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Physical and mental development

[shēn xīn fā zhǎn]
The coordinated development of human physical and mental power
Physical and mental development refers to the coordinated development of human physical and mental strength. Including physical and psychological development.
so-called Physical development It refers to the normal development of the body and the enhancement of the physique. The normal development of the body makes the body stronger, and the strengthening of the body contributes to the sound development of the body. The two interact with each other.
so-called Psychological development Refers to the development of cognitive ability and personality characteristics. Cognition includes feeling, perception, memory, thinking, etc; Personality includes needs, interests, emotions, will, etc. The two are also inseparable. The development of cognition promotes the formation and development of human personality; The development of personality urges people to deepen their understanding in the practice activities according to their own intentions.
There are many factors influencing people's physical and mental development, but there are three main factors: one is congenital genetic factors, that is, biological factors; The second is the acquired environmental factors, that is, natural factors; The third is educational factors, that is, social factors. These three factors have different effects at different stages of human physical and mental development. Genetic factors provide the material premise for the physical and mental development of human beings; Environmental factors play a decisive role in the development of human body and mind; Educational factors play a leading role in people's physical and mental development.
Chinese name
Physical and mental development
Relevant fields
educational psychology , Developmental Psychology
Research period
Individual from birth to aging and death
Research object
Development of human psychology



Form and process

The process and form of human psychological development, like everything, is a From low level to high level, from simple to complex, from quantitative to qualitative change Process. However, psychological development has its own characteristics different from other things, which is mainly because individual psychology is a multi-level dynamic system containing many psychological factors.
The formation and development of each psychological factor is qualitatively changed from slow accumulation to a certain age stage; The development and changes of various psychological factors are not synchronized. At the same time, they interact with each other, forming a variety of psychological factors complicated alternate changes. Therefore, the process of psychological development is divided into different stages, and each stage can be divided into several small stages. The stages are continuous, heterogeneous or incompletely homogeneous. They are continuous, because some psychological factors may not change or change less, and the changes of the changed psychological factors are gradually formed in the previous stage; They are different or not completely homogeneous because some psychological factors have undergone fundamental qualitative changes.
This kind of psychological development is staged between different individuals, which may occur sooner or later, faster or slower, but generally speaking, These stages are insurmountable, and the order of each stage will not be reversed.


Some psychologists emphasize the continuity of the process of psychological development, while ignoring the rapid changes of some psychological factors in a short period of time at a certain age; In addition, there are also some psychologists who overemphasize the psychological differences in different age stages and regard the process of psychological development as discontinuous. Both views are incomplete.
In fact, the continuity of psychological development does not exclude the rapid change of some psychological factors at a certain age. For example, in terms of speech development, children's speech from one year old to one and a half years old is dominated by words and sentences, which mostly reflect the needs of life, and speech communication ability develops slowly; After one and a half years old, a large number of double word sentences appeared in a short period of time. According to Brein's research on the speech development of a child, from the age of one and a half, the number of double word sentences developed by children every month was 14, 24, 54, 69, 350 and 1400, respectively. By the age of two, the total number of double word sentences was 2500, which covered a wide range of areas, and the ability and enthusiasm of verbal communication were greatly improved. However, this sudden change was achieved on the basis of the previous stage and after a considerable period of accumulation.

Development momentum



The factors restricting psychological development include congenital and acquired aspects.
The body that infants receive from their parents at birth is the basis of psychological development; At this time, he already has the quality of psychological development, which is determined by heredity, but psychological quality is only a necessary condition for psychological development, not a sufficient condition. Psychological quality provides possibility for psychological development; To achieve psychological development, we must also have the role of acquired factors.
The acquired factors of psychological development include the development of nervous system and the influence of external environment. The development of the nervous system is still the further development of the material basis, while psychological activity is a function, and the environmental impact plays a decisive role in the realization of this function, education Is affecting children's psychological development objective environment The leading factor in.

Objective environmental impact

The role of objective environment, especially education, in children's psychological development is not mechanical and one-way, but realized in the interaction between subject and object. After a child is born, he first contacts the outside world in the form of instinctive activities, and various things are constantly reflected in the child's mind, forming a certain psychological state. With the expansion of children's activities, the number of things they contact is increasing, and the content of children's psychology is becoming more and more rich. Children take one kind of action or another to deal with external things on the basis of their existing psychological state. If his action is not enough to deal with external things, there will be a need to improve his psychological level through learning, or change his psychological state, so that children's psychology will continue to develop with the impact of environment and education. Therefore, we can conclude that:
1. The motive force of psychological development is the contradiction between the existing psychological state and the external environment and education. The continuous generation and solution of this contradiction promotes the individual's psychological development;
2. In this contradiction, environment and education play a decisive role;
3. External factors work through internal factors, and the influence of environment and education can promote the development of individual psychology only when it becomes the need of individual development;
4. This contradiction has always existed in the whole period of individual survival, especially in childhood. Since the psychological development has become mature in adulthood, its role, although existing, has been relatively weakened.

Educational role

Here we should especially point out the important role of education in the process of children's growth. Education is a process in which educators purposefully and systematically exert influence on children. If educators properly educate children, it is easy to form and solve contradictions in the process of psychological development and promote children's growth.
The requirements and directions of educators affect the tendency of children's psychological development.

Individual differences

The psychological development process of different children is basically the same, but there are considerable individual differences in their development speed, the advantages of various psychological functions, emotional stability, personality characteristics and tendencies. For example,
In terms of intellectual development, according to the research of Taro Suzuki of Japan, about 36.75% of seven year old children have reached the psychological age of seven; 7.08% of them reached the age of nine; Only 4.51% of them were five years old. That is to say, for the same seven year old children, the difference in the development of their psychological age is positive or negative for two years.
In terms of personality development, each child has different abilities, interests, personality and temperament: student A has rich imagination, loves literature and is good at poetry writing; Student B has developed logical thinking, prefers science, and has excellent mathematical performance. There are also individual differences in the development of children's psychological quality and willpower. For example, some students are smart and hard working, some are smart but not hard working, and some are neither smart nor hard working.
This individual difference is often found in the early learning of infants, even in twins. Streyer once studied the recognition ability and speech development of a pair of one-and-a-half year old twin girls: a girl can distinguish and say the names of ducks, cats and rabbits in only 22 days; Another girl, after 35 days of training, still could not distinguish the three animals. Other scholars have also found obvious differences in intelligence, will, character and social behavior in their follow-up studies of twins.
The commonness and individual differences of psychological development are the psychological basis for children's education.

Development characteristics



The development of children, with the growth of age, presents a certain order, in which the order of physiological quality and function development restricts the order of psychological development. This order reflects the development law of things and individuals from quantitative change to qualitative change, from low level to high level.
The order is objective, so is the development of children. For example, the development of the body is carried out according to the "head and tail rule and near and far rule". That is, from the head to the trunk and limbs, from the center to the edge of the whole body. The newborn's head is very large, out of proportion to the body and limbs. After a certain period of development, it gradually tends to balance.
The sequence reflects the maturation process of the organism. The mature process of the brain restricts the order of psychological development. People's cognition is always from feeling to perception, while thinking is from image thinking to abstract thinking. Emotion is also developed from general primary emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, fear, to senior emotions such as sense of reason, morality, and beauty.


The development of children, in a certain sequence of continuous development, at a certain age, often reflects some typical characteristics of new physiological and psychological changes. The emergence of these typical characteristics marks that children's development has undergone qualitative changes in the process of quantitative growth and entered a new development period. According to the typicality and universality of these characteristics, people have determined the stages of children's development. Each stage has its universal and typical characteristics, which is a mutation of individual development. These characteristics are not only different from the previous and subsequent stages, but also continuous, forming the age characteristics of different age stages. The development of children from birth to adolescence is generally divided into six stages, namely:
The first stage: Suckling period (within 1 year old);
The second stage: Infancy (1-3 years old);
The third stage: Early childhood (3-6 years old);
The fourth stage: Childhood (also called from the age of six or seven to the age of twelve or thirteen at the beginning of school age);
The fifth stage: Adolescence (also known as middle school age, from 12 to 16 years old);
The sixth stage: Early youth (also known as late school age, from 15 to 18)
Childhood is equivalent to primary school, adolescence is equivalent to junior high school, and early youth is equivalent to senior high school.


Individual development has both commonalities and differences. Commonness means that the basic stages of children's development are common, and each stage also shows some typical common characteristics. However, in each stage, the development of each child is not exactly the same, and there are obvious differences in their development process. Children who have the same level of development, personality characteristics, hobbies and other aspects do not exist.
The difference of children's development is closely related to the difference of genetic quality, environment and educational influence. At the same time, it is also closely related to the difference of children's subjective initiative under the influence of the outside world. Children of the same age will have some differences in their development due to their different objective conditions and educational influences. However, children of the same age, even under the same objective conditions and educational impact, will have some differences, which is mainly due to the different subjective efforts and attitudes of children.
Marxism believes that there are differences in people's genetic qualities. Among children, the genetic influence they suffer from their parents is not completely the same. There are some differences in physical quality and endowment. Some children are quick in thinking, or have a strong sense of color and melody, while others are slightly poor. However, Marxism also emphasizes that genetic differences cannot be exaggerated, and believes that the differences between people are mainly caused by acquired factors. He said: "The original difference between porters and philosophers is much smaller than that between domestic dogs and hounds. The gap between them is caused by division of labor."
In terms of children's talents, the difference between them is not very big. Genetics provides each child with roughly the same biological basis and development possibilities. The differences in children's development are not completely determined by congenital factors, many of which are the result of acquired influences.


Individual development is characterized by imbalance, which is mainly manifested in the uneven development speed. It is reflected in the following two aspects.
On the one hand, the development of individuals in different age stages is uneven. For example, the development of height and weight has two peaks: one is the first year after the birth of children. During this period, children grew up very fast and changed significantly. This is because the newborn left the mother body and came to the new environment of the world, resulting in a great maladjustment between the individual and the external environment. Only by rapid development can the individual and the objective world gradually adapt and balance. This is an inevitable phenomenon caused by the contradiction between subject and object. Second Puberty During this period, not only the physical quality has changed greatly, but also the height and weight have increased rapidly, and many new changes have taken place in the psychological characteristics. This is the period when children gradually grow up and mature. Their body structures are transitioning to adults. Their sexual functions begin to germinate, their abilities gradually increase, and their sense of adulthood gradually forms. They often require others to treat them like adults. The development speed of children's brain is also uneven. It has been proved by research that the brain of children develops most rapidly from the 5th to 10th month after birth, and then goes through two significant acceleration periods of 5-6 years old and 13-14 years old. This imbalance is closely related to the germination of children's consciousness, the urgent need to know the objective world and the level of intellectual development.
On the other hand, individuals develop unevenly in different aspects at different ages. Some have reached a higher level of development at an earlier age, while others have to reach a more mature level at a later age. For example, the growth of children's height and weight in their adolescence has reached a high level, and the development is relatively fast, but the ossification process is far from complete; The key period for children to form the concept of number is around the age of 5, while their perception of time and space develops later, as for judgment, reasoning, etc logical thinking The development of ability is later.