potassium permanganate

[gāo měng suān jiǎ]
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inorganic compound
zero Useful+1
synonym Potassium permanganate (Potassium permanganate) generally refers to potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate is a kind of Strong oxidant chemical formula by KMnO4 , black purple crystal , with blue metallic luster, odorless, and some organic compound Or easy oxide Contact, easy to occur blast , soluble in water Lye , slightly soluble in methanol acetone sulphuric acid It is widely used as oxidant in chemical production.
Chinese name
potassium permanganate
Foreign name
Potassium Permanganate [8]
Grey manganese oxide PP powder Potassium permanganate
chemical formula
KMnO four
molecular weight
one hundred and fifty-eight point zero three four
CAS login number
EINECS login number
Melting point
240 ℃
Water solubility
6.38 g/100 mL (20 ℃)
2.7 g/cm³
Black purple crystal
Security description
Hazard symbol
Hazard description
Regulatory information
Toxin-3; Explosive

essential information

Chinese name
potassium permanganate
Chinese alias
English name
Potassium permanganate
chemical formula
KMnO four
molecular weight
one hundred and fifty-eight point zero three four

Physical and chemical properties


physical property

melting point
2.7g/cm three
Black purple crystal
Soluble in water, alkali liquor, slightly soluble in methanol , acetone, sulfuric acid
Water solubility
6.4 g/100 mL (20 ºC)

chemical property

It is oxidized and decomposed in ethanol and hydrogen peroxide.
Potassium permanganate is one of the strongest oxidants pH The effect is great, and the oxidation ability is the strongest in acid solution. Its corresponding acid permanganate HMnO four and Acid anhydride Mn two O seven Both are strong oxidants, which can automatically decompose and heat, and cause combustion when contacting with organic substances. [1]
Potassium permanganate is highly oxidizing and is often used as oxidant in laboratory and industry ethanol That is decomposition. It will slowly decompose into dioxide in acid medium manganese sylvite And oxygen. Light has catalysis Therefore, it is often stored in brown bottles in the laboratory. It can be seen from the element potential diagram and the free energy oxidation state diagram that it has extremely strong Oxidizability In alkaline solution, its oxidation is not as strong as in acid solution. When used as oxidant, its reduction product is caused by Acid-base property But different.
The product will release nascent oxygen and manganese dioxide No free oxygen molecules are released, so no bubbles appear. Primary oxygen sterilization , deodorization, detoxification, potassium permanganate antibacterial deodorization Hydrogen oxide The solution is strong and durable. Manganese dioxide energy and protein It combines to form a grayish black complex ("palmar manganese"), which converges at low concentration and has stimulate and corrosion effect. Its bactericidal power increases with the increase of concentration. 0.1% can kill most bacterial propagules, and 2%~5% solution can kill bacteria within 24 hours. Under acidic conditions, the bactericidal effect can be significantly improved. If 1.1% hydrochloric acid is added to 1% solution, it can be killed within 30 seconds anthrax Spore
Thermal decomposition of potassium permanganate:
Middle school:
True equation:
Reaction with ethanol:
Reaction with hydrogen peroxide:
(Alkaline or neutral environment)
(Acid environment)
Reaction with glycerin:
Reaction with acetylene:
(Alkaline environment)
(Neutral environment)
(Acid environment)
Reaction with hydrogen sulfide:
Reaction with ethylene:
(Alkaline environment)
(Neutral environment)
(Acid environment)


(1) [10] Roasting method: potassium hydroxide is melted and dehydrated, mixed with pyrolusite powder, cooled and crushed, absorbed oxygen in the air at 240 ℃, oxidized and roasted, slowly converted into potassium manganate, leached with water or dilute solution, pressed and filtered, and prepared electrolyte: potassium manganate 160 ~ 180g/L. Potassium hydroxide (free) 45 ~ 60 g/L, potassium carbonate<60 g/L. The end point of electrolysis is to control 40 ~ 60 g/L of potassium manganate and 90 ~ 110 g/L of potassium hydroxide (free) in the electrolyte. The crude potassium permanganate is obtained by centrifugation, and then the finished potassium permanganate is obtained by recrystallization, centrifugation and drying.
4KOH + 2MnO two + O two = 2K two MnO four + 2H two O
2K two MnO four + 2H two O = 2KMnO four + 2KOH + H two
The mother liquor after centrifugation is evaporated to recover potassium manganate, and the potassium hydroxide is recovered through causticization.
(2) Liquid phase oxidation method: after preheating, potassium hydroxide is blown into oxygen rich air or air above 200 ℃ to conduct liquid phase oxidation reaction with pyrolusite powder. Manganese dioxide is first oxidized into potassium manganate, and then further oxidized into potassium manganate. The concentration of potassium hydroxide is controlled at 60%~70%, and the molar ratio of potassium hydroxide to manganese dioxide is (30~60) ∶ 1. The potassium manganate is separated by sedimentation, the upper layer of potassium hydroxide is recovered, and then it is crystallized, filtered by pressure, dissolved with electrolytic mother liquor, and added with calcium hydroxide solution for causticization. After the pressure filtration, the electrolyte is prepared for electrolysis. The crude potassium permanganate is centrifuged, recrystallized, centrifuged, and dried to obtain the finished potassium permanganate.
4MnO two + 12KOH + O two = 4K three MnO four + 6H two O
4K three MnO four + O two + 2H two O = 4K two MnO four + 4KOH
4K two MnO four +4H two O = 4KMnO four + 4KOH + H two
The mother liquor after centrifugation is evaporated to recover potassium manganate, and then is caustic to recover potassium hydroxide.
(3) Refining method: when preparing potassium permanganate standard solution for oxidation titration, the commercially available potassium permanganate is dissolved in distilled water and heated for about 1h at a boiling point. After cooling, filter it with a glass filter. The solution should be stored in a brown bottle. The concentration of the pure potassium permanganate aqueous solution has almost no change even if it is kept for 1-3 years. However, if manganese (II) is contained, it is unstable, so it is necessary to use heating method to remove all reducing substances such as organics.
(4) Carbonation method: the pyrolusite powder is mixed with molten potassium hydroxide and potassium chlorate, cooled and crushed, absorbed oxygen in the air at 280~320 ℃, converted into potassium manganate, and then soaked with water or mother liquor to obtain potassium manganate solution, and then treated with carbon dioxide to obtain potassium permanganate.
3MnO two + KClO three + 6KOH = 3K two MnO four + KCl + 3H two O
3K two MnO four + 4CO two + 2H two O = 2KMnO four + MnO two ↓+4KHCO three
(5) Electrolysis method: potassium permanganate is obtained by electrolysis of potassium manganate solution. The preparation method of potassium manganate solution is the same as carbonization method. The biggest advantage of electrolysis method is high utilization rate of potassium manganate and low fuel consumption; The carbonization rule has the characteristics of simple equipment and no need to consume a large amount of current. At present, electrolysis is the main production method in industry.
(6) Crystallization method: add 280kg distilled water into 100kg industrial potassium permanganate, insert stainless steel tube into the bottom of the solution, and heat it with steam until it is completely dissolved. Filter while hot. Cover the filtrate and let it cool and crystallize naturally. When the temperature of the solution drops to room temperature, take out the mother liquor, centrifuge and dry the upper half of the crystal in the pottery jar as the first grade product, and the lower half as the second grade product. Put the dried finished product into the tray, dry it at 80 ℃ to fast dry, and then raise the temperature to 90~110 ℃. During the drying process, it must be stirred to prevent the decomposition of the surface layer. The mother liquor can be concentrated until most of the crystals are separated out, which can be used as raw materials or directly used to dissolve industrial products without concentration. [9]

Regulatory information

Potassium permanganate (easily produced to-3), which is based on《 Regulations on Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals 》《 Regulations on the Administration of Precursor Chemicals 》Controlled by the public security department. [4]
Listed in the List of Explosive Hazardous Chemicals [5] And according to《 Administrative Measures for Public Security of Explosive Dangerous Chemicals 》Control [6]

security information


Safety terminology

S60: Residues and containers of this substance must be treated as hazardous waste.
S61: Avoid discharging into the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheets.

Risk terminology

R8: Flammables may cause fire.
R22: Harmful if swallowed.
R50/53: Extremely toxic to aquatic organisms, which may lead to long-term adverse effects on the aquatic environment.

application area


Main purpose

(1) In chemical production, it is widely used as oxidant, such as oxidant for saccharin production, vitamin C, isoniazid and benzoic acid; Used in medicine as antiseptic, disinfectant, deodorant and antidote; In water purification and wastewater treatment, it is used as a water treatment agent to oxidize hydrogen sulfide, phenol, iron, manganese, organic, inorganic and other pollutants to control odor and decolour; In gas purification, trace sulfur, arsenic, phosphorus, silane, borane and sulfide can be removed; In mining and metallurgy, it is an oxidant used for separating molybdenum from copper, removing impurities from zinc and cadmium, and flotation of compounds; It is also used as a bleaching agent for special fabrics, waxes, oils and resins, an adsorbent for gas masks, and a colorant for wood and copper. Food grade is used as bleaching agent, disinfectant, deodorant, water purification agent and carbon dioxide refining agent for beverages. It has strong oxidizing effect and can be used for deodorization and disinfection. It is used as antiseptic, disinfectant, deodorant and antidote in the pharmaceutical industry.
(2) In chemical production, it is widely used as oxidant, such as oxidant for saccharin, vitamin C, isoniazid and benzoic acid; Used as antiseptic, disinfectant, deodorant and antidote in medicine; In water purification and wastewater treatment, it is used as a water treatment agent to oxidize hydrogen sulfide, phenol, iron, manganese, organic, inorganic and other pollutants to control odor and decolorization. It is also used as bleaching agent, adsorbent, colorant and disinfectant. It is used as an expansion agent in concrete admixtures.
(3) It is used as analytical reagent, such as preparing oxidizing standard solution and oxidant. It is also used in organic synthesis, bleaching fiber and as bactericide.
(4) Potassium permanganate can be used for chemical roughening treatment of some materials in plastic electroplating, and can also be used for metallizing the hole wall of circuit board manufacturing holes. In the passivation treatment of aluminum and alloy, it can replace hexavalent chromium for gold passivation treatment, and can also be used as an additive for chemical polishing of aluminum and alloy. In solution analysis, potassium permanganate is an important titration reagent, which can be used for redox titration analysis of hydrogen peroxide, ferrous salt, etc.
(5) Potassium permanganate (KMnO four )It is a cheap oxidant commonly used in organic synthesis. Because it is soluble in water, it is often used in the oxidation reaction of water phase or mixed phase of water and other solvents. The aqueous solution of potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant. Adding acid to the solution will increase its oxidizability. In the presence of phase transfer reagent, potassium permanganate can be used in non-polar solvents such as CH two Cl two Moderate reaction. It is found that potassium permanganate can also be adsorbed on solid reagents, so it can be used as an effective heterogeneous oxidant.
(6) It is mainly used as disinfectant, oxidant, bleach, toxic gas absorbent, carbon dioxide refining agent, water purification agent, etc.


Preparation of oxygen by heating potassium permanganate in laboratory
1. Preparation of oxygen by heating potassium permanganate in laboratory
2KMnO four = K two MnO four + MnO two + O two
be careful: When potassium permanganate is used to decompose to produce oxygen, a small puffy cotton ball (or a small amount of glass wool) should be placed at the mouth of the test tube to prevent potassium permanganate powder from entering the tube and causing blockage and explosion.
2. Reaction with concentrated hydrochloric acid to produce chlorine
2KMnO four + 16HCl = 2KCl + 2MnCl two + 8H two O + 5Cl two
Note: The excess chlorine should be absorbed with sodium hydroxide solution to prevent environmental pollution.
3. React with oxalic acid to produce carbon dioxide under acidic conditions
2KMnO four + 2H two C two O four = 2H two O + K two MnO four + MnO two + 4CO two


Potassium permanganate is used as oxidant for organic synthesis, disinfection, oxidation, etc. Explosion may occur in contact with ether, sulfuric acid, sulfur, hydrogen peroxide, etc; In case of glycerine, it will decompose immediately and burn strongly.

Hazards and prevention and control


Health hazards

Potassium permanganate is toxic and corrosive. Inhalation may cause respiratory tract damage. Splash into the eyes, stimulate the conjunctiva, or cause burns in serious cases. It is brownish black after skin irritation. Concentrated solution or crystal is corrosive to skin and irritant to tissue.
After oral administration, it will seriously corrode the oral cavity and digestive tract. There is burning sensation in the mouth, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, oropharyngeal swelling, etc. In case of large oral dose, the oral mucosa is black and brown, swollen and erosive, stomach bleeding, liver and kidney damage, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody stool, shock, and finally died of circulatory failure. The lethal dose of pure potassium permanganate is about 10g.
Dangerous property: This product is combustion supporting, corrosive, irritant, and can cause burns to human body.

First aid measures

Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothes immediately, and wash with plenty of flowing water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. (If not serious, it can be cleaned with gasoline)
Eye contact: immediately lift the eyelid, and thoroughly flush it with a large amount of flowing water or physiological saline for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
Inhalation: quickly leave the site to a place with fresh air. Keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration immediately. Get medical attention.
Ingestion: Rinse with water and drink milk or egg white. Get medical attention.

Hazard characteristics

Strong oxidant. It can explode when encountering concentrated sulfuric acid and ammonium salt. It can cause spontaneous combustion when encountering glycerol. And organic matter reducing agent Inflammables such as sulfur phosphorus It may cause combustion and explosion when contacting or mixing.
Fire extinguishing method: use water and mist water to extinguish the fire.

Emergency Management

Isolate the leakage contaminated area and restrict access. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear dust masks (full face masks) and gas suits. Do not touch the leakage directly. Small amount of leakage: mixed with sand, dry lime or soda ash. Collect with a clean shovel in a dry, clean, covered container. Large amount of leakage: collect and recycle or transport to waste disposal site for disposal.

Operation precautions

Close operation and strengthen ventilation. Operators must receive special training, strictly abide by the operating procedures and stay away from kindling and heat sources. Smoking, eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in the workplace. Avoid dust generation. Avoid contact with reducing agent and active metal powder. Load and unload gently during transportation to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Fire fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment of corresponding types and quantities shall be provided. Empty containers may leave harmful substances.

Pharmacopoeia information



This product contains KMnO four It should be 99.0%~100.5%.


This product is dark purple, slender prismatic crystal or particle, with blue metallic luster, odorless, easy to explode in contact with some organic substances or oxides.
Soluble in boiling water, soluble in water.


1. Take 5mL of 0.1% aqueous solution of the product, add dilute sulfuric acid for acidification, drop hydrogen peroxide solution, and the purple color will fade.
2. The above fading solution shows the identification reaction of potassium salt (general rule 0301).


Take 2.0g of this product, dissolve it in 60mL of heated water, heat it on a water bath, add an appropriate amount of ethanol (about 8mL) under constant stirring, and transfer it into a 100mL measuring bottle after the solution completely fades, dilute it with water to the scale, shake it up, and filter it; Take 25mL of the continued filtrate and check according to the law. Compared with the control solution made of 5.0mL of standard sodium chloride solution, it should not be more concentrated (0.010%).
Take 25mL of the remaining filtrate under the above chloride item, and check according to the law (general rule 0802). Compared with the control solution made of 2.0mL of standard potassium sulfate solution, it should not be more concentrated (0.040%).
Insoluble matter in water
Take 1.0g of the product, add 100mL of water to dissolve it, heat it to boiling, cool it, filter it with a vertical melting glass crucible dried at 105 ℃ to constant weight, wash the filter residue with water until colorless, dry it at 105 ℃ to constant weight, and the residual residue shall not exceed 5mg (0.5%).


Take about 0.8g of this product, weigh it accurately, put it into a 250mL measuring flask, add newly distilled water to dissolve it, dilute it to the scale, shake it up, and use it as the test solution. Take the test solution and place it in a 50mL burette, adjust the liquid level to the starting point of the scale, and accurately measure 25mL of oxalic acid titrant (0.05mol/L), add 5mL of sulfuric acid solution (1 → 2) and 50mL of water and place them in a conical flask. Quickly add about 23mL of the test solution into the buret, heat it to 65 ℃, continue titration until the solution turns pink, and keep it for 30 seconds without fading. Every 1mL of oxalic acid titrant (0.05mol/L) is equivalent to 3.161mg of KMnO four


Disinfection and antiseptic.


Sealed storage.


Potassium permanganate tablet for external use. [7]

pharmacological action

By oxidizing the active group of bacteria, it shows bactericidal effect. Potassium permanganate can effectively kill various bacterial propagules, fungi, and tubercle bacillus; It can also inactivate hepatitis B virus and spores, but the effect on spores takes a long time. Organic heating can accelerate the oxidation reaction in acid or alkaline conditions. The oxidation reaction is different under different pH values, and it is reduced to colorless divalent manganese compounds in acid solution; It is reduced to brown manganese dioxide and protein complex precipitation in neutral or alkaline solution. Low concentration has antibacterial, astringent, hemostatic, deodorant and other effects. High concentrations are irritant and corrosive. Its antibacterial effect is stronger than that of hydrogen peroxide. Clinically, it is mainly used for acute dermatitis or acute eczema (especially with secondary infection), cleaning ulcers or abscesses, gastric lavage and first-aid treatment of snake bite when poisoned by oral morphine, opioid, brucine or organic poisons. It is also used for disinfection of fruits and tableware. Oral cavity is used for gargling or rinsing of candida albicans infection, necrotizing gingival stomatitis, periodontal disease, etc. Potassium permanganate will leave brown traces when it contacts with clothes, which can be removed by rubbing with oxalic acid in water.
Misuse of potassium permanganate solution may cause a series of gastrointestinal irritation symptoms, such as burning sensation, swelling, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, etc. in the mouth and pharynx. In severe cases, speech, swallowing and breathing difficulties may occur, and proteinuria may also occur, with a lethal dose of 10g. The solution should be prepared fresh, and it will become ineffective after a little time. It should not be combined with reducing agents such as glycerin, iodine, sugar, etc. to prevent explosion. High concentration is irritating to skin.
0.1% solution is commonly taken orally to treat cattle and sheep with forestomach atony, horses and other animals with acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea, etc. The chicks drink 0.01% solution, and 0.1% solution for external use can wash mucous membrane, skin wound, ulcer, etc. 0.05%~0.1% solution is used for gastric lavage, which is used for internal administration of some organic poisoning; 1% solution is used to wash the wound bitten by poisonous snake. Splashing in the whole fish pond: 4-5mg potassium permanganate solution per liter of water is used to treat fish mold, protozoa, crustaceans and other parasites. For 30 minutes, the medicine bath with the concentration of 100mg per liter of water is used to treat the malacia of Omaha salmon egg membrane. 0.1%~0.12% solution is commonly used to disinfect hives contaminated by viruses and bacteria. Potassium permanganate can be used in combination with formalin for air fumigation and disinfection in livestock (poultry) houses, incubators, etc.
Disinfection and sterilization of solutions with different concentrations: High concentration potassium permanganate solution is irritant and corrosive to tissues, and 4% solution can sterilize feeding trough and other appliances. It can be used to accelerate the evaporation of formalin by using its oxidation property, and can be used as air disinfection. It is a commonly used disinfectant necessary for families.
1. Dark purple solution (about 0.3% concentration): It has strong oxidizability and strong bactericidal ability. It can be used to disinfect bathtubs and spittoons.
2. Purplish red solution (about 0.05% concentration): It can be used to relieve itching, diminish inflammation and prevent the spread of infection. It can be used to soak tinea pedis.
3. Rose red solution (about 0.01% concentration): sterilize vegetables, fruits and tableware. Disinfection equipment can be soaked in 1:1000 potassium permanganate powder for 15 minutes, and then washed with running water. After fruits and vegetables are contaminated by bacteria, they can be sterilized by soaking them in this concentration solution for 5 minutes without changing the color and taste of fruits and vegetables. In medical treatment, this concentration solution can be used to soak mucosal parts, such as hemorrhoids. It can prevent infection, relieve itching and pain.
4. Light cherry red solution (about 0.002% concentration): it can be used for gargling to prevent oral inflammation and caries, has deodorization and anti-inflammatory effect, and helps to reduce the unpleasant smell of armpit odor. It can also be used as an antidote. After drinking the solution of this concentration, press the throat with your fingers to make it vomit, spit out the unabsorbed drugs or poisons, and make the remaining drugs or poisons in the stomach ineffective due to the oxidation of potassium permanganate.
Gynecology: 0.01% potassium permanganate solution can be used for vaginal irrigation; 0.02% aqueous solution is used for sitz bath to treat leukorrhea; During honeymoon, use 0.05% aqueous solution to clean the vulva to prevent urinary system infection. The incidence of hemorrhoids in women is high. Soaking in 0.1% aqueous solution in the basin can relieve itching and pain, prevent infection, and promote the restoration of prolapsed hemorrhoids.
Because potassium permanganate has bactericidal effect, many women use it to clean perineum, and even use potassium permanganate lotion to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. In fact, it does not play a role in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
There are two reasons why potassium permanganate cannot prevent venereal diseases. First of all, potassium permanganate solution has a very weak killing effect on viruses, molds and parasites, while the pathogens causing sexually transmitted diseases include bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Moreover, many pathogens not only exist on the surface of the vulva, but also lie in the deep part of the genitourinary tract and the vaginal mucosa folds. Therefore, cleaning the vulva with potassium permanganate alone cannot eliminate these pathogens, nor can it prevent and treat sexually transmitted diseases.
But potassium permanganate can really clean the private parts. Low concentration potassium permanganate solution can wash skin wounds, ulcers, thrush, abscesses, etc. For women, different concentrations of potassium permanganate solution are used for vaginal cleaning and disinfection. In actual use, a few potassium permanganate lotion prepared in a basin of water can play a role in cleaning the vagina. Men can also use potassium permanganate lotion to clean their private parts, with a general concentration of 0.1%.
Some vaginitis cannot be used. If women use potassium permanganate lotion for a long time, they will kill a large number of vaginal bacteria that normally parasitize in the vagina and are conducive to maintaining an acidic environment, resulting in the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Don't take a sitz bath with potassium permanganate solution once vaginal inflammation is found. Bacterial vaginitis and trichomonal vaginitis can be treated by sitz bath with potassium permanganate solution as an auxiliary treatment, while mycotic vaginitis can be treated with potassium permanganate, which can not inhibit mold reproduction, and sometimes even aggravate the condition. Since potassium permanganate takes effect slowly, it must be soaked for 5 minutes to kill bacteria. It should also be noted that cold boiled water should be used when preparing potassium permanganate lotion, and hot water will cause its decomposition failure. The prepared solution can only be kept for about two hours. When the solution turns brown and purple, it will lose its disinfection effect.
Women should be careful when using potassium permanganate. It is best to use it under the guidance of a doctor. Do not immediately use potassium permanganate solution for hip bath once the vulva or vagina is inflamed, but should be diagnosed with what type of vaginitis. In addition, do not use potassium permanganate for a long time to avoid flora disorder in the vagina. When using potassium permanganate, attention should also be paid to that because potassium permanganate emits oxygen slowly, the soaking time must reach 5 minutes to kill bacteria.
Usage and dosage: Use cold boiled water to prepare the water solution, and hot water will cause it to decompose and become invalid. The prepared aqueous solution can only be stored for about two hours. When the solution turns brown and purple, it will lose its disinfection effect. Therefore, it is better to use it as needed. [11]

Common rumors

Myth 1: Potassium permanganate can oxidize carbon monoxide.
Reputation: whether CO can make KMnO four There is a dispute about the fading of the solution. It is found that CO cannot make KMnO at room temperature and normal pressure four The conclusion of discoloration of the solution or its acidic solution is made, and a certain theoretical analysis is made. [2]
Myth 2: Potassium permanganate is oxidizing only when it is acidic, and acidification is required to react with organic substances.
Reputation: potassium permanganate still has strong oxidizability under alkaline conditions, and can still oxidize organic matters.
For example: under alkaline conditions, the oxidation of aniline by potassium permanganate causes the change of its own color, and the change value of the absorbance of the system is proportional to the content of aniline. [3]

Brief Introduction to Drugs


Action category

This product is an over-the-counter drug for dermatology.


It is used for acute dermatitis or acute eczema, especially for wet compress with secondary infection to clean small ulcers.

Usage and dosage

For acute dermatitis and eczema, prepare a 1:4000 solution (take one tablet and add 400ml of water) before use, wet it with disinfectant cotton wool or gauze, and then apply it to the affected area. If there is a lot of exudate, the affected area can be directly immersed in a medicine bath in the solution. For cleaning small area ulcers, prepare 1:1000 solution (take one tablet and add 100ml of water) before use, dip it with disinfectant cotton or cotton swab and clean it.

Adverse reactions

High concentration repeated use may cause corrosive burns.



matters needing attention

1. This product is for external use only and should not be taken orally.
2. The aqueous solution of this product is easy to deteriorate, so it should be prepared with warm water before use and used immediately.
3. When preparing, do not directly touch the product with your hands to avoid corrosion or staining. Do not put the product into your eyes.
4. It should be used strictly according to the usage and dosage. If the concentration is too high, it may damage the skin and mucous membrane.
5. Long term use can easily cause skin coloring, which can gradually disappear after discontinuation.
6. In case of burning, redness and swelling at the application site, the drug should be stopped, the local drug should be washed, and the doctor should be consulted if necessary.
7. It is forbidden for people with allergies to this product. People with allergies should use it with caution.
8. It is forbidden to use this product when its properties change.
9. Please keep this product away from children.
10. Children must be used under adult supervision.
11. If you are using other drugs, please consult a doctor or pharmacist before using this product.

Drug interaction

1. Do not contact or use together with iodide and organic substances. Especially crystal, otherwise it is easy to explode
2. If it is used together with other drugs, drug interaction may occur. For details, please consult a doctor or pharmacist.

pharmacological action

Potassium permanganate is an oxidant, which can be decomposed in water to form manganese dioxide and release oxygen. Oxygen acts on the bacterial protein and destroys its structure, thus causing it to die. The concentration of potassium permanganate required for sterilization is low, and 0.01% - 0.1% can kill bacterial propagules, viruses and destroy botulinum toxin after acting for 10-30 minutes. The inactivation of hepatitis B virus has not been reported; Although the killing of bacterial spores has been reported, the required concentration is 2% - 5%) high, the action time is long (24 hours), and the practical significance is limited.