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Send Sun's works to Kaocheng and send money to the old Li Bangzhi

Su Shi's Poems in Song Dynasty
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Send Sun's works to Kaocheng and send money to Laoli Bangzhi Song dynasty poet Su Shi One of the works of.
Send Sun's works to Kaocheng and send money to the old Li Bangzhi
Su Shi
Creation era
Song Dynasty
literary genre

About the author

Su Shi (January 8, 1037 to August 24, 2011), known as Zizhan, Youzi Hezhong, Tieguan Taoist, Dongpo Buddhist, known as Su Xian. Han nationality, born in Meishan (now Meishan City, Sichuan Province), Meizhou in the Northern Song Dynasty, whose ancestral home is Luancheng, Hebei Province, is a famous litterateur, calligrapher and painter in the Northern Song Dynasty. [1] [3] father Su Xun , brother Su Zhe They are all famous essayists. He was a Jinshi in the second year of Jiayou, Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty (1057). He was the official of the Imperial Academy, the Zhizhigao, and the Minister of Rites. Zeng wrote that Wang Anshi was sent to the Imperial Court for writing poems to stab the new law after he said that Wang Anshi's new law was flawed, and he was demoted. After his death, he was posthumously titled Wenzhong. The literary leader and literary giant in the mid Northern Song Dynasty, Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties one of. His prose is unbridled, his poetry has a broad theme, fresh and vigorous, and he is good at exaggeration, metaphor, and has a unique style. Ci is bold and unconstrained, and is called "Su Xin" together with Xin Qiji, including Complete Works of Dongpo and Dongpo Yuefu. [3]

Poetry body

Let your leisure be like clouds. Who will accompany you if you want to go out.
The breeze is nothing but a howl.
Come to Bai Pingzhou and blow my view of the bright moon.
Traveling passengers in front of the gate, their blue clothes are white sweat.
Ask me why you are in a hurry. The king's business cannot be postponed.
Old friends Qian and Li, two Guizan in the Qing Temple.
Weiwei is a ten thousand multiplier, and Shangji Valley is interrupted.
Zi is also a treasure in the southeast, and its price is too heavy to calculate.
How can we be relieved by the farewell? The wine is all right for the empty case.
But hold a couch to cool, and persuade the son towel to have less shore.
Here and there, dust, fly ash and charcoal.
If you want to send the second doctor, you should not trip his hair. [2]