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Hot spot protein
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In recent years, actin Cytoskeleton And the hot spots in cell movement research.
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Tumor, Cellular mechanoreceptor Mechanism
There are four types of actin-1, 2, 3 and 4, which are cell or tissue specific. The common structural feature of these four proteins is that they are all antiparallel dimers in the cell, and have N-terminal actin binding domain (ABD), blood shadow like central repeat domain and C-terminal "EF hand" domain Cytoskeleton Actin, an important actin cross-linking protein, plays an important role in stabilizing cell adhesion, regulating cell shape and cell movement through the synergistic effect of actin and its related proteins, including integrins, cadherin, and signal molecules in cell signal transduction pathways, such as zyxin Development and deterioration are closely related to the structure and function of actin