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Purchase price

Purchase price including tax
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Buying price: usually refers to“ Purchase price including tax ”(Note: computer system It is actually calculated based on "purchase price without tax" Gross profit Of.), The factors determining the purchase price include: "the quality and negotiation skills of the purchasing and sales personnel, the strength of the buyer and the seller, the supply and demand situation, term of payment , other transaction conditions and requirements, supplier's Regional marketing strategy , the profitability of the supplier, and the buyer's market positioning , or purchase quantity, raw material price, exchange rate ”Wait. The "purchase price including tax" on the computer system refers to the purchase price after deducting the "discount" Purchase price
Chinese name
Purchase price
Foreign name
buying price

English translation of purchase price

Buying price or the purchase price of goods
For example, he intends to sell the goods below the purchase price. He decided to sell the products at a price lower than his purchasing price

Mathematical explanation

Purchase price+profit=sales price price × discount amount=discounted price