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State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment
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Software development environment key state laboratories rely on Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics The laboratory is an open research base for developing basic, applied basic and pre competitive high technologies in computer software theory, technology and development environment. It is also a training base for innovative high-level talents. The director of the laboratory is a professor of the Computer Department of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council committee member Li Wei
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Organization address
Supporting unit
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

brief introduction

In the Ministry of Science and Technology National Natural Science Foundation of China National Development and Reform Commission Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense With the support of the Ministry of Education, the laboratory implements the director responsibility system and the academic committee review system. After nearly 20 years of construction and development, the laboratory has made a number of landmark research achievements in computer software and theoretical research, and high-tech innovation before software competition, and has cultivated a number of innovative high-level talents for China, It has made outstanding contributions to promoting China's software technology progress and industrial development, and has a good reputation at home and abroad.


The laboratory has undertaken a large number of important research projects of the state or ministries, mainly involving National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) 863 High Technology Plan National Natural Science Foundation of China Fund of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, national major engineering tasks, and national and ministerial projects. In the basic research on software testing Process scheduling and resource allocation Theory and algorithm research, massive information computing model research, massive information transmission and collaborative behavior characteristics research, software development methods and network management system production platform technology research, service-oriented trusted computing environment research, real-time multimedia collaborative environment technology research under advanced network environment Massive information application research based on IPv6 key technology and major construction tasks of national science and technology infrastructure platform, many scientific research achievements are close to or reach the international level.

resources of talents

The laboratory has basically formed a high-level talent training base that is in line with international standards and has the ability of continuous and independent cultivation. It has an academic echelon with deep academic attainments, rigorous style of study, courage to innovate, and reasonable age structure Computer Software and Theory Computer application Postdoctoral, doctoral and master degree students in architecture. The laboratory has established extensive academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, providing a good academic atmosphere and environment for researchers. [1]