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An ancient city in Attica, Greece
synonym Megara (Megara) generally refers to Megara
megara (Greek: μ έ γ α ρα) is located in Greece Attica An ancient city located in Corinth Isthmus north, Salamis Island On the other side of the river. In Salamis, it has not been Athens In ancient times, Salamis Island was part of Megara. Meghala was once one of the four regions of Attica, which were respectively ruled by the mythical king Pandion II (Pandion II), Nizos (Nisos) is the ruler of Meghala. Megara used to be a trade Port The local people exchanged ships and wealth for the protection of the nearby city-state army. There are two ports in Meghala: West Collins Fjord Pega, and the eastern Aegean Sea Salone Bay Nisaya. The population in 2001 was 28195.
Chinese name
Foreign name
population size
28195 persons
Attica, Greece

Development history

In ancient times, Meghala was Collins And some colonists of Corinth Megara Syracuse A company called Megara Hyblaea (Megara Hyblaea) city-state Later, Megara triggered the War of Independence and tried to get rid of the rule of Corinth, and later founded Byzantium Chalcedon (Chalcedon)。 The ancient Megara was famous for its wealth.
stay peloponnesian war As Sparta Alliance of. Delian League Promulgated Megarian decree Megarian decay is regarded as one of the causes of the Peloponnesian War.
In ancient times, the most famous inhabitants of Meghala were Byzas He founded Byzantium in the first seven centuries. Poets of the sixth century Teognes (Theognis) is also from Megara. In the first four centuries, Euclid (Euclid) Establishment Megarian school (Megarian school), with logic and dialectics It has been famous for a century.
It is well known that the Megara people are generous in building and donating temples, jerome They are described as follows: "There is a common saying about the Megala people... they will not stop building when they are alive; they will disappear the next day, and they will live like this." [1]


Megara is located 42 kilometers west northwest of the capital Athens West Attica Southwest of. 8A Greek National Highway By way of Megara, it connects Peloponnese, western Greece and Athens. More recently Athens Suburban Railway (Proastiakos) connection. Meghala Mechalis (Megaris) On the plain, it is a town with the largest land in the Attica region and the most populous town in West Attica. Before the rise of real estate in the 1960s and 1970s, agriculture had always been the main economic activity in Megara.
There is a place called Paxi, 2 kilometers south of Meghala, which is famous for its seafood restaurant and attracts people from all over the country. To the east of Meghala is New Paramount (Nea Peramos), to the west is Kakia Skala (Kakia Skala), there is a military airport in the south Megara Bay The largest towns in the territory of Meghalaha include Kin é ta, Sp á rta, Vlych á da and Aigeiro ú ses. The jurisdiction of Megara is quite large, but there is only one municipal area, not counting Mount Athos It is the third largest in Greece. There are 14 towns in the territory.


Osipps (Orsippus, eighth century ago), runner.
Byzas (Seventh century BC), the founder of Byzantium.
Teognes (The sixth century before), elegy poet.
Opalinos (Eupalinos, the first six centuries) Samoa build Tunnel of Eupalinos (Tunnel of Eupalinos)
Teagules (Theagenes, about 600 BC)
Euclid (about 400 years ago), the founder of the Megara School
Stilbo (Stilpo, ca. 325 BC), philosopher of the Megara School
Deleux (Teles, the first three centuries), Cynics philosopher
Virgil (about 50 years ago), a famous Roman poet
Plato (3rd century BC), an ancient Greek philosopher, lived here after his teacher Socrates died.