Michael Faraday

Electromagnetic induction discoverer
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Michael Faraday (September 22, 1791 August 25, 1867), britain Physicist, chemist, and famous self-taught scientist.
Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 Surrey Newington, a poor blacksmith family, only went to primary school. In 1831, he made a critical breakthrough on the electric field, which changed human civilization forever. [1]
Michael Faraday is a famous British chemist humphry davy His discovery has laid the foundation for electromagnetics The foundation of James Clerk Maxwell The leader of. On October 17, 1831, Faraday first discovered Electromagnetic induction phenomenon And then generate alternating current Method. On October 28, 1831, Faraday invented Disc dynamo Is the first generator created by human beings. On August 25, 1867, Faraday died of invalid medical treatment at the age of 76.
Because he is electromagnetics He has made great contributions and is known as "the father of electricity" and "the father of alternating current".
Chinese name
Michael Faraday
Foreign name
Michael Faraday
one's native heath
Surrey Newington
date of birth
September 22, 1791
Date of death
August 25, 1867
Physicist and chemist
Representative works
Electrical Experiment Research
Key achievements
propose electromagnetic induction theory
Find that the electric field and magnetic field 's contacts
Proposing the hypothesis of magnetic field force line
Found Electrolytic law , promote professional terms
Benzene and other substances found open
Christianity (Once served as two church elders)
Father of Electricity, Father of Alternating Current
Only two years of primary school

Character's Life

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) is a world-famous self-taught scientist, British physicist, chemist, and inventor of generators and motors.
Born on September 22, 1791 Surrey Newington is a poor blacksmith family. His father was a blacksmith, weak and ill, with a meager income, and he could barely feed himself. But the father paid great attention to the education of his children. He wanted them to be hardworking and simple, not greedy for money and status, and to be upright. This had a great impact on Faraday's thought and character.
Faraday's signature.
Because of poverty, Faraday's family could not afford him to go to school, so Faraday did not suffer regular education , read only two years of primary school. In 1803, forced by his livelihood, he took to the streets newsboy The next year, another bookseller He is also an apprentice in the family of a stapler. Books are piled up in bookstores. Faraday read all kinds of books hungrily with a strong thirst for knowledge, and learned a lot of natural science knowledge, especially Encyclopedia Britannica The article on electricity in Chinese attracted him strongly. [2] He tried hard to put book knowledge into practice, making use of waste materials Electrostatic starter , simple chemistry and physical experiment He also established a Study group , often discuss problems and exchange ideas together. Emphasizing practice, especially the characteristics of scientific experiments Scientific activities Implement from beginning to end.
Our age is the age of electricity, but in fact we sometimes call it era of space-flight , sometimes called Atomic age But whether space travel or atomic weapon How far-reaching the significance of, they relatively do not play a role in our daily life. However, we use electrical appliances all the time. In fact, none of them technical characteristics It can penetrate into the contemporary world as completely as the use of electricity.
Many people have made contributions to electricity. Charles Augustine Coulomb Alexandro Volt Earl, Hans Christian Oster Andre Marie Ampere Wait is among the most important people. But far ahead of the rest are two great British scientists, Michael Faraday and James Clark Maxwell. Although they complement each other to a certain extent, they are not partners. Their respective contributions are enough to make me rank first in this roster.
September 22, 1791 was a glorious day. A generation of scientific giant Michael Faraday was born into a poor blacksmith family in Newington, Surrey, England. Faraday's life was great, but his childhood was very sad.
Faraday did not miss any opportunity to learn. With the support of his brother, he was lucky to participate in the scholarship Tatum Young leaders Scientific organizations ——The Philosophical Society of the City of London. Through some activities, he initially mastered the basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, meteorology and other aspects, laying a good foundation for future research. Faraday's studious spirit moved an old customer of a bookstore. With his help, Faraday was lucky to listen to the speech of the famous chemist Humphrey David. He recorded all the contents of the speech and sorted them out, and went back to discuss and study with his friends. He also sent David the sorted speech record, and enclosed a letter indicating that he was willing to devote himself to the cause of science. As a result, he got his wish. At the age of 20 David Experimental assistant of. From then on, Faraday began his scientific career. David has made many great contributions to science, but he said that my greatest contribution to science is the discovery of Faraday.
Faraday is diligent and hardworking, and he is highly valued by David. In October 1813, he went with David Continental Europe During the national investigation, his public identity was that of a servant, but he did not care about his status or feel inferior. Instead, he took this investigation as a good opportunity to learn. He met many famous scientists and participated in various academic exchange I also learned French and Italian It has greatly broadened our horizons and increased our knowledge.
In May 1815, Faraday returned to the Royal Institute, and under the guidance of David, he did independent research work and made several chemical research achievements. In 1816, Faraday published his first scientific paper. Since 1818, he has cooperated with J. Stoddart in research Alloy steel , pioneered Metallographic analysis method. In 1820, he made it by substitution reaction Hexachloroethane and Tetrachloroethylene In 1821, he served as the laboratory director of Royal College. In 1823, he found chlorine And other gas liquefaction methods. In January 1824, he was elected royal society member. In February 1825, he succeeded David as the laboratory director of the Royal Institute. Benzene was discovered in the same year.
In 1821, Faraday completed the first major electrical invention. before this, Oster It has been found that if there is current in the circuit magnetic needle An offset will occur. [13] Faraday got inspiration from this and thought that if the magnet was fixed, the coil might move. According to this idea, he successfully invented a simple device. In the device, as long as there is current passing through the line, the line will rotate around a magnet continuously. In fact, Faraday invented the first motor, which was the first device to use current to move objects. Although the device is simple, it is the ancestor of all motors used in the world today.
It is known that a stationary magnet will not generate current in a nearby circuit. In 1831, Faraday discovered that when a magnet passes through a closed circuit, there will be a current in the circuit. This effect is called electromagnetic induction, and the current generated is called induced current It is generally believed that Faraday Law of electromagnetic induction Is one of his greatest contributions.
Faraday also found that if polarized light Through the magnetic field, its polarization will change. This discovery is of special significance, indicating for the first time that there is a relationship between light and magnetism.
In 1820, Oster find Magnetic effect of current , attracted the attention of the scientific community. In 1821, the editor in chief of the British Philosophical Yearbook asked David to write an article, commenting on Oster's discovery since electromagnetics The theoretical development of experiment. David gave the job to Faraday. Faraday, in the process of collecting data Electromagnetic phenomenon And began to turn to electromagnetism. He carefully analyzed the magnetic effect of current and other phenomena, thinking that since electricity can produce magnetism, conversely, magnetism should also produce electricity. Therefore, he tried to generate current from the action of static magnetic force on wires or coils, but his efforts failed. After nearly 10 years of continuous experiments, in 1831 Faraday finally found that although the magnetic force of one energized coil could not cause current in another coil, when the current of another coil was just connected or interrupted Galvanometer The pointer has a slight deflection. Faraday was insightful. After repeated experiments, it was confirmed that Force When a change occurs, a current is generated in the other coil. He also designed various experiments, such as two coils relative motion The change of magnetic force can also produce current. In this way, Faraday finally opened it with experiments Law of electromagnetic induction Faraday's discovery cleared the way to explore the essence of electromagnetism and opened a new way to generate a large amount of current outside the battery. According to this experiment, Faraday invented Disc dynamo This is Faraday's second major electrical invention. Although the structure of this disc generator is simple, it is the first generator created by human beings. In the modern world, the generator that generates electricity starts from it.
In order to prove that electricity generated by different methods is essentially the same, Faraday carefully studied electrolyte In 1834, it was concluded that Faraday's law of electrolysis : The total amount of substances released by electrolysis is proportional to the total amount of current passing through, and is proportional to the amount of Chemical equivalent Is proportional. This law has become a bridge linking physics and chemistry, and also a bridge leading to the discovery of electronics.
Faraday, as a talented electrical master electromagnetics A roadmap for progress has been set up in the new field of. In 1837, he introduced the concepts of electric field and magnetic field, pointing out that there are fields around electricity and magnetism, which broke the Newtonian mechanics Action at a distance ”Of traditional ideas In 1838, he proposed power line To explain electricity Magnetic phenomenon This is a major breakthrough in physics theory. In 1843, Faraday used the famous“ Ice bucket experiment ”, verified Law of conservation of charge
Faraday ploughed and sowed in the new field of electromagnetism. In order to explore the relationship between electromagnetism and light, he optical glass They put a lot of effort into it. In 1845, after countless failures, he finally found that“ Magneto-optical effect ”。 He confirmed the interaction between light and magnetism through experiments, which laid the foundation for the unified theory of electricity, magnetism and light.
In 1848 prince Albert Introduction: Faraday was granted the House of Grace in Salihampton Palace, and was exempted from all expenses and maintenance cost This used to be the house of masons, later called Faraday House, and is now located at 37 Hampton Court Road.
In 1852, he introduced Magnetic line of force The concept of Classical electromagnetism The establishment of the theory has laid the foundation. Later, British physicists maxwell use Mathematical tools Faraday Magnetic line of force Finally, the classical electromagnetic theory is completed.
In 1858, Faraday retired and settled in the House of Grace in Surihampton Palace.
On August 25, 1867, Michael Faraday died of invalid medical treatment at the age of 76. Faraday and Sarah had no children, so they had no children to see him off. [3]

Personal life



Sarah Bernal is the sister of Faraday's friend Bernal. Faraday met her in the church. In 1819, Faraday would go to Bernal's house for dinner every Sunday evening, discuss science with Bernal or sing songs together, and leave at ten o'clock on time. Everyone thought that Faraday must go back to the laboratory to continue his research, but he walked for a long time on the road to cool his love for Sarah. Once Faraday recited a song in a reading meeting love poem Bernal believed that he must have a reason to go home and translate Faraday's poems To my sister Sarah, look. Later Sarah asked Faraday about the content of the poem, and Faraday fled from Sarah immediately after he handed over the poem. Faraday blamed himself but could not restrain his missing Sarah. Sarah knew that Faraday did not love money and did not care about fame and wealth. She would devote herself to research and was a well-known professor at the Royal College at that time. Their spouse was often lonely and lonely all their lives.
But when Sarah decided to stay with Faraday, she also decided to be a sharer of Faraday's research results. She often encouraged Faraday to share her happiness and sorrow, because Sarah knew that "a successful marriage is a lifelong love, and a successful love is how two people know how to fall in love." Faraday later witnessed in his diary: "In my life mental health The most helpful thing is marriage. " At the moment Faraday discovered the principle of motor, she was also the first person who wanted to share the joy with Faraday. Faraday did not give up his study, research and friends because of love. His life was still very busy, doing experiments in the Royal Academy and helping poor friends Chemistry , participate in reading clubs, literary clubs, ride bicycles, climb mountains, teach my sister to write choir Practice, etc. However, Sarah's attitude is also quite mature. She believes that Mature love It is not necessary to stick together all day long, but to trust and understand each other. [3]
On June 12, 1821, Faraday married Sarah.
1821.9.4 Rotation experiment of electrified wire under the influence of the earth's magnetic field [14]
Faraday was busy doing electrical experiments at that time, and could not spare time to spend the honeymoon with Sarah. Sarah faced Faraday's self reproach, smiled and understood, and told Faraday that it would be OK to go after the work at hand. In September 1821, Faraday completed the experiment of electromagnetic rotation and wrote a research paper, so they went to the seaside for their honeymoon. Sarah doesn't understand electromagnetics When someone questioned that Sarah did not understand how science could get along with a scientist's husband, Sarah firmly replied: "Science has deeply attracted him to the point of sleep deprivation, and I am very satisfied to be his pillow for peace of mind." For Sarah, her husband's health is far more important than Romantic fantasy. Faraday submitted his research on electromagnetic rotation to the quarterly science journal. Some people ridiculed him for plagiarism and just good luck. Some people began to repeat his experiments, surprised by the results of this research, Faraday faced foreign Verbal aggression , mentor humphry davy This was the only time in Faraday's life that he wanted to give up science. But Sarah became a loyal admirer of Faraday. She was a witness of Faraday's experiment, and encouraged Faraday not to give up because of other people's factors. One night, Faraday was very sad and said, "My dear Sarah, I'm really in a mess. Two months later, when Faraday showed his famous electrified wire Geomagnetic field The rotation experiment under the influence of Professor Eulerston was the one who gave him the most applause in the meeting room. So, as long as you stick to it, there will be results. When you get the affirmation, no one will care about rumors.
Sarah is an excellent cook. The two have been married for decades. Except for the dinner parties of academic conferences, they seldom eat outside. Sarah will make her own food ginger wine Wine Jam , dim sum, Faraday's students and friends Regular meetings Come to their home for dinner. Sarah attaches great importance to Faraday's health, so his life after marriage has become very regular, and he doesn't eat lunch like before. This is a beautiful marriage, although in the next 46 years, the two will experience poverty Infertility Amnesia But all of this has made the love between the two people deeper. In Faraday's last speech in, Faraday thanked his wife most: "She is the first love and the last love in my life. She made my most brilliant dream come true when I was young; she made me feel comforted when I was old. Every day of getting along is a light joy; every moment, she is still my concern. With her, my life has no regrets. My only concern is that when I leave, I will spend my whole life looking after her, my dear companion. How can I bear the pain of broken wings? I can only use a simple faith to appeal to the immortal God: 'I have nothing left for her, but I am not afraid. I know that you will take care of her, and you will take care of her.' " [3]

take a knee interest in science

In 1835, even the government felt that the treatment of scientists was too low, British Cabinet prime minister Robert Peel Sir suggested setting up an annuity to reward people who have made contributions to science or literature. Previously, only politicians and military generals were eligible for an annuity. One of the new annuities is to be granted to Faraday. Peel The Prime Minister appreciated Faraday's outstanding achievements. He once said to people, "I believe that none of the living scholars is more qualified than Mr. Faraday to be cared by the government."
Faraday immediately wrote a letter to the Prime Minister after he knew the news, saying that he could support himself and resolutely refused the pension. The letter was stopped by his friends before it was sent. They all felt that it was rude to do so, and his life situation was really embarrassing. They advised Faraday to change his mind, but Faraday refused. Before the final decision was made, Prime Minister Pier resigned due to the collapse of the Conservative Cabinet, and another one named Melbourne Lord Succession as Prime Minister.
One day, the new Prime Minister visited the Royal Academy and invited Faraday to have an interview in his office. Under the persuasion of everyone, Faraday went at the invitation. This lord is a Liberal. He probably doesn't know Faraday, and he has become a big official. He has no scruples about speaking, and his words show that he is right Scientific and technical personnel Contempt. He believes that annuity is well deserved for civil servants and military generals, and it is a kind of boon for scientists or writers.
Faraday felt that this was an insult to science. He didn't want to come at first. He came to the appointment because of his kindness, but he was humiliated. He immediately ended the conversation and said goodbye to go home, which made the Lord confused for a moment.
That night, Lord Melbourne received Farah's first note, which was short and firm, to the effect that "in this case, it is difficult to accept the favor". After reading the note, the Lord knew that he had offended Faraday. At first, he thought it was funny. After the news spread, he felt that the problem was serious.
At this time, a lady who knew both sides saw that the Prime Minister was unable to step down, so she came forward to mediate. She worked for Faraday several times and politely advised him to accept the annuity, but Faraday was determined not to accept it. The mediator tried his best to talk, but it was useless. Finally, he had to ask Faraday what Lord Melbourne should do to satisfy you. Faraday replied, "Unless he apologizes to me in writing, I have neither the right nor the reason to ask him to do this."
The next day, the Prime Minister wrote Apology Letter It was delivered unexpectedly. The wording of the letter was frank and polite, and the "annuity incident" was successfully resolved. On the eve of Christmas, the government announced that Farah would be granted his first special pension of 300 pounds a year in recognition of his special contribution to British science.
Christmas this year is full of revelry. The streets and alleys of London are full of fire and silver. Shortly after Christmas, a newspaper published a photograph of Faraday with a striking title Boldface Professor Michael Faraday will be awarded the title of Sir. The article also gives a vivid description of "future aristocrat Sir Faraday", saying that he likes drinking champagne and singing in the countryside Slang music The genius of painting surpasses his talent of physics.
Faraday only smiled when he saw the newspaper. The friends could not sit still. Some came to inquire whether the news was true, and some held champagne Congratulations. Faraday still smiled faintly. "Nothing!" he said. "Besides, why should I become a knight?"
The rumor was soon confirmed. It was reported from the cabinet that the royal family did consider making Faraday a knight. according to British Royal Family The tradition of conferring noble titles on outstanding people. As far as Newton , as far as Humphrey David has been honored. With Faraday's contribution and reputation, he is well deserved. But when the cabinet sent people to explain this several times, Faraday refused. He replied, "I'm proud to be a civilian, and I don't want to be a noble ”This is a big difference between Faraday and his mentor, Humphrey David. David is proud of being knighted, and likes to sign everywhere with a knighthood. Faraday refused the title of nobility. He was always a civilian scientist who came from the people and benefited them. [4]

Character evaluation

Faraday's Tomb
Faraday's life is great, and Faraday's person is ordinary. He is very enthusiastic Science popularization Soon after he became the laboratory director of the Royal Institute, he initiated the Friday evening symposium And Christmas Youth Science Lecture. He has made speeches at more than 100 Friday evening seminars and for 19 years at the Christmas Youth Science Lecture. His popular science lectures are easy to understand, and are popular with rich demonstration experiments. Faraday is also enthusiastic about public affairs, and has long served many British people Corporate structure Services. He is simple, unsociable, not seeking fame and wealth, and likes to help relatives and friends. In order to concentrate on scientific research In 1857, he refused the nomination of the Royal Society to elect him as its president. He was willing to fulfill his commitment to devote himself to science as a civilian, and work in the Royal Academy laboratory all his life as an ordinary Michael Faraday.
On August 25, 1867, Michael Faraday, a commoner, died peacefully in his study. A generation of scientific superstars passed away after writing his extraordinary life and leaving invaluable treasures to mankind. Faraday's contribution benefits everyone human civilization To an unprecedented height and to advance the progress of civilization by tens of hundreds of years, we can't measure its great achievements with money. If we use money to measure it, someone said that it is better than the world stock value There are also people who are more famous than him, such as Newton and Einstein, but in terms of direct contribution to human beings, Faraday and invention should be the most important penicillin Of fleming No one can compare brilliance with the sun, nor can we set up a solar festival, but Faraday does bring bright power to mankind. Remember that only the ancestors can make progress. Perhaps scientists, not politicians, contribute the most to mankind. Politicians will fade out 500 years later, and Faraday is immortal.
Faraday was also the first to put forward the concept of electric field and Electric field line Conceptual. More importantly, he was electrochemistry The contribution made by. After many careful tests, Faraday summarized two Electrolytic law These two laws are named after him and form the basis of electrochemistry. He gave many important terms in chemistry popular names, such as anode, cathode, electrode, ion, etc. [3]

Character influence

He gave a lot of successful lectures on physics and chemistry at the Royal Academy, named "Candle History of chemistry ”; This speech became the origin of the "Royal Academy Christmas Speech", which was named after Faraday.
Faraday and William Huel invented many familiar words such as "electrode", "ion", etc.
For moral reasons, Faraday refused to participate in Crimean War manufacture chemical weapon stay London A statue of Faraday stands outside the Institute of Electrical Engineers in Savoy Square Brunel University A new reception hall is named after Faraday. [8]
Faraday's photos were printed on the 20 yuan pound On paper money. Antarctica The Faraday Climate Research Station is named after him, and the capacitance is in Faraday. In addition, one mole The quantity of electricity contained in the electrons of (about 96485 coulombs) is also called Faraday constant Let the world remember his unparalleled contribution to electricity. Faraday Law of electromagnetic induction Statement 1: Changing over time Magnetic flux Will create emf Faraday is a Fullrian professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution, and he is designated as a tenure. Faraday is the first and most famous scholar among all those who have held this post.
Einstein placed a picture of Faraday on his study wall and linked it with Newton and maxwell Put them together. [9]

Achievements and honors



Faraday's coil for experiment [5]
His contribution to electricity is most remarkable.
(1) In the record, Faraday's first experiment was made of seven half pence pieces, seven zinc pieces and six pieces of wet paper soaked in salt water Voltaic battery He uses this battery to decompose magnesium sulphate
Single motor device diagram [10]
(2) In 1821 Denmark chemist Oster find Electromagnetic phenomenon Later, David and William Hyde Wollaston An attempt was made to design a motor, but it was unsuccessful. After discussing this problem with them, Faraday continued to work and built two devices to produce what he called "electromagnetic rotation": the continuous magnetic field caused by the ring outside the coil Rotary motion He connected the wire Chemical battery , make it conductive, and then put the wire into the mercury cell with a magnet inside, then the wire will rotate around the magnet. This device is now called Unipolar motor These experiments and inventions have become the cornerstone of modern electromagnetic technology. But Faraday did an unwise thing and published the research results without informing David and Wollaston. This has caused many disputes and forced him to leave electromagnetics It has been studied for several years.
Electromagnetic induction experiment [11]
(3) At this stage, there is some evidence that David may deliberately hinder Faraday's development in the scientific community. For example, in 1825, David assigned Faraday to optical glass The experiment lasted for six years, but there was no significant progress. Until David died in 1829, Faraday stopped this meaningless work and began other meaningful experiments. In 1831, he began a series of major experiments and discovered electromagnetic induction. Although his earlier work in Francesco Zadeqi may have foreseen this result, this discovery can still be called one of Faraday's greatest contributions. This important discovery came from the fact that when he wrapped two independent wires around a big iron ring, fixed them on the chair, and connected current to one of the wires, the other wire unexpectedly generated current. He therefore carried out another experiment and found that if a magnet was moved through a wire coil, there would be a current generated in the coil. The same phenomenon occurs when a moving coil passes over a stationary magnet.
Experimental setup diagram of electromagnetic induction [12]
(4) His demonstration established the concept of "electric field generated by the change of magnetic field" to the world. This relationship was established by Faraday Law of electromagnetic induction Set up mathematical model , and become four Maxwell's equations one of. this Equations After that, it is summarized into the admission theory. Faraday invented the early generator and became the ancestor of modern generator according to this theorem. In 1839, he successfully conducted a series of experiments to lead human beings to understand the nature of electricity. Faraday's use of "static electricity", batteries and "bio electricity" has produced electrostatic attraction, electrolysis, magnetic force and other phenomena. From these experiments, he drew a conclusion that was contrary to the mainstream idea at that time, that although the source was different, the electricity generated was the same. In addition, if the size and density (voltage and charge) were changed, different phenomena could be generated.
(5) Later in his career, he proposed Electromagnetic force It not only exists in the conductor, but also extends into the space near the conductor. This idea was rejected by his colleagues, and Faraday did not live to see this idea accepted by the world after all. Faraday also proposed Electromagnetic wire Concept of Charged body Or it is emitted from one pole of the magnet and directed at another electrically charged or magnetically heteropolar object. This concept helps the world to translate abstract electromagnetic field Visualization has a great influence on the development of electric mechanical devices in the 19th century. These devices dominated the whole engineering and industrial circles in the 19th century. In 1845, he discovered that Diamagnetism (diamagnetism) is still called Faraday effect Phenomenon of: one Linear polarization When the light passes through an object medium, a magnetic field is applied and aligned with the forward direction of the light, then the magnetic field will turn the plane drawn by the light in space. He wrote in his notebook: "I am finally 'explaining a magnetic curve' or‘ Force line ’And 'magnetizing light'. "
In the study of static electricity, Faraday found that the charges on the charged conductor only attached to the surface of the conductor, and the charges on these surfaces had no effect on the interior of the conductor. The reason for this is that the charges on the conductor surface are redistributed to one another by the electrostatic force of the other stable state , so that each charge causes Electrostatic force Offset each other. This effect is called the masking effect and is applied to Faraday cage On. Although Faraday was a very excellent experimentalist, his Mathematical ability In contrast, it is quite weak, and can only calculate simple algebra, even difficult to cope with Trigonometry But Faraday knew how to use clear and simple language to express his scientific ideas. His experimental results were later James Clerk Maxwell And built today's Electromagnetic theory The basic equation of. [6]
Faraday handle Magnetic line of force and power line By emphasizing that it is not the magnet itself but the "field" between them, it has opened up the way for many discoveries in contemporary physics, including Maxwell equation Faraday also found that if polarized light Through the magnetic field, its polarization will change. This discovery is of special significance, indicating for the first time that there is a relationship between light and magnetism.
Encyclopedia x Knowledgeable: Illustration of Electromagnetic Induction


(1) Faraday's earliest achievements in chemistry came from his time as David's assistant. He spent a lot of time studying chlorine In 1833, after a series of experiments, Faraday found that sodium chloride The chlorine 2NaCl+2H ₂ O=2NaOH+H ₂ ↑+Cl ₂ ↑ can be obtained, and two kinds of chlorine carbide have been found.
Faraday is also the first one to observe through experiment (although it is rough) Gas diffusion This phenomenon was first caused by John Dalton It was published and its importance was revealed by Thomas Gram and Joseph Rosmitt. He successfully liquefied a variety of gases; He has studied different steel alloys. For optical experiments, he has produced many new types of glass. One of the samples later occupied a place in history because when Faraday put the glass into a magnetic field, he found that Polarized light The plane is deflected and repelled by magnetic force.
(2) He also devotes himself to creating some common chemical methods, using results, research objectives and public displays as classifications, and obtains some achievements from them. He invented a heating tool Bunsen burner The predecessor of, widely used in scientific laboratories as a source of heat energy. Faraday has made achievements in many chemical fields, and discovered chemistry such as benzene material (He called this substance double Hydrogen carbide (Bicarbonate), inventing oxidation number, such as chlorine Gas liquefaction He found a chlorine hydrate This substance was first discovered by David in 1810.
(3) Faraday also found Electrolytic law , and the promotion of many professional terms, such as anode, cathode, electrode and ion, which were mostly invented by William Hueier. He also found benzene. Because of these achievements, many modern chemists regard Faraday as one of the best experimental scientists ever. [7]
(4) Faraday first discovered benzene in 1825. At the beginning of the 19th century, like other European countries, gas was widely used for urban lighting in Britain. After the gas is prepared from the raw materials for producing gas, there is a kind of oily liquid left, but no one cares about it for a long time. Faraday was the first scientist interested in this oily liquid. He separated this oily liquid by distillation to get another liquid, which is actually benzene. Faraday called this liquid "heavy carbon compound of hydrogen" at that time.