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software maintenance

Software modification due to error correction, performance improvement or other attributes after software product release
Software maintenance is a software engineering term, which refers to software modification for correcting errors, improving performance or other attributes after the release of software products.
Software maintenance mainly refers to the partial or complete modification of application programs according to the change of requirements or hardware environment, which shall be fully utilized source program 2。 After the modification, the Procedure Modification Registration Form shall be filled in, and the differences between the old and new procedures shall be noted in the Procedure Modification Notice.
Chinese name
software maintenance
Foreign name
Software maintenance
software engineering

Software maintenance type

There are four types of software maintenance activities: corrective maintenance (corrective maintenance), adaptive maintenance, perfect maintenance or enhancement, preventive maintenance or reengineering. In addition to these four types of maintenance activities, there are other types of maintenance activities, such as support maintenance (such as user training).
For the above types of maintenance, you can take some Maintenance strategy To control maintenance cost

corrective maintenance

corrective maintenance It refers to the change that has occurred in the system development stage System test Errors not found by the stage. The maintenance workload in this aspect accounts for 17%~21% of the total maintenance workload. Some of the errors found are not very important and do not affect the normal operation of the system. Their maintenance work can be carried out at any time. Some errors are very important and even affect the normal operation of the whole system. Their maintenance work must be planned, modified, reviewed and controlled.

Adaptive maintenance

Adaptive maintenance It refers to the modification made by using software to adapt to changes in information technology and management requirements. The maintenance workload in this aspect accounts for 18%~25% of the total maintenance workload. As the price of computer hardware continues to decline systems software People often need to upgrade the system to improve the hardware environment and operating environment of the system; The constantly changing external market environment and management needs of enterprises also make managers at all levels constantly put forward new information needs. These factors will lead to adaptive maintenance. The maintenance work in this regard should be carried out in a planned and step-by-step manner, just like the system development.

Perfection maintenance

Perfection maintenance is a modification to expand functions and improve performance, mainly referring to the existing software system Add some in systems analysis And the function and performance characteristics not specified in the design phase. These functions are very necessary to improve the system functions. In addition, it also includes the improvement of processing efficiency and programming. This aspect of maintenance accounts for 50%~60% of the whole maintenance work, which is a large proportion. It is also an important aspect related to the quality of system development. In addition to the planned and step by step maintenance, attention should be paid to adding relevant documents to the previous corresponding documents.

Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance To improve Application software In order to adapt to future changes in the software and hardware environment, preventive new functions should be actively added so that the application system can adapt to various changes without being eliminated. For example, change the special report function to the general report generation function to adapt to the change of the report format in the future. The maintenance workload in this area accounts for about 4% of the total maintenance workload.