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Software components

The process of supporting system construction
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In the development process of modern software engineering, software components are just a process to assist or support system construction.
Software component development is mainly to develop and maintain the components used in the system construction process. The software component is regarded as a separate process, with the purpose of taking the component as the "component" of the construction software. With the continuous development of software technology and the continuous improvement of software engineering, software components will be regarded as an independent software product In the market, supply developers choose when constructing application systems.
Chinese name
Software components
Position transparency
Support system A process of construction
Self contained, programmable and reusable


Software components are self-contained, programmable, reusable, language independent software units that can be easily used to assemble applications.


Position transparency:
No matter where the component is located, the caller of the component should be able to use the same method to obtain component information (location) and call the component, regardless of the component's location.
Use interface technology:
The interface of the component is separated from the implementation of the component, and even the interface used by the caller is not in the same place as the component. The caller can use the component only by knowing the interface and accessing the interface. The interface is relatively fixed, and changes in component function and implementation should not cause changes in the interface, and the interface is Binary protocol , not related to language.
Self descriptive:
The component should be self describing. The caller should be able to use a unified method to obtain the interface information of the component. The interface information is language independent
Components should be able to be easily reused by reusers in a binary way, independent of language.
Components should be secure, and no unauthorized, illegal or malicious use should be allowed.

Technical comparison 1

COM (COM+) technology
ordinary object-oriented technology
Create objects (components)
It is created by the class factory itself, and users only notify the class factory.
User Creation
Working with objects (components)
Use the component's interface only through pointers
Objects that use classes directly
Delete Object (Component)
Reduce the reference count and delete the component itself.
User deletion
Positioning and description of objects (components)
The functions provided by COM environment can uniformly locate the registered components. Components are self described through type libraries.
The object class (or class library) must be with the caller. Language related header files or units must be provided.
Reuse through containment and aggregation (binary reuse)
adopt inherit Reuse( source code Reuse)
COM + With security engine
Self implementation of security
Transparent location, fixed interface, self description, convenient reuse and security.
Without these advantages of COM

Technical comparison 2

COM/COM+ 1.0
.NET Assembly
(COM+ 2.0)
Position transparent
COM environment completes component positioning, and realizes position transparency through the interface's Marshal
. NET environment completes assembly positioning, and realizes position transparency through channels (actually column sets)
UDDI protocol completes web service positioning, and realizes location transparency through HTTP/SOAP/XML protocol
Interface technology
Use COM interface
use. NET interface or property/method
Using Web Methods
Self descriptive
use Type Library
Use metadata( Metadata
use WSDL
Binary Reusable
Binary Reusable
Binary Reusable
yes Security engine
With security engine
With security engine
JavaBean Is a reusable software component
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