
The sub-health state of exhaustion due to long working hours, excessive labor intensity and excessive psychological pressure
zero Useful+1
synonym Excessive fatigue (Overfatigue) Generally refers to overwork
Overwork refers to exhaustion caused by long working hours, excessive labor intensity, and excessive psychological pressure Sub health state International Classification of Diseases 》The list of "Guo Lao Te" emphasizes that "Guo Lao Te refers to the phenomenon in the professional environment and should not be used to describe the experience in other life fields [1] 。”
Its biggest hidden danger is the rapid deterioration of underlying diseases, such as hypertension Basic diseases Deterioration causes cerebrovascular disease or Cardiovascular disease And other acute circulatory organ disorders, even fatal symptoms. This kind of chronic fatigue induced sudden death That is“ Death from overwork ”。
In May 2019, the World Health Organization, which held the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, included "overwork" in its《 International Classification of Diseases 》, effective globally in 2022. [1]
Chinese name
Causes rapid deterioration of underlying diseases
Healing method
Rest recovery method, etc


1. Irregular life, lack of rest to cope with heavy courses or exams.
2. Have not recovered from illness, work overtime early to make up lessons or overemphasize to participate in a competition train
3. After taking part in some labor or activities, the fatigue has not been eliminated, and the physical strength has not yet recovered, they will take part in large amount of exercise training.
4. Improper training. It can be seen in some pre competition training. Due to time constraints, heavy tasks and lack of gradual and systematic training, Amount of exercise Large and long lasting, or one-on-one training.
5. Take part in too many competitions in a short time and lack of rest. [2]


Excessive fatigue
One person often works overtime Stay up late . Poor rest will lead to anxious , insomnia, memory loss, mental depression, and even depression and Schizophrenia If the fatigue lasts for 6 months or more, the body may appear Low fever Sore throat attention Down memory Decline and other symptoms. Moreover, very serious long-term fatigue may be the precursor of other diseases.
People often say“ Death from overwork ”It is actually long-term and excessive fatigue, which causes heart failure, lung failure, kidney failure, myocardial infarction cerebral haemorrhage Sudden death caused by other diseases. This sudden death is mainly caused by coronary heart disease aortic aneurysm Valvular heart disease Cardiomyopathy and cerebral hemorrhage are no different from ordinary sudden death. However, the potential of these diseases has been ignored by the overworked, leading to serious consequences. But without the incentive of overwork, sudden death It may not happen.

Occupational disease, overwork and obesity

China Youth News A survey released by the Social Survey Center shows that more and more people in the workplace are gaining weight due to high pressure and tiredness. This phenomenon is called "overwork and obesity", which is increasingly threatening office worker Health. Experts remind that at the end of the year, the work pressure has accumulated to the peak. Professionals should pay special attention to prevent "overwork and obesity". The busier they are, the more they need to eat three meals on time. They should go to sleep before 11:00 every night to ensure 6-8 hours of sleep. It is better to have more than three times a week Aerobic exercise , not less than half an hour each time.
Causes of overwork
The office workers are busy all day. Instead of being "tired and thin", they are getting fatter and fatter. The main points are as follows.
1. When the pressure of work is high, the appetite also increases. American diet Nutrition meeting spokesman Bonnie Toebdix said that people in the workplace usually bear a lot of pressure, which is easy to increase adrenal gland The cortisol index remains high, increasing people's appetite and increasing the demand for carbohydrates. The survey shows that under high pressure, people's favorite foods are desserts, cream foods and salty snacks.
Prevention method: First, adjust the mental state in time, learn to transfer and release pressure, try sports, develop personal hobbies, etc.
2. Sitting all day and seldom exercising. Our newspaper once conducted a survey in conjunction with xinhuanet, among which nearly 60% of office workers sit for more than 6 hours a day; 28.75% of people spend more than 8 hours a day sitting. Professor Hong Zhaoguang, the chief health education expert of the Ministry of Health, said that office workers often sit for a whole day and do not like to move after work. If people sit still for a long time, it is easy to hasten birth Obesity And large belly The World Health Organization points out that more than 2 million people die every year because of sitting for a long time.
Prevention method: seize the opportunity of sports
Your metabolism is at its lowest point before you wake up in the morning. Then slowly rise, reach the peak after dinner, and then maintain the level until you go to bed, then gradually decline.
Both diet and exercise can change the speed of metabolism. If you exercise immediately after waking up, your metabolism will rise early, and increase overall throughout the day, consuming more calories. So the real benefit of exercise is that, in addition to the heat consumption during exercise, it can also consume 180-400 more calories than usual within 6-8 hours after exercise.
3. Not enough sleep for a long time. Canadian scientists once conducted a survey involving 635000 people on sleep time and weight. The results show that the risk of obesity of people who have insufficient sleep is at least 50% higher than that of people who have sufficient sleep, and the probability of obesity of young people who have insufficient sleep is 90% higher. The researchers pointed out that sleep deficiency affects the secretion of leptin, a hormone in the body, which is an important element in maintaining weight.
Prevention method: improve sleep quality and ensure 6-8 hours sleep
Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine weight loss experts all advocate getting enough sleep before losing weight. Studies at home and abroad have confirmed that people who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours a day have a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who sleep about 7 to 8 hours, and are also prone to accumulate body fat. Reduce staying up late and increase the period of deep sleep to prevent overwork and obesity.
4. Eat less during the day and have too much dinner. Due to busy work, many office workers do not eat breakfast, eat fast food for lunch, and then go to have supper after working overtime at night... Some people have more entertainment at night, which is very easy to overeat. beijing chaoyang hospital dietitian Song Xin pointed out that hunger and satiety will lead to obesity. Eating too much at night is not easy to digest, and the remaining heat is easy to store, resulting in obesity.
Prevention method: increase the number of meals
Adjust the diet structure, eat less fast food, choose less spicy, greasy and sugary food, and choose more low calorie and high fiber food such as vegetables, whole wheat food Coarse grain , fat eliminating, fiber planting, etc. Eating four or five small meals a day can maintain a strong metabolism level more than three big meals. The time between meals should be kept within 2-3 hours as far as possible, and it should be ensured that each meal must have protein food, because it is a metabolic enhancer. For example, if you eat high fiber cereal foods such as vegetable fiber and fruits for breakfast, you should eat yogurt and fruits as an extra meal between breakfast and lunch. Try to eat 100g chicken (or fish) with a vegetable for lunch salad In the afternoon, you can eat a banana when adding food. Try to eat less at dinner. This way, we can eat less and eat more meals, which can make the overuse fertilizer more profitable.
Ten Ways to Solve Overwork
Method 1: Drink tea
When people are angry or threatened, the human body will secrete a adrenaline It will make people depressed, depressed and listless. At this time, it is better not to use coffee to refresh yourself, but to use tea, because coffee is more irritating and too much intake is easy to aging skin. Drinking more tea and water can help the body expel hormones, stabilize emotions, and at the same time, it can also conserve energy. Often drink tea with Lotus leaf tea rose Tea is better. It can mainly moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, clear away accumulated toxins in the body, and eliminate overwork and obesity.
Method 2: Supplement vitamins
Vitamins can maintain the stability of the nervous system, promote various metabolic functions in the body, and regulate endocrine. Therefore, when you feel the pressure of work is too great, you can timely supplement vitamin B and vitamin C. The food choices are: whole wheat bread, spinach, lean meat orange , kiwifruit, strawberry, etc.
Method 3: Running
Running can relieve stress, increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients, enhance physical strength, and burn calories, so that you can lose weight and avoid overwork.
Method 4: Sleep on time
Sleep can help you eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength. In the sleep state, the body can relax and release pressure better. Ensure sufficient sleep time and high-quality sleep quality to provide full energy and cheerful mood for the next day's work. In addition, the metabolism of MM who gets enough sleep will also be better, and the burning speed of fat will also be faster.
Method 5: Supplement cellulose
Staying inactive for a long time will inhibit gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is easy to cause constipation. Therefore, you should eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, as well as high fiber grains and fat eliminating plant fiber, so as to clear the stool in time, ease pressure reduction and slim down.
Method 6: Yoga
When you are under great pressure, you are usually upset and irritable. Yoga can make you feel calm and emotional stability. Moreover, yoga can help you exercise flexibility, burn fat and keep fit slim
Method 7: Massage
Massage can relax your muscles and release your pressure. Massaging tense muscles can avoid muscle build-up and make the body lines more beautiful without the trouble of muscle women. In addition, facial massage before sleep can also promote the blood circulation of the face and help Thin face
Method 8: Singing KTV
Going to karaoke is the first choice for many people to relieve pressure. Through singing, you can express your dissatisfaction and pressure loudly and let the pressure dissipate. Moreover, singing can train the abdominal muscles, make the loose and fat muscles become tight, reduce overwork and fat, and at the same time, it can also make people happy.
Method 9: Do housework
Doing housework can divert your attention and make you stop worrying about work. Moreover, washing dishes and mopping the floor can also speed up blood circulation, increase the amount of exercise, and make you thinner and thinner as you move.
Method 10: Shopping
After work or on the rest day, going shopping with good sisters can not only change the bad habit of sleeping in bed on Saturdays and Sundays, but also can speed up the metabolism of the body by walking for a long time, enjoy the fun of shopping and also harvest the pleasure of burning fat.

diagnostic criteria

From the perspective of prevention, 27 kinds of overwork symptoms and factors were listed.
  1. one
    Often feel tired and forgetful;
  2. two
    Alcohol capacity Sudden drop, even if you drink alcohol, you don't feel good;
  3. three
    Suddenly feel be senile Sense;
  4. four
    Shoulders and neck are numb and stiff;
  5. five
    Insomnia due to fatigue and depression;
  6. six
    A little trifle is also irritable and angry;
  7. seven
    Frequent headache and chest tightness;
  8. eight
    High blood pressure diabetes ECG test result is abnormal;
  9. nine
    The sudden change of body weight leads to "general belly";
  10. ten
    Drinking and dining together almost every night;
  11. eleven
    Drink more than 5 cups of coffee a day;
  12. twelve
    Often skip breakfast or eat at irregular times;
  13. thirteen
    Like to eat fried food
  14. fourteen
    More than 30 cigarettes a day;
  15. fifteen
    Not going home at 10pm or going home after 12pm accounts for more than half;
  16. sixteen
    One way travel to and from work takes more than 2 hours;
  17. seventeen
    In recent years, they have not sweated during exercise;
  18. eighteen
    Feeling healthy without seeing a doctor;
  19. nineteen
    Work more than 10 hours a day;
  20. twenty
    Work on Sundays;
  21. twenty-one
    Frequent business trips, staying at home only two or three days a week;
  22. twenty-two
    There are many night shifts and irregular working hours;
  23. twenty-three
    There is job transfer or job change;
  24. twenty-four
    Promotions or increased workload;
  25. twenty-five
    Overtime has increased suddenly since;
  26. twenty-six
    The interpersonal relationship suddenly deteriorates;
  27. twenty-seven
    . Work error or discord
Research shows that more than 7 of these 27 symptoms and factors are at risk of fatigue, and more than 10 of them may cause "fatigue death" at any time. At the same time, special attention should also be paid to those who account for more than two items in items 1 to 9 or more than three items in items 10 to 18.

Standard of physical signs

Low heat, oral temperature 37.5 ℃~38 ℃;
Accessible neck less than 2 cm Lymph node enlargement Or tenderness;
Pharyngeal congestion, but not clear amygdalitis Syndrome;
No other signs of fatigue were found.

Healing method


Rest recovery method

What should we do when we are overtired? We can set aside a certain rest time every day for rest and recovery, such as listening to music, painting, walking, etc., to help relieve physical fatigue.

Eliminating mental fatigue

What should we do if excessive brain use leads to excessive brain fatigue? We can take part in physical exercise and recreational activities properly and take active rest. If it is psychological fatigue, do not abuse it sedative sleeping pill We should find out the cause of emotional depression and seek relief; Pathological fatigue should be checked and treated by a doctor in time.

Scientific fitness method

What can we do about excessive fatigue? We can also take care of it through scientific fitness: first Aerobic exercise , such as running, playing ball, boxing, cycling Mountain climbing Etc; The second is abdominal breathing, after the whole body is relaxed deep breathing , drum your stomach, hold it for a while and then exhale slowly; Third, do health exercises; Fourth, acupoint massage.

Dietary supplement

People with excessive fatigue also need to pay attention to the combination of diet and nutrition, eat more foods containing protein, fat and rich B vitamins, such as tofu, milk, fish and meat, eat more fruits and vegetables, and drink adequate water to reduce fatigue.
Finally, the experts emphasized that what to do with excessive fatigue must be adjusted by taking appropriate measures in a timely manner, or by consulting professional doctors and asking for their help. Especially for excessive fatigue induction Neurasthenia insomnia We should seek treatment as soon as possible in order to get rid of the pain as soon as possible.

List as Disease

In May 2019, the World Health Organization, which held the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, included "overwork" in its《 International Classification of Diseases 》Effective globally in 2022, it will provide a basis for medical service providers and insurance companies to identify, treat and underwrite symptoms of overwork. [1]