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A substance used to increase the softness of textiles, rubber products, leather, paper, etc
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Also called softener, it is called Softener in English. Used to increase textiles Rubber products A soft substance such as leather, paper, etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Scope of application
A soft substance, such as a textile
Light color, odorless, non-toxic and low volatility


It is generally required to be light in color, odorless, non-toxic volatility Small and chemical stability Big etc. Textiles available Sulfonated oil High carbon fatty acids Emulsion and silicone oil To reduce its rough feel and make it plump. Leather available Animal fat (such as butter fish oil ), vegetable oil (e.g castor oil ), petroleum products (e.g Spindle oil paraffin wax , asphalt), sulfonated oil (such as Sulfonated fish oil Sulfonated castor oil ), and birch bark Tar And oil refined products to make them soft and plump, and reduce their hygroscopicity. The paper can be increased with glycerine, etc Softness Of Kneading , some paper filler For example, clay also has the function of softener.
Softener is a kind of auxiliary agent used to improve the processing and use properties of rubber, which can increase the plasticity of rubber compound, reduce the viscosity and Mixing Temperature at, improved Dispersity And mixing, improving Vulcanizate Of tensile strength elongation And wear resistance. Softeners and plasticizers have similar functions, except that plasticizers are chemically synthesized and mainly used for resins and plastics. Softeners are mostly from natural substances and almost all of them are used for rubber.
Softener is a kind of foam additive with difficult softening effect when the amount of chemical foaming agent water is high. Generally, by reducing Isocyanate The dosage and foam hardness reach the goal. They are basically used in low index formulas, soluble in water, and can use more water and less foaming agent in the formula or completely eliminate physical foaming agent to obtain the required foam hardness.


Softener can be divided into chemical softener and physical softener. Chemical softener can cut off a few Rubber hydrocarbon The molecular chain of Plastisol Physical softener mainly weakens the intermolecular force of rubber hydrocarbon and acts as lubricant. Physical softeners are more commonly used in industry and can be divided into the following categories according to their sources.
① Petroleum softeners are mainly composed of alkanes Naphthenic hydrocarbon , aromatics and a small amount of asphalt, nitrogen Organic base A complex mixture of.
coal tar System softeners include coal tar Gumarone resin and Coal tar pitch Etc.
③ Fatty oil softener is Natural grease And its derivatives, such as vegetable oil, fatty acid and ointment.
④ The pine oil softener is made from Turpentine Products obtained, such as pine tar rosin Tall oil , wood asphalt, etc.

Selection of softener

The following points shall be considered when selecting softener:
(1) Good compatibility with rubber Compatibility Good, without affecting the physical and mechanical properties of adhesives and sealants.
(2) The boiling point should be high, not easy to volatilize, and not exude; Chemical properties are stable.
(3) It is non-toxic, tasteless and odorless, and meets environmental requirements.
(4) The source is sufficient and the price is low.