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Movement speed

Concept of Physics
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stay Physics In science, the physical quantity of velocity is used to express the relativity of objects reference The speed of movement of objects (usually with the earth or the ground as the reference object). In physics, the moving speed of a particle to the ground or to a stationary object on the ground is generally called the relative speed; The motion speed of the particle to the moving reference system is called Absolute speed The moving speed of the moving reference system to the ground is called the implicated speed. Absolute speed = Implicate speed + relative velocity (Since the speed is a loss, the vector synthesis method shall be used for the above operations. That is triangle Rule, or square rule However, the above operations are applicable, and this rule can only be used in the macro low-speed state.) In astrophysics, the classical physical motion formula is not valid.
Chinese name
Movement speed
Foreign name
yùn dòng sù dù
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Physics learn
Relative velocity

Physical definition

The speed is equal to the moving object in unit time Internally passed displacement

Physical formula

Variable acceleration linear motion
(Related to locomotive startup)
(Free fall motion)
(Circumferential motion, w represents instantaneous angular velocity )

Physical unit

SI unit m/s or m · s-1
Common unit in transportation: km/h or km · h-1
Conversion relationship: 1m/s=3.6km/h 1km/h=1/3.6m/s ≈ 0.28m/s. According to speed classification, movement can be divided into average speed, instantaneous speed, etc. According to the movement direction, it can be divided into Rectilinear motion And curvilinear motion.

Limit speed of human body

Horse racing, skating, etc. fully demonstrate people's limits.
Movement speed

Cosmic velocity


First cosmic velocity

(also called circumferential speed): refers to the speed at which objects move in a circle close to the earth's surface (also known as Artificial earth satellite Minimum launch speed). The size is 7.9km/s - the calculation method is
(g is gravity acceleration, R is star radius)

Second cosmic speed

(also called breakaway speed): refers to the minimum initial speed required for an object to completely break away from the constraints of the earth's gravity and fly away from the earth. The size is 11.2km/s

Third cosmic speed

(also called escape speed): refers to the minimum initial speed required for an object launched from the earth to fly out of the solar system, free from the constraints of solar gravity. Its size is 16.7km/s.

Fourth cosmic speed

The so-called fourth Cosmic velocity Means that objects launched from the earth get rid of the gravitational binding of the Milky Way and fly out Galaxy The minimum initial speed required, about 110-120km/s, refers to the navigation speed required in most parts of the Milky Way. If the rotation speed of the solar system around the silver center is fully utilized, the minimum sailing speed can be 82km/s. Since human beings know little about the Milky Way, it will take a long time for this number to form a public opinion. It refers to the departure speed required in most parts of the Milky Way. The fourth cosmic speed cannot be obtained at all, because the mass and radius of the silver core cannot be taken.

Fifth cosmic speed

Fifth cosmic speed It refers to the minimum speed at which a spacecraft can fly out of the local galaxy group when it is launched from the earth. Since the radius and mass of the local galaxy group do not have enough accurate data, it is impossible to accurately know the data size. Scientists estimate that the local galaxy cluster is about 5-10 million Light year According to this calculation, it should take 1500 to 2250km/S to fly away, but at the level of human scientific development, it will take at least several hundred years to reach this speed, so it is just a fantasy.