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Anaphylactic reaction

Physiological response
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Allergic reaction refers to that the body that has produced immunity receives the same reaction again antigen Happening during stimulation tissue damage or Dysfunction Reaction.
Chinese name
Anaphylactic reaction
Foreign name
congenital immunity Abnormal function
Sensitization stage Stimulation stage Effect stage
Nearly 20000 medical literature records

Physiological characteristics

The characteristics of reaction are rapid onset, strong reaction and rapid regression; Generally, it will not be damaged Histiocyte , will not cause serious tissue damage, and has obvious genetic tendency and individual difference
Sometimes we see such a phenomenon in life: some people eat fish, shrimp, crab and other food abdominal pain , diarrhea, vomiting, or skin itching; Some people inhale pollen or dust rhinitis or asthma Some people will have shock after penicillin injection. These are manifestations of allergic reactions. Severe allergic reactions can also lead to death. The substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens in medicine. When the human body's function of resisting antigen invasion is too strong, allergic reaction will occur under the stimulation of allergens. find Allergen And try to avoid contacting allergens again, which is the main measure to prevent allergic reactions. People who have had allergic reactions should go to the hospital in time for treatment.


Allergy often occurs in a relatively fixed part of the population, because it has Allergic constitution People are born immunity Abnormality often comes from heredity, that is to say, people with this constitution Anaphylaxis The possibility of will accompany lifelong.
Anaphylactic reaction
Of course, people with allergic constitution are not necessarily allergic, which is determined by the mechanism of allergy. When people with allergic constitution first contact Allergen antigen )Later, the body will not produce allergic symptoms, but the body's B cells will produce a corresponding specific antibody Specificity When the antibody accumulates to a certain amount, if it contacts this antigen again, the specific antibody will combine with it, making the body medium cells Degranulation , release a variety of media, resulting in a series of allergic symptoms. It can be seen that there is a condition for the occurrence of allergy, that is, it must be able to repeatedly contact the same kind Allergen Knowing this is not difficult to understand pollen hypersensitivity It is precisely because these flowers only open in spring, and only in spring can they come into contact with its pollen. The substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens, such as pollen, indoor dust, fish, shrimp, milk, eggs penicillin sulfa quinine Etc. When some people come into contact with allergens, under the stimulation of allergens Effector B cell Produce antibodies. Some antibodies are adsorbed on the skin respiratory tract Or the surface of some cells in the digestive tract mucosa and blood. When the same allergen enters the body again, it will be adsorbed with cell surface The corresponding antibody of Histamine And other substances, causing Telangiectasia Vascular wall Increased permeability smooth muscle Contraction and gland secretion increase. If the above reaction occurs on the skin, it will occur Redness and swelling Urticaria Etc; If it occurs in the digestive tract, vomiting abdominal pain , diarrhea, etc. In some cases of serious illness Bronchospasm , suffocation or Anaphylactic shock And death.


Schematic Diagram of Allergic Reaction Mechanism
The mechanism of allergic reaction is a complex and abstract process. The mechanism of type I allergic reaction is divided into three stages:
1. Sensitization stage: allergens can be induced after entering the body Specificity B cell production Antibody response , such antibodies are associated with mast cells and Basophil (That is, some cells in the skin, respiratory tract or digestive tract mucosa and blood mentioned in the textbook, of which mast cells are distributed around the small blood vessels under the skin connective tissue neutralization Submucosa While basophils are mainly distributed in Peripheral blood ), so that the body is sensitized to the allergen. Usually, this sensitization state can be maintained for several months or longer. If the allergen is not contacted for a long time, the sensitization state can gradually disappear.
2. Stimulation stage: when the same allergen enters the body again Sensitization Antibodies on the surface of mast cells and basophils Specific binding To release such cells biological activity The phase of the media. In this stage, the released bioactive medium Histamine Besides, it can also be prostaglandin D、 leukotriene Platelet activating factor But their functions are similar, both can cause smooth muscle Shrinkage, blood capillary Enlarged and permeability enhanced, gland secretion increased.
3. Effect stage: refers to the stage when the bioactive medium acts on the effective tissues and organs, causing local or Systemic allergic reaction Phase of. According to the speed and duration of the reaction, it can be divided into early phase reaction and late phase reaction. The early phase reaction is mainly caused by histamine, which usually occurs within seconds of contact with allergen and lasts for several hours. The late phase reaction is caused by leukotriene, platelet activating factor, etc., which occurs 6 to 12 hours after allergen stimulation and lasts for several days.


Anaphylactic antigen be called Allergen Allergens are allergic necessary condition There are 2000-3000 common antigenic substances that cause allergic reactions, medical literature Nearly 20000 species were recorded. They can cause allergy by inhalation, ingestion, injection or contact. Common allergens are as follows:
1. Inhalation allergens: such as pollen catkin , dust mite , animal dander, oil fume, paint automobile exhaust , gas, cigarettes cold air , fog, etc.
2、 Ingestive allergen : such as milk, eggs, fish and shrimp Beef and mutton seafood , animal fat Alloprotein , alcohol, drugs antibiotics anticatarrhals Balsam oil , essence, onion, ginger, garlic and some vegetables, fruits, etc.
3、 Contact allergen : such as cold air, hot air ultraviolet rays , radiation, cosmetics shampoo Detergent hair dye , soap chemical fiber Supplies, plastic, metal jewelry (watches, necklaces, rings, earrings), bacteria mould Viruses parasite Etc.
4、 Injectable allergen : e.g penicillin streptomycin , heterologous serum, etc.
5、 Autoantigen : nervous working pressure , microbial infection ionizing radiation burn Self tissue antigens that change their structure or composition due to biological, physical and chemical factors, and self released due to trauma or infection Cryptic antigen It can also become an allergen.

clinical manifestation

Anaphylactic reaction
1、 Anaphylactic shock Reaction:
(1) Airway obstruction Symptoms: caused by Larynx Edema, trachea and Bronchospasm and pulmonary edema Cause. As Chest tightness , palpitations, throat blockage dyspnea And blushing, accompanied by a sense of danger Xerostomia dizzy , face and Numbness of limbs
(2) Microcirculatory disorders Symptoms: caused by capillary Widespread expansion. As Pale , fidgeting Chilliness Cold sweat, weak pulse and drop of blood pressure.
(3) Central nervous system symptoms : It is caused by cerebral hypoxia. As Loss of consciousness , coma, convulsion and incontinence Etc.
(4) skin sensibility Reaction: such as itch Urticaria And other various rash Etc.
2、 Hematopathy Sample reaction. This group Reaction type The distinction between Hemogram Change of inspection. The main symptoms are: granulocytopenia or deficiency Thrombocytopenia Aplastic anemia Hemolytic anemia and Megaloblastic anemia Etc.
3、 Seropathy Sample reaction. The reaction symptoms are mainly serum disease like changes, and the clinical symptoms are sudden Universality Erythema and urticaria Exanthema Common and accompanying fever Arthralgia And lymphadenopathy.
4. Others Systemic reaction Drug-induced Skin mucosa Most eruptions belong to this type. The clinical manifestations are various and common Anaphylaxis drug eruption Mainly: fixed drug eruption, epidermolysis bullosa Exfoliative dermatitis drug eruption Eczema Dermatitis Drug eruption, Erythema multiforme and severe Erythema multiforme Drug eruption Photosensitivity Drug rash, etc.


Allergic reaction prevention is more important than treatment. We should pay attention to daily life Diet conditioning Appropriate and appropriate physical exercise Start. First of all, in early spring, the temperature is still cold. Stimulated by the cold air, Hyperthyroidism , consume heat, make human endurance and Resistance Weakening. Therefore, the diet is still high in calories, except Overeating Bean products In addition, it can also eat glutinous rice products, soybeans, sesame powder, peanuts, walnuts and other foods, and it needs to be supplemented High quality protein , such as eggs, shrimp, fish, beef and other foods, which are rich in amino acid It can increase the cold resistance of human body. In addition, take enough vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D antiviral Ability. Foods rich in vitamin D include a variety of Chinese cabbage , tomato vegetables and Citrus , lemon and other fruits; and vitamin A Can protect and enhance Upper respiratory tract Mucosa and respiratory tract epithelial cells So as to resist the invasion of various pathogenic factors. Foods rich in vitamin A include Carrot Etc. vitamin E It has the function of improving human immunity and enhancing disease resistance. Vitamin E rich Cabbage Cauliflower , sesame, etc. In addition, Black fungus And mushrooms are also indispensable food. And then there must be appropriate outdoor activities , improve the body's resistance to disease Allergy Great benefits.