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Software documentation

Software engineering knowledge
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Software document is also called document, which usually refers to some recorded data And data media It has a fixed form and can be read by any computer. In software engineering, file It is often used to represent any written or graphical information that describes, defines, specifies or certifies activities, requirements, processes or results. They describe and specify the details of software design and implementation, and describe the operation commands of using software.
Document is software product The software without documentation is not called software. The compilation of software documents occupies a prominent position and considerable workload in software development. High quality and efficient development, distribution, management and maintenance of documents are of great significance for the transfer, change, modification, expansion and use of documents, and for giving full play to the benefits of software products.
However, in practice, software developers are generally not interested in documenting.
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Software documentation
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Function and classification



In the process of software production, there is always a lot of information to be recorded and used. Therefore, software documents play an important role in the process of product development.
1. Improve the visibility of software development process;
2. Record relevant information of development process;
3. Improve development efficiency;
4. As the work achievement and end sign of developers at a certain stage;
5. It is convenient for potential users to understand the functions, performance and other indicators of the software.


According to the form, software documents can be roughly divided into two categories:
1. Work form: including various icons filled in during development;
2. Documents or documents: including technical data or technical management data that should be edited.
According to the generation and use scope of documents, software documents can be roughly divided into three categories:
1. Development documents;
2. Management documents;
3. User documentation.
According to the document content, software documents can be divided into two categories:
1. User documentation;
2. System documents.

Management and maintenance

Throughout the software life cycle, various documents will be generated, modified or supplemented continuously as semi-finished products or final products. In order to finally obtain high-quality products, document management must be strengthened. The following aspects should be done:
1. The software development team shall set up a document administrator to manage all documents;
2. Members of the software development team can save some personal documents in their own hands according to work needs;
3. Developers only save some documents related to their work in the main document;
4. When new documents replace old documents, the management personnel shall revise the main text at any time to make it reflect the updated content in a timely manner;
5. At the end of project development, the document management personnel shall take back the personal documents of the developers, compare the differences with the main documents, and start to solve the differences;
6. During the development process, strictly control the modification of completed documents.