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1987A supernova

A Class 5 Star in the Large Magellanic Cloud
synonym Supernova 1987A (Supernova 1987A) Generally refers to the 1987A supernova
On February 23, 1987, one Canada Astronomers Large Magellanic Cloud A fifth class star was found in the Supernova , immediately caused a sensation in the world's astronomical circles. This is the first supernova visible to the naked eye since 1604, and Large Magellanic Cloud Is 160000 light years away from the earth Galaxy This supernova is named 1987A supernova. It is the largest in the 20th century Astrophysics One of the events.
Chinese name
Discovery time
February 23, 1987
One of the biggest astrophysical events in the 20th century

Origin of name

brief introduction
SN1987A (SN is Supernova The abbreviation of Supernova in English, 1987 is the year of discovery. A stands for the first supernova discovered that year.) It is located in LMC Tarantula Nebula A supernova in.
First discovery
Canada, 23 February 1987 University of Toronto Astronomers found that Galaxy current Galaxy ——“ Large Magellanic Cloud ”There is an exploding supernova. Supernovae seldom appear, especially in the space near the earth. On average, only one supernova may appear in a galaxy every 300 years. The explosion of the supernova was the first explosion in the nearest place to the Earth after 400 years. So this supernova numbered 1987A immediately attracted the attention of astronomers all over the world and quickly became the most deeply studied supernova in history.
1987A supernova explosion
This supernova is 163000 light-years away from the Earth, so the picture we saw this time is actually the appearance of the supernova 163000 years ago. And its outbreak was discovered at the beginning, which is Observational research Supernova explosion The whole process of provides opportunities.
On February 23, 1987, astronomers witnessed the brightest star in more than 400 years Explosion In the following months, this one was called 1987A Supernova It has always been dazzling, with brightness equivalent to 100 million suns. Hubble Space telescope The 1987A supernova remnant was photographed in December 2006.
Over the past 20 years, many Large telescope , including NASA The Hubble Space Telescope of 1987A has also observed the supernova. These observations have greatly changed astronomers' understanding of High quality fixed star Mode of death The most important clues should be attributed to hubble space telescope With keen eyesight.
"The clear pictures taken by Hubble not only raised many new questions about supernova 1987A, but also helped us find the answers." Harvard, USA -Smithsonian Astrophysics Central Robert Kirshner (Robert Kirshner) said. "In fact, if there is no Hubble, we don't even know what problems to start with."
Kirchner leads an international cooperative group , studied the dead star. Research similar to 1987A Supernova Very important because these exploding stars produce carbon and iron Something like that Heavy element , this is the formation of New star , galaxies, and even important raw materials for human beings. For example, the iron in our blood is determined by Supernova explosion Generated. 1987A radioactivity The mass of iron is equivalent to 20000 Earths.
This supernova is 163000 light-years away from the Earth, located at Large Magellanic Cloud Medium. In fact, it erupted around 161000 BC, but its light did not reach the Earth until 1987.
"Hubble observations helped us rewrite the Supernova Textbooks. We found that, real world It is far more complicated and interesting than anyone's boldest imagination. " Koshner explained that before the emergence of 1987A, astronomers had a set of simple and ideal supernova models. "We simply thought that the explosion of a star was Spherically symmetric The gas ejected by stars thousands of years before the explosion was not considered. The explosion debris debris of supernova 1987A is actually elliptical rather than spherical; The rapidly splashing debris is crashing into the Gas ring Medium. These are beyond our imagination. "
When astronomers first discovered the supernova 1987A, the Hubble Telescope had not yet gone to the sky. Three years later, Hubble was successfully launched, and astronomers immediately aimed it at the exploding star. Hubble's observation of 1987A began in 1990 and has taken hundreds of photos. By observing and studying the whole process of its explosion, people have a certain understanding of the 1987A supernova. The predecessor of this supernova is a blue supergiant, Apparent magnitude It is 12.24, etc. One day after the eruption, the brightness increased to 4.5, etc. After three months, the brightness reached its peak. Since then, its brightness has gradually declined, and two years later, it has dropped to 11.5, etc. In addition, supernovae also show some strange characteristics. For example, its brightness has only increased a few thousand times in total, which is far from that of a supernova in general, but its brightness change mode and many other characteristics show that it must be a supernova, not an ordinary nova. [1]

Scientific revelation


Formation process

Ruins of Supernova 1987A
The pictures taken by Hubble can be clearly seen shock wave The process of crashing into the gas ring. The gas mass heated by the shock wave turns the luminous gas ring into a string of pearls a collar for a horse Astronomers believe that in a few years Gas ring Both will light up. By then, the ring of gas will be bright enough to illuminate the region around the star, and astronomers will be able to get more information about the ejected material from the star before the explosion. The supernova 1987A photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope from 1994 to 2006 revealed that shock wave Crash in Gas ring The process of heating the gases in them to make them glow.
"The shock wave will pass through the inner ring, crash into the outer ring, and make them glow, and then we will know more details." Koshner said: "The shock wave will take us back 20000 years before the star explosion. However, there are still many unsolved mysteries to be studied. We still do not know the evolution process before the star explosion, nor the formation mechanism of the three gas rings."
Astronomers continue to search for the remains of dead stars - black holes or neutron star The whereabouts of. The death of a massive star usually produces Compact celestial body Most astronomers believe that the explosion 20 years ago has produced a neutron star, but there is still no clue to its existence. Koshner said that the neutron star may be covered by dust, or it may form a black hole rather than a neutron star.
If Hubble Space telescope Keshner plans to use the infrared observation ability of the new equipment to search for the wreckage. It is expected to launch in 2013 James Webb The telescope will have more sharp vision than the Hubble telescope; At that time, Gas ring It will also become brighter, and astronomers will have a better chance to deeply analyze the internal process of this exploding star.
Chandra Space telescope Recent observations have revealed new details of the flame ring around the supernova 1987A. These data provide new insights into the behavior of this unlucky star in the last few years before its explosion, and suggest that the expected significant brightening of the star's bright ring has begun.
Optical and optical properties of supernova 1987A X-ray Image. Image credit: NASA/CXC/PSU Supernova Is only 160000 light years away from Earth Large Magellanic Cloud The medium explosive, once visible to the naked eye, is the brightest supernova known in nearly 400 years. The explosion was located on a blue supergiant called Sanduleak - 69 º 202 (SK-69 for short), whose mass is estimated to be about 20 times that of the sun. Subsequent optical, UV and X-ray Observations have enabled astronomers to piece together such an evolutionary scenario of SK-69: about 10 million years ago, this star was born in a dark and dense dust and gas cloud.
About a million years ago, this star was slowly moving Stellar wind It lost most of its outer layer mass, and formed a huge gas cloud around it; Before the star explodes, its hot surface blows out a high-speed sky that pushes a hole in the surrounding cold gas cloud. From Supernova The intense ultraviolet flash of Space telescope The bright circle seen. meanwhile, Supernova explosion Has also produced a shock wave , roaring outward in the hole.
In 1999, Chandra captured the shock wave, and astronomers were eagerly waiting for the shock wave to hit the edge of the cavity. There, it will encounter much denser gas, and this is where the stars Red supergiant It is formed by the accumulation of stellar wind materials blown out in the stage. Such encounters will cause X-ray radiation Dramatic Growth. The latest data from Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope suggest that this highly anticipated event has begun. optics Hot spot Is wrapping around Bright ring Up, like a string of brilliant diamond necklace Chandra's pictures reveal millions of degrees of hot gas that appears in the optical hot spot.


Yellow shock wave In the process of spreading outwards, it encounters a gas mass (white) with the outer dense gas protruding inwards. The collision between them heats the gas clumps and releases visible light and X-ray Radiation. The gas behind the shock wave and the Gas temperature They are not high enough to emit X-rays. The X-ray spectrum obtained by Chandra provides evidence that the optical hot spot and the gas generating X-ray are both generated by the collision of shock wave and gas, and the former is constantly pushing outward Supernova Shock waves, the latter circling stars Gas ring Middle, cold gas mass protruding inward.
These lumps are long ago, high speed Stellar wind The result of interaction with the dense gas cloud surrounding the star. These dense clumps and visible rings, stars and bright rings are just a much larger material Cladding The total amount of material contained in the inner edge of SK-69 is still unknown. They were all ejected by SK-69 long ago. along with shock wave Continue to break into this dense gas cloud ultraviolet rays and X-ray Radiation will heat more of the gas surrounding the star. Chandra shot it at different times Bright ring Change process of.


Supernova 1987 a (SN 1987a) is located at Large Magellanic Cloud In 1987, scientists discovered the bright flash of this supernova, whose predecessor was Blue supergiant When entering the stage of supernova explosion, all matter begins to eject, which is a typical mass Stellar evolution Case list. Scientists once again organized the observation of supernova 1987 a, but found a different scene. From the huge dust cloud, they found some things that are helpful to reveal the stellar explosive materials and early objects System evolution , signs of formation. [2]
1987A supernova

Phenomenological explanation

160000 light years from the earth Large Magellanic Cloud , appeared in 1987 Supernova "1987A" three ring spectacle. The formation process of this phenomenon has been regarded as an unsolvable mystery by the astronomical community. Recently, two Japanese scientists gave their explanation.
A supernova is the "reflection" of the energy explosion when a star is dying. It shows a very bright and brilliant scene in the explosion. After the supernova explosion, the star becomes a black hole that consumes all materials and energy. Japan Kyushu University Professor Takashi Tanaka Xiangnan University of Technology Professor Jiu Jianzhi uses electronics computer It successfully reproduced the halo of this supernova. The two professors concluded that the halo Red Giant The stage has been formed. In the red giant stage, the dense gas of the star first expanded to spherical shape, and then Stellar interior Gas erupts more rapidly, Air mass Become a hollow ball. Due to the effect of magnetic pressure, the spherical air mass becomes a flat ring, and the upper and lower parts of the ring are peeled into three rings by the gravity of the star's north pole and south pole respectively. [3]


Supernova There is a luminescence with a diameter of about 1 light year around Gas ring It existed at least 20000 years before the star exploded. Supernova explosion Issued X-ray The gases in the ring are excited to make them glow continuously. The supernova also has two other outer rings of luminous gas, which are Ground telescope Nothing found. The center of the explosion remains shows a dumbbell shaped structure, and its length has now increased to 0.1 light year. It consists of two symmetrical petals Debris cloud They are separated from each other at a speed of about 32 million kilometers per hour. The turbulent blast wave is crashing into the inner region of the narrow ring around the dead star, heating the gas therein, making them glow. The pictures taken by Hubble can be clearly seen shock wave The process of crashing into the gas ring. The gas mass heated by the shock wave changes the luminous gas ring into a string of pearl collars. Astronomers believe that in a few years, the entire gas ring will become bright. By then, Gas ring The brightness is enough to illuminate the surrounding area of the star, so astronomers can get more information about the ejected matter of the star before the explosion.

Scientific prediction

Supernova 1987A, photographed from 1994 to 2006, revealed the impact of shock waves Gas ring The process of heating the gases in them to make them glow. Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Robert Kirshner (Robert Kirshner) said that in fact, if there was no Hubble, we would not even know what problems to start with. " Supernova 1987A Koshner led an international cooperation team to study the dead star. Research similar to 1987A Supernova It is very important because these exploding stars will produce heavy elements such as carbon and iron, which are important raw materials for forming new stars, galaxies, and even human beings. For example, the iron in our blood is determined by Supernova explosion Generated. The mass of radioactive iron thrown out by 1987A is equivalent to 20000 Earths.
The supernova is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud 163000 light years away from Earth. In fact, it erupted around 161000 BC, but its light did not reach the Earth until 1987. Before 1987, astronomers had a set of simple and ideal supernova models.
"The shock wave will pass through the inner ring, crash into the outer ring and make them glow, and then we will know more details," Koshner said:“ shock wave It will take us back 20000 years before the star explosion. However, there are still many unsolved mysteries to be studied. We still do not know the evolution process before the star explosion, nor three Gas ring "
Astronomers continue to search for the remains of dead stars - black holes or neutron star The whereabouts of. The death of a massive star usually produces Compact celestial body Most astronomers believe that the 1987 explosion has produced a neutron star, but no clue to its existence has been found. Koshner said that the neutron star may be covered by dust, or it may form a black hole rather than a neutron star.
The James Weber Space Telescope, which is expected to be launched in 2018, will have more keen vision than the Hubble Telescope; At boundary time, the gas ring will also become brighter, and astronomers will have a better opportunity to deeply analyze the internal process of this exploding star.
Supernova 1987A spectrum
A long time ago, most of the outer material of SK-69, the predecessor of supernova 1987A, was moving slowly Stellar wind Under the action, it slowly disengages and forms a dense Gas cloud stay Supernova Before the explosion, a high-speed stellar wind from the star sent this cold gas cloud Blow out A hole. The red part indicates the inner edge of the gas cloud. The bulge on the inside is high-speed stellar wind and dense around the star Gas ring Resulting from interaction. Outward spreading shock wave (The yellow part) collides with the dense protrusion to produce visible light Band and X-ray Bright spot on the wave (white part).
The debris (blue part) generated by the supernova explosion has an expansion speed far behind the shock wave. Except for the thin shell around the debris, the debris can not emit X-rays due to the low temperature.
The explosion debris debris of supernova 1987A is actually elliptical rather than spherical; The rapidly splashing debris is crashing into the Gas ring Medium.
Supernovae 1987A Supernova remnant It is one of the most deeply studied celestial bodies.
Research Results of Supernova 1987A
Supernova 1987A seems to collapse toward the core Supernova In theory, a neutron star should be left behind after the explosion, but it has not been found since the explosion.
The new detailed data of the flame ring around the supernova 1987A provided new insights into the behavior of the unlucky star in the last few years before the explosion, and implied that the expected significant brightening of the bright ring of the star had begun.
Hubble Space Telescope Took the clearest picture of the supernova 1987A, but still couldn't find the theoretically existing neutron star
There are three possibilities for the "disappearance" of a neutron star: first, the gas around the neutron star is too dense to be observed; 2、 The neutron star absorbs the surrounding material and collapses into Quark star , so it cannot be observed; 3、 The neutron star attracts too much material to collapse into a black hole again, so it cannot be observed. The latter has received strong support in recent years.
The bright ring around supernova 1987A theoretical model Sketch Map Yellow shock wave In the process of spreading outwards, it encounters a gas mass (white) with the outer dense gas protruding inwards. The collision between them heats the gas clumps and releases visible light and X-ray Radiation. The gas behind the shock wave and the Gas temperature They are not high enough to emit X-rays.
In 2019, with the help of the most advanced submillimeter telescope ALMA, the existence of the neutron star in the debris was finally found and confirmed.

Research certificate

On April 1, 2024, the international astronomical research involving University College London, UK, found the first conclusive evidence that there was a neutron star at the center of the supernova 1987A. The results were published in the journal Science. [4]
The scientific research team used the James Weber Space Telescope (JWST) spectrometer to observe the supernova, and found evidence of heavy argon and sulfur atoms. Its outer electrons have been stripped away near the star explosion, which has a blue shift relative to the speed of the supernova's stationary frame. Through photoionization model research, it is found that these atoms can only be ionized by the ultraviolet and x-ray radiation from the thermally cooled neutron star, or by the wind ionization of relativistic particles accelerated by the fast rotating neutron star and interacting with the surrounding supernova material. The change of speed may be evidence of the birth of the neutron star. [4]