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Light element

Chemical elements with atomic numbers from 10 to 20
open 2 entries with the same name
Light elements refer to elements with atomic numbers from 10 to 20, including Na, Mg, Al (aluminum) Si、P、S、Cl、Ar、K、Ca。
Chinese name
Light element
Foreign name
Light elements

brief introduction

Light element refers to atomic number 10 (neon) to 20( calcium )Elements of, respectively, Ne (neon), Na (sodium), Mg (magnesium), Al (aluminum), Si (silicon), P (phosphorus), S (sulfur), Cl (chlorine), Ar (argon), K (potassium), Ca (calcium) [1] Ultra light elements are B, C, N, O and F.

Light element analysis

Light element strength [2]
Recently, the most important development of light element analysis is to adopt highly oriented polycrystalline graphite, which is suitable for dispersion of K layer spectral lines of phosphorus or heavier elements. Golde and others have proved that PK. The integral strength of the line is 21 times stronger than that of EDDT. It is widely used in light element analysis as a flow type with conventional design Proportional counter However, the newly developed detector with a thin window that can withstand atmospheric pressure in a low vacuum spectrometer has greatly improved its efficiency.