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Vehicle battle

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Combat tactics
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Vehicle battle, in ancient China Shang and Zhou Dynasties The period was once the main battle between the two armies Tactics of war Charioteers It is the main force of the army, with a chariot and its attached soldiers on foot as a basic combat unit. And calculate each Vassal states Of Military strength It is also often calculated in chariots.
Chinese name
Vehicle battle
Shang and Zhou Dynasties
The combat vehicle is the unit of calculation

historical background

The history of the war can be traced back to three emperors and five sovereigns In many myths and legends Rush car carriage Special fighting vehicles (such as Guide car )However, due to the lack of historical records, it is difficult to judge whether there is a real sense of vehicle warfare, so the history of vehicle warfare is generally from Xia Dynasty Start calculation.
The history of modern vehicle warfare should begin with the emergence of rhombic tanks in World War I, so I will not elaborate too much here.


In ancient China, horse drawn wooden chariots were the main fighting mode.


Relevant data infer that the Xia Dynasty has begun to use chariots for small-scale vehicle warfare. From the Shang Dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period, chariots have always been the main combat equipment of the army in this period, and fighting with chariots has become the characteristics of wars in this period.
"Mozi, Under the Ming Ghost": "Tang Cheng praises the fact that he has driven many people in the summer, and then he entered the suburbs and became a king."
"Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, Selected Chapters", "Yin Tangliang rode 70 cars, and would kill 6000 people. He fought with Wu Zi against Li, and then killed birds. When he passed away, he boarded the crowing strip, and entered the nest door, and then there was Xia."
In 1285 BC, the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II fought with Hittite for the rule of Syria in the battle of Kadeshi. Hittite dispatched more than 20000 troops, including 2500 to 3500 chariots (each equipped with one driver and two soldiers).
Vehicle battle
Around 1057 BC, "King Wu's expedition to Shang" (Li Gui) "led 300 chariots, 3000 Huben people, 45000 Jiashi people, and attacked Zhou in the east." (Records of the Historian · Zhou Benji)
The Book of Songs, Lusong, and Temple of Worship: "There are thousands of buses, Zhu Yinglvteng, two spears and a heavy bow; there are thirty thousand male and female disciples, and there are more and more refined ones." [1]
The basic unit of vehicle warfare is multiply. Ride is centered on chariots with a certain number of Jiashi and Footman (Infantry), together with corresponding logistics vehicles and apprentices. Therefore, riding is the basic unit of the combination of vehicles and pawns, and also the basic unit of the army at that time. In ancient times, there were two types of vehicle warfare: offensive and defensive. The offensive vehicle fought directly against the enemy, and the defensive vehicle was used to garrison and carry supplies. In general literature, the "chariot" refers to the attack vehicle, also known as the military vehicle. Archaeological excavations have confirmed that the chariots of the Shang Dynasty were four horses and two wheels, with wooden structure. The important parts were generally decorated with bronze chariots. The chariots of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period were roughly the same in shape. The four horse two wheel chariot is the stereotypical vehicle for Chinese chariots.
According to the historical data of the Zhou Dynasty, the chariots were multiplied by three Jiashi on each vehicle, in order of left, middle and right. The left Jiashi, who holds a bow and shoots, is the length of a car, called "Chezuo", also known as "Jiashou"; On the right side, Jia Shi holds a spear (or spear) and is mainly responsible for stabbing. He is also responsible for removing obstacles for the chariot. He is called "Che Right", also known as "Shen Cheng"; In the middle is the driver of the chariot, which is usually equipped with several combat weapons with handles, such as Ge, Shu, halberd Spear Barbarian spear They are inserted on the side of the chariot for soldiers to use in battle. The main general's car has a special multiplication. The main general is in the middle, and the imperial guard is on the left. In addition, there is the method of four people sharing. It's called "Sicheng". However, this is a temporary carriage, not a general rule. Each chariot belongs to Footman , according to《 Sima Fa 》It is recorded that before the Spring and Autumn Period, there were 22 soldiers, including seven soldiers under the chariot and fifteen infantry soldiers, together with three soldiers on the chariot, a total of 25 people, one infantry and two soldiers, to fight with the chariot. Zhou's army was divided into "six self" and "eight self", with 75000 men each. "Six Zis" are stationed in Xi'an. They are mainly responsible for expeditions in all directions. They are equipped with a logistics force, 12500 people in the first army. 125 attack vehicles are equipped with 3 chariots of soldiers and 72 infantry, 125 guard vehicles and 375 ox carts are equipped with 10 young and old nobles, 5 families, 5 grooms and 5 slaves. The "Eight Zis" are stationed in Luoyang, the main town of which is to pacify the capital city and crush Dongyi. The first army has 9375 people, 125 attacking vehicles and no guard. [2]
Martyrdom Pit in Spring and Autumn Period Martyrdom Vehicle Relics
The car war changed a lot in the Spring and Autumn Period. Due to the development of productive forces and the intensification of the annexation war, the number of chariots increased significantly, such as in 632 BC battle of Cheng Pu Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Seven hundred (750) chariots have been dispatched at one time; By the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, some large Vassal states For example, the number of chariots owned by the Jin State and the Chu State was more than 4000 times Battle of Baiju The number of chariots participating in the war is more than 1000. Years of wars have caused a great shortage of soldiers. With the expansion of the scale of the war, countries have increased the number of soldiers with sufficient resources, simple equipment and easy training. The number of foot soldiers has increased from 22 to 72 per chariot. At the same time, the original seven soldiers under the chariot, together with three soldiers on the chariot, have been cancelled. The total number of soldiers is 75, with five or five (25) soldiers as one or two, A total of three or two. The square array tactics have also changed from the original two line configuration with the separation of infantry and vehicles to the circular configuration with three infantry and two combat vehicles as the center. The past dense formation has been changed to the evacuation formation, which has strengthened the cooperation between infantry and vehicles, increased the depth of the square array, and improved the adaptability and forward speed of the square array to complex terrain. In 567 BC Battle of Yanling China, State of Jin Miao Ben Huang First Wingside The principle of attack tactics has brought the square array tactics to a new stage. Under the constraints of the above factors, vehicle warfare has expanded in time and space. A war is often composed of several battles with different scales and common goals; Encounter, detour, flank attack, long-distance pursuit and other forms of combat also began to emerge.
At the turn of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the widespread use of iron weapons and the improvement of crossbows made it possible for infantry to effectively stop the dense and orderly array of vehicles from attacking. At the same time, due to the bulky body of the fighting vehicle, it is difficult to drive. Especially when the number of vehicles participating in the war increases sharply, the dependence of the fighting vehicle on the battlefield terrain and road conditions is becoming increasingly serious, and its mobility is reduced. In addition, the emergence of a large number of small farmland has seriously damaged the road system of the mine field, and has increased Combaticons Difficulties in sports. In addition, with the change of the nature and structure of the war and the improvement of the status of the city, the battle for the fortress became more and more frequent, which greatly reduced the position of the chariot in the battle. As a result, the traditional chariot warfare was gradually replaced by the foot and horse warfare. In the Warring States Period infantry Is the center, Car soldier It is a new way of warfare with auxiliary wings and cavalry as mobile. During the Warring States Period, the absolute number of chariots in the armies of various countries was still considerable, as recorded in Records of the Historian, Biographies of Zhang Yi Qin Army Its composition is "more than one million with armour, thousands of cars and thousands of horses". However, from the ratio of chariot soldiers to infantry soldiers, chariot soldiers no longer serve as all or main combat tasks in combat, but retreat to the two wings and become auxiliary arms to guard, block and cover the flanks of the army.
PS: In other records, there are other opinions about "A head", that is, the length of a car. For example, those who hold a spear (or spear) are the length of a car. Of course, this may be due to different Vassal states The number of Jiashi accompanying the car is also different due to different organization.


In ancient Chinese wars, it is still unclear when to use chariots to fight, which is still a subject to be discussed by the academic community. Someone from Xiaqi Felling Youhu Family It was made by Gan Zhi before the war《 Swear willingly 》In the middle, there are names of left, right and imperial in the army. It is believed that they refer to the left, right and imperial of the chariot, so it is speculated that the chariot was used at that time. After that, it is estimated that Shang Tang Eliminates Summer At the time of Mingtiao, there were 70 chariots in the army, which were seen at the end of the Warring States Period《 Lu's Spring and Autumn Period 》A book. But in the early Han Dynasty, the Grand Historian Sima Qian This statement was not adopted when writing the "Yin Benji" in the Records of the Historian. From the current field archaeological excavation, no remains of the vehicle have been found in the site equivalent to the Xia Dynasty. In the early Shang Dynasty ruins, no horse drawn carriage has been excavated. The objects of carriages obtained from archaeological excavations are known to be from the late Shang Dynasty, mainly unearthed from the Yin Ruins site in Anyang City, Henan Province, where the capital of the late Shang Dynasty was located. The unearthed chariots of the late Shang Dynasty were all wooden ones towed by horses. Some of them had weapons and arrows on or beside them, which indicated that they were war chariots. Six chariots and more than 600 martyrs were buried in the seventh patriarchal temple. There are also records of chariots in oracle bone inscriptions, which strongly prove that chariots with horses were already used in the army in the late Shang Dynasty. Up to the Zhou Dynasty, the war of chariots became more and more prosperous. When King Wu of Zhou conquered Zhou, the Historical Records recorded that the main force of the army was " chariot Three hundred riders, three thousand tigers, forty-five thousand Jiashi. However, the vassals would take more than 4000 chariots to the herdsmen. King Zhou's army even reached 700000.
Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors and Horses
The main personnel of the chariot force are the crew members of the chariot. Usually there are three crew members in a chariot, one of whom is specially responsible for driving the shaft horse. His position on the vehicle is in the center of the vehicle, which is called "Yu". Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, the chariot drove four more horses, and the two in the middle rode on the balance in front of the shaft with yokes on the left and right sides of the shaft, called "Fu Ma". Each of them tied a bridle (bridle) on the left and right of the bridle. The other two horses are on the left and right sides respectively, called "horse". They do not ride on the scale, but the bridle (called "Jin") and the ring are tied at the bottom, and they tie a bridle on the outside of the bridle. Therefore, the charioteer must hold the six bridles with both hands to drive the horse and the charioteer. Therefore, the poem "Poetry, Qin Feng, Si Fu" has a verse that "Si Fu, Kong Fu, six bridles in hand".
the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang The terracotta figures of the chariot unearthed from the side pits are all holding hands forward, which is naturally a true portrayal of the charioteers on the chariot at that time. It is not easy to master the six bridles with both hands to drive four horses, and to drag heavy wooden chariots to do various tactical actions. So Confucius taught the students " Six Arts "," Yu "is one of them, and is ranked before" Shu "and" Shu ". It is a skill that" Shi "must master.
The crew on the right side of the imperial guard is called "Che Right". He should be the most powerful of the three crew members. He is specially responsible for killing the other side's crew with spears, halberds and other weapons with long handles when two cars are locked in a fight. When the chariot encounters obstacles and needs to jump off to push the cart, it is also the task of the right side of the chariot. The crew on the left side of the imperial guard is called "vehicle left". Usually, his task is to shoot the enemy with bows and arrows. If the main general is in the chariot, he will stand on the left side of the chariot. At that time, the chariot will be equipped with drums for him to command the march and Jin for the retreat. Sometimes, the king's car adds a passenger, and four people share a car, but this is rare. At that time, the position of the monarch was in the middle, and the imperial position was on his left side, while the position of the right and left sides of the cart remained the same, standing on the right and left sides respectively.
In the 28th year of Xi Gong, the legend of Zuo, Du Yu annotated that the war horse was armored, with a leather coat on its head and neck, a leather half on its buttocks, a hoof on its chest, a leather center on its back, and hooves on both sides of the hoof
In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the identity of the soldiers on the bus was at least "scholar", and they were all people with identity. At that time, one chariot (three crew members) was a fighting unit, and a certain number of dismounted soldiers were also deployed behind the chariot. The identity of soldiers was very low, some of them were slaves. The number of apprentice soldiers was about ten at first chariot One hundred chariots are equipped with ten soldiers. Later, with the expansion of the war, the number of chariots increased, and the number of soldiers behind the chariots also increased, sometimes up to 72. It is also said that a car of 10 armour soldiers is an emergency troop allocation.


The basic tactical principle of chariot warfare is: contact the enemy on the side and rotate left and right. In the process of receiving the enemy, the left side of the chariot is mainly used to shoot at the side of the enemy with bow and arrow; after receiving the enemy, the chariot must contact the enemy vehicle Jieyu Close combat. In order to protect the public side from enemy vehicles, the hubs of combat vehicles are designed to be very long, so they are also called "long hubs". As a protective measure, the two ends of the hub are usually equipped with solid and beautiful copper sleeves, and the end of the shaft is also equipped with animal decorations, such as the Western Zhou chariot unearthed in the Xi'an Temple. The hub is 40cm long, and the shaft head Bronze beast It is 13.5 cm long, with a total length of 53.5 cm. Therefore, if you want to connect with enemy vehicles, you must first make mistakes. The hub staggering of two vehicles is a complicated movement process of evading each other and looking for fighters, which requires continuous rotation. Therefore, the driving essentials of the chariot fight stipulate that the forward and backward movements of the chariot should be strictly kept in a straight line, and the body should rotate left and right to reach a right angle of 90 °, that is, the so-called "middle rope in advance and retreat, middle gauge in left and right rotation" in Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals. On the basis of this tactical principle, the primary tactical formation of combat vehicles was formed. Relevant data show that in the battlefield of vehicle warfare, even if the vehicle array is defeated by the enemy, the combat vehicle cannot act alone. It is still in pairs, called "two vehicle formation". The "two car formation" consists of left and right combat vehicles, one of which is the main vehicle, and the other is called "auxiliary vehicle". According to the Book of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, the quintessence of the Five Armies held by the chariot servants is actually this kind of auxiliary chariot, sometimes called "two chariots" or "auxiliary chariots". The purpose of this formation is to facilitate the simultaneous approach to the public side of the enemy's vehicles from the left and right directions, so as to form an attack on the enemy's vehicles; while in defense, the two vehicles can cover one side of each other, so as not to be attacked from the left and right. Such a two car formation is the most basic tactical formation of combat vehicles. The battle convoys thus formed are also arranged in two rows. The left column is called "left leaning", and the right column is called "right leaning", or collectively "leaning". There are nine, fifteen, twenty-five, thirty or fifty chariots. A number of such battle teams will be further grouped to form a higher formation. "There is a wide range of people who have two strikes", "One strike is suitable for Wu, and one strike is not suitable for Wu", "One strike is ahead of the other, and the other strike is behind the other, and Wu is the successor of Wu."
When fighting, the soldiers are on the vehicle, and the infantry move with the vehicle in two units; the vehicles of the battle teams are deployed in a certain way. The array originally refers to the arrangement of chariots and infantry, that is, the battle formation of the army at that time. Its basic form is square array. The square array, called "Refuse" at the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period, is composed of three squares: left, middle and right. The square array tactics required the chariots to form a large front to carry out attacks. Therefore, the military operations were greatly restricted by the terrain conditions at that time. Generally, the battlefield was selected in the open and exposed plain area that is convenient for the large number of chariots to gather and launch. In the Western Zhou Dynasty and earlier periods, the infantry and chariots in the square formation were separated from each other in two lines: the infantry formed a dense line in front of the battle convoy in two units. This large row of noodles Dense square array It is difficult to maintain the formation. In order to coordinate actions, it is necessary to constantly reorganize the formation during the march. As recorded Battle of Makino In China, Zhou's army stopped every distance to rectify the formation in the process of contact with the enemy; after contact with the enemy, it stopped every four to seven stabbing movements to rectify the formation, and its forward speed was very slow. As the whole square array forms a large platoon, the infantry and soldiers in it have no room for maneuver, which not only affects the exertion of the force, but also weakens the adaptability of the square array to complex terrain, so its mobility is poor. In addition, because the infantry and chariots are arranged in two lines, they are easy to be cut off by the enemy, making the chariots lost Footman Therefore, the cooperation of walking and carting is not very close.
Vehicle battle
At that time, the army generally marched in the sequence of front, back, left, middle and right, and sometimes sent out a scout in front of the avant-garde troops, called "pioneers". In Zuo Zhuanzhao's Year, two are in the front and five are in the back, which is specially for the right corner, and the reference is the left corner, which is the front rejection. The Twelve Years of Zuo Zhuan and Xuangong (Zuo Zhuan and Xuangong): Youyuan, Zuo Zhuzuo, Qianmao (Zhuhou), Zhongquan, and Houjin. The Twenty third Year of Zuo Zhuan Xianggong: Pioneer (Chihou+Pioneer), Shen Qu (avant-garde supporting the Pioneer), Rong Lu, Erguang (15 guard cars on the left and right), Qi (Infantry Pioneer), Ou (Waist Army), and the Hall (behind the Veterans Hall). Due to the limited material support conditions of the army, the marching speed is relatively low. According to the Zhou Rites, the standard daily marching speed is 30 li, which is called "a place of retreat". Any higher speed is not acceptable to soldiers. There are two ways to camp in the field: one is to gather the convoy, dig trenches around the camp, and compact the excavated soil with wooden plywood into a circular earth wall (fortress), which is called "battalion army"; if the fortress cannot be built due to time and terrain conditions, use baggage vehicles to connect with each other to form a temporary circular fortification, which is called "secondary vehicles as vassals". Before the battle, the first thing to do is to set up an array. The procedure is to first send mobile combat vehicles (Que vehicles) on both wings to guard against the enemy; then send horse drawn heavy vehicles (Guangzhou vehicles) to line up in front of the array as a barrier; finally, the combat vehicle troops rush out of the gate and form an array in a certain way. Generally, a challenge is required before starting an attack, which is called "Zhishi". The Zhishi Division usually goes to the enemy with a single troop, which has the power of reconnaissance to test the determination of the other party and secretly detect the other party's military strength, and also buys time for the adjustment of the formation of the other party. It is accompanied by some ceremonial words when addressing teachers. After the official attack begins, the attacking army moves slowly in a wide and orderly formation on the front, and the sergeants at all levels use different issuing tools to coordinate the actions of their subordinates at any time to maintain the formation. In the process of receiving the enemy, the two sides shoot at each other with bows and arrows. After receiving the enemy, they stab with long soldiers and attack with chariots to disrupt the enemy first Formation And then gather and annihilate the scattered soldiers. Generally speaking, if one side of the formation falters, the victory or defeat is almost certain. Therefore, the battle lasts for a short time, no more than one day. The pursuit is generally not fierce《 Sima Fa 》Said:“ Ancients Chasing is not far "," chasing is not beyond the line, so as not to be disorderly ", presumably in order to maintain the formation, long-distance pursuit is generally not advocated. In the period of vehicle warfare, the battle was mainly field operations, and few cities were attacked. The reason was that the army equipped with chariots lacked effective means to tackle key problems. At the same time, the war did not develop in depth at that time, and the battle for the fortress was not very urgent. Sun Tzu's Art of War 》It is believed that "if you attack a city, you will be forced to bend", and the method of attacking a city is the worst way to use troops. Therefore, as an early form in the development of war, vehicle warfare has simple forms maneuverability Poor, it is difficult for the vehicle and pawn to coordinate closely, and the duration is short field operations It is not dominated by attacking difficulties, and it is quite like dueling without surprise.


In order to protect the war Car soldier They are all equipped with thick leather armor, and some are equipped with bronze armor and armor. Since it is not necessary to consider the convenience of walking and running when standing on the vehicle for combat, the leather armor skirt of chariot soldiers is longer and can cover below the knee. Sometimes there is also a high vertical nail collar to protect the neck. In addition to armor, there are also larger shield It is usually made of wooden body covered with leather, or made of multi-layer leather, with the surface painted with paint, and some are inlaid with bronze armor to enhance the protection ability. The driving shaft horses are also covered with thick leather vests, leather helmets, and some are also covered with tiger skin, which is more powerful. Some of the wooden trunk surfaces are also inlaid with bronze armor, or equipped with long spikes on the axle head. The long-range weapons of chariot soldiers are bows and arrows. The combat weapons are all long handled and can be inserted in the vehicle. They can be grouped into several pieces. When used, they can be selected according to the specific situation. They are usually called five chariot soldiers, including Ge, Shu Halberd Spear Barbarian spear They are longer than each other, ranging from six feet six inches to twenty-four feet. In addition, in case of an emergency, it is used to protect the body when the horse is injured and the cart is destroyed. It is also equipped with short handled weapons, such as swords, and even smaller daggers.
As for the soldiers following the chariot, they generally have no armor, only Ge and shield , or the bow and arrow of long-range shooting.
When fighting in chariots, shoot at each other with bow and arrow when they are far away. When two cars approach, they must stagger and fight. Because the wooden chariot was very heavy at that time, one of the chariots was at least three meters wide, and four horses were driving in front, with a total length of about three meters. If the two carriages are heading towards each other, there is a distance of two horses between them. The front of the two carriages is at least four meters away. The longest fighting weapons cannot reach each other. Moreover, if the eight horses of both sides are entangled together, they will lose. Therefore, both sides can only fight when the two cars are wrong. At that time, there was a common rule for the two cars to meet each other on the right side of the car. This is also the reason why the right side of the car was fighting with long handled weapons.
Because the chariot is bulky and difficult to drive, it is very difficult to change when the battle formation is arranged. At the same time, because of the long car body and large area, and the limited range of bow and arrow in Yin and Zhou Dynasties, it is difficult to make a large depth configuration, and it is also impossible to use the formation of columns, usually using a line of horizontal combat. If the second line force is deployed, the rear chariots should be placed in the gap equivalent to the front two chariots to exert the power of bow and arrow without injuring the crew of the front chariots. In addition to the horizontal array, the commonly used formation is the diagonal formation, which is also the gap between the rear train and the front train. Generally, the two armies are lined up Formation The battle ended when one side retreated and the other pursued. Therefore, most of the car fights recorded in Zuo Zhuan took a long time to prepare before the war, and it was only one day after the war that the victory was decided. The Songs of Chu, the Memorial of the Nation, vividly describes the whole process of a car fight: from a long distance bow and arrow shooting, through the wrong hub, to the damage of the car and the horse, the tie of the horse and the burial of the wheel, and the final heroic sacrifice for the country.

Purpose and procedure

Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors and Horses
The supreme purpose of the chariot fight is to destroy the old dynasty and establish a new one, such as King Wu of Zhou The war to destroy commerce. But in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the car war was the most prosperous Vassal states Between. At that time, the wars between the vassal states continued. At the beginning, the powerful vassals were more respected King of Zhou The aim of the winner is to establish an alliance and become the hegemon. With the development of the feudal lords' struggle for hegemony, the great powers became stronger and stronger, so they gradually abandoned the banner of respecting the king, and finally moved from establishing alliances and seeking hegemony to destroying the country and seizing land, and annexing the weak and small. More troops have been mobilized every day. The number of chariots used in a battle has increased from hundreds to thousands. The depth of the battlefield has increased and the time has extended. The victory or defeat has been decided by a single battle on a single battlefield in the past. The goal can only be achieved by repeatedly contesting in several battle stages and fighting in different places for many times. In a chariot battle, because the feudal lords' ideology was deeply constrained by the ritual system, as well as the profound influence of patriarchal superstition, the first thing to do before the war was to offer sacrifices and divination, and then call the whole army and allied allies to hold the oath ceremony. The monarch or the supreme commander counted his own destiny, how to be correct, how to oppose the fate of the other party, how to be cruel and unruly. Restrict the army and enforce strict discipline. The famous oath handed down today is King Wu of Zhou It was done in the pastureland before the destruction of commerce《 Pastoral oath 》, included in the Book of History.
When the two armies arrive at the battlefield, they must first send envoys to the other side, such as Jin Qi Zhi pre-war, Marquis Qi Send an envoy to ask for war, saying, "I will humiliate my city with my master, and I will not shy of my taxes. I will ask the court to see you." (We can only move forward and not retreat. Your order will not be disobeyed.) With such polite diplomatic words, the two sides finally decided to fight a decisive battle the next morning.
Before the formal war, we should also send warriors to the other side's camp to challenge, so as to inspire our own morale and defeat the other side's morale. For example, before the war of Jin and Qi, Qi envoys invited Gao Guo, a warrior of Qi, to rush into the Jin army in a chariot after the war, throw stones at the Jin army, capture the Jin army, seize its chariot, tie the chariot to Sangen in front of the Qi camp, and shout "Jia Yu Yong, a brave man!" (Those who want courage can buy my remaining courage!) to encourage the Qi army. Before the war begins, the two armies should first form a good formation No drum, no line ", and then they began to fight openly. After the victory, they have to offer sacrifices, force the losers to pledge their vows, return home to offer prisoners, and sometimes sacrifice the spoils and prisoners at the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period King of Zhou Even in the battle, the officers and men of both sides of the enemy sometimes spoke politely to each other. For example, before the Bizhi battle, Xu Bo, the general of Chu, challenged the Jin army. His chariot was with Le Bo as the imperial guard, and he was on the right. Bike to the Jin camp, kill the enemy, cut off the left ear and capture the prisoners. When walking back, the Jin army pursued and attacked from the left and right. Le Bo shot the horse from the left and the man from the right, so that the Jin people could not enter from either corner. Then they had only one arrow left, Jin state during Spring and Autumn period Bao Gui from behind again. An elk just appeared in front of him. Le Bo shot an arrow right in the back of the elk. Then Uncle Photographer got out of the car and presented the elk to Bao Gui. He said, "At the wrong time of year, it is not time to offer birds, and those who dare to eat food from others have not come." (Since it is not time this year, the animals that should be offered have not come. I would like to offer them to your entourage as meals.) Bao Gui said, "His left side is good at shooting, and his right side has words, so is a gentleman." He prevented his subordinates from pursuing him again, so Lebo returned safely.

Fading process

Nest Vehicle: Ancient Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle
Although the Sima chariot dominated from the end of the Shang Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty, it had many insurmountable weaknesses. First of all, the car body is heavy. The whole car is only tied by tenon and mortise joints and leather straps, so it is easy to be damaged. At the same time, it is difficult to drive. The driver should hold the six bridles with both hands and rely on special training. The heavy chariot can only use open and flat fields to exert its power. When encountering complex terrain such as mountains, forests and swamps, it will be useless. Even the direction of Tian Long, where crops are planted in the field, has an impact on the movement of the chariot, so the victorious country often wants the defeated party to change the direction of Tian Long, so that it can move easily when it sends troops again later. In the battle, it is common to see the whole army being captured by the enemy because the horses and carriages are blocked by trees. However, the above shortcomings are not enough to eliminate combat vehicles. The chariot began to decline, just when the emerging infantry and cavalry began to show their power on the battlefield. At the same time, the appearance of steel weapons and the use of strong crossbows at the end of the Warring States Period were also extremely detrimental to chariots. Therefore, after the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the chariot had declined. When the Western Han Dynasty used a large number of cavalry to deal with the Hun cavalry, Shan Yuan Four horse chariot It completely lost its position as the main force of the army in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and was eventually eliminated from the war stage.

Typical war case

The battle of Chengpu, which took place in 632 BC when Jin and Chu fought for hegemony, was a typical large-scale vehicle battle in the Spring and Autumn Period. Chengpu During the war, the Jin army invested 700 chariots with complete weapons. It was divided into three armies: Ortho bar ( Front bumper )Xi Qin is the deputy, and the public clan of Jin is the main force of the whole army; Go to the army Fox hair For, Fox Yan Assist; Lower army with Luan branch For, Xu Chen Zuozhi. Marquis Jin is in the middle army, and his chariot is Xun Linfu Take Wei as the right side of the imperial chariot. The allied forces of the Jin army include those from the Song, Qi and Qin dynasties Country to Father , Cui Yao, the Qin army was led by Boy Commander.
The strength of the Chu army is roughly the same as that of the Jin army. The commander is jade from river beds The King of Chu was not in the army. Ziyu Yuan led the army to encircle the Song Dynasty, and later the King of Chu was in Shenyi He asked him to withdraw from the army. He pointed out that the Marquis of Jin had experienced hardships for 19 years abroad and knew the people's feelings well. He should not underestimate the enemy《 Military annals 》The saying "enough is enough" and "retreat from difficulties". However, despite the instructions of the King of Chu, Ziyu insisted on asking for war, and said, "I dare not say that I must have made a contribution, and I am willing to stop evil people from talking about it". So he angered the King of Chu and gave him less troops. Only six soldiers from Xiguang, Donggong and Ruo Ao were actually under his command. According to Zuo Zhuan, in the 12th year of Xuangong's reign, there were two "Guangs", each of which had one "pawn", that is, "two biases", and one "biases" had fifteen chariots, so one Guangs had thirty chariots. Some people think that the Eastern Palace is the crown prince's palace armour, while others think that the Eastern Palace, namely Dongguang, should also be equipped with 30 chariots. Ruo Ao's army is jade from river beds patriarchal clan Of Imperial Guard Each of the six "soldiers" had thirty chariots, a total of 180. That is, the six main soldiers in Ziyu's army, Xiguang, Donggong and Ruao, together had about 240 chariots. At that time, there were three soldiers (one on the left, one on the right and one on the imperial side) in a chariot, and there were several on board Footman The number of foot soldiers varies, but from battle of Cheng Pu The Hou of the Later Jin Dynasty presented the Chu prisoners to the King of Zhou as "Sijie Baicheng and Qianbing". It can be seen that a chariot carries ten soldiers. The allies of the Chu army mainly include Chen, Cai, etc Vassal states Our army. The Chu army is also divided into the left, middle and right armies: the middle army is commanded by Ziyu himself, and the main force is six soldiers of Ruo Ao; Right division Taking Zishang as general, he commanded the armies of Chen and Cai; Zuo Shizi is the general in the west, and the army is mainly composed of the children of Shen and Xi.
The battle of Chengpu was roughly divided into two stages. The first stage was that the Jin army showed weakness and evaded. On the pretext that the marquis of Jin was received by the king of Chu when he was in exile, he promised that once the Jin and Chu fought, he would retreat three times (one quarter was 30 miles, which was about a day's march), so the Jin army retreated 90 miles first. Because the King of Chu was not in the army, the officers and men of the Jin army thought that it was a shame for the marquis of Jin to avoid the officials of Chu. Son of thefender explained: When sending troops to fight, justice means boldness, while justice means weakness. Retreat is the reward of the Marquis of Jin for the promise of Chu. If the Chu army still catches up, it is the retreat of the monarch. If the officials invade, they are wronged. In fact, the Jin army retreated, on the one hand, to show the princes that the truth was on the side of the Jin princes, and on the other hand, it encouraged the soldiers of the Jin army to hate the Chu army; On the other hand, the Chu army had been fighting around the Song Dynasty for a long time, and the soldiers were tired. They came all the way to fight quickly. The Jin army retreated, which made the Chu army lose all its stamina and wanted to stop fighting, but jade from river beds The insistence on fighting further depressed the Chu army and weakened its combat effectiveness.
The two armies refused Chengpu At that time, Ziyu sent Doctor Chu Doubo It's arrogant to challenge the Jin army. Marquis Jin still shows weakness and is not willing to fight, but sends Luan branch Go and answer: I have heard the order. Chu Jun's kindness has not been forgotten, so he retreated here. Since the doctor refused to retreat, he would bother the doctor to say to your soldiers, "Take your chariot and meet tomorrow morning.".
The war entered the second stage, the decisive stage. On the last day of April, the chariots of the Jin army lined up in Xinbei to wait for the Chu army Lower army The middle army and the upper army are arranged horizontally. The Jin army's strategy is to attack the flanks first and then attack on both sides. jade from river beds The Chu army led by him also took the form of three armies arranged horizontally. He led six soldiers of Ruo Ao as the middle army. Zixi led the left army, and Zijun led the right army. The right army was dominated by the allied forces of Chen and Cai. Ziyu, who did not know the truth of the enemy, was still blindly optimistic, thinking that he would win, and made the arrogant statement that "there will be no Jin today". On the basis of a correct understanding of the enemy, the Jin army chose the weakest Chen and Cai armies as the first targets. First come down Xu Chen Cover the driving shaft horse with tiger skin to increase the prestige, and then drive the car to rush into Chen and Cai's army. Chen and Cai Jun, who lacked fighting power, were suddenly hit by this attack and immediately fled in disorder, which led to the Chu Army Right division Total collapse.
At the same time, the Chu army blindly underestimated the enemy Left division , is moving forward, facing their main general of the Jin army Fox hair He also used the trick of luring the army and retreated. And the army was led by Luan branch Some of the chariots led by him hung dry firewood on the chariot far away, raising smoke and dust, pretending that the Jin army had fled in disorder. The middle army of the Chu army saw it and hurried to chase it. So the army in the Jin Dynasty Ortho bar Xi Qin led a horizontal attack on the Chu Zuo teacher who chased the fake fox hair, while fox hair Fox Yan Return to the car and attack again, so Zixi The left division of the Chu army led by him was also defeated, and the Chu army was defeated. only jade from river beds The Chinese army was hurriedly recovered so that it did not suffer much loss.
After a day of fierce fighting, the Jin army defeated the left and right divisions of Chu, causing heavy losses to the Chu army. The allied forces of Chen, Cai, Shen, and Xi also lost everything. The Jin army captured many prisoners. After the war, the number of Chu prisoners offered by the Jin marquis to the Zhou king alone was 100 chariots and 1000 foot soldiers. Prince Wen of Jin To achieve the goal of honoring the king and dominating the country, it was originally allied with Chu Vassal states as zheng They all backed Chu and allied with Jin. Although Zi Yu, the commander in chief of the Chu army, saved the strength of the Chinese army in the battle, he was condemned by the King of Chu for his defeat. He sent people to tell him that most of Shen and Xi's children were injured and killed. If you return, how can you explain to Shen and Xi's parents? So Ziyu committed suicide on the way.

Vehicle Battle Tactics


Introduction to Art of War

The War of Cars is an ancient Chinese military book《 Hundred Battle Strategy 》It is a kind of military tactics recorded in, which aims to explain the conditions that vehicle warfare should have and its role in combat. It believed that when fighting with the enemy's foot and cavalry in the plain and wilderness, it was necessary to carry out vehicle warfare Partial box car Or the antler cart can be arranged into a square array to fight the enemy. Its main functions are: first, it can enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops; second, it can block the enemy's impact; third, it can reorganize and restrain the troops. When talking about the history of the development of European cavalry, Engels clearly pointed out that "in military history at least, chariots appeared much earlier than armed horsemen" (see《 Military Anthology of Marx and Engels 》Volume 1 Cavalry, Warrior Press, July 1981, 1st edition) The same is true in ancient China. According to literature records, the use of vehicles as combat equipment in war has been quite common in China at the latest in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. However, since the Warring States Period, due to the development of social production, the progress of weapons and equipment, and the change of battlefield conditions, this kind of action is only conducive to the plain and wilderness Car soldier , gradually replaced by foot and cavalry; The chariot has changed from the offensive equipment mainly used to fight in the front to transport baggage or act as an obstacle in defensive operations.
From the point of view of defending obstacles, this paper expounds the role of the partial box car and the antler car in the battle. This is different from the problem of chariots and chariot warfare mentioned before the Warring States Period.

Translation of Art of War

General Car soldier When synchronous and cavalry are engaged on the plain, they must form a square array with partial boxes and staghorn carts. By using this square array to fight against the enemy, they can win. The square battle array composed of slant box and antler car is usually said to be able to maintain fighting power, resist the enemy head-on, and maintain formation. As the art of war says, "When fighting in open areas, we must use chariots."
Liangzhou in the Western Jin Dynasty Assassin Yang Xin Because of the disharmonious relationship with the Qiang nationality Qiang people Killed, resulting in Hexi Region Cut off contact with the Central Plains court. Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty Marsitis Often worried about the security of the western border Linchao The officials sighed: "Who can open the way to Liangzhou for me and pacify the Qiang enemies?" The courtiers did not respond. only Sima Du Malone Come forward and say: "If your majesty can appoint me, I can pacify Liangzhou rebellion." Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty He said, "If you can destroy this enemy, how can you not appoint you? But I don't know what measures you will take." Malone said, "If your majesty can appoint me, you should listen to your minister's own opinion." Emperor Wu Ask: "Please tell me what method you will adopt?" Malone replied: "I ask your majesty for permission to recruit 3000 warriors, but don't ask what they used to do. I will lead them to march to the Hexi area with great fanfare. With your majesty, why can't this enemy be eliminated?" Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty agreed Malone And appointed him as Wu Wei's Chief Executive. After Malone was ordered, he immediately recruited warriors on the condition that he could draw 36 strong crossbows with his waist strength and set up a target on the spot for testing. From morning to noon, a total of 3500 such warriors were recruited. Malone confidently said, "It's enough." So he led his warriors to the west, crossed the warm water, and met the enemy. The leader of a Qiang tribe, Shu Geng, used ten thousand gold cavalry to stop Malong's advance or lay an ambush to intercept the Jin army. In response to this situation, Malone made a partial box car according to the eight array diagram of the ancient method. When entering the open area, he set up a staghorn car camp. When encountering a narrow road, he built a wooden house on the car. While fighting, he moved forward. Where the arrows of the Jin army were shot, the Qiang soldiers fell in response. The Jin army moved thousands of miles away and killed thousands of enemies. After Malone led his troops to Wuwei, the Qiang tribal leader, Kunbahan, and Jiwangmen, led more than ten thousand people to surrender without fighting. Malone killed and surrendered tens of thousands of Qiang soldiers before and after. Later, Malone led Mogu Neng, the tribal leader of the Qiang people, to fight against the tree and cut it down, Liangzhou The rebellion was completely put down.

Original Art of War

When fighting on foot or on horseback in the plain, you must use a side box and a staghorn cart ① as the square array. If you fight, you will win. The so-called one is governance, one is front refusal, and the other is the whole bundle. As Fa said, "Military vehicles are used in the vast areas." ②.
Shanxi Liangzhou ③ Governor Yang Xin Losing the sum of Qiang Rong ④ is lost by the captives. Hexi Cut off, Emperor ⑤ always worries about going west, Linchao And sighed: "Who can go to Liangzhou for me to ask for this prisoner?" The courtiers should not be right. Sima Du Malone ⑥ Jin said, "Your Majesty, if you can Ren Chen I can calm down. " The emperor said, "If you can destroy thieves, why not? Gu Qing's general plan is not right." Long said, "If your majesty can be a minister, you should listen to him." The emperor said, "What is the cloud. Long raise [limit] waist open crossbow thirty-six Jun ⑧, set up a sign to pick up the style, from day to day, get three thousand five hundred people. Long said, "That's enough." So he led his people westward across the warm water ⑨, and captured the wood to be able to ⑩ and other people to ride thousands of horses, or take risks to stop the advance of Long, or set ambushes to stop the advance of Long. Long built the partial box car according to the eight array diagram (11), and the antler car was widely used on the ground. In the narrow road, wooden houses (12) were used on the car, and the bow and arrow were in front of the battle, and fell in response. They fought thousands of miles and killed thousands of people. When Long arrived at Wuwei, he led thousands of people to return, and killed and surrendered tens of thousands of people before and after Long. He also led the good army to fight against the wooden function and kill it, Liangzhou Suiping. (15)

Art of War Notes

① Partial box and antler car: all of them are combat vehicles in ancient China. The trunk of the partial box car is made of wood, and weapons are placed on it. During the battle, vehicles are connected to each other, in front of and behind each other, forming a square array, which can be used for the battle on the plain. Antler car The sharpened branches are inserted in front of and behind the partial box truck to prevent the enemy from approaching.
② Use military vehicles in Guangzhou: speak out《 Tang Taizong and Li Weigong asked 》On the volume, but slightly different from the original, the original text is "a wide land is used antler car camp".
Liangzhou : It is located in Wuwei, Gansu Province today.
④ Qiangrong: the name of the ancient people. Qiang people are mainly distributed in Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan. Rong, a general term used by people in the Central Plains to refer to minorities in the northwest. ⑤ Emperor: refers to Emperor Wu of the Western Jin Dynasty Marsitis
Malone : Famous general of the Western Jin Dynasty. People in Pinglu (now Wenshangbei, Shandong Province) have the word Xiaoxing. Few but brave. Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty Ren Dongqiang field officer , seal Fenggao County Hou.
⑦ It was said that Ma Ben, Tang Ben and Wang Ben were taken off, and now Wang Ben will be taken as a supplement.
⑧ Jun: A unit of weight in ancient China. One pound is thirty jin.
⑨ Warm water: the warm enclosed water in Wuwei East.
⑩ Wooden function: a tribal leader of Qiang nationality. The historical original "tree function"《 Hundred battle wonders 》The original author is taboo Song Yingzong When the name (shu) is quoted, the word "tree" is changed to "wood".
Octagram : An ancient Chinese battle array.
(12) Wooden house: it is made of wood, perforated on all sides, and placed on the vehicle, which is not only convenient for observing the enemy, but also can resist the attack of the arrow.
(13) Kumba Han, Qiaomian: all are Qiang tribal leaders, but《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》Volume 80 "Jin Ji Er" called it sabir
(14) Moguneng: a tribal leader of Qiang nationality.
(15) This historical example is from The Book of Jin · Biography of Malone.