Conversion rate

[zhuǎn huà lǜ]
Percentage or fraction of a reactant conversion
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Conversion rate refers to the percentage or fraction of the conversion of a reactant, and the conversion is specific to the reactant. If there is more than one reactant, the conversion values calculated according to different reactants may be different, but they all reflect the same objective fact. Therefore, it is possible to calculate the conversion rate according to the reactant. [1]
Chinese name
Conversion rate
Foreign name
Conversion Rates
IT Statistics
Calculation formula
Visits /Total Visits


1、 What is conversion rate
Indicator usage: When you test news subscriptions, download links or register members in different places, you can use different link names, subscription methods, placement of advertisements, paid search links Paid advertising (PPC) and so on. Which way can keep the conversion rate rising? How to enhance the relevance between visitors and website content? If this value rises, it means that the correlation is strengthened; otherwise, it is weakened.
Conversion target, also called conversion target page or target page, refers to the tasks that merchants want visitors to complete on the website, such as registration, order placement, payment and other required pages.
Conversion refers to a potential customer completing an action expected by a promotion merchant.
Conversion can refer to potential customers:
1. Stayed on the website for a certain time;
2. Browsed specific pages on the website, such as the registration page“ contact us ”Pages, etc;
3. Register or submit an order on the website;
4. Consulting through website messages or online instant messaging tools;
5. Consultation by telephone;
6. On site visit, consultation and negotiation;
7. Actual payment and transaction (especially for e-commerce websites)
Conversion times
Conversion times, also called conversion page arrival times, refer to the times that independent visitors reach the conversion target page.
Conversion Rate
Conversion rate refers to the ratio of the number of conversion actions completed to the total number of clicks on promotional information in a statistical cycle. The calculation formula is: conversion rate=(conversion times/clicks) × 100%. For example, 10 users saw a search promotion result, and 5 of them clicked on a promotion result and were redirected to the target URL. After that, 2 of them had subsequent conversion behavior. Then, the conversion rate of this generalization result is (2/5) × 100%=40%.
Conversion rate is the core of whether a website can be profitable at last. Improving the conversion rate of a website is the result of its comprehensive operational strength.
Conversion rate algorithm of e-commerce industry
Profit=Sales X Net profit margin
=(Number of purchasers X unit price per customer) X net profit rate
=Number of people entering the store X purchase conversion rate X customer unit price X net profit rate
=Advertising presentation X advertising conversion rate X purchase conversion rate X customer price X net profit rate
=Promotion and presentation X promotion conversion rate X purchase conversion rate X customer price X net profit rate
=Search presentation X Search conversion rate X Purchase conversion rate X Customer unit price X Net profit rate
=*****X * * * * conversion rate X purchase conversion rate X customer price X net profit rate
Whether it is traffic guidance or purchase, there are various conversion rates. This allows us to know the steps of transformation. For example, when advertising to guide traffic, we need to know how many times the advertisement will be displayed, and then advertising Click rate It is the conversion to the store, and then, whether these people will buy or not is not certain, it will produce a purchase conversion rate
So these are all information in a chain. There is a problem in one link, which will be abnormal, such as Click rate When it is very high, it is often a cheat click (such as sexy pants), which will inevitably reduce the conversion rate to the page.
What e-commerce companies are trying to do is often biased. For example, they will reduce the per customer price and increase the number of displays, which does not guarantee profits. There is no doubt that the focus of e-commerce should be "conversion rate", which is more significant in all aspects. [2]
II Baidu Search Promote the common points of high conversion rate pages
1. Brand
I told many friends about the brand before, and they all felt that it was a very empty thing, which is also the majority of Chinese Corporate brand Without strong awareness, brand is an intangible asset that can bring premium and increase value to the owner. Its carrier is the name, term, symbol, mark or design and its combination used to distinguish from other competitors' products. The source of increase in value comes from the impression of its carrier formed in the minds of consumers, just as we think of it when we buy shoes first Adidas Coke thinks of Coca Cola and Pepsi, and foreign enterprises have taught us a good lesson. If we use a website to reflect our brand, I summarize the following aspects:
The brand effect cannot be ignored at any time, and the improvement of website conversion rate is no exception. The popularity, credibility, reputation and positioning of the website all determine the conversion rate of the website, including:
a. Comprehensive contact information: Such as hospital telephone 400 phone , address, QQ MSN And other diversified and comprehensive contact methods
For example, for some hospitals, the contact address is written on a certain street and a certain room, which will make the patients feel that your hospital is like a small clinic and will give a bad impression to others.
b. Hospital qualification expert level : For example, the third class hospital, Designated hospitals for medical insurance , GWY allowance experts, etc
c. Website authenticity certification: There are too many fake websites, so netizens are very cautious, so the website ICP Filing , NetShield, NetAlert and other signs can virtually increase the authenticity of the website.
d. Success stories: There is a concept in popular psychology herd of cattle The effect is that when people make purchases, they generally refer to the user experience of the product or service they have used, and most refuse to do The first person to eat crabs This is a common herd mentality, so more and more of our hospitals have this column of successful cases of patients. Some hospitals use a variety of manifestations such as patient recordings, videos, pictures and stories to comprehensively demonstrate and strengthen the cognition of patients in this regard, which I think is very desirable.
e. Authoritative media reports: We all know that no hospital will tell patients that its own hospital is bad, but patients generally doubt the hospital's own statement, so how to use the third-party authoritative media, such as newspapers, television and other authoritative media to speak out, the effect will be better than our direct marketing, and we see that more and more hospitals have started this marketing, such as Tongji Hospital The coverage on CCTV has greatly improved its Brand awareness
2. Service Features
There are many factors that affect patients to make decisions. The patient attributes are different, and the influencing factors are also different. Here are some common influencing factors:
a. Whether the treatment is guaranteed by agreement: Especially for chronic and refractory diseases Infertility Some hospitals have made promises such as ensuring cure, pregnancy, no cure and no charge by signing agreements and contracts, which has dispelled patients' concerns.
b. Uniqueness: It is suggested that hospitals should do a good job before network promotion SWOT analysis The uniqueness that distinguishes it from its peers, such as expert brand, equipment advantage, original therapy, ancestral therapy, etc. Because of the good market positioning, the profitability of many small clinics or small specialized hospitals is no less than that of large hospitals, which reminds me of the 16 word truth of network promotion: no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no one has me, no.
c. Cost performance: This is an eternal topic, but the constant point is how to maximize the service value and bring the greatest positive improvement to patients when they are willing to pay the price. Therefore, the treatment service level and price factors of our hospital are also important factors that determine the patient's satisfaction and loyalty in the later stage, Some gynaecological hospitals have formulated eight different packages for the project of flow of people, which are aimed at the needs of eight different patient groups and give patients the right to make their own choices. For example, we can choose products according to our own economic ability or personal preferences in the self-service supermarket. Simply fighting with prices may not achieve good results. After all, patients do not go shopping like consumers, What discounts and sales are available? How can such hospitals convince patients?
d. Transparency: It provides detailed and comprehensive information about the principles of treatment or the charges for various services. I heard some hospitals have begun to implement menu style consumption some time ago, and publicize various price lists so that patients can understand the charges. Many private hospitals have opaque prices for some reasons, which makes patients worry about exceeding their financial capacity. Only by being honest with patients can you win the trust of patients, Public praise is also formed in this way, which will also be the trend of hospital development in the future. For example, our private small supermarkets are not priced before. Later, Wal Mart and other foreign chain supermarkets entered China by means of self selection with clear price marking. The market results are obvious to all. Whoever truly regards customers as God will eventually win a lasting customer flow.
three three hundred and sixty Customer service
Under the premise of brand degree and service characteristics, we should think about how to let patients enjoy the whole process of intimate services, and feel the real star service proposed by many hospitals, mainly including:
a. Good online customer service or diversified communication methods of the website, and professionalism and service awareness of customer service in the communication process
b. Timely reply to website messages
d. Whole process considerate medical guidance service
f. Fast and efficient customer complaint handling mechanism
The hospital has a long way to go in terms of customer relationship management, but who can well maintain the patient relationship will also win a larger, stronger and sustained growth market share.
4. Patient behavior analysis
The patient finally decides whether to come to the hospital for treatment. The whole factors affecting his decision-making behavior will determine our conversion rate:
a. Whether users have real needs, we often have a long chat with patients during the consultation process, but the patients do not come to see the doctor at last. Whenever I encounter this situation, I will check the chat records, and finally judge the patient's unintentional patients, such as post illness care, food therapy and other topics. Generally speaking, the conversion rate of such topics is not high, Therefore, as a consultant, we should learn how to judge the degree of patients' intention and whether they are sure of their needs. In the field of online marketing, hospitals are not charities. Don't waste time on some patients who have no needs!
b. Patient satisfaction loyalty: satisfaction is the matching degree between the patient's expectations and the patient's experience, which always exceeds the patient's expectations, so that he can experience the expectations that have not been mentioned before. Therefore, I often suggest that some hospitals do not throw out all preferential activities at once when they do preferential activities, so that patients can constantly experience surprises in their visits; Loyalty means that hospitals should aim to meet patients' needs and expectations, effectively eliminate and prevent patients' complaints and complaints, constantly improve patients' satisfaction, promote patients' loyalty, and establish a "quality value chain" of mutual trust and interdependence between hospitals and patients.
c. Secondary development of patients: hospitals that do a good job in database marketing or customer relationship management will earn more than half of their profits from existing patients or patients' referrals, word of mouth and other channels. Secondary development of patients includes two parts: patients' own continued exploration of potential and the exploration of human resources around patients, So the patient experience satisfaction we mentioned earlier is to make patients become our free propagandists and form a strong reputation effect and brand effect.
d. Patients' real feelings about online marketing and hospital services: staff engaged in online marketing or hospital services are generally limited by their own industry limitations, and think they have done a good job. They need to communicate more with patients to understand their real feelings and needs, so as to improve their work.
e. Analysis of patients' network behaviors and trajectories: including parameters such as the duration of patients' stay on the website, number of visited pages, source, bounce rate, trajectories, etc.
5. Access traffic analysis
When improving the website conversion rate, we need to make some analysis on the visit flow. The quality of visitors from different channels is different, so we need to analyze the visitors:
a. Users who directly enter the website to visit;
b. Promotion traffic of other websites;
c. Search Engines Optimized natural flow( SEO Flow);
d. Baidu Search promotion Pay traffic (PPC traffic);
e. Whether it is a new visitor;
f. What is the cost of a single visitor;
g. What is the average transaction flow cost
6. User experience
User Experience (UE for short) is a purely subjective feeling established by users in the process of using products. However, for a well-defined user group, the commonness of its user experience can be recognized through good design experiments, such as:
Website access speed;
Website design aesthetics;
Whether the website is easy to use;
Content relevance is good;
Website interaction design
Whether the station navigation and search functions are complete;


1、 Chemical conversion rate
Conversion rate=amount of converted raw materials/total amount of raw materials * 100%
1: Chemical equation The reaction rate ratio of each substance in is equal to their Stoichiometric number than
2: The reaction rate of each substance in the chemical equation represents the same Chemical reaction rate
Conversion rate generally refers to chemical conversion rate: chemical conversion rate refers to the mass of substances participating in the reaction/the total mass of substances
2、 Equilibrium conversion rate
Equilibrium conversion rate It refers to the conversion rate when the reaction reaches chemical equilibrium, and its value only depends on the chemical reaction equilibrium constant and the concentration of each reactant.
3、 Advertising conversion rate
1. Index name
Advertising conversion rate
2. Indicator definition
The proportion of netizens who click advertisements to enter the promotion website is transformed.
3. Indicator description
The statistical cycle usually includes hours, days, weeks and months, and can also be set as required.
The objects to be counted include flash Advertising, photo advertising Text link advertisement , soft text, email advertising, video advertising, rich media advertising and other forms of advertising.
Transformation refers to the sign that the identity of netizens has changed, such as netizens upgrading from ordinary viewers to registered users or purchase users. Conversion flag generally refers to certain specific pages, such as registration success page, purchase success page, download success page, etc. The amount of views of these pages is called conversion amount. The ratio between the conversion of advertising users and the arrival of advertising is called Advertising conversion rate
The statistics of advertising conversion is based on CPA CPS The basis of payment.
4. Indicator application
Advertising conversion rate usually reflects the direct revenue of advertising.
(Conversion rate) refers to the ratio of the number of visits (number of transactions) to the total number of visits that users have made corresponding target actions. It should be noted that the corresponding actions referred to here can be user login, user registration, user subscription, user download, user purchase and other user behaviors. Therefore, website conversion rate is a broad concept. Take user login as an example. If there are 10 login websites in every 100 visits, the login conversion rate of this website will be 10%. If there are two users subscribing, the subscription conversion rate will be 20%. If one user places an order Purchase conversion rate 50%, while the website conversion rate is 1%. It should be noted that many people only define the website conversion rate as the registration conversion rate or order Conversion rate This is a narrow concept of website conversion rate.
Factors measuring website conversion rate:
1. Measurement indicators of AdWords, text chain, portal pictures, hard advertising and drill show: Click rate
This kind of promotion is high investment and high return. Our purpose is to promote stores and products, improve brand image and sales. Therefore, the most important indicator to test such promotion conversion rate is click through rate, which can reflect whether the advertisement is attractive, accepted by users, and how many people have come to the online store.
2. After entering the website, indicators to measure the conversion rate: Two hop rate
On the advertising page, we can know how many people have come to the online store through the click rate, and then we need to know the conversion rate through the double jump rate. The second jump rate refers to the second click of users who are interested in the internal pages or products of the website after they arrive at the website. The second jump rate is the opposite to the jump rate, so the higher the second jump rate, the better. Two hop rate=two clicks/number of website visitors.
3. After entering the product page, the indicators to measure the conversion rate are as follows: Consultation rate
It is obvious that some users will be interested and attracted by the product when they come to the product page. At this time, they will consult and communicate through QQ, Wangwang, 400 phone and other tools, which is the indicator of the page conversion rate. Consulting rate=consulting volume/number of visitors to the product page.
4. After user consultation, the indicators to measure the conversion rate are as follows: Order conversion rate
Order conversion rate is the final measure, which depends on the results of consultation and communication between users and customers. Order conversion rate=number of orders/consulting volume
V seo Conversion rate
SEO conversion rate refers to the ratio of the number of visits to the total number of visits to the corresponding website user behavior on our website when users enter our website through a search engine, SEO conversion rate is a broad concept, and the corresponding website user behavior can be a series of user behaviors such as user login, user registration, user subscription, user download, user reading, user sharing, etc. Different from the conversion rate in the e-commerce field, the conversion rate of e-commerce websites mainly focuses on the percentage of transaction volume to the total IP address of the total website, The seo conversion rate is the conversion of visitors to the website into permanent users of the website through search engine optimization, which can also be understood as the conversion of visitors to users. After all, many SEO sites do not have the requirements of professional e-commerce websites, and do not directly participate in sales through websites.
6、 Consulting conversion rate


Figure VI
First, the website can ask which pages and products the customer has visited before placing an order. His browsing history is very important. Secondly, it is necessary to understand clearly which customers are browsing on the website, which are definitely going to buy things, which are just browsing, and what entrance they enter from; Third, users who do not buy, how many product pages have been read, how many have been put into the shopping cart without payment, and how many have not seen a product page; Fourth, how many customers put their products in shopping carts to pay every other day. In addition, it is very important that after customers log on to the home page of the website, in addition to 40% of the pop-up rate, the remaining 60% of users enter from search, classified shopping, guided shopping and other channels. As an e-commerce company, it should know from which channel they enter the product page, and the proportion of payment after the three channels enter, so as to find out the problem. This idea is related to the overall structure of the website. At present, there is less attention in China, but you can try to use this idea to see the existing problems. Finally, what I want to tell the readers most is that with these simple methods, we can know the shopping behavior of consumers who have not paid. Only by understanding their shopping behavior characteristics, can 99.5% of the users who have slipped away make payments, thus improving the website conversion rate.