The country is unified.

[chē tóng guǐ]
The wheels are the same distance
zero Useful+1
Vehicle on the same track First Emperor of Qin Before the unification of the Central Plains, there was no unified system in all countries. The size of carriages was different in different regions, so the lanes were wide and narrow.
The country is unified, and vehicles have to walk on different lanes, which is inconvenient. Since then, the distance between the two wheels on the vehicle has been changed to six feet, so that the distance between the wheels is the same. In this way, it is convenient for vehicles to travel around the country. This is called "car on the same track".
Chinese name
The country is unified.
Place of occurrence
the Qin state
dominating figure
Ying Zheng
chē tóng guǐ


The country is unified.
Train on the same track: nationwide Rut The width is the same as the width. Unify words and ruts. It means national unity. In ancient times, all roads were earth roads. After repeated rolling by wheels, two hard ground lanes with the same width as the wheels would be formed. When the carriage is transported for a long distance, keep the wheels on the hard road all the time, and walk steadily, which can significantly reduce the animal power Consumption and axle wear are just like modern vehicles walking on asphalt roads. The law of the Qin Dynasty on the same track for cars can make roads all over the country into hard ground lanes with the same width within a few years, which can not only reduce goods and passengers Transportation process It is also beneficial for the Imperial Army to be able to carry materials to any county in the country quickly. Therefore, the same track is the Qin state Important strategic measures of unity.

Historical records

The Book of Rites · The Doctrine of the Mean 》Chapter 28: "Get off on the same track today, A book is a prose , line homotopy. " Historical Records · History of Qin Shihuang 》"One way is to measure the stone, the car is on the same track, and the book is written in the same way." Here, "One" and "Tong" are synonymous, that is, "Unity". [2]
The earliest record of "vehicle on the same track" is《 The Doctrine of the Mean 》, the original text is as follows:
Confucius said: Foolish but good for self use, cheap but good for self-study. Born in today's world, it is against the ancient way. Such a disaster and its body are also.
If it is not the Son of Heaven, no ceremony, no system, no text. Get off today, the train is on the same track, A book is a prose , line homotopy. Although he has his own position, he has no virtue, and dare not make rites and music. Although he has his own virtue, he has no position, and he dare not make rites and music.
Confucius said, "When I say Xia Li, Qi is not enough to levy.". My learning Yin Li There is Song Cunyan. My learning Zhou Rites , used today. I follow Zhou. [3]
From the content of the original text Zhou Dynasty When a unified country was formed Gauge moral Unification has become a national policy. After the split and scuffle of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when countries developed independently in their respective regions, they more or less deviated from the various systems established by the Zhou Dynasty, that is, the so-called "ritual collapse and music destruction". Confucius And its founding confucian The core idea is that social problem The emergence of "Li" originates from people's deviation from the system of the Zhou Dynasty - Zhou Li. Only everyone works hard to revive Zhou Li, and the monarch and his subjects, father and son, follow each other Duke Zhou All problems can be solved by the rules of the week.
Qin Dynasty After the establishment, "one method is equal to the stone. The car is on the same track. The book is on the same word." Various measures have objectively promoted the substantive integration and unification of the original seven countries Chinese civilization The achievements of the formation and development of.

Event results

Order the removal of these barriers and fortresses, and First Emperor of Qin Since the 27th year (220 BC) Xianyang Three Centered Gallop : A straight east line leads to Yan and Qi regions; One goes south to Wu and Chu areas; Another one is to strengthen the right Hun It's built from Xianyang to Jiuyuan The straight road is more than 1800 li long. The carriageway is 50 steps wide, and the car track is 6 feet wide. One tree is planted every three zhang along the road. Emperor in the middle Imperial Way , marked with obvious signs, and ordinary people are not allowed to walk. In addition, it is also being built in Yunnan and Guizhou Wuchi Path To build a climbing bridge between Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi Wuling The new road of Xianyang has been formed by removing barriers and building fast roads Traffic network , connecting all parts of the country the Great Wall The regions to the south and west, except Qinghai and Xinjiang, are all included in the huge traffic network It has facilitated transportation and is conducive to promoting economic exchange and development.