
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
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The Socialist Republic of Vietnam Asia One of Socialist country be located Southeast Asia Of Indochina Peninsula Southeast end, narrow and long terrain, slightly S-shaped, north of China Guangxi Yunnan Bordering to the west Laos Cambodia The border is narrow and long, covering an area of about 330000 square kilometers, close to China South China Sea The coastline is more than 3260 kilometers long Jing nationality A multi-ethnic country dominated by, Population 103 million (2023) [69] The country is divided into 58 provinces and 5 municipalities directly under the Central Government. [4]
In AD 40 Sign side Under the leadership of the Queen, the country became independent and later died [76 ] In 968 AD, it became an independent feudal country. In 1884, it became France Protector On September 2, 1945, it declared independence and was founded Democratic Republic of Vietnam In September of the same year, France invaded Vietnam again, and Vietnam carried out the War of Resistance against France. July 1954, on restoration Indochina The peaceful Geneva Agreement was signed, the north of Vietnam was liberated, and the south was still France (Later established by U.S.A Nurturing South Vietnam Regime). [1] Vietnam began the War of Resistance against the United States and Saving the Nation in 1961. In January 1973, Vietnam and the United States signed a treaty on ending the war in Paris Vietnam war In the agreement to restore peace, US troops began to withdraw from the south. In May 1975, the South was completely liberated. In April 1976, a unified parliament was elected. On July 2 [59] Declare national reunification and name the country the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. [1]
Implemented in 1986 Innovation and opening up In 2001, the Ninth Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam decided to establish socialist market economy System. Communist Party of Vietnam Is the only one in the country ruling party Vietnam is asean Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation World Trade Organization Member, is ASEM Founding members of Future 11 countries one of. In 2023, the GDP will be 430 billion US dollars, the per capita GDP will be 4284 US dollars, and the GDP growth rate will be 5.05%. [56]
On May 18, 2024, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam proposed to the Vietnamese Congress that Su Lin should be the President of the country and Chen Qingmin should be the President of the Congress. [80]
Chinese name
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Foreign name
Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam (Vietnamese)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (English)
National Day
September 2, 1945
National anthem
March song
Country code
official language
Time zone
National leaders
Su Lin: President of China; Chen Qingmin: President of the National Assembly [80]
population size
103 million [68-69] (2023)
Population density
313.9 persons/km2 (2020)
land area
329556 km²
Water area rate
Total GDP
$430 billion [69] (2023)
GDP per capita
US $4284 [69] (2023)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
Ancient name
Jiaozhi, Annan, Dayue, Dayan, Nanguo


  1. one Historical evolution
  2. prehistoric
  3. Legendary Period
  4. Northern Period
  5. Feudal period
  6. Colonial period
  7. After World War II
  8. Aggression against Cambodia and Reform
  9. two administrative division
  10. Political district
  11. city
  12. three natural environment
  13. Location context
  14. topographic features
  15. Climatic characteristics
  16. High temperature record
  17. four natural resources
  18. mineral resources
  19. Biological resources
  20. five National symbol
  21. Country name
  22. national flag
  1. national anthem
  2. national emblem
  3. national flower
  4. six Population and nationality
  5. population
  6. nation
  7. seven Politics
  8. State System
  9. regime
  10. constitution
  11. congress
  12. government
  13. judicial
  14. party
  15. mechanism
  16. Dignitaries
  17. eight Economics
  18. Industry
  19. Agriculture
  20. Service industry
  21. Finance
  22. tourism
  23. foreign trade
  1. foreign capital
  2. Foreign aid
  3. currency
  4. nine Culture
  5. language
  6. written words
  7. festival
  8. diet
  9. Religion
  10. a martial art
  11. cultural heritage
  12. ten military
  13. Organization
  14. armed forces
  15. eleven traffic
  16. highway
  17. Railway
  18. air transport
  19. twelve Sociology
  20. science and technology
  21. People's livelihood
  22. education
  1. medical care
  2. Sports
  3. media
  4. signal communication
  5. power
  6. thirteen Leaders
  7. fourteen International Relations
  8. foreign policy
  9. Vietnam China relations
  10. Vietnam US relations
  11. Vietnam Russia relations
  12. Vietnamese Japanese relations
  13. Vietnam Australia relations
  14. Aging relationship
  15. Vietnam Cambodia relations
  16. Relations with ASEAN
  17. Relations with the EU
  18. fifteen Travel?
  19. overview
  20. scenic spot
  21. World Heritage Site

Historical evolution



Vietnam has traces of human activities in ancient times. stay Lang Shan The discovery of ape man teeth by De Pingjia and the discovery of Qinghua Dushan Palaeolithic period Tools. To the Middle Stone Age and Neolithic , several cultural sites have appeared in the northern region, such as the "culture of peace" (in the Heping Province ), "Beishan Culture" (in Beishan, Langshan Province), etc. At that time, the ancestors used stone tools, bamboo and wood tools, pottery and other items to hunt and collect. However, due to the small amount of unearthed cultural relics related to these cultures, the situation at that time could not be fully reflected. The lower reaches of the Dongna River in the southern region Bronze Age There are 80 settlements, workshops and burial sites in total, which are named "Post Neolithic Culture", dating from 4500 to 2400 years ago. This culture uses a large number of stone tools, mainly practical and less decorative artifacts. In northern Vietnam, bronze drums are found“ Dongshan Culture ”The prehistoric culture from 1000 BC to around BC. [26]
The unearthed relics of "Dongshan Culture" are numerous and rich in variety, including bronze, pottery, jade, stone, crystal, iron, wood, etc. Dongshan Culture A large amount of copper is used, such as making copper drums as musical instruments, and using copper farm tools to improve agricultural production efficiency. Dongshan culture also has a certain navigation technology, which uses rowboats to navigate the local area, and has larger ships, supplemented by astronomical knowledge to make long voyages. Archaeological excavation shows that the society has formed a tribal society in the Red River basin during the Dongshan culture period. [25]

Legendary Period

The northern part of ancient Vietnam belonged to Baiyue In Luo Yue Land of Luo Yue Is the main ethnic group in Vietnam Jing nationality Ancestors of). According to Vietnamese myths and legends, the earliest dynasty in Vietnam was Hong Pang's , Hong Pang is China Divine Husbandman Descendants of, were awarded the title of“ King Jingyang ”, governing the south, known as the "Red Ghost Country". King Jingyang married the daughter of King Dongting's Dragon King, and gave birth to the raccoon dog Dragon King (named Chonglao). [36-37] Vietnam called the Lord Langlong "the ancestor of Baiyue", and his eldest son was called "Xiongwang" (also known as King Luo and King Luo), who inherited the throne and established“ Wenlang Country ”, 18 generations, more than 2000 years in total. [28] Therefore, Vietnamese call themselves "descendants of male kings" or "descendants of immortal dragons". [24]
257 years ago, the last prince of Shu Shupan Led his people to destroy Wenlang and establish Ouluo State , and called himself the King of Anyang. The legendary Wenlang State and Ouluo State are the rudiments of ancient Vietnam. [24] Some scholars believe that the Wenlang State and Ouluo State in myths and legends are just tribal alliances organized by political power, not class society countries. [24]

Northern Period

  • First North Genus
Chinese emperor First Emperor of Qin In 214 BC, after the unification of the six countries, a large army was sent to occupy Guangxi Guangdong , Fujian, conquer the local Baiyue All tribes, China has set up three prefectures in this area, the northern part of Vietnam (namely Luo Yue )It's China Xiangjun Part of. [26]
At the end of the Qin Dynasty in China, there was chaos. In 203 BC, Nanhai Wei of the Qin Dynasty Zhao Tuo Self-reliance South Vietnam King Wu (later renamed "Nanyue Emperor Wu"), whose capital is in today's Guangdong Guangzhou North central Vietnam is part of South Vietnam.
In 111 BC, the Chinese emperor Martial Emperor Extinguish South Vietnam , and set up region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam Jiuzhen Sunan Sanjun. For more than a thousand years, the central and northern part of Vietnam has been China( Han Dynasty Soochow Jin dynasty Southern Dynasties Sui Dynasty , Tang Dynasty Southern Han Dynasty )After Vietnam became independent, it called this period“ Northern Period ”Or "County Times". [26]
  • To levy the Queen's independence
In the 16th year of Jianwu in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 40), Jiaozhi woman Sign side With my sister Levy II The army revolted and captured Jiaozhi County, known as“ Erzheng Uprising ”。 Jiuzhen County, Ri'nan County and Hepu County responded to the uprising one after another, so the sisters of the Second Expedition (Vietnamese: Hai B à Tr ư ng) gathered 100000 troops and successively captured 65 cities in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Later, the side of the expedition established itself as the king, established the government, and established the capital of Rongling, which is known in history“ Levy the queen ”(Vietnamese: Tr ư ng N ữ V ư ng). In the 18th year of Jianwu (42 years), Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu appointed conqueror of northern Viet Nam In the first month of the following year (43rd year), Ma Yuan killed the Zhengbian and Zhenger for General Fubo's crusade against the Second Zheng, and sent their corpses to the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty Luoyang [75] [76 ]
  • Second North Genus
After suppressing the Erzheng Uprising, the Eastern Han Dynasty carried out a series of economic and cultural construction and reform in the local area. At that time, Ma Yuan saw that Xiyu County had a vast jurisdiction, with more than 32000 households. The remote area was more than 1000 miles away from the government office, which was inconvenient for management. He wrote to Liu Xiu and requested that Xiyu be divided into two counties, Fengxi and Wanghai. Everywhere Ma Yuan went, he organized human resources to repair the city walls for the counties and open canals to water and irrigate the fields to facilitate the people. Ma Yuan also referred to the laws of the Han Dynasty, sorted out the laws of the Yue Dynasty, corrected the contradictions between the laws of the Yue Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, and declared them to the local people for restraint. Since then, the local government has always complied with the laws applied by Ma Yuan, the so-called "follow the story of General Ma" [77]
In the late Eastern Han Dynasty (192) Zhan nationality Renqulian stabbed to death Ri'nan County in the Han Dynasty Xianglin County Order, occupy the original Ri'nan County Part of the region, with Brahmanism as the state religion, established the Linyi State (later called Champa State) Hue Is the boundary.
  • Third North Genus
In the Sui Dynasty, Lin Yi State of Vietnam was ruled by the Chinese emperor Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty Send troops to destroy the country and set up three prefectures. In the Tang Dynasty, Linyi was restored to the state, and Hengshan was the boundary between China and Linyi. From 1190 to 1220, Zhan Po cover chenla Occupation and restoration. [1]

Feudal period

In the 10th century, China entered the period of five generations and ten countries Annan )Out of China's control.
938“ Battle of Baiteng River ”, Wu Quan Defeat China Southern Han Dynasty In 939, Vietnam became king, known as the former King of Wu in history. The establishment of the Wu Dynasty was the beginning of Vietnam's separation from China. However, Wu Quan only claimed the title of king, did not establish the title of state, and failed to rule northern Vietnam effectively. [18]
In 1968, Dingbu collar (Emperor Ding) conquered the separatist forces in the territory by force and established Ding Dynasty (968-979)“ Daqu Yue ”This is the first official name in Vietnam's history and the establishment of a centralized country has begun. [25] In 970, he called himself the emperor and established the capital Hualu (Today Ningping Province Ningping )Later, the emperor of the Song Dynasty recognized that Vietnam was an autonomous vassal state and no longer a territory directly under the control of China. However, although the Vietnamese dynasties were ostensibly courtiers to China, they called themselves emperors at home, which was historically known as“ Outer King and Inner Emperor ”。 [29]
In 1980, Li Huan establish Pre Li Dynasty , and fought back Hou Renbao Led by the Chinese army in the Northern Song Dynasty. During the period of Ding and Qian Li, the traditional boundary between Champa and Vietnam has been formed, that is, Hengshan is the boundary. [25]
1010, Li Gongyun establish Li Chao (1010-1224) In 1054, the country changed its name to "Great Vietnam". Its ruler won the title of king for the first time in Vietnamese history, and Vietnam was called a country for the first time. [23] In the late 11th century, Song dynasty And Li Chao, Vietnam burst Song Yue Xi Ning War
In 1225, Chen Dynasty (1225-1399) replaced the Li Dynasty and was Mongol Empire Invasion, forced to submit to Mongolia, yuan dynasty After its establishment, Vietnam was invaded twice by the Yuan Dynasty and defeated by the Chen Dynasty. After the war, the Chen Dynasty sent envoys to the Yuan Dynasty pay tribute Fix it to show your obedience. In 1398, the Chen Dynasty moved the capital from Shenglong to Qinghua, and took Zhancheng as a vassal, constantly expediting to the western mountainous areas and the Niuhou in Laos [21] , Ailao, building the relationship between the sub suzerain and the vassal state [20] [22] A unified "Vietnamese culture" has gradually taken shape. [25]
In the 15th century, during the reign of Emperor Chengzu Yongle of the Ming Dynasty, the monarch of the Chen Dynasty in Vietnam suffered foreign relatives Hu Jiyak After usurping the throne, the Hu Dynasty expanded its territory to Zhandong and Ancient Fortress, that is, the southern part of Guangnan and the broad sense [25] The Ming Dynasty overthrew the Hu regime (1400-1407) at the request of the Chen Dynasty's legacies. The Chinese army took advantage of the situation to recover Vietnam and set up prefectures and counties Jiao Zhicheng Announces the Political Envoy , once again ruled directly, that is“ Annam belonged to the Ming Dynasty ”。 But several years after the death of Ming Chengzu, Lili Defeat the Ming Army, Commitment Maintenance and the Ming Dynasty's Suzerain vassal relationship After that, it regained its independence and established Later Li Dynasty (1428-1789).
In 1471, Later Li Dynasty Extinguish Champa The territory gradually expanded southward. In 1527, a powerful minister Mo Dengyong After usurping the Li Dynasty Mo Chao In 1531, with the support of the Zheng and Ruan families, the later Li Dynasty restored (also known as the resurgence of the Li Dynasty) and confronted with the Mo Dynasty. Vietnam began to enter a period of more than 200 years of north-south division. [19]
In 1592, the later Li Dynasty eliminated the Mo Dynasty, nominally unifying the country, but Vietnam continued to split. The northern part was controlled by the Zheng family, and the southern part was controlled by the Ruan family. The two families continued to fight, which was known in history as“ Zheng Ruan Dispute ”。 However, the nominal co leader, the emperor of the Later Li Dynasty, was completely a puppet, under the control of the Zheng family. In 1698, the Nguyen family sent troops to annex the Khmer (today's Mekong Delta ), and pushed its territory into the Gulf of Siam, establishing the territory of contemporary Vietnam. [25]
In 1771, the outbreak Xishan Uprising Ruan Wenhui The three brothers successively destroyed Ruan and Zheng, united the country and established Western Mountain Dynasty The Last Monarch of the Later Li Dynasty Li Weiqi He fled to China and asked the Qing army to help him recover. In 1789, the Xishan Army repulsed the intervention army of the Qing Dynasty, Later Li Dynasty Completely perish. In 1802, descendants of the original Ruan family Ruan Fuying With the support of France, the Xishan Dynasty was destroyed and the Ruan Dynasty was established (1802-1945). The following year Ruan Fu sent envoys suzerain China requested to change the country name to "South Vietnam", and finally Emperor Jiaqing Grant Country number "Vietnam", and conferred Nguyen Phu as "King of Vietnam". This is the origin of Vietnam's name.
In the first half of the 19th century, Vietnam and Siam competed for suzerainty over Cambodia and Laos. In 1807, King Anzan II of Cambodia was forced to pay tribute to the Nguyen Dynasty under the irresistible situation. In 1813, the Ruan army invaded Cambodia, which actually became Vietnam's "protectorate". After 1827, the Ruan Dynasty occupied a large area of Laos and set up a state capital. At this time, the territory extends to the Mekong Delta in the south and the Mekong River in the west, facing Siam across the river. [26]

Colonial period

After the middle of the 19th century, France began to invade and nibble Vietnam. In 1858, French colonialists launched an armed aggression against Vietnam and attacked Da Nang. By 1867, the six provinces of Cochinchina in Vietnam were completely colonized by France. In 1874, France and Vietnam signed the Second Saigon Treaty. Vietnam opened the Red River to Yunnan, opened Guiren, Haiphong and Hanoi as trade ports, allowed France to send consuls at trade ports, and the French army protected the security of the consulate. [27] By the 1880s, France had stepped up its invasion of Beiqi. In 1883, France and Vietnam signed the First Hue Treaty, and Vietnam recognized France's rule over Vietnam. [35]
The signing of the First Hue Treaty in 1883
China Qing Dynasty Government action suzerain Send troops to resist, Feng Zicai and Liu Yongfu Rate Black Flag Army And so on. In 1885, the Sino French War ended, and the Qing government of China signed a contract with France《 Sino French New Testament 》, gave up on Vietnam Suzerainty On the other hand, Vietnam became French colony Ruan Dynasty French Federation of Indochina The Governor stationed in Saigon (changed after 1902 Hanoi , today's Ho Chi Minh City), colonized Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. [26]
The French colonial authorities formed the three countries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos into the "French Indochina Federation", and exercised the full authority of the French governor in the whole federation. Vietnam is divided into three parts, namely, Cochinchina (Jiaozhi China), China Cochinchina (Annam) and China Cochinchina (Tokyo). Jiaozhi China is a territory directly under the Central Government, Tokyo is a semi protected area, Annan is a protected area, and Cambodia and Laos are two "protected areas". [26]
Under the influence of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and Sun Yat sen's thought, in February 1912, Pan Peizhu held a meeting of Vietnamese revolutionaries and established the "Vietnam Recovery Conference". On February 3, 1930, under the auspices of Ho Chi Minh, the communist organizations in Vietnam were merged into a unified Communist Party of Vietnam. In October, it was renamed the Communist Party of Indochina. In February of the same year, the Vietnamese Kuomintang launched the Anpei Uprising, but it was suppressed by the French colonial authorities only a week later. [26]
In September 1940, when Japan invaded Vietnam, the French colonialists agreed to the Japanese army, and Vietnam became a colony under the dual rule of France and Japan. [26]

After World War II

In March 1945, the Japanese army stationed in Indochina launched a coup to overthrow the French colonial rule, and fostered Emperor Bao Da as the "Emperor of Vietnam". [35] After the Second World War, the Chinese army was ordered to go to Vietnam to accept the surrender of the Japanese invaders. [30] Vietnam won the "August Revolution" in August 1945, and Japan was expelled from Vietnam, Ruan Dynasty The Last Emperor Baoda Emperor He also announced his abdication. On September 2, Ho Chi Minh led Vietnam League (i.e. later Communist Party of Vietnam )And declared independence in Hanoi in the north of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh Declare the Declaration of Independence Democratic Republic of Vietnam Establishment (i.e“ North Vietnam ”)They control the Chinese and Beiqi regions, which account for about two fifths of the territory of Vietnam, and the Vietnamese Revolutionary League and the Vietnamese Kuomintang control a few areas on the border between Yunnan, Vietnam and Guangxi. [31]
Ho Chi Minh presided over the headquarters meeting in the war of resistance against France
On September 23, 1945, the French colonial army returned and occupied Saigon. On September 26, Ho Chi Minh sent a letter calling on his compatriots in the south to rise up against Japan and call on the whole country to support the south. On January 1, 1946, the Vietnamese Interim Government, together with the Vietnamese Revolutionary League and the Vietnamese Kuomintang, reorganized and established a coalition government. [31]
In 1949, South Vietnam was established with the support of France“ Vietnam ”, by Baoda Emperor Serve as head of state. China and Vietnam established diplomatic relations on January 18, 1950, and New China began to provide Vietnam with hundreds of billions of yuan of capital and millions of tons of materials for free.
On March 13, 1954, between North Vietnam and France Dien Bien Phu Campaign Sound. On May 7, the battle ended victoriously in Vietnam to the north. After Vietnam won the "Dien Bien Phu victory", on July 21, 1954《 the Geneva agreement 》Was signed. According to the Geneva Agreement, Vietnam is divided from north to south by 17 degrees north latitude, and the north is divided by Ho Chi Minh Led by Baoda Emperor leader. [39]
Saigon was occupied by North Vietnam and the South Vietnam National Liberation Front
On July 17, 1955, the United States tore up the Geneva Agreement, replacing France in southern Vietnam, Diem Launch a coup with the support of the United States He deposed the Great Protector, became president himself, and established The Republic of Vietnam (The so-called "South Vietnam").
In 1961, Vietnam war Burst, U.S.A And the republic of korea the Philippines Thailand Australia New Zealand And other countries formed a coalition to intervene in the war. China dispatched military and a large number of civilian resources and materials to help Vietnam fight against the United States. The Paris Agreement was signed on January 27, 1973 and recognized by the United States Democratic Republic of Vietnam In the international legal status, he withdrew from the Vietnam War. In March of the same year, he withdrew all the troops and their allies and military personnel from South Vietnam (the Republic of Vietnam).
In May 1975, Saigon was attacked by North Vietnam Vietnam Southern National Liberation Front Occupation, the Republic of Vietnam perished. In July 1976, Vietnam announced the unification of the north and south, with the country name of "Socialist Republic of Vietnam".

Aggression against Cambodia and Reform

After the reunification of Vietnam, its army was tempered by the Vietnam War, and received a large amount of free assistance from China, some Soviet aid equipment and captured American weapons. With the strong support of the former Soviet Union, the expansion thought of the Vietnamese Communist Party once expanded. In 1979, Vietnam took advantage of Cambodia Khmer Rouge The rule is brutal, and Cambodian people are seething with resentment. They invade Cambodia on a large scale Pol Pot The Khmer Rouge led by the Khmer Rouge drove out of the city to support Han Sanglin And sent troops to control Laos; Launched a large-scale anti Chinese riot in southern Vietnam, drove out overseas Chinese in Vietnam, and constantly occupied China's border territory, and also occupied China Nansha Islands Most of the islands and reefs. Finally, in 1979, China Self defense and counterattack against Vietnam China Vietnam relations deteriorated for a time. [32]
1986 Leader of the Viet Nam Communist Party Asparagus After death, long march Ruan Wenling Successively, Vietnam implemented reform and opening up, adjusted its relations with China and ASEAN neighbors, and carried out economic restructuring at home, so as to put Vietnam on the right path of development. In 1989, Vietnamese troops withdrew from Cambodia. In 1991, China and Vietnam normalized their relations. In 1995, Vietnam established diplomatic relations with the United States.
On June 7, 2019, the General Assembly of the United Nations elected Estonia Niger Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tunisia And Vietnam are non permanent members of the Security Council in 2020 and 2021. [38]
On October 11, 2022, he was elected as United Nations Human Rights Council The new member will take office on January 1, 2023. [51]
Vietnam will host APEC in 2027 [65]

administrative division


Political district

Vietnam has 5 municipalities and 58 provinces, which are divided into 8 regions. [4]
Administrative divisions of Vietnam
the measure of area
Province and municipality directly under the Central Government
Red River Plain (including 11 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government)
14900 square kilometers
Hanoi City (H à N ∨ i)
coast defence City (Th à nhph ố H ≮ iPh ò ng)
Yongfu Province (T ỉ nhV ĩ nhPh ú c, Yong'an City, the provincial capital)
Hexi Province
Beining Province (T ỉ nhB ắ cNinh; provincial capital Beining City)
Haiyang Province (T ỉ nhH ≮ iD ư ơ ng; Haiyang, the provincial capital)
Xing'an Province (T ỉ nhH ư ngY ê n; Xing'an, the provincial capital)
Henan Province (T ỉ nhH à Nam; Fuli City, the provincial capital)
Nanding Province (T ỉ nhNam Đ nh; provincial capital Nanding City
Taiping Province (T ỉ nhTh á iB ì nh, Taiping City, the provincial capital)
Ningping Province (T ỉ nhNinhB ì nh, Ningping City, the provincial capital)
Northeast China (including 11 provinces)
64000 square kilometers
Hejiang Province (T ỉ nhH à Giang; Hejiang City, the provincial capital)
Gaoping Province (T ỉ nhCaoB ằ ng; provincial capital Gao Ping City)
Laojie Province (T ỉ nhL à oCai provincial capital Old Street City
North Piece Province (T ỉ nhB ắ cK ạ n; Beigu, the provincial capital)
Lang Son Province (T ỉ nhL ạ ngS ơ n; provincial capital Lang Shan City
Fushou Province (T ỉ nhPh ú Th ọ, Yuechi City, the provincial capital)
Taiyuan Province (T ỉ nhTh á iNguy ê n, Taiyuan, the provincial capital)
Beijiang Province (T ỉ nhB ắ cGiang; provincial capital Beijiang City)
Guangning Province (T ỉ nhQu ≮ ngNinh; provincial capital Xialong City
Xuanguang Province (T ỉ nhTuy ê nQuang, Xuanguang City, the provincial capital)
Anpei Province (T ỉ nhY ê nB á i, Anpei City, the provincial capital)
Northwest China (including 4 provinces)
37500 square kilometers
Laizhou Province (T ỉ nhLaiCh â u, Laizhou City, the provincial capital)
Heping Province (T ỉ nhHo à B ì nh, Heping City, the provincial capital)
Dien Bien Province (T ỉ nh Đ i ệ nBi ê n, provincial capital Dien Bien Mansion City)
Shanluo Province (T ỉ nhS ơ nLa, Shanluo City, the provincial capital)
North Central Region (including 6 provinces)
51600 square kilometers
Qinghua Province (T ỉ nhThanhH ó a, Qinghua City, the provincial capital)
Yi'an Province (T ỉ nhNgh ệ An, Rongshi, the provincial capital)
Ha Tinh Province (T ỉ nhH à T ĩ nh, Hejing City, the provincial capital)
Guangping Province (T ỉ nhQu ≮ ngB ì nh, Donghai City, the provincial capital)
Guangzhi Province (T ỉ nhQu ≮ ngTr ị, Donghe City, the provincial capital)
Thua Thien (T ỉ nhTh ừ aThi ê n-Hu ế, the provincial capital, Shunhua City)
Central and southern coastal areas (including 6 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government)
33200 square kilometers
Da Nang City (Th à nhph ố Đ à N ẵ ng/City: 㶞)
Guangnan Province (T ỉ nhQu ≮ ngNam, Sanqi City, the provincial capital)
Generalized province (T ỉ nhQu ≮ ngNg ã i, Tra Vinh City, the provincial capital)
Binh Dinh Province (T ỉ nhB ì nh Đ nh, provincial capital Guiren City
Fu'an Province (T ỉ nhPh ú Y ê n, provincial capital Suihe City [72]
Qinghe Province (T ỉ nhKh á nhH ò a, provincial capital Nha Trang City
Xiyuan District (including 5 provinces)
54700 square kilometers
Kunsong Province (T ỉ nhKonTum, Kunsong City, the provincial capital)
Jialai Province (T ỉ nhGiaLai, provincial capital Bolaigu City)
Deloitte (T ỉ nh Đ ắ kL ắ k, provincial capital Bangmeishu City)
Denon (T ỉĐắắ kN ô ng, Jiayi Municipal Community, the provincial capital)
Lintong Province (T ỉ nhL â m 272ồ ng, provincial capital Dalat City
Southern Eastern District (including 8 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government)
34800 km
Ho Chi Ming City (Th à nhph ố H ồ Ch í Minh/Chengpu Ho Chi Minh)
Ningshun Province (T ỉỉ NinhThu ậậỉ n, the provincial capital Panlang Tazhan)
Pingfu Province (T ỉ nhB ì nhPh ư c, Tongshuai City, the provincial capital)
Xining Province (T ỉ nhT â yNinh, the provincial capital, Xining)
Pingyang Province (T ỉ nhB ì nhD ư ơ ng, provincial capital Tulongmu City
Tongnai Province (T ỉ nh Đ ồ ngNai, provincial capital Bianhe City
Binh Thuan Province (T ỉ nhB ì nhThu ậ n, provincial capital Panche City
Batitunton (T ỉ nhB à R ị a-V ũ ngT à u, provincial capital Badi City
Mekong River (Jiulong River) plain area (including 13 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government)
40600 square kilometers
Long'an Province (T ỉ nhLongAn, Xin'an City, the provincial capital)
Tongta Province (T ỉĐồồ ngTh á p, Gaoling City, the provincial capital)
Anjiang Province (T ỉ nhAnGiang, provincial capital Longchuan City
Qianjiang Province (T ỉ nhTi ề nGiang, Meiqiu City, the provincial capital)
Yonglong Province (T ỉ nhV ĩ nhLong, Yonglong City, the provincial capital)
Ben Tre (T ỉ B ế nTre, Ben Tre, the provincial capital)
Jianjiang Province (T ỉ nhKi ê nGiang, provincial capital Dishi City
Houjiang Province (T ỉ nhH ậ uGiang, Weiqing City, the provincial capital)
Can Tho City (Th à nhph ố C ầ nTh ơ/City:
Xuzhen Province (T ỉ nhS ó cTr ă ng, Shuozhuang, the provincial capital)
Tra Vinh Province (T ỉ nhTr à Vinh, Tra Vinh, provincial capital)
Jinou Province (T ỉ nhC à Mau, provincial capital Jinou City
Boliao Province (T ỉ nhB ạ cLi ê u, provincial capital Bo Liao City) [4]


Vietnam has 729 cities, including Hanoi Ho Chi Ming City coast defence , Da Nang and Can Tho. Vietnamese cities are divided into six categories: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are special cities. In addition, there are 15 Class I cities, 16 Class II cities, 45 Class III cities, 66 Class IV cities, and the rest are Class V cities. [4]
capital Hanoi It is located in the middle of the Red River Delta Plain, It covers an area of 3340 square kilometers and has a population of 8.05 million (2019). The average temperature is 28.9 ℃ in summer and 18.9 ℃ in winter. [61] It is the political and cultural center of the country, the largest city in terms of area and population. Hanoi, formerly known as "Shenglong", has a history of 1000 years. The water and land transportation is convenient, and there are railways, highways and air lines connected with major provinces and cities in China. [4]
Ho Chi Ming City It is the largest port city and economic center in Vietnam, with the largest population in the country. It is composed of the former three cities of Saigon, Di'an and Jiading. It is located in the northeast of the Mekong Delta, on the right bank of the Saigon River, 60 kilometers from the sea port. It covers an area of 2090 square kilometers. According to Vietnamese official statistics, there are about 500000 Chinese in Ho Chi Minh City, and the fifth county (formerly Di'an City) in the city is an area where Chinese live. The famous historical buildings in the urban area include the Unified Palace (the former Nanyue Presidential Palace), the city hall, the post office, the opera house, the Tin Hau Temple, the Notre Dame Cathedral, etc. The climate of Ho Chi Minh City is hot all the year round, and the diurnal temperature difference is not large. The temperature in January is the lowest, with the monthly average temperature of 25 ℃; The highest temperature is in April, with the monthly average temperature of 29 ℃. [4]
Other major cities include: coast defence Da Nang Can Tho Xialong Taiyuan Cross pool , Nanding Hue Head count Dalat Nha Trang and Hexian Etc. Haiphong is an important port city and the third largest city in the north; Da Nang is an important port city in central China with rich tourism resources; Xialong City is a tourist city, and Xialong Bay is a world natural and cultural heritage. [4]

natural environment


Location context

Vietnam is located in the east of Indochina Peninsula, bordering Guangxi and Yunnan in the north. The Sino Vietnam land boundary is 1347 kilometers long; West and Laos Cambodia Junction; The South China Sea is to the east and southeast. The land area is 329000 square kilometers. Vietnam belongs to the East 7 time zone. Hanoi time is one hour later than Beijing time. [4]

topographic features

Vietnam has a long and narrow terrain, slightly S-shaped. The longest part from north to south is about 1640 kilometers, the widest part from east to west is about 600 kilometers, and the narrowest part is only 50 kilometers. The terrain is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. Three quarters of the territory is mountainous and plateau. There are two major plains, the Red River Delta and the Mekong River Delta, with an area of 20000 square kilometers and 50000 square kilometers respectively. They are major agricultural production areas. The north and northwest are high mountains and plateaus, and the central Changshan Mountains run through the north and south. [4]
Vietnam is densely covered with rivers, including 2860 rivers with a length of more than 10 kilometers. Larger rivers include the Red River, Mekong River (Jiulong River), Tuojiang River (Heishui River), Lujiang River and Taiping River. Vietnam's coastline is 3260 kilometers long. [4]

Climatic characteristics

Vietnam is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer and belongs to the tropical monsoon climate zone. The north has four distinct seasons, and the annual average temperature in most areas is 23 ℃ - 25 ℃. The southern part is in dry season (October to April of the next year) and rainy season (May to September), and the annual average temperature in most areas is 26 ℃ - 27 ℃. The air is humid and the rainfall is sufficient. The average annual rainfall in China is 1500-2000mm. [4]
Vietnam has a large rainfall and high humidity throughout the year. The northern part of Vietnam has a continental climate more or less due to the impact of China's land climate. The East China Sea has a great influence on the tropical monsoon humid climate of land. The tropical monsoon humid climate has different impacts on Vietnam's territory, so different regions of Vietnam have different climate characteristics. The climate of Vietnam varies with seasons, north and south, east and west. Influenced by the northeast monsoon, the annual average temperature of Vietnam is lower than that of countries in the same latitude of Asia. [41]
Vietnam's climate can be divided into two distinct climatic regions.
(1) North - The provinces to the north of Haiyun Mountain (HAI VAN) are located in the tropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, which is affected by the northeast wind and southeast wind from the Asian continent and has high humidity. [41]
(2) South - In the provinces south of Haiyun Mountain, the tropical climate is relatively mild, with four seasons of high temperature, and is divided into dry season and rainy season due to less impact of monsoon. [41]
At the same time, Vietnam has other microclimate regions due to different topographic structures; Some places have a temperate climate, such as SA PA in Laojie Province and DA LAT in Lintong Province; Some places have continental climate (such as Laizhou Province, Shanluo Province). [41]

High temperature record

On May 6, 2023, Vietnam recorded a high temperature of 44.1 degrees Celsius, the highest in the country. [57]

natural resources


mineral resources

Vietnam is rich in resources and diverse in types. More than 120 kinds of minerals have been found. Mineral resources include more than 50 kinds of mineral resources such as energy, metals and nonmetals. Energy mineral resources mainly include coal, oil and natural gas; Metal deposits mainly include iron, chromium, aluminum, copper, nickel, lead, titanium, etc; Non metallic mineral deposits mainly include apatite, sulfide ore, kaolin, etc. [4]
These mineral resources are unevenly distributed, mainly in the north and central areas of Vietnam, and only scattered in the south. Black, nonferrous, and rare earth metal ores are mainly distributed in the north, while bauxite and gold ores are mainly distributed in the south. Vietnam's mineral resources have four characteristics: wide distribution of mineral deposits; The ore belt is concentrated, and the proportion of large and medium-sized deposits is large (more than half); There are many paragenetic and associated deposits, and the proportion of rich ore and easy ore dressing is high; Adjacent to railway and seaport. However, there are few world-class large deposits, most of which are medium and small. But some of them have development potential, such as oil and gas resources, bauxite, etc. [33]
Vietnam has proved coal reserves of about 3.8 billion tons, of which high-quality anthracite is about 3.4 billion tons, mainly distributed in Guangning Province, and the rest is lignite and peat, mainly distributed in the Red River Delta and the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam. [4]
Vietnam has crude oil reserves of about 4.4 billion barrels, ranking 28th in the world, and natural gas reserves of 1 trillion cubic meters. Vietnam's crude oil exploitation scale ranks 36th in the world, and its oil export ranks 4th in Southeast Asia. In 2020, Vietnam will exploit 11.47 million tons of crude oil and 9.16 billion cubic meters of natural gas. [4]
Vietnam is rich in bauxite resources, ranking fourth in the world. [33] In addition, 1.3 billion tons of iron ore, 5.4 billion tons of bauxite, 10 million tons of copper ore, 22 million tons of rare earth, 20 million tons of chrome ore, 20 million tons of titanium ore, 4.5 million tons of zirconium ore, 1.52 million tons of nickel ore and 20 million tons of kaolin have been proved. [4]

Biological resources

Vietnam is regarded as one of the 16 countries with high biodiversity in the world. According to the biodiversity statistics report, Vietnam has found nearly 20000 species of plants, including 2300 species of food plants, and 3300 species of medicinal materials, animal feed, wood, essential oil and other plants. As for animals, Vietnam has about 310 kinds of beasts, 840 kinds of birds, 296 kinds of reptiles, 162 kinds of frogs, 2472 kinds of fish, including 472 kinds of freshwater fish and thousands of invertebrates. [10]
 Vietnam Biological Resources Vietnam Biological Resources Vietnam Biological Resources Vietnam Biological Resources
Vietnam Biological Resources
Vietnam has 173 protected areas across the country, with a total area of more than 2500 hectares, including 33 national parks, 66 nature reserves, 18 species and habitat reserves, 56 natural landscape reserves, and 9 internationally important wetlands [9] [13]

National symbol


Country name

The appellation of Vietnam has changed several times in history, and it was first called "Jiaozhi". It is said that the two toes of the ancient Vietnamese intersected, so they were called“ region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam ”In 111 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pacified South Vietnam , that is, it was established in the current northern Vietnam Jiaozhi [41]
In the Tang Dynasty Annandu Residence Guard Therefore, Vietnam is also called“ Annan ”。 968 Ding Dynasty Independence, Jianguo“ Daqu Yue ”This is the first official name in Vietnam's history. In 1054, Emperor Shengzong of Li Chao changed the country name to "Dayue". "Great Vietnam" is the longest used name in Vietnam's history, although it was in the 15th century Hu Dynasty The country name was changed to "Dayu" for a short time, but Li Dynasty, Chen Dynasty Later Li Dynasty All dynasties took "Dayue" as their symbol. however Song dynasty Since then, China has continued to“ Annan ”It was often called“ region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam ”)。 In 1802, Ruan Fuying Unify Dayue and establish Ruan Dynasty , intended to change the country name of "Great Vietnam" to "South Vietnam", and requested suzerain Approved by the Qing Dynasty of China. Qing Dynasty Emperor Jiaqing It is believed that the "South Vietnam" in history includes Guangdong and Guangxi, and the literal meaning is related to the rule of the Ruan regime Jiaozhou The reality of the old place was not consistent and was rejected, and "South Vietnam" was reversed to "Vietnam". [41]
In 1804, the Qing Dynasty sent envoys to confer Ruan Fu as the "King of Vietnam", and Vietnam became the new title of the country. In 1839, the Ruan Dynasty Ming Ming Emperor Change the country number to“ Great Southern Empire ”Since then, the dual track country names of "Great South" and "Great Vietnam" have been adopted simultaneously. [2] In 1945, the Ruan Dynasty Baoda Emperor Establishment“ Vietnam Empire ”, September 2, 1945 Ho Chi Minh establish Democratic Republic of Vietnam In 1976, Vietnam was unified from north to south and renamed as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. [41]

national flag

The Constitution of Vietnam stipulates: "The national flag of Vietnam is rectangular, with five pointed Venus in the middle of the red background." The national flag has been adopted since November 30, 1955. It is commonly called the Venus Red Flag. The length width ratio is 3:2. [14]
Vietnamese Flag
The ground of the national flag is red, and the center of the flag is a pentagram. Red symbolizes revolution and victory. The five pointed Venus symbolizes the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam over the country. The five corners of the five stars represent workers, farmers, soldiers, intellectuals and youth respectively. [15]
The yellow five pointed star is located in the center of the background color, and the single star point is directly upward. Red represents the blood sacrificed in the country's long-term struggle for independence and unity. The yellow star represents the unity of the United States after the Vietnam War. Each point of the star recognizes the unity of five different parts of society, including farmers, soldiers, workers, young people and intellectuals who define the realization of the socialist political agenda of unifying Vietnam. The first point represents intellectuals. The second point represents farmers. Another point is to represent workers. The fourth point stands for businessmen, and military personnel are the last symbol on the flag. The national flag of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has only two colors. The national flag with red areas is intended to symbolize the national uprising of the Vietnamese people. There is a five pointed Venus in the center, which symbolizes the main social strata of the country. It is these colors that give the flag its nickname, which is translated into "red flag with golden stars" in English. [40]

national anthem

The national anthem of Vietnam is《 March song 》。 The Song of March was born in the liberated area of North Vietnam before the revolution in August 1945. The Second Session of the First Congress of Vietnam held in 1946 officially determined the Song of March as the national anthem. In 1955, the Fifth Session of the First Congress made some minor changes to the lyrics of the Song of March according to the government's suggestions. On July 2, 1976, the unified Vietnam Congress passed a resolution to determine the "March Song" as the national anthem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam after national reunification. [15]

national emblem

National Emblem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam It is round. The red round surface is inlaid with a golden five pointed star; There is a golden gear at the lower end, symbolizing industry; The round surface is symmetrically surrounded by two bundles of rice ears tied with red ribbons, symbolizing agriculture; "Socialist Republic of Vietnam" is written on the ribbon below the gold gear in Vietnamese. The designer is Vietnamese artist Pei Zhuangzhong (Vietnamese: B ù i Trang Ch ư c). [15]
Vietnam National Emblem
The predecessor of the national emblem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is the national emblem of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which was put into use on November 30, 1955. Under the gear is the Vietnamese "Democratic Republic of Vietnam". In 1976, Vietnam was reunified. On the basis of the original national emblem of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the shape and color of the yellow pentagram and ears of wheat were partially modified. The Vietnamese language "Democratic Republic of Vietnam" on the original national emblem was modified to "Republican Socialist Vietnam". [41]

national flower

Vietnamese folk Lotus As the national flower, it is used as a symbol of strength, auspiciousness, peace and light. It also compares lotus to heroes and gods and Buddhas. In short, all the beautiful ideals are expressed in lotus. [41]

Population and nationality



There are about 900000 Chinese in Vietnam, mainly distributed in Ho Chi Minh City, Tongnai, Pingyang, Lintong, Guangning, Haiphong, Tra Vinh, Jianjiang, Houjiang and other provinces and cities. Among them, Ho Chi Minh City Fifth County (Embankment) is a place where Chinese are relatively concentrated. [4]
In January 2024, the Vietnamese General Bureau of Statistics released data that the population of Vietnam will be about 100.3 million by the end of 2023. [67]


Main term: Vietnamese
Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country, with 54 nationalities in total, and the Jing nationality (also known as the Yue nationality) is the main nationality. The proportion of the population of each ethnic group is 86.2%, 1.9%, 1.7%, 1.5%, 1.4%, 1.1%, 1.1%, 1.1%, 1%, 4.1% and 4.1% respectively. [4]
According to the classification of language pedigree, Vietnamese can be divided into three language families, namely, South Asian language family, Malay Polynesian language family and Sino Tibetan language family. There are 7 ethnic groups with a population of more than 500000 to 1 million: Yue (Jing), Dai Yi, Tai, Chinese, Khmer, Mang and Nong. [17]
Austro-Asiatic language family
Malay Polynesian
Sino Tibetan language family



State System

The national system of Vietnam is Marxism Leninism The People's Republic of a socialist republic. [41]


The people's congress system of the one party system. [41]


The current constitution of Vietnam is the fifth constitution, which was adopted at the sixth session of the 13th National Congress on November 28, 2013. It is the inheritance and development of the 1946, 1959, 1980 and 1992 constitutions, and reflects the socialist goals and the road line of comprehensive national reform proposed by the "Seventh Congress" of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The Constitution stipulates that the state power of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam belongs to the people, and the Communist Party of Vietnam takes Marxism Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought as its guiding ideology. At the 10th session of the 10th National Congress in 2001, some provisions of the Constitution were amended to determine that Vietnam should develop a "socialist oriented" market economy. [4]


The National Assembly, the highest authority of Vietnam, has a four-year term and usually holds two regular meetings every year. Now it is the 15th Congress, with 499 representatives. [3] [78]
On April 26, 2024, the 13th Central Committee of the Viet Nam Communist Party agreed that Wang Tinghui would resign as chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly. [79]
In May 2024, Chen Qingmin was elected President of the Vietnamese National Assembly. [81]


The highest administrative organ of the state. The current government will be formed in July 2021. [1]
Vietnamese government
name list
prime minister
Fan Mingzheng (Pham Minh Chinh)
Li Mingge (Le Minh Khai)、 Chen Honghe Chen Liuguang [53] [62]
defence secretary
Pan Wenjiang (Phan Van Giang)
minister of public security
Su Lin (To Lam)
foreign minister
Pei Qingshan (Bui Thanh Son)
Minister of Interior
Fan's tea (Pham Thi Thanh Tra)
attorney general
Li Chenglong (Le Thanh Long)
Director of Planning and Investment
Ruan Zhiyong (Nguyen Chi Dung)
finance minister
Hu Defu (Ho Duc Phoc)
Minister of Industry and Trade
Ruan Hongyan (Nguyen Hong Dien)
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Li Minghuan (Le Minh Hoan)
Minister of Transport
Ruan style (Nguyen Van The)
Minister of Construction
Ruan Qingyi (Nguyen Thanh Nghi)
Minister of Resources and Environment
Deng Guoqing
Minister of Communications and Media
Ruan Mengxiong (Nguyen Manh Hung)
Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
Tao Yurong (Dao Ngoc Dung)
Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ruan Wenxiong (Nguyen Van Hung)
Minister of Science and Technology
Huang Chengda (Huynh Thanh Dat)
Minister of Education and Training
Ruan Jinshan (Nguyen kim son)
Director of the General Office of the Government
Chen Wenshan (Tran Van Son)
Director of Ethnic Affairs Commission
Houaling (Hau A lenh)
President of the National Bank
Ruan's red (Nguyen Thi Hong)
Chief Inspector of the General Supervision Administration
Duan Hongfeng (Doan Hong Phong) [1]
reference material: [69]


It is composed of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, local courts, local procuratorates and military courts. Nguyen Hoa Binh, President of the Supreme People's Court, took office in July 2021, and Le Minh Tri, Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, took office in July 2021. [69]


The Communist Party of Vietnam is the only political party. It was founded on February 3, 1930. In October of the same year, it changed its name to the Communist Party of Indochina, changed its name to the Vietnamese Labor Party in 1951, and changed its current name to 1976. At present, there are about 5.4 million Party members, nearly 56000 grass-roots organizations, and more than 180 political parties in the world have established inter party relations.
Mat Tran To Quoc Viet Nam is a united front organization in Vietnam. It was founded in September 1955. After the unification of the north and the south, it merged with the Vietnam Southern National Liberation Front and the Vietnam National, Democratic and Peace Forces Alliance in 1977. Du Wenzhan, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Ninth National Front, was elected in April 2021. [1]
Communist Party of Vietnam
name list
General Secretary of the 13th Central Committee of the Viet Nam Communist Party
Nguyen Phu Trong (Nguyen Phu Trong)
Member of the Political Bureau (16) [60]
Ruan Fuchong, Wu Wenshang, Fan Mingzheng, Wang Tinghui, Truong Thi Mai, Nguyen Van Nen, Su Lin, Phan Dinh Trac, Tran Cam Tu, Pan Wenjiang, Ruan Heping, Tran Thanh Man, Nguyen Xuan Thang, Liang Qiang Tran Tuan Anh, Dinh Tien Dung; Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee (11 persons): Ruan Fuchong, Wu Wenshang, Zhang Shimei, Chen Jinxiu, Pan Tingzhuo, Ruan Heping, Le Minh Hung, Nguyen Trong Nghia, Do Van Chien, Pei Thi Minh Hoai, and Le Minh Khai [69]
Member of the Central Inspection Commission (19)
Chen Jinxiu, Ho Minh Chien, Nghiem Phu Cuong, Duan Anh Dung, Tran Thi Hien, Nguyen Quoc Hiep, Nguyen Van Hui, Nguyen Van Hung, Vu Khac Hung, Huang Trong Hung Tran Tien Hung, To Duy Nghia, Vo Thai Nguyen, Nguyen Van Nhan, Nguyen Minh Quang, Tran Van Ron, Tran Duc Thang, Cao Van Thong, Huang Van Tra. [69]


Vietnamese government agencies include the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Communications and Media, the Ministry of Labor, the wounded and the Ministry of Society, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, the National Bank, the National Ethnic Committee 22 ministries and commissions, including the General Supervision Office and the General Office of the Government. [4]
The Ministry of National Defense is not only the administrative body of the Central Military Party Committee of the Vietnamese Communist Party, but also the highest military administrative organ of the Vietnamese army, which governs the General Staff, the General Political Bureau, the General Logistics Bureau, the General Technology Bureau, the General Administration of National Defense Industry and the General Intelligence Bureau. The six headquarters (bureaus) are respectively responsible for military command, political and ideological education, logistics supply, technical support, military industry, production and operation, information collection and service of the whole army. [4]
The Ministry of Public Security is an important department of the Vietnamese government and the highest head of the Vietnamese people's public security force. It is responsible for maintaining national political stability and social order, combating various crimes, and protecting the safety of people's lives and property. [4]
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a special government agency responsible for Vietnam's foreign affairs. Its address is located at No. 1, Zunshitan Street, Bating County, Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. [4]


Nguyen Phu Trong : General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam [73]
Su Lin : Vietnamese President [74] [82]
Fan Mingzheng : Prime Minister of the Vietnamese Government
Chen Qingmin : President of the Vietnamese National Assembly [81] [83]
 Chen Qingmin Becomes President of Vietnam's National Assembly
In May 2024, Chen Qingmin took office as President of the Vietnamese National Assembly
Appointment List of Deputy Prime Minister
full name
Date of inauguration
Elected on April 8, 2021
Elected on April 8, 2021
Elected in January 2023
Elected in January 2023 [52]


Vietnam is a developing country. Reform and opening up began in 1986. In 1996, the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam proposed to vigorously promote national industrialization and modernization. In 2001, the Ninth Congress of the Viet Nam Communist Party determined to establish a socialist oriented market economy system, and determined three major economic strategic priorities, namely, focusing on industrialization and modernization, developing a variety of economic sectors, giving play to the leading role of the state-owned economy, and establishing a supporting management system for the market economy. At the 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2006, it was proposed to give full play to the strength of the whole nation and comprehensively promote the cause of innovation, so that Vietnam can get rid of underdevelopment as soon as possible. At the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2016, the Economic and Social Development Strategy for 2016-2020 was adopted, which proposed that the average annual growth rate of the economy in 2016-2020 should reach 6.5% - 7%, and the per capita GDP should increase to 3200-3500 dollars by 2020. At the Thirteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2021, the Evaluation of the Implementation of Economic and Social Development Tasks in 2016-2020 and the Report on the Direction and Tasks of Economic and Social Development in 2021-2025 were adopted, which proposed that the average annual growth rate of the economy in 2021-2025 would reach 6.5-7%, and the per capita GDP would increase to 4700-5000 dollars by 2025.
Since the reform and opening up, Vietnam's economy has maintained a rapid growth, its total economic volume has continued to expand, the structure of the three industries has tended to be coordinated, and the level of opening up has continued to improve, basically forming a pattern dominated by the state-owned economy, with multiple economic sectors developing together.
The main economic data are as follows:
Main economic data
Main economy
numerical value
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
US $430 billion (2023)
GDP per capita
US $4284
GDP growth rate
Currency name
Vietnamese dong
exchange rate
1 dollar ≈ 24560 dong (October 2023)
Consumer price inflation index
3.25% (2023)
reference material: [69]
Vietnam macroeconomic data
particular year
GDP (100 million US dollars)
GDP growth rate (%)
GDP per capita (USD)
two thousand and sixteen
two thousand and forty-six
six point two one
two thousand two hundred and fifteen
two thousand and seventeen
two thousand two hundred and seventy-six
six point eight eight
two thousand four hundred and thirty-one
two thousand and eighteen
two thousand four hundred and seventy-six
seven point zero eight
two thousand six hundred and seventeen
two thousand and nineteen
two thousand six hundred and twenty
seven point zero two
two thousand seven hundred and eighty-six
two thousand and twenty
two thousand seven hundred and ten
two point nine one
two thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine [4]
two thousand and twenty-one
three thousand and five hundred
two point five eight
three thousand six hundred and eighty [1]


In 2023, Vietnam's industrial production index will increase by 1.5. The main industrial products include coal, crude oil, natural gas, liquefied gas, aquatic products, etc. [69]
 Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry Vietnam Industry
Vietnam Industry
  • automotive industry
By the end of 2020, there are 358 automobile related manufacturing enterprises in China, including 50 automobile assembly enterprises, 45 chassis, body and luggage manufacturers, 214 automobile parts manufacturers, and many other related enterprises. Vietnam's new automobile consumption is less than 300000 vehicles per year. Vietnamese automobile enterprises mainly assemble imported parts, and the localization rate is low, only 5% - 10%. In 2018, Vietnam VINFAST Company launched the first domestic car. [4]
  • electronics industry
In recent years, Vietnam's leading role in the production and export of mobile phones, computers and spare parts has gradually become prominent. In 2020, Vietnam's exports of mobile phones and spare parts will reach US $50.9 billion, and that of electronics, computers and spare parts will reach US $44.7 billion, totaling about US $96 billion, accounting for 33.9% of the total exports. Samsung, LG, Microsoft, Foxconn and other large enterprises have invested and set up factories in Vietnam. Among them, Samsung's investment amount is nearly 17 billion dollars. In 2020, Samsung's revenue in Vietnam is about 67 billion dollars, and its export amount is 57 billion dollars, accounting for about 20% of Vietnam's total export. [4]
  • Oil and gas industry
In 2020, Vietnam will exploit 11.47 million tons of crude oil and 9.16 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Vietnam's first refinery, Rongju Refinery, was officially put into operation on May 30, 2010, with a total investment of more than US $3 billion and an annual processing capacity of 6.5 million tons of crude oil, which can meet 40% of Vietnam's demand for refined oil. [4]


Vietnam is a traditional agricultural country. Cultivated land and forest land account for 60% of the total area. Food crops include rice, corn, potato, sweet potato and cassava, while cash crops mainly include coffee, rubber, pepper, tea, peanuts, sugarcane, etc. In 2023, Vietnam's total output value of agriculture, forestry and fishery will account for 8.84% of GDP, with a growth rate of 3.83%. [69]
Vietnam's national forest area is about 10 million hectares. In 2020, the newly increased afforestation area will be 260500 hectares, and 16.9 million cubic meters of timber will be mined.
Vietnam is rich in fishery resources. There are 1200 kinds of fish and 70 kinds of shrimp along the coast, and it is rich in red fish, mackerel, cod and other fish. The annual output of marine fish can reach hundreds of thousands of tons in the central coastal area, the southern eastern coastal area, the Siam Bay and other sea areas. In 2020, Vietnam's total aquatic products will be 8.423 million tons, up 1.8% year on year. [4]

Service industry

In recent years, Vietnam's service industry has maintained a rapid growth, accounting for 62.29% of GDP in 2023, with a growth rate of 6.82%. [69]


In 2023, Vietnam's national fiscal revenue will be $69.6 billion, and its national fiscal expenditure will be $71.1 billion. [69]
The local commercial banks in Vietnam include 4 wholly state-owned or holding banks, 31 joint-stock commercial banks, 16 financial companies and 10 financial leasing companies. According to the data released by the Central Bank of Vietnam, by the end of 2020, the national credit growth was 12.13%. By the end of October 2020, Vietnam's banking industry had assets of 13175 trillion dong (about 570.5 billion dollars), deposits of about 523.1 billion dollars, and loans of 8742 trillion dong (about 378.9 billion dollars). The non-performing loan ratio will be 2.1% in 2020. [4]
As of December 31, 2020, Vietnam has 51 foreign bank branches, 2 joint venture banks, 9 foreign bank subsidiaries and 54 representative offices of foreign financial institutions, mainly banks from Japan, South Korea, the United States, China and Taiwan. [4]
Vietnam has two stock exchanges and three markets. As of September 2021, the total size of Vietnam's stock market has exceeded 830 trillion dong (about 360.86 billion US dollars), equivalent to 133.8% of GDP, and there are 2133 listed companies. According to the statistics of Vietnam Securities Depository Center (VSD), the number of Vietnamese securities market accounts has increased from 3000 in 2000 to more than 3.86 million, 99% of which are opened by Vietnamese domestic investors. [4]
Major banks
Bank name
central bank
Policy banks
Vietnam Social Policy Bank, Vietnam Development Bank
Wholly state-owned or holding bank
Vietnam Investment Development Bank Vietnam Foreign Trade Commercial Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of Vietnam, Vietnam Agricultural and Rural Development Bank [4]


Vietnam is rich in tourism resources. Xialong Bay and other scenic spots are listed as world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO. In recent years, the tourism industry has grown rapidly with remarkable economic benefits. In 2023, 12.6 million international tourists will be received, and the total tourism revenue is expected to be 28.9 billion dollars. The main tourist attractions are: Huanjian Lake, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Confucian Temple and Bating Square in Hanoi; Tongyi Palace in Ho Chi Minh City, Yalong Port, Liantan Park, Guzhi Tunnel and Xialong Bay in Guangning Province. [69]

foreign trade

Vietnam has signed 15 regional and bilateral free trade agreements (14 of which have entered into force), and is negotiating two free trade agreements.
Vietnam has trade relations with more than 150 countries and regions in the world. In recent years, Vietnam's foreign trade has maintained a rapid growth, which has played an important role in stimulating economic development. In 2023, the total import and export of goods will be about 683 billion dollars, down 6.6% year on year, of which the export volume will be 355.5 billion dollars, down 4.4%; The import and export volume was 327.5 billion US dollars, down 8.9%, and the trade surplus was 28 billion US dollars, achieving a trade surplus for eight consecutive years.
Vietnam's main trade partners are China, the United States, the European Union, ASEAN, Japan and South Korea. The main export commodities are: crude oil, clothing and textiles, aquatic products, shoes, rice, wood, electronic products, coffee. The main export markets are the European Union, the United States, ASEAN, Japan and China. The main import commodities are: automobiles, mechanical equipment and parts, refined oil, steel, textile raw materials, electronic products and parts. The main import markets are China, ASEAN, South Korea, Japan, the European Union and the United States. [69]

foreign capital

The entry of foreign capital has played an important role in Vietnam's introduction of advanced production technology and management experience, promoting economic growth and solving employment problems. In 2023, the contract amount of foreign investment in Vietnam was 36.6 billion US dollars, up 31.1% year on year. The actually utilized foreign capital reached 23.18 billion US dollars, up 3.5% year on year, hitting a five-year high. [69]
Vietnam has set up a number of economic development zones, including industrial zones (including export processing zones) and coastal economic zones, and implemented various policies to encourage development. By May 2021, 394 industrial parks have been built in China, of which 351 are located outside the economic zone, 35 are located in the coastal economic zone, and 8 are located in the port economic zone, covering a total area of about 121900 hectares. [4]

Foreign aid

Vietnam has established "development partnership" (i.e. "donor recipient" relationship) with 28 countries (regions) and 23 multilateral organizations. Since 1992, it has provided assistance to Vietnam, with a cumulative commitment of more than 95.6 billion US dollars, with an average annual aid amount of 3.4 billion US dollars. Japan, the European Union, South Korea and other countries and regions, as well as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other international financial institutions, are the main donors of official development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam.
Japan has always regarded Vietnam as its priority aid target, and it is also the country that provides the most ODA to Vietnam. Japan's assistance to Vietnam is mainly implemented through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Since November 1992, Japan has committed to providing Vietnam with assistance (including free assistance and ODA loans) amounting to about 30 billion US dollars, including 1.6 billion US dollars of free assistance. In addition, South Korea provides Vietnam with free aid of about US $30 million and ODA loans of US $300 million annually on average. The EU promises to provide free assistance of US $400 million to Vietnam from 2014 to 2020.
By the end of 2020, Vietnam has received more than 80 billion dollars in aid. Among them, free aid is about 7.3 billion dollars, and other loans are preferential loans, with the loan interest rate mostly below 2%. [4]


The currency of Vietnam is Vietnamese dong, which is not freely convertible. Vietnam implements foreign exchange control. At the beginning of 2016, Vietnam introduced a new exchange rate management mechanism, replacing the long-term fixed exchange rate mechanism with the "central exchange rate" announced by the Central Bank of Vietnam every day. Commercial banks fluctuate 3% above and below the central exchange rate benchmark to determine their respective exchange rate prices.
In August 2018, the Central Bank of Vietnam decided that from October 12, 2018, RMB could be used for settlement in the border area between Vietnam and China. The relevant goods or services could be settled in Vietnamese dong or RMB, and the payment method could be cash or bank transfer. The RMB and dong swap settlement in Vietnam is only applicable in 7 provinces bordering China, such as Lang Son, Quang Ning, Ha Giang, Laizhou, Lao Jie, Gao Ping and Dien Bien. [4]




Main term: Vietnamese
Vietnamese is the official language, as well as the common language and the main national language. Some residents can speak English. [4]
Vietnam has 110 languages, 109 of which are in use and one has disappeared. Among the languages used, 93 are indigenous languages and 16 are non indigenous languages. [17] Vietnamese, which belongs to the South Asian language family, is adopted as the national official language for education system and mass media. About 90% of the minority population can use Vietnamese to varying degrees. [41]
Since the 21st century, with the rise of minority language awareness, the right to education and communication of national mother tongue has been gradually valued. For example, some minority languages such as Miao language , Thai Khmer Etc. [41]
Vietnamese was misunderstood as a member of the Sino Tibetan language family at the beginning of the 20th century because it used Chinese characters and had many Sino Vietnamese words in the past. Later, after in-depth research, it was found that Vietnamese should be classified properly under the South Asian language family. Vietnamese can be roughly divided into three major dialect groups in the north, middle and south. Apart from a few differences in tone and vocabulary, dialects can basically communicate and understand each other. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Vietnam took the capital Hanoi cavity in the north as the standard. [41]

written words

Since the establishment of the feudal country, Vietnam has used four kinds of characters: Chinese characters, chanting characters, French characters and Mandarin characters. Chinese characters were the official language until Vietnam became a French colony in 1884. [34]
In 1282, Ruan Quan wrote "An Essay on Offering Sacrifice to Crocodile", which can be seen as the basic formation of the word "murmur". The state of exclusive respect for Chinese characters lasted until the 13th century. Here Hu Dynasty (1400~1407) and Western Mountain Ruan Dynasty (1788-1802) The rulers once attached importance to the word "mutter" and promoted it to the status of official writing. During this period, Chinese characters played a leading role as official orthodox characters, and continued to be used in imperial edicts, coins, proclamations, imperial examinations, laws and other fields, while murmuring words squeezed the use of Chinese characters in literature, religion, folk customs and other fields. [34]
In 1651, the Vietnamese Portuguese Latin Dictionary written by the French missionary Roeder was officially published, marking the formation of a system of Chinese characters. In 1884, Vietnam became a French colony, and the colonial government forced the implementation of French and Chinese characters. In 1945, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was established. Ho Chi Minh signed an important decree on "civilian education", established the Civilian Education Department, abolished the Chinese characters, stipulated that the national language characters were legal characters, and announced that only citizens who could use the national language characters were eligible to be elected. [34]


Legal holidays in Vietnam include: New Year's Day (January 1), Spring Festival (the first day of the first lunar month), Xiongwang Day (March 10), South Vietnam Liberation Day (April 30), Labor Day (May 1), Mid Autumn Festival (August 15) and National Day (September 2). Saturdays and Sundays are public holidays. [4]


The population of Vietnam is light, mainly boiled, fried and barbecued. [55] Famous snacks include snail powder, beef powder, chicken powder, shrimp cake, sausage, fried spring rolls, dumplings, etc, [55] All kinds of pickled cucumber, eggplant, cabbage, etc. are necessary food for three meals a day. Pay attention to green vegetables eaten raw, with water spinach, lettuce, mung bean sprouts, coriander, mint, etc., dipped in fish sauce, vinegar or fresh lemon juice. [55]


Buddhism dominates, with nearly 11 million believers, 6.2 million Catholics, more than 4.4 million Gaotai believers, 1.4 million Protestants, 1.3 million Hedonians, 75000 Muslims and 1500 Hindus. Traditional Confucianism and oriental values occupy a dominant position in Vietnamese social ideology. [4]
  • Buddhism
The largest religion in Vietnam. Vietnamese Buddhism was originally introduced from India. Around the beginning of the first century, Indian businessmen had entered Vietnam by sea, including many Buddhist businessmen. Therefore, Buddhism began to spread into Vietnam. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Mahayana Buddhism was introduced into Vietnam from China, and Vietnam called it "Beizong". After the tenth century, it was honored as a state religion. Hinayana Buddhism was introduced from Thailand and Cambodia, called "Southern Buddhism". Most of them believe in Mahayana Buddhism. [41]
  • Catholicism
In 1533, Roman missionaries went to Vietnam to preach, but failed. At the end of the 16th century, the missionaries from Portugal, Spain and other countries came to preach again, and finally introduced Catholicism into Vietnam through the policy of bribing the ruling class, which later developed rapidly. France gained legal status during its rule. There are more than 3 million believers. Tongnai Province in the south has the largest number of Catholics in Vietnam, with many churches. The Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral in the center of Ho Chi Minh is an important tourist attraction in the city. The "Paris Commune Square" in front of the Cathedral stands a huge statue of Notre Dame holding the earth. On the Jesus Mountain in Toudun, a seaside resort city, stands a 32 meter high giant Jesus statue (built in 1974). Queen Nanfang of the former Nguyen Dynasty and President Diem of South Vietnam both believed in Catholicism. The phonetic characters used in Vietnam were invented by Alexandre Rhodes, a French Jesuit missionary. [41]
  • Protestantism
It was introduced to Saigon in 1893, but was prohibited by the French colonial authorities. Until 1920, the mission would lay a solid foundation in Vietnam. There are many believers in Protestantism, mainly in Hanoi, Haiphong, Hexi, Chengtian, Guangnan Danang, Bolaigu, Pingshun and other places. [41]
  • Gaotaijiao
It is a local religion founded by Wu Wenzhao and Li Wenzhong in 1926, combining Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and Confucianism. The full name is "Three phases of the Great Way". He believes in Confucius (humanity), Jiang Taigong (Shinto), Jesus (holy way), Laozi (immortal way), and Shiji (Buddhist way). Most of the Jing farmers in Xining, Dishi and other places in southern Vietnam believe in Gaotai Taoism, and burn incense and chant scriptures at 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00 every day. [41]
  • And be fond of teaching
Huang Fuchu founded it in 1939. This religion is a variant of Buddhism, but it does not build a temple. Instead of a statue, it uses a piece of red cloth and offers flowers and water. It is popular in Anjiang, Tongtamei, Hexian, Dongchuan and other places in southern Vietnam. [41]
  • Islamism
The majority of Vietnamese people who believe in Islam are the Zhan ethnic group. However, about one third of Vietnamese Muslims are from other ethnic groups. It is said that during the reign of Osman Ben Afan, the third caliph of Islam, Arabs came to Zhancheng. However, they are mainly businessmen. Only in the 11th century did the Zhan people believe in Islam. In 1471, Zhanpoyin was defeated by the later Li Dynasty, and the Zhan people were more accepted by the Sultanate of Malacca. It was not until the middle of the 17th century that the whole people accepted Islam. [41]

a martial art

Vietnam? a martial art Since ancient times, it has been greatly influenced by Chinese martial arts. At the same time, boxing from Southeast Asian countries has also infiltrated into Vietnamese martial arts. However, while absorbing the essence of martial arts from neighboring countries, Vietnamese martial arts also retained a lot of their own characteristics. The costumes of Vietnamese martial arts are mostly similar to judo Taekwondo This is a style of martial clothes, and belts of different colors are used to distinguish the level of martial artists. The most influential Vietnamese martial arts are Yuewu Path Yuewu Dao is the way of Vietnamese martial arts, which is influenced by China Southern Shaolin and Thai boxing The independent school has developed. In 1988, OCA Formally listed martial arts as asian games Official events. [41]

cultural heritage

A total of 14 intangible cultural heritages in Vietnam have been included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Royal Elegant Music in Shunhua
Xiyuan Luozheng Culture
Beining official greeting folk song
Song financing
Rongsheng (Fudong Tianwang) Temple Fair
Spring music of Fushou Province
Sacrificial belief of male king
Southern talent plays and sings
Yi Jing Yu Sings
Tug of war competition and competition ceremony
Sanfu Mother Worship Belief
Middle card singing [49]
Tianqu of the three Dainongtai ethnic groups
Thai group dance [50]


The Vietnamese People's Army was established on December 22, 1944. The system of "national defense" consisting of the main force, local forces and militia is implemented. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Communist Party is the highest military decision-making body and exercises unified leadership over the troops through the Ministry of National Defense. The compulsory military service system is implemented, and the length of service varies from 2 to 4 years. [1] [54]
 Vietnam People's Army Vietnam People's Army Vietnam People's Army Vietnam EW Force deploys equipment to perform tasks Vietnam Air Force Vietnam Air Force Vietnam Air Force
Vietnam People's Army
Military leadership system: According to the Vietnamese Constitution, the President of the State commands all the people's armed forces and concurrently serves as the President of the National Defense and Peace Conference. However, in fact, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam is the highest military decision-making body. The General Secretary of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam concurrently serves as the Secretary of the Military Commission, and exercises unified leadership and command over the national armed forces through the Ministry of National Defense. The Ministry of National Defense is not only the administrative body of the Central Military Commission of the Vietnamese Communist Party, but also the highest military administrative organ of the Vietnamese Army. It has jurisdiction over the General Staff, the General Political Bureau, the General Logistics Bureau, the General Technology Bureau, the General Administration of National Defense Industry and the Intelligence Bureau. The six headquarters (bureaus) are respectively responsible for military command, political and ideological education, logistics supply, technical support, military industry, production and operation, information collection and service of the whole army.
Military command system: The General Staff Department under the Ministry of National Defense is responsible for the military command of the whole army.
Military service system: Compulsory military service, with service life ranging from 2 to 4 years.
Military festivals: December 22, Army Day (1944); Navy Day May 7 (1955); Air Defense - Air Force Day, July 14 (1999). [16]


The Vietnam People's Army includes the main force, local forces, military regions, services, border defense forces, group forces, arms, logistics and technical support units, as well as colleges, research institutes and economic defense units.
The Vietnam People's Army includes 7 military regions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9), Hanoi Capital Command, 4 group armies (1, 2, 3, 4) and 6 arms, including special agents, artillery, tank and armored forces, engineers, communication liaison forces and chemical forces.
The air defense air force of the Vietnam People's Army is equipped with Su-30MK2, Su-27, Su-22 aircraft, C-295 medium transport aircraft and MiG-21 light fighter aircraft, S-300MPU1 long-range missile and "Spider" missile combination, 36D6M1-2 long-range radar, various anti-aircraft guns, etc.
The Vietnam People's Army Navy has 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 sea area headquarters, including 5 services, namely surface ships, submarines, naval aviation, coastal artillery missiles, marine corps, and naval secret service; In addition, there are communication, radar, electronic warfare, engineering, chemical and other support service units. These forces include "Kilo" 636 submarine, "Cheetah" 3.9 missile frigate, 12418 missile boat, TT-400TP gunboat, 10412 patrol boat, "fortress" coastal missile, EC-225, DHC-6 aircraft and Score-3000 early warning radar.
The Vietnam People's Army has the Cyberspace Operations Command, the Vietnam Peacekeeping Bureau, the National Defense College, the Army College, the Political College, the Logistics College, the Military Technology College, the Military Medical College, the First Army Military Academy, the Second Army Military Academy, and the Political Military Academy. [8]

armed forces

The Vietnamese armed forces are composed of regular troops, local forces and militia. The regular army, also known as the main force, is divided into three services: land, sea and air force.
The Vietnam Army is the land combat force of the Vietnam People's Army. It does not have a military commander, but is directly led and commanded by the Vietnam Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army. The Vietnam Army has eight military regions: the first military region, which is responsible for the Northeast Region of Vietnam and stationed in Taiyuan City; The 2nd Military Region is responsible for the Northwest Region of Vietnam, stationed in Yuechi City, Fushou Province; The 3rd Military Region is responsible for the Red River Delta and stationed in coastal defense; The 4th Military Region is responsible for the north central part of Vietnam, stationed in Rong City, Yi'an Province; The 5th Military Region, in charge of central and southern Vietnam, stationed in Da Nang; The 7th Military Region is responsible for the south east of Vietnam, stationed in Ho Chi Minh City; The 9th Military Region, in charge of the Mekong River Delta, stationed in Can Tho City; And the capital Hanoi High Command, responsible for the garrison of Hanoi. In addition, the Vietnam Army has four army units directly under the headquarters as the national strategic mobile field forces. They are the First Army, the Second Army, the Third Army and the Fourth Army of the Vietnamese People's Army. In addition, Vietnam's provinces have "military departments", and the local forces under their command are called "provincial teams", which are composed of one or more infantry regiments. Vietnam's counties have "military departments", and the local forces under the command of "county teams" are composed of one infantry battalion or multiple infantry battalions.
Vietnam's navy, including the Navy Command, the Navy Political Bureau, the Navy Logistics Bureau, the Navy Technology Bureau, and the Naval Academy Training Bureau. There is a naval forefinger in Ho Chi Minh City. The sea area is the war zone division of the Vietnam Navy, including ships, naval aviation, marines, island guarding forces, coastal defense forces, radar, communications, logistics and other support forces. Each sea area generally has 1-2 naval detachments, 1-2 garrison regiments and 1 radar battalion. Vietnam is divided into five sea areas: the first sea area is responsible for the coast of Tokyo Bay, from Beilun estuary in Guangning Province to Diaoshan sea area in Hejing City, including the islands and reefs in Tokyo Bay, with the headquarters in Haiphong City; The third sea area is responsible for the central coast, from Diaaongshan sea area in Guangping Province to Guiren sea area in Pingding Province, including Manguo Island, Lishan Island, etc., as well as the Xisha Islands claimed by Vietnam as "sovereignty". The headquarters is located in Da Nang; The fourth sea area: responsible for the central and southern coastal areas, from Guiren sea area of Fu'an Province to Pingshun Province, including Fugui Island, and more than one peninsula reef of Nansha Islands actually controlled by Vietnam, with the headquarters in Jinlan Bay; The second sea area is responsible for the southern coast, from Pingshun Province to the Kunlun sea area of Boliao City, the southern continental shelf, including the key marine economic zones DK1 and DK2. The headquarters is located in Renze County, Tongnai Province, and the second sea area has been withdrawn into the fourth sea area; The 5th sea area is responsible for the southwest coast of the Gulf of Thailand, from Kunlun sea area of Jinou City to Jianjiang Province, with its headquarters in Fuguo Island.
The Vietnam Air Force has 1 air force headquarters, 4 aviation divisions, and a total of 12 flight groups, including 5 fighter groups, 3 transport groups, 3 training groups, and 1 assault group. In addition, Vietnam has 6 antiaircraft artillery brigades, 6 radar brigades and 100 air defense units.
Total force: The total force is about 450000, including 260000 for the army, 35000 for the navy and 45000 for the air force.
Military expenditure: In 2011, military expenditure was about 2.6 billion dollars. [16]


In recent years, Vietnam's transportation industry has been restructured to improve service quality and achieve better economic benefits. In 2023, Vietnam's transportation industry will continue to recover, with 74 million passengers, a year-on-year increase of 34.5%, and 1.1 million tons of freight, a year-on-year decrease of 9.3%. Among them, the international passenger traffic volume will reach 32 million person times, 1.7 times that of 2022. [69]


The total length of roads in Vietnam is 668000 kilometers, and 85.8% of them are rural roads. The national highway mileage is about 24600 kilometers. The expressway mileage is about 1800 kilometers, of which 1163 kilometers have been completed and opened to traffic. By the end of 2020, road freight volume accounts for more than 65% of Vietnam's total domestic freight volume. Vietnam highway can be connected with China, Laos and Cambodia. [4]
The Sino Vietnamese land boundary line is 1450 kilometers long. Seven provinces in northern Vietnam border Guangxi and Yunnan provinces of China. The two countries have 28 pairs of land ports of different grades. Most ports can be connected by large and small roads. The larger road connection ports are Dongxing Mang Street, Youyi Pass Youyi, Hekou Old Street, etc. [4]


Main term: Vietnam Railway
Saigon Embankment Tram, the first railway in Vietnam, was completed and opened to traffic in 1881. Vietnam's railway infrastructure is generally backward. Only 34 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government have railways across the country. The total mileage of 7 main lines and 12 branch lines is 3143 kilometers. 85% of the road sections are old meter gauge, standard gauge only accounts for 6%, and the rest 9% are set gauge. The average speed is below 60 kilometers per hour, and the railway freight volume only accounts for 0.6% of the total freight volume of the country. Vietnam's railway passenger traffic volume accounts for less than 1% of the national passenger traffic volume, and passengers take the train as the last choice. [4]
According to the Railway Development Plan to 2020, the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam organized an expert seminar in April 2018 to study the construction of 391 km standard gauge electrified railway line from Haiphong to Hanoi to Laojie. The designed running speed of passenger cars on this line will reach 160 km/h. In the adjusted railway development plan, Vietnam will build a north-south high-speed railway connecting Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh by stages and sections before 2050, spanning 20 provinces and cities, with a total mileage of 1559 kilometers, a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour, and a running speed of 320 kilometers per hour. The railway between China and Vietnam is only connected at Pingxiang in Guangxi and Hekou in Yunnan. Hanoi City and Ho Chi Minh City are building urban railway systems. Hanoi Light Rail Line 2, the first urban railway, has been completed and will be officially put into commercial operation on November 6, 2021. [4]

air transport

Vietnam has 22 airports in operation, including 10 international airports. The total operation capacity is 95 million person times/year. Hanoi Naipai Airport and Ho Chi Minh City Xinshan First Airport are the two largest hub airports, both meeting the 4E standard (ICAO).
Hanoi Naipai Airport has 68 overseas airlines from 25 countries and regions and 6 local airlines such as Vietnam Airlines engaged in domestic and international aviation markets. The main models of Vietnam's civil aviation are Airbus (320, 321, 330, 350) and Boeing (737, 767, 777, 787). The number of civil airliners is 190-210. In addition to 6 local airlines in Vietnam, 68 foreign airlines in 25 countries operate international routes in Vietnam. [4]
Vietnam International Airport
Ho Chi Minh New Hill International Airport
Da Nang International Airport
Nha Trang Jinlan International Airport
Wells Fargo International Airport
Shunhua Fupai International Airport
Dalat Lianjiang International Airport
  • water transport
Vietnam manages and develops 19000 kilometers of inland waterways, most of which are natural development, of which 6700 kilometers are national inland transportation lines. The ship's driving depth in the north is guaranteed to be 2-2.5 meters, and that in the south is guaranteed to be more than 3 meters. The freight volume and passenger volume of Vietnam's inland waterway transportation are only second to road transportation, and ranking second in the national transportation industry. There are 131 inland waterway ports, 13 of which can accommodate foreign ships. The main ports are located in Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Hebei, Yuechi, Ningping, and Heping provinces and cities. The fleet is dominated by ships of 5-20 tons to 1000-2000 tons; Low traction, about 4-5 tons per horsepower; Slow, 5-8 kilometers per hour. Inland waterway transportation is a common mode of transportation in Vietnam. Goods mainly include grain, coal, cement, stone, sand, etc. [4]
 Vietnam Port Transportation Vietnam Port Transportation Vietnam Port Transportation
Vietnam Port Transportation
Vietnam has 49 sea ports, including 17 Class I ports, 23 Class II ports and 9 Class III ports. There are 286 ports in the national seaport system, of which there are at most 50 ports in Haiphong, followed by 45 ports in Badi Toudun and 43 ports in Ho Chi Minh City. In 2020, the cargo throughput of Vietnamese ports will be 692 million tons, accounting for 78.7% of the total transport volume of Vietnamese ports. The throughput is mainly concentrated in northern port groups and southern port groups, accounting for about 80% of the total throughput. There is no international transshipment port in China, and all import and export goods need to be transshipped through Singapore, Hong Kong, China and other places. [4]
Vietnam's marine fleet is mainly composed of new domestic ships and second-hand imported ships. There are more than 1600 marine ships with a total tonnage of 6.2 million tons, ranking 31st in the world. Vietnam's largest shipping enterprise is Vietnam Navigation Corporation (VINALINES). [4]
Six major port groups in Vietnam
Northern ports from Guangning to Ningping
North central ports from Qinghua Province to Hejing Province
Central port group from Guangping Province to Guangyi Province
South central port group from Pingding Province to Pingshun Province
Southern ports
Jiulongjiang Plain Ports [4]



science and technology

Vietnam's scientific and technological level is not competitive globally or in Southeast Asia, but its scientific and technological work has still made some contributions to promoting its own economic and social progress. Vietnam has nearly 300 scientific research institutions (institutes and centers). [4]
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam is the overall management department of science and technology in Vietnam. As of February 2020, there are 1629 public scientific research institutions in Vietnam with 141000 employees, and 1961 private scientific research institutions with 23000 employees. The total domestic R&D expenditure accounts for 0.5% of GDP. [11]
70% of Vietnam's population under 35 years old is proficient in digital technology. [58]

People's livelihood

Since 2020, although affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and natural disasters, the life of Vietnamese residents has been generally stable, and the number of poor households and areas across the country has continued to decrease. The unemployment rate in 2023 will be 2.28%. [69]


At present, Vietnam has formed an education system including early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, vocational education and adult education. The school system of general education is 12 years, which is divided into three stages: the first stage is a 5-year primary school, the second stage is a 4-year junior high school, and the third stage is a 3-year senior high school. In 2000, Vietnam announced that it had basically achieved the goal of universal primary compulsory education. In 2001, nine-year compulsory education was popularized. There are 376 colleges and universities in China. Famous universities include Hanoi National University, Ho Chi Minh City National University, Hue University, Da Nang University, etc. [69]
Vietnam's diploma system is divided into primary school diploma, junior high school diploma (technical secondary school diploma), high school diploma, university diploma, master's degree and doctor's degree. The degree system consists of four grades: scholar (senior high school graduate), bachelor (bachelor), master (master), and advanced scholar (doctor). Undergraduate, master, and doctoral students can obtain the degree certificate issued by the degree awarding unit confirmed by the National Academic Degrees Committee after their thesis defense. In 2000, Vietnam announced the completion of literacy and universal primary compulsory education. In 2001, nine-year compulsory education was popularized. [4]
In the 2020 school year, Vietnam has 5 million preschool children, 17 million primary and secondary students (including 8.7 million primary school students, 5.7 million junior high school students, 2.6 million senior high school students), and 1.5 million college students. There are 1913 vocational education schools in China, including 402 universities, 472 colleges and 1039 continuing education centers. [4]
THE2022 World University University Influence Ranking Selected Universities (Vietnam)
Phenikaa University
Vietnam National University of Economics
FPT University [5]

medical care

Vietnam began to implement the social security system in 1947, and made amendments and supplements in 1961, 1981, 1985 and 1995. The social security system stipulates that workers are entitled to sick leave, maternity leave and work-related injury leave, as well as pension, disability allowance and survivors' allowance. The government bears part of the cost of examination and treatment for all citizens. Since February 1, 2010, children under 6 years old in Vietnam have been forced to join the medical insurance. According to statistics, the coverage rate of health insurance in Vietnam will reach 90% in 2020. The number of people participating in social, medical, unemployment and other insurances nationwide was 114 million, 100.54% of the planned number. Among them, 15.185 million people participated in compulsory social insurance; 13.343 million people participated in unemployment insurance; There were 551000 self paid social insurance and 85.39 million medical insurance participants.
In 2020, the average life expectancy of Vietnamese population will be 73.7 years. In 2020, Vietnam will have 8 doctors and 27 hospital beds per 10000 people on average. Common diseases in Vietnam include dengue fever, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, polio, hand foot mouth disease, hepatitis A and parasitic infection, AIDS and other diseases. In 2020, 128970 dengue cases (23 deaths) will be infected in Vietnam; 78063 cases of hand foot mouth disease (1 case died); 622 cases of viral meningitis (11 cases died); 242 cases of diphtheria (5 cases died). As of December 18, 2020, the total number of HIV infected people in Vietnam is 211013; The number of AIDS deaths nationwide is 99113.
In 2020, the total number of food poisoning cases in Vietnam will be 98, and 2712 people will be poisoned (22 people will die). [4]


The traditional sports in Vietnam are rich and varied in forms. The main popular sports include martial arts, chess Sepaktakraw And cattle racing, which are deeply loved by Vietnamese people. Since 1991, Vietnam has designated March 27 every year as "Vietnam Sports Day".
Vietnam began to participate in the Olympic Games in 1952 and won one gold medal, namely 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games male 10m air pistol Huang Chunrong ); 3 silver medals, namely 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Women's 57kg Taekwondo , men's 56kg weightlifting at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games Men's 50m Pistol. [41]


  • news agency
Vietnam News Agency The National News Agency was founded in 1945 and merged with Vietnam Southern Liberation News Agency in 1976. There are 27 overseas branches in all provinces and cities in China. In August 1998, the Internet was opened (Vietnamese, English, French and Spanish). [69]
  • Newspapers and periodicals
The Vietnamese Press and Publication Law stipulates that newspapers are controlled by the state. There are 450 central and local news organizations. The main publishing houses are the National Political Publishing House, the Culture Publishing House, the Literature Publishing House, the Science and Technology Publishing House, the Education Publishing House and the World Publishing House. There are 13515 kinds of publications, with an annual circulation of 218 million. There are about 150 newspapers, and the rest are industry tabloids. The main newspapers and periodicals are: People's Daily, the Central Organ of the Vietnamese Communist Party, which was founded in 1951 and opened an electronic version in May 1998; The People's Army Daily, the organ newspaper of the General Political Bureau of the Vietnam People's Army; Great Solidarity Daily, the central organ newspaper of the motherland front; Saigon Liberation Daily (Vietnamese and Chinese versions), the organ newspaper of Ho Chi Minh Municipal Party Committee of the Viet Nam Communist Party; The Communist Monthly, the political theory journal of the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Communist Party, was founded in 1956 and set up an electronic version in 2001; National Defense Monthly. [69]
  • Television media
Vietnam Central Television: Founded in 1971, it currently has 9 programs. [69]
  • Broadcast media
"Voice of Vietnam" radio station: established in 1954, it has four sets of domestic programs broadcast in Vietnamese and several minority languages; Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Thai, Lao, Cambodian, Indonesian, Malay, etc. are used for external broadcasting.

signal communication

Vietnam's national communication infrastructure has covered the whole territory. In 2020, more than 800000 kilometers of optical cables and transceiver base stations will be covered. The mobile network coverage rate reached 99.7%, which has widely covered 3G and 4G mobile networks. The 5G mobile network test is under way. [4]
As of May 2021, Vietnam has 7 enterprises providing mobile communication services, of which 5 provide 4G services. 63 enterprises provide Internet services. There are more than 120 million mobile users in China, and each person has more than one mobile phone on average. Mobile broadband users reached 68.2 million, and fixed broadband Internet users reached 17.95 million. The total bandwidth of international Internet access is 11.6Tbps, and the total bandwidth of domestic Internet access is 4.1Tbps. [4]


The competent power department of the Vietnamese government is the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the state-owned Vietnam Electric Power Group (EVN) is a power hub enterprise integrating national power production, supply, distribution and dispatching.
By the end of 2020, Vietnam's total installed power capacity is 69300 megawatts, ranking second in ASEAN (after Indonesia) and 23rd in the world. In 2020, EVN will produce and purchase about 247.08 billion kWh of electricity, up 2.9% year on year. Vietnam has more than 24000 kilometers of high-voltage power grid, including 7800 kilometers of 500 kV power grid, 17000 kilometers of 220 kV power grid, and 19500 kilometers of 110 kV power grid. In 2020, China will import about 2.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity from China. [4]


President: Su Lin [80]
President of the National Assembly: Chen Qingmin [80]

International Relations


foreign policy

The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam reaffirmed that it would continue to pursue the diplomatic line of independence, autonomy, peace, cooperation and development, all-round and diversified, take safeguarding the national interests as the primary task of diplomatic work, emphasize the unified leadership of the Party and the centralized management of the state, and propose to build a comprehensive and modern overall diplomacy with the three pillars of inter party diplomacy, national diplomacy and people's diplomacy. Vietnam joined ASEAN in 1995 and has established diplomatic relations with 192 countries. [69]

Vietnam China relations

China and Vietnam are linked by mountains and rivers, and the two peoples have a long traditional friendship. On January 18, 1950, Vietnam established diplomatic relations with China. [15]
In November 1991, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Dumei Chairman of the Council of Ministers Wu Wenjie When he led a delegation to visit China, the two sides announced the end of the past and the opening of the future, and the normalization of relations between the two parties and countries was achieved. In March 1999, Jiang Zemin General Secretary and General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party Li Kepiao In Beijing, the 16 word policy of "long-term stability, future orientation, good neighborliness and friendship, and comprehensive cooperation" was established to develop the relationship between the two parties and countries. Since the beginning of the new century, under the guidance of the 16 word policy and the four good spirits of "good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, and good partners", the traditional friendship between China and Vietnam has become more popular. Mutual trust, mutual support, comprehensive cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win, and common development between the two countries have become an important feature of the new type of China Vietnam relations in the new century, and have pushed bilateral relations into a new era of comprehensive development. [15]
On November 18, 2009, the signing ceremony of China Vietnam land boundary demarcation documents was held in Beijing. After 10 years of joint efforts by both sides, the China Vietnam land boundary has been surveyed. The signed documents include the Protocol on Demarcation of the Sino Vietnamese Land Boundary and its attached drawings, the Agreement on the Management System of the Sino Vietnamese Land Boundary, and the Agreement on the Land Border Ports and Their Management System between China and Vietnam. In July 2010, the Protocol on Land Boundary Demarcation between China and Vietnam and other legal documents entered into force. [15]
China's export commodities mainly include mechanical and electrical products, machinery equipment and fabrics, textile fibers and other raw and auxiliary materials, and it mainly imports mineral resources and agricultural products from Vietnam. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume will be US $234.92 billion, up 2.1% year on year. Among them, China's exports were US $146.96 billion, up 6.8% year on year, and its imports were US $87.96 billion, down 4.7% year on year. In the first 11 months of 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Vietnam was US $206.32 billion, down 2.1% year on year, of which the export volume of China was US $123.58 billion, down 5.6% year on year, and the import volume was US $82.75 billion, up 3.7% year on year. [70]
According to Vietnamese statistics, by the end of 2022, the stock of Chinese direct investment in Vietnam was US $23.348 billion. [70]
On the morning of October 20, 2023, President Xi Jinping met in the Great Hall of the People with President Wu Wenshang of Vietnam, who came to China to attend the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. [64]
On December 12, 2023 local time, Xi Jinping held talks with Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), at the central residence of the CPV. The two sides announced the new orientation of China Vietnam relations between the two parties and two countries, and on the basis of deepening the China Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, they will work together to build a China Vietnam common destiny with strategic significance Homologous. [66]

Vietnam US relations

In July 1995, diplomatic relations were established. The first ambassadors of both sides arrived in May 1997. In 2006, Vietnam US relations achieved important development. In May, Vietnam and the United States reached an agreement on Vietnam's accession to the WTO and concluded bilateral market access negotiations. In November, the United States no longer listed Vietnam as a country with special religious concerns. In December, the US Congress voted to pass a bill granting Vietnam permanent normal trade relations treatment. [45]

Vietnam Russia relations

More identical Former Soviet Union Established diplomatic relations in January 1950. In the 1979 Sino Vietnam War, the Soviet Union supported Vietnam and asked China to withdraw its troops from Vietnam. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russian federation Inherited the diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Vietnam. In 1994, the two countries signed the Treaty on Basic Principles of Friendly Relations. In 2006, Vietnam Russia strategic partnership was further deepened. In 2012, a comprehensive strategic partnership was established. [46]

Vietnamese Japanese relations

Vietnam established diplomatic relations with Japan in September 1973. In 2002, then General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party Nong De Meng During the visit to Japan, the two sides established a "long-term stable partnership of trust"; Four years later, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung visited Japan, and both sides agreed to commit to building a strategic partnership; In 2009, Nong Duc Mong visited Japan again, and the bilateral relationship was established as a "strategic partnership committed to peace and prosperity in Asia"; In March 2014, Nguyen Tan Dung visited Japan again, and Vietnam Japan relations were upgraded to the level of "a broad strategic partnership committed to peace and prosperity in Asia".
In 1992, Japan began to provide government development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam. Vietnam is the largest recipient of Japan's ODA, accounting for 30% of Vietnam's total aid. [47]
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun of Japan, on October 16, 2023, Vietnam and Japan are discussing raising their bilateral relations to the highest level of "comprehensive strategic partnership", which is the same level as Vietnam US relations. [63]

Vietnam Australia relations

On March 7, 2024 local time, Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng of the Vietnamese Government and Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese A press conference was held to announce the establishment of Vietnam Australia comprehensive strategic partnership. [71]

Aging relationship

On September 5, 1962, Vietnam and Laos officially established diplomatic relations. The diplomatic relationship was established on August 12, 1975. On July 18, 1977, the two countries signed the Vietnam Laos Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. [48] In 2006, Vietnam Laos comprehensive cooperation and "special traditional friendship" relations were further deepened.

Vietnam Cambodia relations

On June 24, 1967, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and kingdom of cambodia establish diplomatic relations. Vietnam occupied Cambodia in 1979, and then withdrew in 1989 to achieve reconciliation with Cambodia.

Relations with ASEAN

In July 1995, Vietnam joined ASEAN. Vietnam has increasingly close relations with ASEAN.

Relations with the EU

Vietnam's relations with the EU continued to develop in 2006. Bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, finance, culture, education, science and technology has continued to develop. The more important the EU is as a trading partner, the more important it is to export leather shoes, textiles, etc. to the EU. In 2006, the EU officially lifted the restrictions on Vietnam's textile export quotas.




According to the Vietnam Cultural Heritage Bureau, Vietnam has more than 40200 sites, including 3100 national sites. The Imperial City of Shunhua, Hui'an Ancient Town, beautiful mountain holy land, Shenglong Imperial City, Hu Dynasty Castle and other architectural relics are included in the World Cultural Heritage List. [13]
Vietnam's tourism resources include the mountainous scenery tourism area in the northeast, the multi-ethnic culture tourism area in the northwest, the historical and cultural tourism area in the middle, the water landscape tourism area in the southeast, the original eco-tourism area in the southwest, and the Mekong River Delta eco-tourism area. [13]

scenic spot

  • Bating Square
Bating Square Located in the center of Hanoi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, it is an important place for Vietnamese gatherings and festivals. There are government offices and foreign embassies around the square.
The west side of the square is the Ho Chi Minh Chairman Mausoleum, and the east side is the Bating Hall. The square has several radial boulevards connected with other parts of Hanoi urban area. It is 320 meters long and 100 meters wide. There are 210 lawns in total, with a 1.4 meter wide sidewalk in the middle. On the west side of Bating Square stands Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. To the northwest of the tomb is Ho Chi Minh's former residence in Hanoi, and to the southwest is Ho Chi Minh Museum. In front of the museum is the Duzhu Temple. [42]
Bating Square
  • Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay , located in the west of Beibu Gulf, 150 km away from Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. In 1994, UNESCO listed Xialong Bay as a natural heritage on the World Heritage List. Xialong Bay is divided into east and west sea areas, with Xialong Bay in the west and Baizilong Bay in the east. These two bays form a whole, including thousands of strange and magnificent islands, which are collectively called Xialong Bay. The area of the bay is 434 square kilometers, with 788 islands, 460 named islands and 328 unnamed islands. [43]
Ha Long Bay
  • Hanoi Shenglong Imperial City
Shenglong Imperial City Located in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, it was built in the 11th century during the Lee Dynasty of Vietnam, marking the independence of "Great Vietnam". Until the 13th century, it had been the center of regional political power.
Hanoi is divided into inner city (urban area) and outer city (suburb). The inner city is divided into the Forbidden City, the Imperial City and the capital. The place where the king, empresses and their descendants and attendants live is called the Forbidden City; Surrounding the Forbidden City is the Imperial City, where the offices of courtiers are located; Neighborhoods, markets and residential areas outside the Imperial City are the capital. It is the intersection of technology, construction technology, urban planning and landscape art. In 2010, UNESCO listed it on the World Cultural Heritage List. [44]
Hanoi Shenglong Imperial City

World Heritage Site

By 2021, Vietnam has 8 World Heritage Site Among them, 5 are cultural heritage, 2 are natural heritage and 1 is dual heritage. [7]