
[chāo zì rán]
An unknown extreme phenomenon beyond the scope of natural science explanation
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synonym Supernormal phenomenon (Natural academic term) generally refers to the supernatural (an unknown extreme phenomenon beyond the scope of natural science explanation)
The supernatural can be understood as transcending the conventions of natural science and Knowability An extreme phenomenon of scope; In other words, it is considered impossible or inexplicable because it exceeds the limits of contemporary natural science knowledge. The supernatural usually refers to Supernatural force Quantity or occult phenomenon That is, a force or phenomenon that cannot be seen in nature and verified by ordinary means. Once the supernatural can be verified, it will no longer be supernatural.
Chinese name
Foreign name
An unknown extreme phenomenon beyond the scope of natural science explanation

Related vocabulary

afterlife (Afterlife) People believe that people will exist in the afterlife after death
Malaysia Wizards or mediums
come from Asia The spirit of fire is extremely destructive.
with Agnostic The way to perceive things.
One who expels demons and elves
The invisible human being
Haunted( Haunted
Ghosts and elves haunt a target, place or person
Jersey Devil (Jersey Devil) One from the United States New Jersey Strange creatures of (New Jersey)
Kuman Thong
One Thailand Baby spirit can bring good luck and bad luck.
Lightning line (Leyline)
There are many ancient sites in the scenic spot
The spirits of the dead can appear through psychic media
Near death experience
Ouija Board
Objects used to talk with the dead
Noisy ghost( Poltergeist
An invisible noisy spirit that can move objects
A visible ghost
A light that comes out regularly in the air
Third Eye
It is believed that there is a passage in the middle of your forehead
UFO (UFO) Flying objects of unknown origin are not necessarily aliens.
The Weeping Statue can show Human behavior Statue of
A life in Australia An ape like creature that can walk upright on its hind legs.
Zener Cards
25 cards, which can test the ability of super sensory perception and supernatural.

Super sensory experience


Soul out of body

OBE can provide evidence for the continued existence of spirit after the death of the body. Skeptics believe that OBE is just an illusion, while others believe that there is enough evidence to show that we can obtain more information from outside the body.
Scientists believe that 1 in 10 people will experience Out of body experience 5% of them will get Extrasensory perception (ESP)。
Most soul out of body experiences occur at actual or possible near death. Often patients report that they find themselves rising from the operating table during the operation and can see the whole operating room. Suddenly, they found themselves in a passage with bright light in front of it. After arriving at the place where the light is, the reporter Regular meetings See your dead relatives and friends, and then return to your body.
Many institutions study this phenomenon with the assistance of local hospitals. British scientist Dr Sam Parnia recently released his research results on OBE. In his report, he claimed that he firmly believed that the patient's consciousness continued to exist for a while after the brain stopped working and the clinical death was confirmed, and the details of which still needed to be studied.

Ideational transfer

Sometimes, Mischief The ghost's activity can be attributed to the mind transfer (PK), that is, through Ideality Moving objects. Most cases of pranksters involve teenagers, so researchers believe that the energy of ideas may be related to adolescence, and this explanation does not apply to other cases.
Aerial levitation refers to the phenomenon that objects rise into the air without any physical means, which is related to psychics and witchcraft.
Russia Nina Kuragina, a housewife of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was famous for the power of mind movement in the 1960s. Kuragina once moved some small objects on the table, including wedding ring And bottles. People took preventive measure To ensure that Nina did not secretly use magnets or silk thread, scientists admit that they cannot use any Force To explain these movements.
Other PK cases include bending the metal and determining the outcome. In the 1970s, Israel (Israeli) Specific function Yuri Geller surprised the audience with his performance of bending metal on TV. He also claimed that he could stop the watch of the audience. Unfortunately, Geller failed to successfully reproduce his specific function under laboratory conditions, so critics soon questioned him.
PK is realized by energy fields such as magnetic field or electric field. This theory was proposed by researchers in 1934 and is still widely accepted. Most PK experiences are usually sporadic and are mistaken for other phenomena.


According to the reincarnation theory, after physical death, human soul or spirit returns to the material world and is reborn in a new body. Jenny Coker is a famous case. She thought of her previous life, which was a man named Mary Sutton Ireland (Irish) Women. Her memory brought her to the village where Mary once lived, and then she "reunited" with Mary's children.
Since ancient Egyptians, people have believed in reincarnation. The ancient tomb contains property for the next life.
All religions mention rebirth. hinduism Hinduism believes that after death, the soul will enter another body, just as the body takes off old clothes. This cycle of constantly transforming the body has no end until it is broken Conversion process . Reach the Blissful World.
Now people's belief in reincarnation is stronger than ever before. Although it is difficult to obtain accurate data in this regard Gallup According to the Gallup Poll, 25% of Americans believe that the soul will be reborn from a new body. There are more exploration methods, including regression therapy. The assumption of this method is that patients' problems may be caused by trauma in previous lives, and the details still need further research.


Internationally, the treatment of anomalies by both the East and the West is combined with local customs and cultures, which is superstitious. Countries with deep historical and cultural accumulation, or countries close to modern civilization, are deeply rooted in grass-rooted culture , and shows different levels, but different levels have different dependence on this superstition.
From the perspective of popular trends and manifestations, this abnormal phenomenon and the accompanying culture obviously have“ Demand orientation ”It is characterized by flowing towards regions with strong demand. Moreover, this "demand orientation" is adapted to the "profit motive", so that it is easy to achieve the combination of supply and demand, pushing waves and helping waves. Focusing on the flow of people market demand Large, many unknown factors Survival competition Intense place. This form of expression, in foreign countries, is more popular in the political circles, media, film and television; In China, both the communicators and the believers are disadvantaged Mainly, in terms of region, it is shown as "three hospitals and two districts", namely colleges, hospitals, courts, development zones and tourist areas (see《 Perspective of modern superstition 》)Recently, this spreading trend has the characteristics of the transfer of Xiangcheng township junction or areas where migrant workers are concentrated in the city, and its personnel scale has the transformation law consistent with the rural production season. This means that from Communication mode In the traditional mode, people who spread and believe in rural population Mainly, but with the development of rural areas Active molecule ——The transfer of major workers - most of them work in cities, and the superstitious market also shifts. But in terms of modern communication methods, such as network and media communication, both communication and audience Urban residents Mainly, more importantly, it shows the trend of younger and more knowledgeable audience. Younger age refers to the participation of primary and secondary school students and college students, who are highly educated and have mastered the use of modern means of communication, and can covertly spread and use them; High intellectualization means that this group is usually white-collar workers State cadre Administrative staff are more convenient and curious to access and use modern media. Therefore, they are not only easy to accept and believe the spread of abnormal phenomena, but also easy to become accomplices or direct communicators if they do not argue between right and wrong Disseminator

Common phenomenon


the art of making oneself invisible

This is a strange magic that can make people disappear without trace. It includes the art of making oneself invisible , separation and transfer. Invisibility is to hide yourself from others. In the myth, the prince can hide himself from others by wearing a cloak of invisibility or practicing invisibility; However, invisibility can always leave clues. Of course, it is better not to have invisibility in the world to prevent some malevolent people from peeping into other people's privacy.
The split body technique is more magical, and many people can appear at once. It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false; They can do different things computer games There are often monsters in the world who use the split body technique. They appear and disappear mysteriously and launch sneak attacks. However, in the future, people in the world may be able to clone more of themselves to achieve the goal of split body.
Transfer is the most interesting. It can make you disappear from one place and appear from another. From this point of view, people's imagination is far beyond modern times Scientific and technological capability One day, people will discover the mystery of time and space transfer. At that time, the Long March will be just a snap.


It is said that modern psychologists invented Hypnosis It can make people fall asleep quickly, or casually say something in their heart during sleepwalking bitch Daji was confused by her beauty King Zhou The story of the merchant's courtship was overturned. In the western legend, there was a kind of snake whose eyes were so fascinating that it forgot to run away mermaid The story of confusing sailors with songs.
It is said that highly skilled magicians are best at camouflage. They can create some illusion to confuse the enemy, dress themselves as a tree, a rock, a statue, or turn a cloud into a monster earthworm Become a giant dragon. Of course, the most practical puzzle is the ancient marching array, the legendary Eight Trigrams Array It is unpredictable and makes people trapped in a desperate situation.
Nothing in the world is more mysterious than Psychic technique Some people have the ability of perspective to see the skeleton and beating heart of the person coming from the opposite side. Some people also have telepathy. With one finger, a still cup on the table starts to move, or use ideas to accelerate the rotation of the clock pointer; And the magic of the air Levitation


legend Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh There are incantations in the tomb of the king. Whoever disturbs the king's soul will surely die. There are witches riding broomsticks in the west Flying carpet Our magician; It is said that witches cast spells on their enemies, and they used puppets instead of real people to cast spells on them. Some Japanese magicians cut some paper figures and blew their breath, and then they turned into young girls. It's really magical, and they never said anything.


Sometimes you will encounter some things, always feel as if you have experienced them. When you think about them carefully, you will be surprised that they are actually in a dream; More interesting, men and women fall in love at first sight, as if they are lovers in dreams. It is said that in ancient times, some ghosts used the method of dream to wash their grievances; In ancient times, people thought that if there were any unfinished wishes of the deceased relatives, they would also tell you in their dreams.


In 1868, Humes He performed his most incredible feat: at a rally, he floated out of one window and into another. Harry? Houdini tried to copy the "magic" of Humus, but even he could not expose Humus Specific function Mystery. Nowadays, many magic tricks have performances about levitation, and their inspiration comes from the real levitation.

Touching stone into gold

In ancient mythology, there is a legend that immortals turn stones into gold and silver to hide those greedy villains. In the West, there are also interesting stories about burying the sun in the ground, saying a few incantations, and harvesting gold; There are also stories of alchemists cheating people of money Cognate It is not surprising that stone can be turned into gold. Well known nuclear fusion That is, by comparing Light element synthesis Heavy element Losing a small part of mass into energy. Three Helium atom Can be synthesized carbon atom , on In the sun It is possible to synthesize iron atoms at most. There is a way to synthesize gold through other precious metals, but the gain is not worth the loss. With the development of science and technology, we can wait and see.

make the dead come back to life

It seems more difficult than going to the sky, No one can revive after death However, there is a story in ancient times that a beautiful girl's parents forced her to marry someone else because she could not accompany her sweetheart; So he died and was buried. It happened that there was a Grave robber Stealing funerary objects, Jianse Rebellion woke her up. There was a more frightening story. A lightning struck a grave, blew the coffin open, and a living man climbed out of it. It was really chilling!
Of course, there are also legends of rejuvenation Noble Monk , with white hair and childlike face, can live forever. Such stories are mostly myths and legends, but Future technology Maybe it can keep a person's brain information and genetic information , maybe it can bring people back to life mummy resurrection!


Koestler Parapsychological Unit was founded Edinburgh (Edinburgh), which was founded according to the will of the famous writer Arthur Koestler and his wife Cynthia. After their death in 1983, people founded the Research Association, which aims to scientific research Expand to supernatural research.
The Kessler Institute of Hyperpsychological Phenomena has studied the supposedly haunted Mary King's Close in Edinburgh. One of the researchers even witnessed a ghost.
Many topics studied by the association are usually Mainstream science It has attracted the attention of many psychologists in the world. Its clear purpose is to make metapsychology a serious subject and carry out extraordinary experiments.
At the beginning of its establishment, the research association was once ridiculed in the scientific community, but now there are five similar university research centers in Britain, and many similar institutions are distributed around the world.
Kessler's research is still in the supernatural phenomenon Research frontier , and some interesting results and conclusions have been achieved. In 1999, the Association published a paper asserting that Telepathy or Ideational transfer The exists of. The heated debate about these papers and the work of the research association continues.


In terms of research, Western scholars represented by the United States tend to use scientific methods, ideas and spirit to reasonably doubt these abnormal phenomena, and conduct scientific investigation and research on the basis of doubt. This research is unbiased and rational. At the same time Research The real results of the project will be spread to the public, exposing the false images and deceptions with various purposes, and educating the public to avoid losses. With the deepening of research, this kind of investigation and disclosure work increasingly involves the human spirit and emotion Aspects, such as belief and religion. However, if this kind of rational investigation and research involving the spiritual field is still limited to some traditional ones scientific method , it is difficult to persuade the public; In this way, relevant institutions no longer limit their research to the speculative field of philosophy, nor to traditional statistics and logic analysis But increasingly extended to natural science and social sciences Some cross disciplines and methods, such as psychology Psychopsychology Metapsychology And other aspects, using the knowledge, principles and methods of these disciplines to reveal some vague understanding in the field of people's beliefs. Guide the public to correctly treat some unknown phenomena and occult phenomenon So as not to be deceived or fall into the mire of superstition.
In China, the Communist Party is atheism Parties, who do not believe in superstition, are tolerant and open to some abnormal phenomena, allowing for existence and exploration, but rarely arguing. And because the country and ruling party Adhere to atheism, therefore, most of them also take a critical and resistant attitude and approach to these phenomena. In terms of theory or research, most of them adopt a single Dialectics To analyze and criticize. Therefore, there is a problem of single theory and simple method in the research and disclosure, and because of the lack of persuasiveness, there is no fundamental solution to the doubts among the public.
Historically , thousands of years of Chinese tradition cultural antecedents They have rich experience in dealing with superstitions and anomalies, while the West is Modern science and technology With scientific rationality and Scientific thinking It has advantages to deal with these abnormal phenomena, so the East and the West academic exchange It is of great theoretical significance and practical significance to promote the spread of scientific ideas and scientific rationality, and to reveal the mysterious and unknown phenomena in the world today.
In the middle of the last century, with The People's Republic of China The establishment of the government, relying on the power of the government, attributed other theories and beliefs to heresy, and the ghosts and gods were driven away, Confucius and Mencius Under "house arrest", only Marxism can rule the world, so in the 50-80s of the last century, China was a veritable atheist country. However, with the deepening of reform and opening up Material interests Driven by, the once silent "cattle ghosts and snake gods" came back to life again. Moreover, once they were rampant, there was a tendency that the right gods were out of place and the evil gods were rampant. In this case, the older generation scientific and technical worker Popular science writer Popular science researchers, who advocated arming people's minds with scientific knowledge, thought and spirit, severely criticized and exposed some heresies. Especially at the end of the last century, they conducted scientific investigation and analysis on various claims Pseudoscience It should be said that they have made great contributions to carrying forward the spirit of science and defending the dignity of science.
With the passage of time, most of the older generation of anti counterfeiters have retired, and the task of new research and investigation and defending science falls on the shoulders of the younger generation. Under the new historical conditions, young researchers engaged in relevant fields are all independent and scattered in various disciplines, units and fields. Therefore, in order to strengthen exchanges, improve the level and quality of research, and strengthen cooperation with relevant international fields, it is necessary to connect people from all walks of decentralized research in China and strengthen the joint force of research. At the same time, Closely cooperate with various media, vigorously expose superstitions and Pseudoscience And promote the spirit of science. This is also conducive to avoiding the phenomenon of single discipline and lack of persuasiveness in the past. In short, the study of the supernatural is not only the need of theoretical research itself, but also the development of the new era Advanced culture , Maintenance masses The need and embodiment of interests.