Car crack

[chē liè]
A kind of torture in ancient times
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A car crack is to tie a person's head and limbs to five cars and put them on horse Or cattle, pull in five different directions respectively, so that the human body is hard torn into five pieces, so it is called rickshaw split. Sometimes, the execution of this punishment does not use a car, but directly uses five oxen or horses to pull, so the rickshaw split is commonly known as the split of five horses.
It takes a lot of effort to cut off a person's head and limbs, let alone pull them. And the sufferings of the prisoners are more predictable. When it comes to tearing, I'm afraid the victim will no longer feel pain. The pain is when you are pulling.
Chinese name
Car crack
Ancient name
Zhou Li, Qiu Guan, Tiaolang
Shang Yang

Historical records

Car crack
Che split was called Yuan or Che Yuan in ancient times. Zhou Rites ·In Qiuguan · Tiaolang's, it said, "You swear to be called Che Di." The former note said, "Che Di is called Che split." It can be seen that it existed as early as the Zhou Dynasty The punishment of car cracking
Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties When writing about someone's tragic death, I love to use this sentence Formulary : Teach him "death is worse than death《 History of the Five Dynasties Li Cunxiao ,《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》Medium Peng Yue 。” Li Cunxiao was the King of the late Tang and Jin Dynasties Li Keyong His adopted son, formerly known as An Jingsi, received Li Cunxin Slander forced to rebel, Li Keyong captured him and took him to Taiyuan, "the car split in the city". When it comes to the punishment of car splitting, it makes people turn pale, which shows that it is an extremely cruel punishment in ancient times.

Historical cases


Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period

Car crack
spring and autumn During the Warring States Period, The punishment of car cracking It is widely used. Some kind-hearted people have realized that this kind of punishment is too cruel and advocated the abolition of car cracking. Zhou Nan Wang At that time, the king of Qi decided to carry out the punishment of "Che Che" in his own country. The officials offered advice and dissuaded him, but the king refused to listen. Child height Confucius Descendants of Perforation )When he came to see the king of Qi, he said, "Che Che split is the punishment of a lawless king, but you want to carry it out, which is the fault of your subordinate officials!" When the king of Qi asked why, Zigao said, "Now that the world is in dispute, heroes want to choose a virtuous monarch to join him and plan to do something big. If you abuse torture, you will lose your reputation, heroes will not dare to come, and the people of your country will betray you. If this continues, the country will surely perish. Your officials dare not insist on correct opinions in the face of such important matters concerning the future of the country, for fear that they will go against your will and attract Longfeng Broken head Bican The tragedy of being dissected is just to save oneself and make the Lord become a despotic king like Jie Zhou. So I said their fault was too big. " The king of Qi listened to Zigao's advice and cancelled the decision to use the punishment of car splitting.
Regrettably, Zigao's correct proposition and the king of Qi's good behavior did not completely end the punishment of Che Che, which still existed in all dynasties after the Qin Dynasty.

Late Qin Dynasty

Peasant Uprising in the Late Qin Dynasty When, Chen Sheng Will Song Liu He led his troops to capture Nanyang. He heard that Chen Sheng was dead. He dared not march towards Wuguan again, but retreated eastward to Xincai , surrendered to the Qin army. General Qin sent people to send Song Liu to Xianyang. Song Liu, a traitor of the peasant army, failed to save his life and was sentenced to the death of car splitting.

Late Han Dynasty

Huangjin Uprising When, Ma Yuanyi stay Luoyang Plan an uprising and respond Open an angle , and contact Mediocre waiter Seal Xu Feng Wait as a domestic agent. It is scheduled to start on March 5, because of traitors Tang and Zhou Dynasties After selling, Ma Yuanyi was arrested and his car split in Luoyang. It can be seen that the ancient rulers hated such troublemakers as the peasant uprisings. Any leader or backbone of the captured peasant army, whether he bent down to surrender or would rather not, would have to be executed with the most cruel punishment, such as trampling or car cracking.

Three Kingdoms Period

Shang Yang's Political Reform
three countries Hour Wu kingdom Last year, Sun Hao He also used the punishment of car splitting. After the death of Sun Hao's wife, Wang Shi, Sun Hao was too sad to show up for several months. People mistakenly believed that Sun Hao was dead, and falsely said that the king of Qi Sun Fen and Shangyu Hou Sun Feng One of the two should inherit the throne. Sun Fen's mother's grave is at Yu Zhang (Jiangxi today Nanchang ), Yu Zhang Tai Shou Zhang Jun Suspecting that there was a reason for such rumors, he took the initiative to visit Sun Fen's mother's grave and make plans for himself. Hearing this, Sun Hao ordered the arrest of Zhang Jun, the execution of his rickshaw and the extermination of his three ethnic groups. [1] This is just one example of Sun Hao's cruelty and habitual use of torture.

Sixteen Kingdoms Period

Car crack
the Sixteen Kingdoms At that time, most rulers were violent and loved to torture, including car cracking. It can be seen today that car cracks are often used to punish those Incest A person who is unreasonable, disobedient and unfilial.
Precooling Gu Zang (In today's Gansu Province Wu Wei )A man named Bai Xing took his daughter as a concubine. His wife was jealous and Bai Xing was very angry, so she served her daughter as a servant girl. prefectures and counties To report this matter, Liang Wang Zhang Jun Surprised, he said, "This is a strange thing that has never been heard of since ancient times!" So he ordered Bai Xing to show up in the downtown area of Guzang.
In the third year of Jianyuan in the former Qin Dynasty (367), a company reported that a person stole his mother's money and fled, was captured by the government, and intended to exile him to remote areas. Queen Mother( Fu Jian Gou's mother) heard about this and said angrily, "There is nothing more serious than unfilial punishment, which is 3000. The unfilial son should be executed in the city court, but why should he be exiled to a distant place? Could China External energy Is there an area without parents? " So Fu Jian ordered his unfilial son to be executed by Che Che. In the same year, Chi Yang (Today's northwest of Jingyang, Shaanxi Province) A common people listened to his wife's instigation and planned to kill his mother, so they let her sit in the car and said that she was going to visit relatives, all the way to Nanshan. His mother asked him, "Son, go to relatives' house How can we go there? Come here? " The son angrily scolded her and said, "Don't talk too much, old girl!" So he let his mother get out of the car and led her to the valley. When the unfilial son left home, his wife quietly told him to bring back his mother's underwear, so he must take off his mother's underwear before killing her. However, he was embarrassed to do it himself, so he turned his back to his mother and sternly ordered her to undress herself. The mother cried and said, "I gave birth to you and raised you, but I didn't expect that it would end like this now. Now that you have obeyed my daughter-in-law's words and killed me, don't force me to take this dress." The son angrily scolded her again and ordered her to take it off more severely. The mother was extremely sad and indignant, and cried out, "God of heaven, God of mountain, you have seen it!" Before the words fell, the knife in his son's hand suddenly cut off his head and fell into the cave. When the mother saw her son was dead, she returned by car. It was already dark when she got home. The daughter-in-law thought that her husband was back, and went up to her and asked, "Did you get the clothes I wanted?" The mother called out to the neighbors, and people seized the evil woman and sent her to the government. The government reported the matter to the imperial court, and Fu Jian ordered the wicked woman to be broken up to show severe punishment. This is a woman who was sentenced to car splitting in historical records.
In addition, Nanyan When Murong Chao ascended the throne, Left Minion Shooting Seal Song send Yellow Gate Order Mou Shang said to the empress dowager, Murong Chao The queen mother is not her own child. She should follow the old rules and establish Murong Zhong Be the emperor. Murong Chao arrested Feng Song and wanted to behead him. Feng Song asked for permission to go home and say goodbye to his mother. Murong Chao said, "People like you know that there is a mother, so why do you want to alienate other people's mother son relationship?" Then he ordered Feng Song's beheading to be changed to car splitting.
western qin When, Qifu Mansion Kill your uncle Begging for surrender and returning , the eldest son of Qifuqian Begging to subdue the burning rock He crusaded the government and captured him, and then killed the government of Qifu and his four sons at the same time. Fan Yang during the reign of Emperor Daowu in the Northern Wei Dynasty Lu Pu Gathering people to rebel, Emperor Daowu Rubbings Capture Lu Pu and his son Lu Huan , all of them were punished by car splitting.

Northern Qi Dynasty

Beiqi The death penalty is divided into four grades, and the heaviest one is cracked by vehicles, Northern Zhou Dynasty At that time, the death penalty was divided into five grades, and the fifth type was car cracking. These are the laws expressly stipulated by the imperial court.
Sui Dynasty After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jianyu the name of a kalpa In the first year (581), a new criminal law was promulgated, abolishing the previous generation of whip and whip behead , car crack and other torture. stay until Yang Xuangan The rebellion was defeated and captured. Yang Di beheaded him. Some of the people involved in the rebellion were badly punished. Some were cracked, some were led by bandits, and some were cut off and misused Archery Death, some were executed and then let all the civil and military officials It is cruel to harvest the flesh of the dead and eat it.

Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty abandoned the harsh policies of the Sui Dynasty and stopped using rickshaws. It was not until the end of the Tang Dynasty that I saw them again occasionally.
In December of 905, the second year of Emperor Zhaodi's Tianyou, the imperial court will guard Sikong and Servant Same story Liu Can is demoted to Dengzhou The governor, general Tai Chang Qing Zhang Tingfan Demote to Laizhou The next day, Sihu ordered Liu Can to be beheaded and Zhang Tingfan to be killed in the city.
Five generation The punishment of car cracking see Li Cunxiao One example. After the Five Dynasties, only the Liao Dynasty once stipulated that "those who commit adultery and misdeeds will be killed in five chariots". For example, in September of the 10th year of Baoning (978), Brother Chen, the first son of King Long of Ping, plotted against his father and was executed by a rickshaw.
Although the cruel death penalty officially stipulated by other generations still has some forms of flaking, cracking is almost invisible.

British car crack

Car crack
In fact, China is not the only country that has passed this punishment. In the Middle Ages, England also had a punishment similar to car cracking, called Hanged, drawn and quartered, To put the rebels to death.
The prisoner will be asked to hang first, but not hanged; Then open the abdomen of the prisoner, take out the viscera and remove the genitals And burned them in front of their eyes (one said that the prisoners were forced to eat them). Finally, the prisoner will be beheaded and his body will be divided into four parts. The effect is equivalent to the combination of crack and slug. The stumps will be displayed everywhere in China.
Like the Chinese version, the British car split will also be used on dead bodies. Britain in the mid-17th century dictator Cromwell Restored years after death charles ii After liquidation, his remains will be punished.
As for the year when this sentence was abolished in Britain, the online information is inconsistent, but generally speaking, after 1870, this sentence no longer appeared in English law.

Social controversy

Some people think that the car split is not a five horse split body as the folk people refer to, and the reasons are roughly as follows:
  • Eastern Han Dynasty Calligraphy《 Analytical Dictionary of Characters 》Put Che Che and beheading in the same breath: "Che Che is also a method of beheading."
  • The word "Che" in Che crack does not refer to "Che", but some ancient Chinese characters "Zun?" became the word "Che" when they were corrupted in the change of the form.
  • Five horse dismemberment is only a folk legend. In fact, the word was originally used in historical novels《 Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty 》When they appeared, they were dismembered by oxen pulling carts.
Some people also think that the split car refers to the dismemberment of five horses. They used《 Liao History 》As an example, the sentence "If you are licentious and unruly, the five cars will fall apart" in proves that the two are indeed related.
In addition, all parties have different opinions on the implementation time of the crack. There is also a saying that Che Che is used on corpses (including those who have been beheaded), rather than tearing up living people.