Track width

Vehicle terminology
zero Useful+1
The track width refers to the distance between the centerline of the track left by the wheel on the vehicle support plane (generally the ground). If the two ends of the axle are double wheels, the track width is the distance between the two central planes of the double wheels. Generally speaking, the wider the track width, the higher the driving comfort.
Chinese name
Track width
Foreign name
Tread [3]
The distance between two center planes of two wheels.
Lateral stability and safety
The larger the track width is, the better the handling stability is
Front and rear track widths


When the car is running in a straight line, the distance measured on the supporting surface between the tire symmetry planes of the left and right wheels on the same axis. When two wheels are used (two tires are installed on the same side of a single axle), it refers to the distance measured on the supporting surface between the symmetry planes of the left and right wheels. [1]

Track effect

Generally speaking, the wider the track width, the higher the driving comfort, and the wider the track width can provide better stability. The outer wheels can provide better support when the vehicle is tilted laterally. In a curve, the roll angle of the vehicle is smaller, and the limit of the outer wheel will appear later. However, some domestic cars do not have steering assistance. If the front track is too wide, the steering wheel will be "heavy", affecting the driving comfort. In addition, the track width also affects the overall width, total weight and safety of the vehicle.

Track characteristics

Increasing the front wheel spacing will increase the turning radius of the vehicle. Therefore, for vehicles with large front wheel spacing, the front wheel steering angle should also be increased accordingly to offset the adverse impact on the turning radius. Generally speaking, the larger the track width is, the more favorable it is for the handling stability, as well as for the body shape and the roominess of the car. The better the lateral stability is. However, when the track width is wider, the overall width and weight of the car are generally increased, and the problem of mud throwing to the side of the car body is easy to occur. If the track width is too wide, it will also affect the safety of the car. Therefore, the track width should be compatible with the body width.

Front and rear track widths

Front and rear track widths
The track width of a car can be divided into front track width and rear track width. The front track width is the distance between the center planes of the front two wheels, and the rear track width is the distance between the center planes of the rear two wheels. They can be the same or different. The different track widths are used to adjust the driving characteristics of the vehicle. Due to the difference of center of gravity distribution and suspension design, different vehicles will show different driving characteristics. Some cars tend to oversteer, while others tend to understeer. If the rear track width is greater than the front track width, the congenital oversteer of the vehicle can be corrected, because the rear axle with large track width can provide greater lateral support, delaying the emergence of (tail flick). Similarly, if the front track width is greater than the rear track width, it will help to improve the inherent vulnerability of the vehicle to understeer.

Adjustment of track width

There are four ways to adjust the track width:
1. The left and right driving wheels are installed interchangeably to obtain two kinds of track widths.
2. Two kinds of track widths can be obtained by the forward or reverse installation of the drive wheel hub.
3. A variety of track widths can be obtained by changing the positioning position of the driving wheel on the axle.
4. Install one or two adjustment rings on the drive axle, and change the position of the adjustment ring to get two or three wheel tracks.

Wheelbase and wheelbase

wheelbase , is a parameter that describes the distance between the vehicle axle and the axle, and can usually be measured through the center of the front and rear wheels of the vehicle. The length of wheelbase directly affects the length, weight and many performance of the vehicle. Vehicle wheelbase refers to the distance between the wheel grounding center point of two adjacent axles on the same side and the two vertical lines of the longitudinal symmetry plane of the vehicle when the vehicle is running in a straight line. The wheelbase of multi axle motor vehicles is calculated according to the distance from the first axle to the last axle, and for articulated passenger cars, it is calculated according to the distance from the first axle to the second axle. [2]
During design, the relationship between track width and wheelbase is generally B=K * L (B is track width, L is wheelbase). The value of k is generally between 0.55 and 0.64 according to the demand.