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hot food

Spicy food includes chili Sichuan Pepper garlic mustard , pepper, ginger Tobacco and wine And alcoholic beverages. They often eat garlic, scallions and peppers, pepper , ginger, mustard, onion Etc.
Residents in some southern provinces of China have a hobby of eating pepper; Northern residents have the habit of eating garlic.
Chinese name
hot food
Foreign name
hot food; spicy food
Multiple trace elements and large amount of vitamin C
Can prevent the formation of carcinogens in the body


Pepper It contains a variety of trace elements and a large amount of vitamin C In the gastrointestinal tract, it can prevent the formation of carcinogen - nitrite amine in the body. Nitrate is widely found in nature, such as in our food. It is originally non-toxic, but when approaching the mouth, part of it forms nitrite through the action of saliva. It interacts with amine, the product of protein decomposition, in the stomach and converts to nitrosamine, which is a strong carcinogen. Vitamin C can prevent the formation of nitrosamine, It plays a role in preventing cancer.
Other spicy foods such as ginger garlic Equal temperature and pungent, the former has the effects of fever and cold dispelling, warming the middle and strengthening the stomach, nausea stopping and insect killing; The latter has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, expectorant and antitussive effects, diuretic and antihypertensive effects, and stomach strengthening and stagnation.
Thus, it can be seen that it is beneficial to human health to eat some spicy food properly, and there is no scientific basis to say that spicy food will induce gastric cancer and other diseases.


In spring, the weather is dry and changeable, so it is easy to catch fire. Therefore, we remind citizens to pay attention to "fire prevention".
In spring, it is windy and rainy, and the climate is dry. The body's moisture is easily lost through sweating and breathing. In addition, the weather is volatile, and people's diet and clothing can not fully adapt to changes. In addition, people are nervous at work and have a bad rest. It is easy to "catch fire". The specific expression is as follows: mouth ulcer , sore gums and throat Chapped lips nasal cavity Hot and hot, loss of appetite Dry stool , yellow urine, etc.
The doctor suggested that in order to effectively "prevent fire", we should live a regular life, combine work and rest, eat more vegetables, fruits and other vitamin rich foods, drink more water or drink heat clearing drinks, promote the excretion of "heat causing substances" in the body from urine and sweat, and achieve the goal of clearing fire and detoxification; Should also avoid eating Spicy food , such as pepper, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, etc., because these foods not only have a great stimulating effect, but also have the role of "dispersing". If you eat too much, it is easy to "consume gas", which may lead to qi deficiency and reduce immunity. In addition, you should never take gunpowder when you see it, but take it under the guidance of a doctor

matters needing attention

edible garlic Spicy foods such as cumin, fennel, etc. are good for healthy people, but they have obvious side effects on patients who are taking medicine - not only make the medicine invalid, but also may have adverse chain reactions with the medicine, making the patients at risk.
Canadian scientists confirmed that, AIDS Patients, HIV carriers, heart and cancer patients should not eat garlic after taking medicine. Garlic has the highest risk of adverse drug reactions to such patients.
Other spicy foods that may have adverse reactions with drugs include ginger, cumin Celery , hyssop, dried and crushed leaves of deer vanilla, ginger powder, ginkgo leaves, St. John's wort, etc. The patient should eat carefully