaofu Du
Wang Bo
Creation era
early Tang dynasty
Farewell poem

Original text

Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou
City Que complements the Three Qin Dynasty , the wind and smoke look at the five Tianjin
Farewell to you , both officials and tourists
have bosom friends afar , as far as the world is concerned
Inaction in the wrong way , children shared the towel [1]

Annotation translation


Word and sentence annotation

(1) Shaofu: official name. One: To, To. Shuzhou: today's Chongzhou, Sichuan. One is "Sichuan".
⑵ Que (qu è): the city tower, which refers to Chang'an City, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Que is the watchtower in front of the palace. Assisting the Three Qin Dynasties: One is "Fu Xi Qin". Auxiliary, auxiliary, can be understood as guard. Sanqin refers generally to the place in Guanzhong near Chang'an City, which is now west of Tongguan in Shaanxi Province. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Nape feather Breaking the Qin Dynasty, Guanzhong was divided into three districts and granted to three surrender generals of the Qin State, so it was called the Three Qin Dynasty. This is an inverted sentence, which means that the capital Chang'an takes Sanqin as its protection.
⑶ Wind and smoke: it means being in the confusion of wind and smoke. Wujin: refers to the section from Guanxian County to Qianwei in Sichuan Province Minjiang river Five ferries (Baihuajin, Wanlijin, Jiangshoujin, Shetoujin, Jiangnanjin).
(4) Jun: The honorific title of a person is equivalent to "you".
(5) The same: one "all". Hu à n You: Go out to be an official.
(6) Domestic: within the four seas, that is, throughout the country. The ancient people believed that China's territory was surrounded by the sea, so they called the world within the four seas.
(7) Tianya: Tianya is a metaphor for a place far away. Neighbor: parallel, near neighbor.
(8) Inaction: no need, no need. Q í road: fork road. The ancients often said goodbye at the fork of the road.
(9) Wipes: tears wet clothes and belts. It means to say goodbye with tears. [1-3]

Vernacular translation

Free translation
Zhi Ronghui's calligraphy "Farewell to Du Shaofu's Appointment in Shuzhou" [10 ]
The land of Sanqin guards Chang'an, looking far into the Sichuan through the fog.
I have many feelings about being apart from you, because we are all officials away from home.
As long as there are intimate friends within the four seas, even if they are far away from the sky, they are also like close neighbors.
So we don't need to follow the example of those young men and women crying goodbye when breaking up at a fork in the road. [9 ]
Rhyme translation
The majestic Chang'an City is guarded by the place of Sanqin, looking at Wujin through the wind, cloud and smoke.
I leave you with infinite feelings in my heart, because we both rise and fall in the official sea.
As long as you are a bosom friend in the world, even if you are far away, you are as close as a neighbor.
Never break up at the fork in the road, like a child, sad tears wet scarf. [4]

Creation background

"Farewell to Magistrate Du to Shuzhou" was written during Wang Bo's time in Chang'an. "Shaofu" is the general name of the county magistrate in the Tang Dynasty. The minority official surnamed Du will go to Sichuan to become an official. Wang Bo will see him off in Chang'an and present him this farewell poem when he leaves. [4]

Appreciation of works


Overall appreciation

This poem is a famous farewell poem. It is a poetic consolation not to mourn when leaving. The opening and closing of the whole poem are frustrated, the spirit is flowing, the artistic conception is broad-minded, and the sad and sorrowful air and the sad and lingering state in the farewell poem are swept away. The tone is bright and bright, the language is fresh and lofty, and the content is independent of steles, which reflects the poet's lofty ambition, open-minded interest and broad-minded mind.
The first couplet is rigorous. The poem was written from the place where the farewell took place. "The city tower assists the three Qin dynasties, and the wind and smoke look at the five Tianjin". Standing on the outskirts of the capital, the poet saw that the majestic Chang'an City was surrounded by the vast land of the Three Qin Dynasty. Looking into the distance, the misty place was the "Five Tianjin" in Sichuan, pointing out the place where Du Shaofu was going to work. Because friends are going to Sichuan from Chang'an, the two places naturally have a connection in the poet's feelings. The beginning of the poem does not say goodbye, but only describes the situation and style of these two places. The feeling of farewell is in itself. When the poet is in Chang'an, it is difficult to see the land of Sanqin at a glance, and Wujin, which is thousands of miles away, cannot be seen at all. Go beyond ordinary people's vision, look at the world with imaginative eyes, and use exaggeration to start a magnificent realm, which is different from the general farewell poems that only focus on Yan Yu, Yang Zhi, tears, and wine. The first couplet belongs to the "place name pair" in the "work pair", which is extremely magnificent and neat.
The supporting couplets are connected by casual sentences. The syntax has changed, and the expression method has changed from scenery to lyricism, from reality to emptiness, with ups and downs of literary sentiment. "Farewell to the monarch is the same as an official tourist" means that the meaning of parting from each other is also the same as that of an official tourist. Leaving home, we have a farewell. We say goodbye to each other in the guest house, and we have another farewell. There is infinite pity among them. Here, the poet arranged two ties: the same feeling (parting with the monarch) and the same situation (both officials and tourists), which brought the heart of Du Shaofu closer and shortened the distance of thousands of miles. The antithesis of these two lines does not require neatness, but evacuation. Although there was no set of strict regulations in the rhythmic poetry at that time, it had its unique beauty, which made the poem form ups and downs, making people feel pretentious changes and can not be ignored.
The two lines of the neck couplet, with the strange peaks rising, highly generalize the scene of "profound friendship, and the country is difficult to stop", the realm has changed from narrow to grand, and the mood has changed from sad to heroic. "There is a bosom friend in the sea, and the distance is like a neighbor." As long as you are within the four seas, even the ends of the earth are like neighbors. Friendship is timeless, ubiquitous, and the feelings expressed are optimistic and open-minded. Therefore, these two sentences have become immortal sentences expressing profound friendship between friends who are far away from each other. The upper and lower sentences of this couplet are causal relationships. The meaning of the cross should be read in a sentence. People in the Song Dynasty call it“ Flowing pair ”, extremely artistic. Although they are from Cao Zhi To White Horse Wang Biao 》But it is more concise, lively and rhythmic.
The tail couplet points out the theme of "send", to comfort Shaofu Du. The first six sentences of the poem are broad in artistic conception, cheerful in tone and deep in emotion. Therefore, the poem of "inaction in the wrong way, children sharing the towel" written at the end is really a natural success. It completely eliminates the residual habit of "tears" and "sadness" in the farewell poem, and reverses the usual tone of sadness and hate. "Send the word" on the topic of "In the Wrong Way" is the poet's exhortation to his friends when he leaves, and also the expression of his own feelings. "The first two sentences are immediately followed in structure, and suddenly fall into relief at a very high place, and then stop.
In terms of rhyme, tone and tone, antithesis and other aspects, this poem is a quite mature five character poem, which shows Wang Bo's efforts in the formation of new style poetry in the Tang Dynasty. The whole poem expresses the true feelings of friends, flows out from the heart, without any palace style praise and mannerism, breaks away from the style of palace poetry, and makes a gratifying step for the reform and advocacy of vigorous poetry style in the early Tang Dynasty. [5-6]

Comments of famous experts

the Ming dynasty Gu Lin "Commenting on Tang Yin": After reading "Send off Lu Zhubo", "Bai Xiayi" and this poem, we know that the early Tang Dynasty was prosperous and the late Tang Dynasty was declining.
Guo Jun of the Ming Dynasty added comments on the sound of Tang poetry: Guo Yun: Cang Ranran, how many regrets, said nothing worries, I began to worry.
the Ming dynasty Ling Hongxian Selected Tang Poems 》Gu Huayu said: How many sighs, no sorrow words. Hu Yuanrui said: In the early Tang Dynasty, the five character rule was Wang Bo's "Send Xue Hua Away" and this poem. At the end of the poem, the scene was not touched, but the spirit was Cangran. It was really the beginning of the prosperity and the middle of the wonderland.
the Ming dynasty Lu Shiyong Tang poetry mirror 》: This is a high profile. When reading it, I don't feel it is high. It is because of its high spirit.
the Ming dynasty Zhong Xing Tan Yuanchun Return of Tang Poetry 》: This is the beginning of the true law. It is needless to say that his work is clumsy. However, his poetry and prose have been created and revised, so he can't be sure to fix this school, and will never seek change again.
the Qing dynasty Huangbai Mountain Tang Shiju 》: front and back two sections. The first two sentences are solid, and the last six sentences are empty. I'm afraid that if I can't write, it will be easy to become weak.
the Qing dynasty Sun Zhu Three hundred Tang Poems 》Chen Wanjun added: "Farewells are not sad words, and their boldness is different.".
Wang Yaoqu in the Qing Dynasty《 A Combined Interpretation of Ancient Tang Poetry 》: These poems have a perfect style. They don't take beauty from scenery. They have the style of early Tang Dynasty.
the Qing dynasty Zhang Xilin "Tang Poems in the Near Style": The first four sentences say goodbye during official travel, and the last four sentences show that the meaning is quite different, free and easy, and the style of the early Tang Dynasty.
Lu Xuan and Wang Pu in the Qing Dynasty, "Wen Hexuan's Early Tang Dynasty and Prosperity Readings": Mr. Chen Degong said, "It's easy to pass the first preface. Gu Ershi opened up this realm, which is just the place where the sound and feeling are graceful. Chen Boyu's close tone is also the pioneer of Gao Dafu. Five or six straight to make corrupt language, qi wang pen wan, different scholars. It is composed of strong words and gloomy meanings, which can heal the sadness.
Late Qing Dynasty Gao Buying Summary of Tang and Song Poems 》: Wu Beijiang said: Magnificent and refined (under the first two sentences). Another said: "To stand up in the air is everyone's writing skills (under the two sentences of" domestic "). Yao said: The poetry of Chen Si's "Gift to White Horse Wang Biao" is really self transforming.
Late Qing Dynasty Yu Diyun On poetic conception 》: One breath of concentration, like a quiet conversation, is extremely beautiful. Most of the people who write regular poems should avoid the cross cutting of branches and sections. The regular poems of the Tang Dynasty are full of vitality. This poem is particularly remarkable. The same is true for seven laws. [7]

About the author

Portrait of Wang Bo
Wang Bo (649-676), a poet of the Tang Dynasty, with the word Zi'an, was born in Longmen, Jiangzhou (now Hejin, Shanxi). At the beginning of his career, Lin De was elected and served as a member of the army of Guo State. Later, he went to Hainan to find his father and died of drowning. Show talent when you are young, and Yang Jiong Lu Zhaolin lo bingwang It is equally famous in terms of language and is also called“ Four heroes in early Tang Dynasty ”。 He, Lu Zhaolin and others all tried to change the poetic style of "competing for structure and sculpture" at that time. His poems tend to describe personal life, and there are also a few works expressing political feelings and implying dissatisfaction with the rich families. The style is relatively fresh, but some poems are just gorgeous. His text《 Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》Quite famous. The original collection, which has been lost, was compiled by Ming people《 Prince Anji 》。 [8]